This Was Adorable - Tumblr Posts
✨Do you think we’re together in every universe?✨
Well… Who knows…
ANIMATION WOOOWWW🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I love this trend.
This is the first time I've finished animation! These are my headcanons on their relationship, I hope I can explain later
A happy/funny headcanon about Tommy Kinard:
The "I know a guy" thing? When the 118 start contacting the guys from Tommy's recommendations for different shenanigans, the one common factor they notice is that these guys are all attractive in ways that are very similar to Buck
Turns out Tommy knows these guys because he went on dates with them (some dates were more successful than others)
Buck is a little 👀 about them and tells Tommy like "so it seems you have a type" (leggy, strong, upbeat)
Tommy goes "honestly I didn't realize that until you told me"
(bonus: Buck pretends to be jealous and Tommy plays at letting him be a brat while proving that he is into Buck for himself and not because he fits Tommy's 'type')
Oooh Tommy, do you have a type?
Buck, slightly pouty, asking him: "So, what am I the guy for?"
And Tommy, his eyes full of love: "For the rest of my life?"
joshua sits on the edge of your bed, pouting at how you groan in pain.
"is it hurting too much?", he asks.
"it got better after i took the pill", you mumble against your pillow. "but the cold weather doesn't help."
he nods, resting his hand on the small of your back as he tries to soothe you.
"do you need anything?"
"i don't think so", you look at him. "maybe just food?"
"um, exactly what i was thinking", joshua smiles at you. "how do you feel about going to that ramen place we like? maybe a hot dish will help you?"
you smile at him too, nodding.
of course you could count on joshua to take care of you, any way you wanted.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin Characters: Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin (BTS) Additional Tags: Exhibitionism, Dom/sub, Mommy Kink, Lingerie, fem! jimin, Fem! Jungkook, BDSM, Crying, Humiliation, Punishment, Spanking, Edging, this has zero plot you know the drill, Cunnilingus, Face Slapping, Pillow riding, Aftercare Summary:
“Unnie, you forgot to wear panties.”
Both of their cheeks are blooming a red, but Jeonga is maybe a little shaky and Jimin's eyes are filled with amusement. The elder huffs out a giggle, a gorgeous, soft sound and Jeonga nibbles on her lower lip.
“I didn't forget, Jeongaie.”
Wicked Game | Park Jimin

pairing: sub!Jimin x switch!reader
genre: smut, fluff
word count: 11.702 words
summary: Being a member of Sweetheart - a club that helps fullfilling your kinkiest sex fantasies - leads to you meeting Park Jimin. Although he isn’t what you search for, you give in and discover new sides of yourself.
parts: Wicked Game | Sick Game | Love Game
warnings: dom/sub dynamics, alcohol drinking, sexual content: teasing, degrading talk, dirty talk, orgasm denial, oral (female receiving), handjob, intercourse, praise kink, hair pulling, flowers as safewords, sexual innuendos with Namjoon, angry Namjoon, an emotionally confused MC, cursing
A/N: remember when i said i wanted to write a sub!jimin fic but it’s out of my comfort zone and a lovely anon sent this:

ladies and gents, we’re doing this. i’m coming at you with a three shot. Welcome to the Games Series!
masterlist | schedule | recs | ko-fi
You could’ve sworn he’s a dom. His aura is screaming dominance. When you first laid your eyes on Park Jimin, you’ve already felt that sweet throb between your legs.
Keep reading
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Park Jimin/Reader Characters: Park Jimin (BTS), Min Yoongi | Suga, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Namjoon | RM, Reader Additional Tags: Wolf Park Jimin (BTS), Alpha Park Jimin (BTS), Mating, Mating Bites, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex Summary:
Jimin finally finds his mate, too bad she doesn't want him.
cathybrid!jiminie drabble
There is no milk in the fridge. The fridge is empty, if you ignore the couple of plastic bags filled with questionable leftovers.
There is no light on his face. He looks gloomy, his eyes, hidden behind tight slits, are staring down. As you walk passed him, sort of waltzing around him to catch a glimpse of his reddish muzzle, you can guess that his hidden eyes are ready to cry.
There is no milk in the backup cupboard. Not even a lonely milk brick covered in dust, surviving behind the half dozen pasta boxes your boyfriend thought himself smart to buy since it was under an unmissable deal. Far from being an expert in grocery shopping, or cooking, the concept of checking the expiration date was too foreign and well, only once facing your disappointed, flaring-nostrils, expression, he understood that he had messed up.
You bite your lip hard, almost draining blood.
« I’ll go grab you some milk, baby. It’s fine. »
You don’t really mean that. You wish you did but it is 1 am, most of the stores are closed and the idea of wandering in the dark streets just to fetch some milk in a creepy 24/7 convenience store is just not setting well in the pit of your stomach. Jimin knows it too. A little sound, something like a whimper, falls from his pout, comes at your heart and squeezes it painfully.
