This Popped Into My Head - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

A Very Cursed Thought;

So, Essek has his wrist pocket spell, yes? I have read a few fics where it could be dispelled, but most usually in the Fanon I've seen it has been ruled that it drops when he is killed.

Please please imagine that Essek gets got (and no worries, he has 2 (two) Clerics and a whole rest of the Nein invested in his eventual survival, he'll be fine), but yeah he Gets Got and, as the stuff spills out of his dimensional wrist pocket, please imagine the sound Sonic the Hedgehog Makes when he gets got and the golden rings pop out.

That is all XD

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1 year ago

someone: give me a random number between 0 and 200 me: ok!

[xxoa@archlinuwu ~]$ lua -e "print(math.random(0, 200))":

Someone: Give Me A Random Number Between 0 And 200me: Ok!

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9 months ago

Ken & Barbie specifically from Barbie Life In The Dreamhouse 

Love ships where its like some guy with autism and his special interest is his wife

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