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Fanfiction Time! Salems Legacy Final Chapter

Okay, okay. It’s my birthday today, and I wanted to make you a present, too! So this is weird but I have finally managed to write the chapter, that I want my fanfiction to end with. If you don’t want it to spoiler you, you probably shouldn’t read it. Read it, becouse it’s good though! And who knows if I ever manage to finish that FF...

There are so many more things I wanted to say, but I forgot all of them. So just read the goddamn chapter and ask in case I left anything unclear.


“Mom, why are you so sad?”, the little boy asked, eyeing his mother with big eyes.

“I don’t know, honey. Sometimes people are just sad. I just have a bad feeling today.”, she said, smiling genuinely at her three year old son.

The boy stood up from his chair and climbed onto his mothers lap.

“You don’t have to be sad. You are beautiful and you have so much power! And you have me!”, he claimed.

Cleo laughed: “Yes, you’re right. I have you, and there is nothing in this world that is more wonderful.”, she quickly kissed him on his forehead, “But you know, there is more to happiness than beauty and power. There is love and friends and family, choosing the right path and helping others. Being honest, loyal and courageous. There are so many things that can make you happy, that you can’t even list all of them.”

The boy inclined his head and with his dark, curly hair and the shape of his face - if you’d look past the baby fat - he reminded her so much of his father. Although he had her mossy green eyes.

The boy wanted to respond, but then stopped, listened to something in the distance and looked at his mother in confusion.

“Mommy, listen, do you hear that?”, he asked finally.

Cleo did as her son asked her to. There was a muffled voice, but it came from upstairs? How was that possible, they were alone in the house and there was no way that anyone could have entered without her knowing.

The voice repeated something over and over again.

It was a name.

It was her name.

“Is that?”, she breathed and listened even more careful, “Sirius?”

She lifted her son off of her lap and jumped off her chair.

“Leonis, eat your breakfast, I have to look for something!”, she told him and ran upstairs.

Hastily she pulled out the upper drawer of her bedside table. She dug through all the stuff she had collected in the past years until she found what she was looking for. The sharp of a mirror. Through the mirror she saw Sirius’ face. Sirius had broken off an edge of his mirror, when she had told her friends that she would move back to America after Hogwarts. She had had to deal with some serious family business back then, and they promised her only to use the mirror in emergencies. Like 4 years ago, when James contacted her to invite her to his wedding with Lily. Of course she had attended this event and it had been the last time that she had seen all of her friends till now. She didn’t even manage to attend her godsons birth last year, since she had had some trouble running her family back then.

So why did Sirius contact her now?

Sirius’ calls had fallen silent since Cleo had grabbed the mirror, and he stared at her without blinking.

“You are as beautiful as the last time we’ve met, Kitty.”, he finally said and smiled.

Cleo blushed slightly but rolled her eyes at her best friend and former boyfriend.

“Sirius I’ve missed you too, but I hope you didn’t just contact me because you’ve wanted to tell me I’m good looking?”, she said, the queasy feelings she had had the entire morning suddenly exploded in her chest.

The smile fell from Sirius’ face and he looked at her pained: “No. I have a bad feeling. A very bad one. I think something is wrong with James, Lily and Harry.”

“What?!”, Cleo shrieked.

“I-I can’t explain. It’s just...I think something is happening and I was at Peter’s and he is not there and maybe something has happened to him, too! I should go and check on James and Lily and”, he started babbling.

“Sirius! Sirius stop!”, Cleo exclaimed and took a deep breath, “I’m coming, ok? I’ll come to you as fast as I can! Do not do anything stupid. Promise me! Wait until I get there, we will think of something okay? DON’T GO ANYWHERE! Promise me! You hear me? SIRIUS!”, but his image in the mirror was already fading, “Dammit!”

She ran a hand through her hair forcing herself to think straight. She knew Sirius, she didn’t know what exactly he was about to do, but she knew there was no chance he would sit back and wait for her. He was probably already gone.

“Leonis!”, she shouted, “Get a backpack! We have to go and help a friend of mine.”

“Sweetheart!”, she sighed as she entered her sons room.

Leonis sat on the floor in front of his backpack packing all his favourite toys inside.

“I should have known. Don’t make a three year old pack his bag for a journey.”, she chided herself.

With a flick of her wand the wardrobe opened and some clothes shoved themselves into the backpack.

“Okay, let’s go. We have to hurry!”, she told her son.