You sink in the couch, checking on him sheepishly from the corner of your eye.
« I’m sorry, Minnie. » Now a definite whine. « Should I check if Seokjin has some? » You’re visibly wincing at the idea, tone low and words slowed down by the lack of determination. Jimin is quick to react though. Head flying up so fast, probably should have given him whiplash, he observes you with big shiny eyes trimmed with a thin line of pink. The tip of his nose is pink too. As always, when he gets upset and frustrated, his emotions do not allow him to do anything but wear them right on the edge. You should nag him about this. He likes acting like a spoiled kitten too often, and yes, his reactions are just too extreme at times. But here he stands, the long white moustaches enclosing the tip of his nose, are flickering in excitement. He smiles, that cute grin when the edge of his front tooth bite gently his plushy bottom lip, and the light is back on his face. It illuminates him so brightly, the rich duvet recovering his cheeks is shinning with its usual mesmerizing golden glow. Damn, he is pretty. How could you refuse this big cat anything? « Seriously, he is going to hate me even more for bothering him at this time. Can’t you wait until the morning? » You ask, but frankly, it’s simply for good measures. The way your fingers are smoothing his sensitive ears is a big teller. He purrs lovingly, he knows he’s won you over, as per usual.
« I’ll be good to you! » He throws, once you’re in the corridor, too far to answer back. Whatever comfort it is to you, considering the manner he treats you already on the daily. Very little comfort you decide as your fist rise up to knock on your neighbour’s door. When Jin opens the door, eyes closed by puffiness, hair hella dishevelled, rage fuming from every pore of his being, you force the magical image of Jimin, with his cute moustaches adorned with sweet milk pearls, smiling and purring, to annihilate the present scary picture. It is worth it.
Concept: experimental modified time materia brought out in sparring malfunctions somehow and now Zack and the Banora duo have a lil Sephling on their hands
LITTLE SEPH!!!!!! <333 Ahhhh this is glorious!!!
I would love to write this out some day dhdhdhd! I don’t have the full energy rn, but bc it’s such a phenomenal idea, I will try my best with one of my good ol’ fic/synopsis hybrids!
For a long while, everyone just stares, three mouths agape and three eyes struck with lightning. One minute they’re sparring, four swords going at it in at blazing speed. And the next—
“WHAT DID YOU DO, PUPPY?!” Genesis roars, whirling around to face the absolutetively befuddled Zack. See?This is why they don’t invite him to their TRAINING SESSIONS. The squirt was a walking heartbeat of destruction, pop songs, and comically large slip-ups. Nothing ever good happened when he was around.
“Don’t look at me!” Zack tries to defend himself. “All I did was cast Stop!”
Angeal gives a slow, incredulous blink, molasses on his lashes. “You stopped him alright.”
Meanwhile, at their feet, a 3yo Demon of Wutai cocks his head, sitting on his butt, his clothes and armor having conveniently shrunk to fit the size of his regression. Not Masamune though. That thing is abandoned on the floor, unaffected and forgotten.
“…Doc’ors?” Sephiroth blinks, his catlike eyes wide and round and sponging up most of the green in his eyes, his quicksilver hair gushing all the way down to his lap. Who are these people? They’re tall. And big. They aren’t wearing white coats either. One looks strong. One looks like he was ready to explode. One of their heads’ looks like a mop.
Upon hearing him speak, hearing him squeak in his little Seph voice, Zack’s heart completely melts; all his bafflement and paranoia and most likely sense of reality is zapped away as he scoops up the little guy, raising him high in the air Simba-style.
“Ohhh look at you! You’re like a little doll! in ShinRa wear, Seph! Look at those eyes! Those pauldrons! Boop!”
Angeal and Genesis proceed to watch in deadlike silence as Zack boops the little guy’s nose, raising him up and down and up and down and upsy daisy and downsy daffodil. Seph is frozen at first, these gestures completely and utterly alien… but it’s not long before he’s clapping his hands and little giggles are bubbling from his throat. He likes mop head!
“Would you cut that out?!” Genesis roars suddenly—loud enough to startle the poor baby Seph, consequently causing him to start crying in the puppy’s arms. Zack’s face immediately hardens as he hugs Seph close, and now it’s his turn to whirl around in disapproval. Yeah, GENESIS.
“Hey! Be gentle with him!” Zack scolds, little Seph clutching at the fabric of his collar.
“That is Sephiroth, you nimrod! Do you not see the issue here?”
“The issue is that you’re scaring him!”
Angeal is wondering where the nearest retail shop is hiring.
After some intelligent discussion, baby Seph is brought back to Angeal’s place—just for the time being. And here’s where the fun starts! Everyone needs to chip in! Sephiroth is thirsty, first things first, having been plopped on the couch next to Zack. Zack is scrolling through the educational TV channels as Angeal fishes out a water bottle out from the fridge, walking it over—
“What’s that?”
