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I know this is a Hayden fan account but really quickly I wanna speak on how the new show The Acolyte is being received by a very loud group of toxic fans.
For the past few weeks I've seen nothing but hate, mockery, and complaints about this show. But with Tuesdays episode 3 that just came out, I have never in my life of loving Star Wars and almost every project that's come out seen so much genuine hatred, sexism, and racism towards a show/project, it doesn't even have to be Star Wars.
In Episode 3 of The Acolyte, It goes back some years to when Osha (Main Character so far) and her sister Mae are young and their origins on how they got to where they are in the present day of the show. They were apart of coven of witches and were created from their mother manipulating the force.
I can understand not being happy about the fact that they were created through manipulation of the force, since Anakin was also created through the force but in my opinion, it does not de-canonize or "ruin" the prophecy of the chosen one.
Anakin was created by the force itself in retaliation to the Sith trying to manipulate life. I can understand the frustration of thinking that different people who were less powerful than the Sith would be able to also manipulate the force into creating life but the bigger picture here is that Anakin was created solely by the will of the force, While Mae and Osha were created by manipulation.
The next thing I'd like to comment on is the absolute hatred and close mindedness that fans are giving out to this show. Mae and Osha in the show have two mothers and live within a coven of all female witches. I've seen nothing but sexism and homophobia about it, and terribly unsavory comments.
Also within the show there is a lot of diversity which In my opinion is very important to have in shows like this where it could also be meant for children to learn from these shows and feel represented. At the end of the day people need to remember that Star Wars is meant for people of all ages. It's meant for young little kids to enjoy and learn good life lessons and see themselves in the characters, but it's also for adults who've grown up with the films and it gives them a sense of nostalgia.
All I've been seeing online are comments like "Star Wars is dead" "This show isn't canon" and many other things I wouldn't even like to say on here because it's just blatant racism and sexism. It's absolutely ridiculous hearing comments like this about a fictional universe with endless amounts of stories within it. It really shows people's true colors and their perception of reality and it deeply saddens me.
If you don't like the show, don't watch it just to complain online about how "Disney ruined Star Wars" etc. Let the people who enjoy the show, enjoy it without absolutely tearing them apart online. Also it's absolutely not okay that people are going after the actors apart of this show, those are real people and I feel sometimes fans forget that.
Star Wars isn't dead. It's just expanding and changing the boundaries that it used to confine to and it should be! If you call yourself a Star Wars fan but all you do in recent years is hate on every single project that comes out before it's even finished, you are not a Star Wars fan.
Probably the biggest problem with The Acolyte is what really bit it in the ass in the finale--its main characters did things because of the plot, not because they were organically built up or made sense. I could mostly overlook it in previous episodes because it felt like there was still more time to reveal the characters' motivations, but now that we're at the end, there's just so little throughline for either of the twins' characterizations. Mae makes the most sense, you get why she was so angry, she always wanted Osha to stay with her, of course she'd drop everything when Osha was alive, but then suddenly she's just completely okay with Qimir erasing her memories of Osha? Of giving up that relationship that drove her the entire time--and Qimir says this was permanent, I doubt Mae had reason to think otherwise--in half a second flat, not just physically separating her from Osha, but erasing her entire relationship with her?? And Osha makes even less sense, we all joke that about how hot Manny Jacinto is and how he ~seduced her to the dark side, but honestly her motivations just seemed utterly gone in the previous episode, she's 100% ready to drop everything she believed in and go with him just because? And up to this point she's barely shown any interest in her connection to Mae, it's all "tell not show" that Osha cared about her, we're told that it was her biggest wound, we're told that she felt that connection, but we don't really see it until suddenly she's running away with Mae because apparently all along she felt that pull towards her? Intellectually, there are reasons given in the show, but I didn't feel any of them, it was more "Osha behaves this way because the plot needs her to behave this way." It's the same reason Sol can't say, "It really looked like your mother was going to kill you when she started Force-dissolving you, so I reacted without realizing what she was doing." because if he's allowed to explain, then the plot falls apart. The plot demands that he half-ass his explanation rather than because that felt natural to Sol's character. Things happen because the characters need to get from point A to point B, so point C can happen, rather than because the characters felt like they would actually do that. And it's worse because these are your main characters, the entire plot of the show is set around them.
