This Makes Me Laugh Every Time - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Can’t stop thinking about the tweet I saw the other day with that screenshot of Seokjin and Yoongi sleeping while the kids were all playing games in the other room saying they looked like a) the grandparents in willie wonka or b) victorian children dying of tuberculosis in old paintings

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2 years ago

So there's only one channel in this motel,

This morning while I was getting ready I was watching Sesame Street.

They were doing this bit where some clown was trying to wash his hands but kept washing his feet or his elbows and Elmo would go, “no mister noodle, your HANDS!” and all the tv kids would laugh.

Around the fourth or fifth time he couldn’t find his hands, I heard a grown man yell from somewhere else in the motel, “GODDAMMIT, MR. NOODLE.”

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1 year ago

One of my favourite things in KH2 is the fact that Riku held onto that stick Roxas accidentally hit him with like “that little fuck. I’m gonna get back at that shit AND I’m gonna take his fucking money I don’t give a fuck” and he just catapaults the stick at like 80 mph to make Roxas dive facefirst into the concrete and then steals $5000 from him like goddamn Riku what is your fucking damage

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