Angeal stops in his tracks, blinking in surprise. “It’s water,” he explains—how is he supposed to talk to his friend? Like a preschool teacher? Like a therapist?
Seph’s confusion doesn’t fade. “Hojo always give me water in bowl.”
Zack pauses on Blue’s Clues.
…Excuse him?
Seph proceeds to explain that Hojo always gives him water—and, and food—in a little bowl that sounds suspiciously similar to a dog bowl. Angeal is dumbfounded, having to move Seph’s hands to hold the water bottle right while Genesis throws some untasty swears out there (covering his ears ofc). Zack, meanwhile, is floating somewhere between anger and an ache he can’t even pinpoint. All he knows is that he’s suddenly hugging Seph close, squishing his doll-sized leather jacket against his chest. That wasn’t cool, glasses man >:(
Following water break is play time! Zack whips out some crayons and paper to doodle with Seph while Angeal and Genesis prepare dinner—on a plate, thank you. Zack goes on to doodle some very nice pictures~ a giraffe, a river, a flamingo. He’s laughing and telling jokes with baby Seph—mainly ones about a guy name Nemesis, no parallels there—casually glancing over after a while to see—
“Uh, bud… what’s that?”
Seph had doodles what can only be described as a pile of spaghetti—spaghetti that’s green, and had a face, and was dripping slime, and that had a bloody splotch for one of its eyes.
“I see her in dreams sometimes,” Seph says, surprisingly blanched of emotion. “She visits me.”
Aight! Art time’s over!
No one could have predicted the Zoomies.
It was all going so smoothly…! Seph was pajama-ed, he had his teeth brushed, he was all snug and toasty and ready for bed—!
And he had Genesis’ favorite copy of Loveless. And zipping around the apartment at Mach 5 speed. And bouncing from furniture to furniture. And singing the Blue’s Clues song.
“C’mon, Seph…” Genesis finally corners him, bringing down his voice. “Give it back to your old buddy Genesis.”
“Okie!” Seph chirps, and proceeds to chuck the book with all his prodigious strength, hitting Genesis square in the nose. Bingo! He scored a touchdown!
“Nice shot!” Zack calls from across the room.
It’s bedtime! Angeal and Genesis collapse from exhaustion, Seph settled on the couch with a pillow and blankie. Zack takes an air mattress beside him, having even lent his favorite dragon plushie to the little bean to sleep. He loves it! All is well, the apartment falls silent, the craziness of the day and all its sci-fi stupidity fading away into a blessed oasis of peace.
Until the sobbing starts.
The sound low, dim, stifled… a broken song that is being cracked between Sephiroth’s lips. Zack stirs immediately, shaking the little Seph awake and propping him up. Seph’s eyes are streaked with tears, glistening with beads of Mako-blue as Zack delicately gazes at him. His heart pretzels.
“What’s wrong, little bud…?”
Seph snivels, wiping his tears on Muffin the dragon. “I see her. She’s here. She says I should hurt you. Hurt two guys too.” His sobs break into something louder, splintering, and Zack can’t take it a moment longer; he settles himself on the couch and brings little Seph close, cocooning his arms around him, swaddling him, letting him cry into his chest. He doesn’t move, not an inch. Not even as Seph’s sobs slowly ebb and a faint snore replaces them.
Eventually, the warmth bubbled against him, breathing into him in calm, slow zephyrs, Zack closes his eyes and falls asleep.
Thankfully, in this case, time materia is temporary! Woooo! It’s a very strange when Sephiroth wakes up in Zack’s arms, wearing onesie pajamas and holding a plushie. Very strange indeed.
“Oh…” Zack pulls back, coral flaring on his cheeks. “Hi Sephiroth!”
Sephiroth doesn’t say a word. He just glances down, absorbing the floofy sleepwear, his expression steely as a block of steel.
“Don’t.” Sephiroth says, straightening, stepping over his sleeping best friends as he makes his way to the door.
What is your take on beach trips? Do you and jk (also potentially jm and the fam) ever get to go? Any other summer vacations or fun planned? 🏖️☀️🍦
Hi anon!
What a cute ask. I love taking Jungkookie on vacations, we recently went on a little honeymoonish get away to Paris while Jimin cared for the puppies at home!
If I'm being completely honest, I don't love sitting out in the heat and sun at the beach ^ono^ I burn even with sunscreen, and my body feels like an oven from all of the blubber. But silver lining: ice cream. >u<
Jungkook looks sexy in a swimsuit, like a beached whale. We had to get him a big sheet to lay on instead of a tiny beach towel. And I love rubbing sunscreen on him while everyone stares hehe.
I'm feeling inspired from your ask anon! Maybe we should take Jiminie and the pups on a family vacation! 🏖🌴🍨
What do you think baby? @ask-feedees-jikook beach weekend??