They both put on their travelling cloaks, when Leonis suddenly jumped: ”Wait!”, he called and ran back up the stairs.

“Leo!”, she shouted, “Come back, we really have to hurry!”

It didn’t even take him a minute to reappear, his favourite stuffed toy in his arm.

A black shaggy dog.

Originally a gift from Sirius so she would never forget him. But how could she, if she was constantly reminded of him?

She smiled, ran a hand through his hair and kissed him on his forehead. “I love you, you know that, right? And now we have to go and help some friends of mine.”, she explained briefly.

“Because it makes you happy?”, Leo asked.

“Yes. Hopefully it will make me happy. Both of us.”, she said, grabbing his arm and tucking him out of the house.

Why did she have to get herself a home without a fireplace anyway? Flooing wasn’t as popular in America as it was in the UK, but it was still the fastest way to travel long distances.

Remus Lupin sat on his shabby couch in his dark apartment which was only lit up by the dying fire. He stared into the flames absently, without moving a muscle.

His eyes widened as the flames suddenly turned green and two shadows, one small like a child and the other one taller and feminine, emerged from it.

Remus stared at the figures in disbelief.

“C-Cleo? Is that really you?”, he asked and rose from his seat.

“Oh my god, Remus! I am so glad you’re okay!”, Cleo exclaimed and flung her arms around his neck.

“I-I am, but what are you doing here?”, he stuttered.

“Sirius contacted me, he is about to do something very, very stupid and I have to stop him from whatever he is planning!”, Cleo said.

Remus’ face turned into a pained expression, “Oh Cleo. You’re too late. It’s all over by now.”

“What? What is over, Remus?”, she asked loudly, “Tell me!”

“He has already done it. He betrayed James and Lily. He gave away their hiding place to you-know-who. They...they’re dead Cleo. And afterwards he-he murdered Peter and twelve muggles”, Remus said crying soundless.

“What? What are you talking about, Remus? No! He didn’t! He just contacted me a few hours ago! Sirius didn’t...he would never...”, Cleo refused to accept, what her friend had just told her.

“Stop it, Cleo!”, Remus interrupted her, “He did it. It was officially announced just minutes ago. The aurors have caught him and brought him to Azkaban. He will”

“WHAT DID YOU SAY?!”, Cleo shouted, “They brought him to Azkaban? Without a trial?”

“Cleo!”, Remus said, grabbing her shoulders, “Please accept it! Sirius is a murderer. He murdered three of our best friends and twelve muggles! He does not deserve a trial!”

Cleos hand was faster than her brain when it hit Remus’ face with all her strength.

“Remus John Lupin!”, she hissed, “Don’t you ever say anything like that again! Sirius Black is many things, but he is not a murderer! And there is no way he would’ve ever hurt either James or Lily or Harry or Peter! He is not a traitor and he is for sure not a murderer!”

Remus’ eyes were sad: “You’ve been gone for five years, many things have changed, Cleo. Good people became evil and turned to the dark side. How would you know Sirius didn’t? You haven’t seen him in four years. The war has changed us, Cleo. All of us.”

“Because I know him. I know him better than any of you ever will. He would have died before betraying James and Lily to Voldemort! He would have died before killing innocent people. He would have died before following Voldemort. He would have died before betraying us!”, she said loudly, “And I will prove that he is innocent, no matter the costs!”

“Cleo you can’t-”

“I can. And I will.”, she said, turning her gaze towards Leonis for the first time since they arrived.

Her son looked at her with big eyes. He hated it when his mother was angry - mainly because most of the time it was because of something he had done wrong.

Cleo smiled at him kindly and turned to Remus.

“Remus, this is my son Leonis. Can I leave him here with you? I don’t want him to witness all of that.”, she asked.

Remus looked at the boy and eyed him suspiciously, “Uhm, sure, but”

“Great, thank you!”, she said quickly, and lifted Leo onto her arms, “Sweetheart, this is Uncle Remus. He is a very close friend of mine. I will leave you here with him, while I go and tie up a few loose ends, all right?”

Leonis eyed Remus cautiously and then nodded to his mother.

Cleo lowered her voice and whispered into her son’s ear, although she knew Remus could still hear her: “You remember what I told you about helping other people? Maybe you could help Remus and cheer him a bit up!”

She darted Remus a look over her son’s head and winked.

Leonis looked at her, smiling widely and nodded, before he reached out for Remus who put an arm around the boy.

“I love you, honey. Be nice to Moony, all right?”, she asked, kissing her son good bye.