Spoilers for the Acolyte Finale: (spicy)
Maybe this is me being picky, a bitch, or just using braincells but this didn't make sense on so many points???????!!!!!! You want me to believe Osha, who witnessed the deaths of the Jedi, INCLUDING HER FRIENDS JECKI AND YORD, right in front of her in the most BRUTAL WAYS, realized her sister had been/was being manipulated by Qimir, who got basically kidnapped by him, THIS OSHA, would go hand in hand off into the sunset with the man who murdered her friends right after she choked her master to death and they wiped the memory of her twin sister after finally finding her after years thinking she lost everyone and leave said AMNESIC sister into the hands of people she thinks are awful ?????
Don't even get me started on the Vernestra stuff because- Sol was not the only one on Brendok. They were 4. 4 damn people. One went into exile, one took the vow of silence, one didn't seem that affected by it (hello she was the one saying they should cover it up) and Sol did his very best to train Osha for YEARS. He wanted her and Mae to be safe. He tried to save them both and it backfired. Did he go about it the right way ? No. Did he deserve to die for it ? Definitely not.
Sol did try to redeem himself, tried to be the best teacher and parental figure he could be for Osha, taught younglings to not be like him (visible in the lesson he's giving, also he was the only one back to teaching, JUST SAYING) and there's no point in denying that. He thought Mother Aniseya was going to kill Mae. His heart got the best of him and he acted without knowing what was happening. But don't you dare try to say they went there to "steal children" because this wasn't the damn point of the MISSION. They have been seent to EXPLORE the planet, not to STEAL CHILDREN, or MURDER PEOPLE.
Their actions were not the best, yes, but there is no need to make it seems like it was part of a "grand plan" or even more messed up.
What happened was a kid tired of spending time on a planet for god knows what was starting to get restless and a man worried about two CHILDREN, thinking something terrible was about to happen with two other people trying to shut them down messed up big time.
The miscommunication caused all of this, this could have been avoided if everyone involved TALKED.
And what was the point of making the "twins" reunite only to wipe Mae's memory and do ANOTHER cover up??? Like my sister in the Force, WHAT THE HELL ????
Mae's character, the growth, realizing he should go and be judged for his crimes, her character was beautifully written and to just end this like that: this disminish her character, Sol's character, Jecki's, Yord's and all the others.
Osha snapping after learning the truth, I can understand it, but would she just go like this? Full darkside and believe the man who manipulated her twin, killed her friends and all to just run off into the sunset with him? Would she go that easily with him????
This genuinely feels like a fanfiction someone wanted to end quickly, no matter how far off the ending and characters seemed. But, with Leslye saying she loves "enemies to lovers", I'm not surprised she did this, just heavily disappointed.
If the Jedi are this bad... Why leave an amnesic Mae with them then?
Mae, Sol, Yord, Jecki, Torbin... They all didn't deserve this. If you have to kill two potential love interests (Jecki & Yord) + downplay the villain's actions to make sure your ship (Oshamir) happens, then there is an issue here.
How in the Hell becoming a Sith and going on a rampage is liberating? Genuinely, how is that good and freeing?
Haven't you guys watched the prequels??? And Anakin's downfall???
This series was so good, genuinely great with beautiful decors, scenes, fighting choreography etc and it just... It feels like an empty ending. Idk what she thought she did with this but this ain't it.
Again, this is just my rant about it, you don't have to like it. If you loved this episode, then good for you! Congrats!! I loved the show, I really did. Until episode 5. Then it just went downhill.
there’s no need for people to be so insensitive with the enlistment news. people are rightfully allowed to be upset, even if you or anybody else aren’t - bts stan or not. the bts fandom are happy they’re finally going to serve their country alongside their peers and acquaintances alike. regardless, its the feeling of loss and how the announcement was unexpectedly dropped not that the news itself is unexpected. and when members and your ults and biases from stray kids, ateez, txt etc, when any other male group go for their own enlistment, maybe then you’ll understand that feeling.
but until then, if you don’t have anything nice to say then just don’t say anything at all and let people react to the news in peace the way they want.