“Interrupt.” — Moon Junhui

⸝⸝୭ ˚. fluff · crack · self-indulgent
⋆ pairings : jun x f!reader ⋆ warning : not proof-read, seungkwan and dino are dramatic. (let me know if they more ^^) ⋆ wc : 0.8k
[✉️] ··· preparing a meal for your bf's friends together to bribe them to keep your relationship a secret when they caught you both together. It couldn't go wrong, right?

⋆ - note : I have a love-hate relationship with whatever i wrote 🥰🤌 BUT. I'm very proud to have started this today and finishing it today aswell!! I hope you like this, my first Jun fic btw <3⋆ - note : I have a love-hate relationship with whatever i wrote 🥰🤌 BUT. I'm very proud to have started this today and finishing it today aswell!! I hope you like this, my first Jun fic btw <3

"We should've been more careful," you said, referring to how you almost got caught kissing.
Jun washed his hands in the sink and dried them with a towel.
"We really should've," Jun sighed as he approached you from behind and peered over your shoulder to see how you were doing.
With a gentle smile, you leaned into his touch as his hands encircled your waist.
"Is this okay?" You asked, gesturing to the freshly prepared fishcake. He smiled and nodded, reaching over to give you a cheek kiss.
"Ah, you, Moon Junhu-" The door swung open, revealing Seungkwan, and you both flinched at the sudden shouting. When you turned to face the unexpected sound, Seungkwan was standing there with his mouth open and his eyes wide.
"Hey, can't you guys hurry u-"
Arriving in the kitchen as well, Dino dropped his phone to the ground in shock. You simply grinned sheepishly.
What else can you do?
"Oh. My. God." Both of them managed to choke out the words in unison. You couldn't make out if they were shocked, traumatized, or both. Seungkwan dramatically covered Dino's eyes before covering his own.
"You're too young for this, Dino."
Sighing, Jun swiftly withdrew his hands from you and moved away. "Come on, guys, it's not a big deal..."
Seungkwan screamed, causing you to flinch again. "Oh god, I don't know what I might have done so devilish to see this sight unfold before my eyes," Seungkwan exaggerated, folding his hands together to emphasize his statement.
"Hey, Seungkwan, calm down," you say, setting the fishcake aside.
Dino slowly picked up his phone, still staring at you both as if he had just seen a ghost. "I just wanted some food..." He muttered innocently, holding his phone firm against his chest.
They both were just being dramatic. Maybe they still weren't able to digest the fact that Jun was dating someone, who happened to be you. It was a big shock, afterall. It was also the second time they caught you in a lighthearted, lovey-dovey act, whereas the first was much more chaotic.
Of course, it was Seungkwan who first barged in and caught you two about to kiss, which was cut short by his screaming. Dino soon followed into the room, and you knew that there was no turning back now.
They agreed to keep it a secret from the other members, but only if you and Jun prepared them a delicious meal for them. This is how you ended up spending your lovely afternoon in the kitchen together.
Dino slowly tip-toed his way towards you, side eyeing Jun while Seungkwan just stood where he was, flabbergasted.
"Hey, what's with that look?" With a frown, Jun moved to face him, but Dino simply moved away.
"You guys can continue," Dino said, looking over to the fishcakes and then at you with a sly smile. "We're just here for a taste."
Hearing this, Seungkwan dashed towards Dino, grabbing his arm and tugging on it. "No, let's just go, I'm scared." Glancing between you and Jun, he said.
"Let's go!"
After giving you both a wink, Seungkwan dragged Dino—who was furiously protesting—out of the kitchen. "Moon Junhui!" Seungkwan called out, startling you both. "I thought I was your favourite person, you wound my heart!" He let out a dramatic cry, but then grinned slyly before gesturing with his hands and mouthing, 'Continue, continue.' and left the kitchen, closing the door.
You noticed the way Jun's cheeks turned a soft shade of pink at that, and you couldn't hold back your laugh. "Can you believe him? He is so silly,"
Jun simply hummed in response and moved closer to you, resting his hands on your hip. And it was enough to tell you that he was getting shy.
He gave you a soft peck on the forehead before removing his hands and walking over to the counter.
"Let's get this over with," he said, placing the pan on the stove. "Then we can go out for a walk." He continued, speaking softer toward the end. Walking over to stand next to him, you smile.
"Wait," Jun turned to you. "We didn't finish what we were supposed to do,"
You raise your eyebrow in confusion, "What were we supposed to do?"
With his eyes darting to your lips, he leaned closer to your face.
Your lips curved into a smile at the realisation. you give a nod. "Go on." You say, earning a grin from him.
He leaned in closer, his lips almost touching yours, but then the sound of music drifting in from the guest room interrupted. Seungkwan and Dino's singing soon followed, indicating that they were performing karaoke.
You turned your head toward the sound, which was muffled by the door, before returning your gaze to Jun.