“If you do your job good, Remus”, Cleo grinned, “I will make you his godfather!”

“Why wouldn’t you choose Sirius as his godfather? Isn’t he your best friend?”, Remus said while shaking his head in amusement.

“He is. You’ll see soon enough why that would be inapropriet. Probably as soon as you switch on your damn lights!”, Cleo laughed and went to the front door.

“You two take care of each other, will you? I’ll come back. And I’ll have Sirius with me. I promise!”, she said while she opened the door.

“Moony, will you play ‘tame the wolf’ with me?”, Leonis’ childish voice asked, as he held out the black stuffed dog to Remus.

Cleo had to swallow hard when she arrived at Godric’s Hollow a few seconds later. The house that had formerly belonged to James and Lily was completely destroyed.

Her friends were dead.

James, who was almost as much of a brother to her as he had been to Sirius.

Lily, who had been the best friend she had ever found in a girl.

She would have wanted them to be her son’s godparents since she and Sirius were theirs.

She would have wanted them to see their son grow up.

She would have wanted them to grow old together.

She would have wanted to see them again.

She would have wanted them to live.

The feelings she had shut away, when she was with her son rolled over her like a wave.

They were dead.

And they would never return.

Leaving their best friend falsely accused with their murder.

Getting him thrown into prison.

Ridding their son of the only attachment figure he would’ve had left.

Leaving their son an orphan.

All on his own.

Cleo rubbed the tears from her face and straightened her back.

She didn’t have the time to drown in her grieve.

She had to get her best friend out of prison.

They would have enough time to mourn their friends then.

She reattached the hood of her cloak and with a quiet Plop she vanished into the night.

When she arrived at the ministry it was crowded with people running busily from one place to another. Obviously, after an attack like tonight’s, affecting both the wizarding community and the muggles, every department of the ministry had more than enough work to do.

No one even realised Cleo had just appeared in the middle of the hall.

“Minister Bagnold!”, she called as soon as she spotted Millicent Bagnold, current Minister of Magic, surrounded by a lot of other wizards and witches.

“What?”, she shouted totally stressed out by the situation, “Can’t you handle your problems on your own? Don’t you see that I have enough to do already?”

“I do see that.”, Cleo said calmly, “However, my matter sadly is nothing that is solely in my powers to decide.”

“And what would that be?”, she snapped.

Cleo briefly knew Millicent from her time in Hogwarts, she had been a Ravenclaw student that was two years above her year. Millicent had always seemed polite and calm, handling any situation she was put through extraordinarily. However, there seemed to be limits to every person’s abilities.

“I ask you to bring Sirius Black’s case before the Wizengamot and to perform a full court trial. He is innocent of the crimes accused and deserves a fair trial to prove his innocence.”, Cleo declared.

Millicent just stared at her in disbelief and also all the people around her stopped her work to look at the hooded stranger that had come with such an idiotic and redundant request.

“What do you think this is? Wonderland? We don’t have the time to waste it on a case that’s as obvious as the one of Sirius Black. We don’t need a trial to prove his guilt!”, Millicent almost laughed, “Who do you think you are?!”

“My name is Cleopatra Victoria Salem”, Cleo said while removing the hood from her head, “I am the head of the Salem Clan and therefore the most influential witch in all of Northern America. Maybe You’d want to reconsider Your answer to my request. I know You’re an intelligent witch, Minister. I consider You know what it would mean to antagonize me and thereby the entire Salem Clan against You and Your Ministry?”

“Of course, Miss Salem!”, Millicent Bagnold hurried to say before implying a bow, “We will set the date for the trial for the-”

“November 4th”, her Secretary, who had looked up the next possible date, said.

“For November 4th. In three days.”, Millicent smiled satisfied with her solution.

“Tonight”, Cleo said.

“What?”, the Minister asked confused.

“It will take place tonight. I don’t want an innocent person suffering in Azkaban!”, she told them.

“But-but there is way that we could make this possible!”, Mrs Bagnold stuttered apologetic.

“Then make it possible. I will cover all accruing costs. I want him transferred here as soon as possible. I bail for Sirius Black with my name. Rest assured that nothing will reflect on the Ministry should anything go wrong, as long as the Ministry does everything in his powers to ensure Sirius Black gets an unbiased and fair trial.”, Cleo promised, “You have my word.”

“And You have mine, Miss Salem!”, replied Millicent Bagnold.

Cleo nodded and shook her hand.