"I thought they barged in again," you say, widening your eyes and laughing softly.
"Me too," Jun chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist. He pulled you closer and softly placed his lips onto yours before slightly pulling away.
"But I won't let it interrupt us." With a sly smile, he said, your laughter soon following.

clementine ☆ heeseung lee

☆ non-idol! heeseung x fem! reader ☆ summary: heeseung was home for the summer. but so were you, the one girl that he's always hated since your playground days. the worst part was that you suddenly got hot, and now he had no idea what to do with himself. unfortunately, an entire year of not seeing each other creates the perfect conditions for one of you (or both of you) to catch feelings! ☆ genre: fluff, college! au, loser!heeseung, boyfailure x girlboss, nerdy heeseung LOL, childhood enemies to lovers, neighbors au!, humor, #patheticmen, suggestive-ish but not rlly ☆ warning(s)? loser!heeseung is SO awkward you might get embarrassed MEOW ☆ word count: 16.1k words ☆ based off the song "clementine" by grentperez. i hope this feels summery and cutesy hehe

Heeseung swore that he was going crazy.
Because why on earth was he actually attracted to you?
You, who used to kick over his sandcastles in the sandbox. You, who always hogged the slides at the playground. You, who always made a point to get him first in a game of tag. You, who always rolled your eyes at him no matter what he said. You, who made it clear to him and everyone on the face of the earth that you couldn’t stand him.
Heeseung couldn’t believe that he was even thinking about it— Why were you hot?
It's been about two weeks since Heeseung returned home for summer break. He'd finished his first full term at UC San Diego, majoring in communications. He had been living in the dorms the entire year, so it's been quite a while since Heeseung had been home.
Unfortunately for him, it seemed like nothing had changed.
They always said that adulthood and college really changes a person. But Heeseung felt the same as always.
All throughout middle school and highschool, Heeseung's summer days were often spent indoors. Reading books, drawing in his sketchbooks, playing video games, talking to his friends, and sometimes even laying in complete silence and just staring at the ceiling.
And all these years later, Heeseung was still doing the same this summer.
It's only the beginning of summer, but Heeseung has done next to nothing. He's seen his old friends maybe once or twice, and really only went outside from time to time to take out trash or help his mom water the plants in the backyard.
Truthfully, nothing about Heeseung has changed. He was still the quiet, introverted guy that liked time alone.
Nothing has changed.... all except one thing.
And it was driving Heeseung nuts.
You were the neighbor girl, and consequently, someone that's shown up in every stage of his life. Your parents quickly became friends, so your families were closely intertwined and spent a considerable amount of time together.
The two of you went to the same high school, middle school, elementary school— heck you even played at the same playground.
And for some reason, you just loved to torment him. It was never anything serious, but any opportunity you got, you would bother him and just be the most annoying person ever.
Everyone in his life insisted that you were just the best little angel, but that couldn't be any further from the truth. You were mean and childish and insufferable.
And to make it worse, you always seemed to beat Heeseung at everything. Ever since your elementary school days, you somehow always got a better score than Heeseung, whether it be an assignment on coloring shapes or your AP US History scores. His parents and your parents always reassured him that he was good too, but how was he supposed to feel encouraged when you just beat him at everything?!
And you never failed to let him know it, too. You always had that sly little grin.
You even beat him in getting into his dream university. It's not really your fault technically, because it was your dream university, too. But it's the principle of it!
Heeseung couldn't help but narrow his eyes and clench his fists when he heard his mom talk about how well you're doing at UC Irvine in your prestigious little public health major.
Hate was too strong of a word, but he couldn't say that he liked you at all.
Which was why Heeseung felt his sanity slipping away.
The last thing that he expected when he came back for the summer was for you to get hot. And boy, you were hot.
It was actually infuriating how attractive you got.
Sure, Heeseung's seen you grow up beside him, but in his mind you were always the snotty six year-old that stole his candy. But after an entire year of not seeing you, he couldn't help but gawk at you.
Look, he wasn't actively seeking you out.
Just, every time that Heeseung was out watering the plants or helping with yard work, you just so happened to peek your head over the garden wall to say hi to his dad. Your face always scrunched up when you caught a glimpse of Heeseung, murmuring a tight-lipped greeting to him too before your head dipped back under the wall.
The first time it happened, Heeseung's jaw nearly dropped. Because since when were you pretty?
The second time that Heeseung saw you was at the local ice cream parlor near the pier. In all the ice cream parlors in Orange County, you just had to go to the same one as him.
You were wearing a bikini top with denim shorts, sunglasses atop your head. Clearly, you had just been at the beach. You had a group of friends around you (after all, between the two of you, you were the social and popular one), yet Heeseung could only look at you.
There was just something about the way the bikini top hugged your body. Maybe it was the droplets of water running down your chest. Or maybe it was the way you swayed to the faint background music of the parlor, your face looking relaxed and dreamy. Or maybe it was the way he felt so goddamn small next to you, despite having screamed and yelled and fought with you so many times in his childhood.
Since then, it felt like you just popped up everywhere. On days that Heeseung's brother or cousins forced him out of the house, you somehow managed to be where he was. And every single time, he'd just stand there and ogle at you. Even when his brother or cousins would say hi to you and strike up a conversation, Heeseung was always rendered speechless, too busy looking at the way your lips moved to truly register anything.
It almost made him angry. How dare you become hot over the past year? How dare you make him feel so stupid?
In every way possible, you were glowing.
And it was killing Heeseung.
Heeseung let out a sigh as he sunk down onto his bed.
It was already 8PM, yet the sky outside was still amidst the sunset. His fan was blasting, and so was his house's AC system— he even opened up his windows— yet it was still too hot.
Jamming his earbuds in his ear, Heeseung picked at the hem of his t-shirt, ignoring the way that the hair on the nape of his neck clung to his skin due to sweat.
Heeseung, even throughout college, called his friends a lot. But now that it was summer, all his friends were busy on vacation or having plans, and didn't have a lot of time to call.
Heeseung listened to the ringtone, tapping his fingers impatiently.
Finally, the ringtone stopped.
"Hey, man," a familiar, deep voice rang in Heeseung's ears. "What's up?"
"Jay!" Heeseung cried.
Jay Park was Heeseung's best friend all throughout his life. Although Jay was a year younger than him, that never was a problem in their friendship. Jay had just graduated high school, and he'd be attending UC San Diego with Heeseung next term.
Out of everyone at home, Jay was the one person that Heeseung spoke to the most.
He told him everything, and if he didn't, Jay always managed to get it out of him one way or another.
"What's on your mind?" Jay huffed. He always sounded exasperated, but he meant well. The moment that he graduated, Jay went back to his hometown in Seattle to meet with family. Luckily, Heeseung caught him before he left to congratulate him. Otherwise, Jay's been busy, so Heeseung appreciated him taking the time to talk to him.
Unfortunately, Jay knew Heeseung too well. Of course there was something on his mind— You. But Heeseung would rather die than admit it, even to his closest, most trusted friend. Not only was it embarrassing, but Jay's heard and witnessed it all. Heeseung would never live it down if Jay found out.
"Nothing!" Heeseung said in a sing-songy voice. "I just miss my best friend soooooo much."
Jay was fun to tease.
"Yeah, yeah." Heeseung could practically hear Jay roll his eyes, scowl, and scrunch his nose over the phone, something he did whenever he was embarrassed. "Well, I had a feeling that there was something on your mind. You never spam me with emojis unless you have something serious to talk about."
Heeseung scoffed playfully. Jay really did know him too well.
"Nope!" Heeseung said, popping the p.
"Right," Jay responded, and the older could tell that he was suspicious.
A few moments of comfortable silence fell over the two of them. Sometimes, they didn't know what to say to each other, but being in each other's presence was enough.
"Oh!" Jay suddenly exclaimed, "I just remembered something that I wanted to tell you!"
Heeseung hummed in response. It was probably some crazy gossip about a teacher from their old high school getting arrested.
"But, you need to promise me that you won't tell anyone," the younger boy said, his voice eager and impatient. "Like, you can't tell anyone."
Heeseung hummed again. "Yeah."
"No, like, promise me," Heeseung could hear the fervor in his friend's voice, almost as if he's been holding this information back and was just itching to tell someone.
"Is it that bad?" Heeseung chuckled. "You're scaring me, man."
"Promise me," Jay repeated.
"Fine," Heeseung huffed, crossing his arms. "I promise I will not tell anyone. Not a single soul."
"Okay, okay," Jay took a deep breath over the phone. Just by the sound of it, Heeseung could tell that he was about to burst if he didn't tell someone now. "So, a few weeks ago— I don't know how it slipped my mind, I was going to tell you the moment I found out— I was in Macro, and do you remember that one girl Natty, or something? The one with the bangs, like, the one that dances, and—"
"On with it!" Heeseung interrupted impatiently.
"Okay, well, Natty asked me if my friend Heedeung Lee was dating anyone, and I was like 'Who is Heedeung Lee?' so I just looked at her like she was crazy and so she never spoke to me about it again until—"
"Hurry up!" Heeseung groaned. Jay talked a lot. "Get to the point, please!"
"I'm getting there!" Jay yelled over the phone. "Well, basically Natty told me that her friend told her that [Name] [Last Name] used to have a massive crush on you."
You, [Name] [Last Name], had a crush on him?
On Heeseung Lee?
"I know!" Jay laughed over the phone. "That's crazy, isn't it?"
"Wait, wait, wait," Heeseung's lips moved faster than he could think. He could feel his ears burning, and they stung like hell. "Who told her?"