“In case You need me to make a testimony, I will be waiting just outside the Court Rooms.”, she told them and walked off in the direction where the trial would be held.

Several hours had passed since the doors of the court room were being closed when they suddenly opened again and the entirety of the British Wizengamot walked down the corridor and passed Cleo without a single word.

Cleo was confused. Was that a good sign or a bad one? Were they sad because they proved Sirius’ guiltiness or were they annoyed and angry because he was acquited of the chrage? Or were they simply not allowed to give away any information?

Cleo eyed everyone of them, looking for the Minister. Maybe she would tell her what was going on and what the result of the trial was. But she was nowhere to be found. Probably still inside the Court Rooms.

Cleo was about to go looking for the Minister, when someone else left the room.


“Cleo”, he said, his lips rising to form a smile, “even more beautiful in person.”

“Sirius!”, Cleo exclaimed and sped up her steps and flung herself into his arms, “Please tell me, that this means you’re free to go!”

“I am”, he said, pushing her away a little to look at her face, “because of you. You saved me from a life sentence in Azkaban, Cleo.”

“You know I’ll always have your back. I told you I was on my way. Why couldn’t you wait for me?”, she asked, brushing a strand of his dark and shaggy hair out of his face.

“I would have missed him. Cleo, it was Peter. He was their secret keeper and he betrayed them and-”, Sirius started babbling.

“Shhh”, Cleo Said pulling him close. While they were hugging Cleo shut her eyes in disbelief. Peter. Their friend. How could he?

“You don’t have to tell me now. Take your time, Sirius. Let’s go home. Remus is waiting for us.”, she suggested.

“Wait”, Sirius called and pulled her back on her wrist, “Can-can I kiss you?”

Cleo rolled her eyes and asked amused: “You just escaped a life sentence in Azkaban and all you want to do is kiss me?”

“Well, there are more things I’d like to do, but kissing you will do it for now.”, he joked.

Cleo grinned and leaned in to kiss Sirius.

Sirius’ blood stirred when he saw that sparkle in her eyes again. A sparkle he had always seen before they’ve kissed in what seemed like a different life.

“Minister!”, Cleo called, when they walked past her on their way out.

Millicent Bagnold turned around and once more implied a bow, when Cleo approached her.

“I wanted to thank You for reconsidering Mr. Blacks case and enabling him a fair trial. If You shall ever need my assistance by whatever means You shall receive it.”, Cleo promised.

“Thank You, Miss Salem. That is very generous of You.”, the Minister replied, “If You’ll excuse me. We still have a lot of work to do. After all we have a murderer running free now. We have to launch the search for Peter Pettigrew.”

Cleo darted Sirius a glance asking nonverbally: “Did you tell them?”

Sirius shook his head.

“We might have some helpful information with that”, Cleo announced and Millicent who was already about to leave turned back towards them.

“And what would that be?”, she asked.

“Peter Pettigrew is an animagus.”, Cleo said.

“No he is not”, the Minister disagreed, “he would be listed in our records! Unless-”

“Unless he is an unregistered Animagus, which he is.”, Cleo confirmed.

“You should probably include rats to your search. Stinky, mouse brown rats with only four claws on one of his front paws. He is a coward and will probably hide like this until everyone forgets about what he has done.”, Sirius added.

Millicent Bagnold looked at them in surprise, then she sighed: “This will make things way more complicated...Anyway, thank You for Your assistance. Miss Salem”, she bowed her head and nodded towards Sirius, “Mr. Black.”

“Anytime, Minister. If you need anything else, let me know. I’ll be staying in England for now, just owl me.”, Cleo offered.

The Minister nodded and walked away.

“Damn, it has to feel good to be you! All this power and influence that comes with your name! It’s even more impressive now, since you’re head of your Clan!”, Sirius said in awe.

Cleo rolled her eyes: “Don’t pretend, Black! It’s not like your name leaves people cold!”

“Yes, but it’s not nearly the same effect that your name has!”, he explained, “The people are afraid of my family. With yours it’s admiration and respect and...possibly a little fear…”

“There is a lot of fear involved, trust me, Sirius!”, Cleo sighed.

They were walking quietly side by side.

“So you’re going to stay?”, he asked hopefully.

“For now? Yes. We will stay. My family is mostly restored and stable. I think I will be able to take care of the situation from England.”, she explained.

The fireplace lit up as two people stumbled out of it shortly after each other.

Remus looked up from his book.