Jay paused to think. "Natty said that Ryujin Shin told her."
Ryujin Shin was your good friend. She wouldn't lie about something like this. Jay's source was definitely trustworthy.
Heeseung's heart was now pounding in his chest. His palms felt clammy.
He simply couldn't process it. You? Liked him? It just didn't make sense. And after all the thoughts that he's been having about you, it didn't feel right. Something must be mistaken, right?
"When?" Heeseung blurted, swiping his tongue over his bottom lip. "When did she like me?"
"Hmmm," Jay hummed.
Surely, you liked him in elementary school, right? There was absolutely no way that you liked him any time recently. That's impossible!
"I think she liked you..." Jay trailed off, thinking, "I think she liked you all throughout highschool."
"I mean, I think everyone knew. It's not that surprising to me, I'm more surprised that you didn't know all this time. Like, it's so obvious— she was so obvious—"
Heeseung hung up.
Wow, has grass always been that green?
"Heeseung, what are you—"
Heeseung never knew the world could be so beautiful. The sky was so blue and the clouds were so fluffy.
"Hey, Hee—"
What's that bright ball in the sky? Why was it yellow and so warm? Is that what people call the sun—
Heeseung was pulled out of his daze as his older brother shook his shoulders.
It's only been a few days since Jay told the news on Heeseung, but it felt like weeks. Since then, Heeseung has gone outside more times than he ever had. He'd sit in the front yard and feel the grass under his fingertips, reconnecting with nature after such a bomb was dropped on him. Other days he'd dip his toes in his pool, just basking in the sunlight, and sometimes he'd go on walks, taking time to appreciate the world around him.
After all, if Heeseung stayed all cooped up in his room, he didn't know what he would do with himself.
Truthfully, nothing has ever impacted Heeseung as much as the fact that you liked him. Genuinely, Heeseung has never felt more confused, distraught, distressed, and downright afraid in his life.
Because... How could he?
Heeseung wouldn't be completely truthful if he said he didn't think you were attractive before this summer. How could he not? There was a reason that you were popular at school. You've always been cute. It was just your personality that made Heeseung hesitant to admit it.
But to think that you— the you that always went out of your way to get on his nerves in every capacity— had a crush on him? Absolutely insane.
And the craziest part was that your crush was obvious to everyone but him. Heeseung made a point to ask all of his old friends as discreetly as possible. Same answer every time:
"Yeah man, she was soooo in love with you."
You? Obvious? With your crush on him? Absolutely not!
This was not something that Heeseung would have expected in a million years!
And the nail in the coffin was when he asked Ryujin Shin herself.
"Oh yeah, she used to make me pick out her outfits to impress you," was all Ryujin had to say in order to kill Heeseung.
It just didn't make sense! Heeseung genuinely couldn't believe it. Of all the people in the world, you had a crush on him? It's not like no one's ever had a crush on him, but it's literally you!
Every time Heeseung thought about it he felt light-headed.
Currently, Heeseung was standing under a tree, cooling off from the rising weather. He had agreed to go on a walk at the park with his older brother. After all, after everything, he needed to touch grass.
"You've been spacy lately, Hee," his brother nudged him. Heeseung was grateful that his brother was also back from university for the summer. "Everything okay?"
"Y-Yeah..." Heeseung murmured in response.
Wow, the dirt felt nice under his shoes. He could feel mosquitoes biting at his ankles, but the hot weather was making him too exhausted to care. He should go outside more often. Maybe he'd be less distracted. And he wouldn't think about you.
Heeseung's brother smacked the back of the younger boy's head. "You sure?"
Heeseung chewed on his bottom lip. His mind was completely fried, blank. He couldn't think.
"Hellooooo? Earth to Heeseung?"
Radio silence.
Yeah, he was cooked.
It took Heeseung an entire week to even be able to think of your name without wanting to pass out.
He didn't completely come to terms with it, but he was at a point that he'd gone over the thought too many times for it to sting anymore. Still, Heeseung couldn't stop thinking about you.
All this time you liked him and he didn't notice. Probably because you tormented him the entire time. Not quite flirting, in his opinion.
What made matters worse, though, was the fact that Heeseung would see you from time to time. It was hard.
On one hand, you were an absolute treat to look at.
Like, wow.
Anytime he caught a glimpse of you, whether over the fence or through the kitchen window, Heeseung could physically feel his eyes get blessed.
You really were one of the most beautiful people Heeseung had ever had the privilege to lay his eyes on. He choked on his spit every time he saw you, it was insane.
On the other hand...
Seeing you was terrifying.
You were the one person that's always been his sworn rivalry... and this entire time you probably never saw him like that.
It was absolutely horrifying to think about!
Heeseung's cheeks felt warm at the thought. In fact, his entire body felt hot. He wasn't even sweating but his skin begged for a bucket of iced water to be poured on him. Maybe he should hose himself down later.