He smiled at Cleo and then looked at Sirius.

“Pads”, he said, rising from the couch and giving his friend a manly hug.

The two man looked at each other, communicating without words.

“I know why you guys hate it when Sirius and I do it”, Cleo comments, “It’s creepy!”

Remus and Sirius smiled at her.

“By the way!”, Remus exclaimed and looked from Cleo to Sirius, “Congratulations, mate!”

Cleo shook her head wildly, when Sirius turned to face Remus.

“To what?”, he wanted to know.

Remus gave Cleo a questioning look: “To your acquittal, of course!”, he said turned back to Cleo, “Thank you for getting him out of there. I should have never doubted him!”

When they hugged he added quietly: “You should really tell him!”

“I know”, she whispered.

“Where is he, then?”, she asked Remus louder.

“In the bathroom, taking an extra bubbly bubble bath”, Remus told her.

Cleo smirked, the bathroom would probably be flooded afterwards.

“Who are we talking about?”, Sirius chimed in.

Cleo sighed.

“Sirius there is something I want to tell you. Something I should have told you years ago.The thing is, that I have a three year old-”, Cleos explanation was interrupted by a toddler with wild black hair running into her arms.

“Mommy! You’re back! Uncle Moony did play with me all the time and then he let me turn his bathroom into a pool!”, he told her excited.

“He is truly adorable, Cleo. A bit too much like his father, for my taste”, Remus smiled.

Sirius just stood next to them, staring at the back of the child that was still facing his mother.

“ have a child?!”, he suddenly shouted.

“Sirius, I-”, Cleo tried to explain.

“Why didn’t you say anything? You should have told us! You should have told ME!”, he demanded.

“Sirius I wanted to tell you, I just didn’t find the right moment and then-”

“You didn’t find the right moment? It doesn’t look like you’ve been in that a situation just lately, does it? How about the last time we saw each other? Or maybe when he was born? Or like half an hour ago before we kissed! You should have told me that you’re with someone else and that you have a child together!”, he talked himself into a rage.

Leo turned around curious at who was shouting at his mother like that, but Sirius didn’t even deign to look at him.

“Please, Sirius. You’re jumping to conclusions! It’s not what you think. I couldn’t tell you last time, because I wasn’t even pregnant back then. He is just three”, again she didn’t get to finish her sentence.

“Three?”, Sirius asked, calculating quickly in his head, “So the two of you were already together, when we split up because you ‘had to stay in America and focus on rebuilding your Clan’?”, he asked bitterly.

“Merlin, Sirius, can you please stop being such a Dramaqueen? Your false assumptions are annoying!”, Cleo sighed.

“False assumptions? I beg to differ! You could have just told me that you didn’t want to be with me instead of telling me lies and start a family with someone else!”

Remus groaned and broke into the conversation: “Dammit, Sirius! Would you just look at Leonis?!”

“LEONIS? Are you kidding me? You gave him the name of a star?”, Sirius asked Cleo, “That is low, very low!”

“Sirius just look at him!”, Remus repeated and forcefully turned his friends face towards the boy.

Sirius froze, eyes locked on his face, looking at him with Cleos green eyes.

“I named him after a star because it’s a tradition in his father’s family.”, Cleo softly said, “Sirius, may I introduce you to Leonis Sirius Black. Your son.”

“My-my what?”, he said, still looking at the boy.

Leo turned to face his mother: “Why does he have my name, mom?”, he asked.

“It’s the other way round, honey. You are named after him, because he is your father.”, she explained smiling.

The boys eyes became even bigger: “I have a dad?”, he asked in awe and looked at Sirius who just stared back.

“You should have told me”, Sirius whispered without moving his eyes.

“Of course I should have told you, and I’m so sorry that I didn’t. But I was afraid that when I come to tell you I wouldn’t have the strength to go back. Or, even worse, you’d come to America and be in constant danger. I couldn’t risk that. So I kept it to myself.”, Cleo confessed tears filling her eyes, “I couldn’t bear the thought of endangering you, or loosing you.”

When her voice broke at her last words Sirius was finally able to remove his eyes from his son, and lay them on what he loved most - or what he thought he loved most until he learned that he had a son.

“Don’t!”, he begged, wiping away a tear that rolled down her face, and cupping her cheek in his hand.

He quickly leaned in to kiss her, he leaned his forehead against hers and whispered: “Don’t cry. Don’t be sorry. Just don’t ever leave me again.”

“I won’t”, she breathed.

They became aware of the boy that was still trapped between them, when Leo started moving.

Sirius stepped back: “Can I-can I-”, he helplessly reached out for the boy and Cleo silently handed him their son.

The two of them stared at each other, until Leonis started to talk.

“You are my dad?”, he asked with big eyes.

Sirius nodded and Leonis shifted closer, he brought his small hand up to his fathers ear.

“Will you play pranks with me on my weird cousins?”, he whispered conspiratorially.

Sirius grinned and replied: “Only if you help me prank mine!”

Leos face lit up: “Do you want to know what prank I played on Zelena last Christmas?”

“I would love to!”, Sirius laughed and settled down in one of the wing chairs in Remus’ living room.

Cleo dropped on the sofa and sighed: “Magical Merlin, what have I done?!”

Remus sat beside her and smiled: “What did you expect Sirius’ child to be like? Shy, well-behaved and studious? Especially when you’re the mother? I’m surprised he’s not more of a hazard to his environment!”

“Hey!”, Cleo protested, “He is very well-behaved. Or he can be.”, a mischievous smile lit up her face, “By the way, did you check on your bathroom?”

Remus rolled his eyes: “Very funny!”

Cleo smiled, as she watched her son slowly but surely falling asleep in his fathers arms. She sat down on the side of his armchair and ran a hand through Leos hair.

“Maybe we should put him to bed”, Cleo suggested.

“No!”, Sirius protested and immeadiately lowered his voice, “I don’t want to let go of him!”

Cleo chuckled: “He will be here tomorrow as well, you know?”

“How can I be sure?”, he asked and looked at her, although his look was sad and pleading, she could also read a little blame in it.

“Sirius...I won’t leave you. We won’t leave you!”, she promised, grabbing his hand, “Besides, we still have a godson to look out for.”

“Harry!”, Sirius called out and looked at Cleo in alarm, “I totally forgot about him! Cleo we have to get him! We have to-!”

Cleo shut him up by placing her hand over his mouth.

“Shh!”, she said, pointing towards their sleeping son, “We will get him tomorrow. I overheard someone in the ministry saying that he was with Hagrid. He will be fine!”

“Bhmhgh dehmnangh”, Sirius muffled until she removed her hand, “But how will we find him? We don’t know where Dumbledore will take him!”

“Well, there is not much of a choice, is there? Dumbledore probably still thinks you’re in Azkaban and I’m in America, Peter is dead and Remus is a werewolf. James’ parents are dead and he has no siblings. Lily’s parents are dead, too, so this leaves him with no choice but to-!”, she listed the possibilities.

“No!”, Sirius exclaimed, “Dumbledore wouldn’t leave Harry with these horrible, wizard-hating muggles! He wouldn’t!”

Cleo shrugged: “What choice does he have?”

“Us! We can take care of him!”, Sirius said.

“We do. And we will show him. We will seek him tomorrow, get Harry and take him with us.”, she promised.

“Why don’t we go now?”, he asked.

“Because I’m tired. And you need rest, too! Tomorrow we will not only have to raise a three year old, but also a one year old! Trust me, you’ll need every minute of sleep you can get!”, she told him.

Sirius didn’t look convinced.

“Sirius, he is probably asleep now, anyway! He won’t notice if we get him today or tomorrow! Hagrid will take good care of him.”, she continued, “Let’s go to bed and get some rest.”

Slowly Sirius nodded: “Will you come with me to my place?”

Cleo smiled: “Sure.”

She walked over to Remus who had fallen asleep on the couch.

“Remus, we’re leaving.”, slowly he blinked and focused on the girl, “We will be back tomorrow. Can you take care of Leo, while we go and get Harry?”

Remus grunted something incomprehensible and turned around to close his eyes again.

Cleo laughed: “You could be a little more eager to see your godson!”

Remus faced her and darted her an annoyed look: “I thought that was a joke earlier. You know the ministry will never let a werewolf be your son’s godfather!”

Cleos eyes went narrow on that: “Well, they can pretty well try to fight me on this one then! I wouldn’t want anyone else to be his godfather but you.”

Remus sighed: “Allright then. If you can convince the ministry of that, I’d be honoured to be your son’s godfather.”

“Mate.”, Sirius said, putting his free hand on Remus’ shoulder, “I think you’re missing the fact that we’re talking about Cleo here. She just managed to get me out of prison, although I was accused for the murder of 15 people! She will make you our son’s legal godfather before you can say ‘Tea’!”

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