Maybe it was just the summer heat.
"You want me to what?!"
No, no, no!
"You heard me, young man," Heeseung's mom crossed her arms. Heeseung watched with eyes wide as saucers from his seat at the kitchen island as his mom organized the pantry. How could she be so casual?!
The world was ending. It's over.
"Nooooo," Heeseung cried, burying his face in his arms. "Mom, I can't!"
"Why not?" Mrs. Lee cocked her brows. "It's not like [Name] has a disease or anything."
Heeseung shook his head profusely. "I know, but—"
"Then what's so difficult about going over and saying hi to her? It's been an entire year since you guys have seen each other!"
Heeseung groaned.
And that's how he was forced to walk over to your house next door and say hi. He didn't know why his mom was so insistent, but it's probably because she was good friends with your mom, or something. Him and your families have always been close, so Heeseung was bound to interact with you this summer.
Heeseung dragged his feet as he walked over to your house. He really didn't want to see you.
At first, he thought you hated him, but now apparently you've liked him all this time? And he's also sexually frustrated so now Heeseung was just confused.
And lo and behold, the moment that your house came into view, there you were.
You were in a swimsuit, sunbathing on your front lawn. You wore your chunky sunglasses that fit you too well, your pretty lips sipping on a fancy glass of coconut water.
Heeseung had to force himself to not gawk.
Goddamn, was all he could think, because goddamn were you fine.
The way the sun shone down on your skin made it hard for him to look away. You were completely relaxed, alone in your own world, yet you managed to still be glowing. Heeseung's mouth felt dry, his heart rate speeding up at the sight of you sprawled out on the lawn like that.
Heeseung's feet took him further than his mind could, too busy gaping at you. He stopped at the front of your house, just enough for you to notice him.
"Oi!" you yelled from your lawn, perching yourself up on your elbows in a way that made you even more attractive. "The fuck do you want, Lee?!"
Heeseung had to shake out of his daze.
"H-Hey," he stuttered out, an awkward hand coming up to wave at you. Heeseung winced in his head, feeling embarrassment wash over him as you took off you looked over your sunglasses, shooting him a questioning look.
He'd never been like this with you. Ever. The only memories that Heeseung had with you were just the two of you bickering. Never any shyness or awkwardness. So why was he so nervous now?
"Ummmm," you said. Heeseung recognized that tone: it was the tone that you used when you wanted to obnoxiously pretend to be confused to embarrass him. Usually, it would just annoy him, but this time Heeseung was actually embarrassed. "Hi?"
Heeseung could feel your judgy gaze under your sunglasses. You were definitely staring him down. Whether with love or with hate, he didn't know. But it scared the fuck out of him.
"Well, I'mgonnagonowbye!" Heeseung spouted before running off.
(Heeseung could tell that you were watching him as he struggled to get his front door open. In fact, he had to knock multiple times and yell for someone to let him in, because he was actually locked out. And the moment that he was let in, Heeseung ran up to his room, and slammed the door. Never again.)

Although you thought it would be 10x funnier if you didn't, you did in fact think Heeseung Lee was cute. Of course you did. Especially after a year of not seeing him, you couldn’t deny that he’d really grown into a man. He definitely got taller, and his voice sounded deeper too. The way the muscles on his biceps and forearms flexed when he did yard work gave you more of a reason to peek over the garden wall to say hi.
You thought your dumb little childhood crush on Heeseung had subsided by now. You felt a little bad for a while, for always being mean to him— but you just like him so much!
When you went away for school, you were sure you’d forget all about it. After all, you had a feeling that your feelings for him were out of convenience: he was just a guy that you were close in proximity to. Plus, it was so obvious, too. He definitely knew all throughout high school and middle school how much you liked him. It would hurt your pride to go back to him.
But now that he’s back (and so are you!) you’re having second thoughts.
Sure, he was cute.
Would you kiss him? Sure.
Would you date him? The answer to that would be kept a secret.
For now, you were just going to have fun with it. Whatever happened was not up to you anyway.
Though, you’d be lying if you said that you never tried to impress him, especially now.
You told yourself it was in a condescending way.
In a "look how hot I am" way.
In an untouchable way.
Because you knew that he’d be looking anyway. He always did, even if he didn’t mean to.
And you knew for sure now, as you put on your fitted bikini top that he’d definitely be looking.
Lucky you, your siblings and cousins were close to Heeseung’s brother and cousins. When you were younger, everyone would gather in Heeseung’s backyard for a pool party.
And now that it was summer, it was no surprise that there was a pool party at the Lee house today.
So here you were, in Heeseung’s backyard, dipping your toes in his pool.
The Southern California weather was not doing anyone justice. The blue sky was clear, with no cloud in sight. The sun was high in the sky, beating down on anyone who dared to be in its presence.
The air smelled of Mrs. Lee's lemon tree, sunscreen, chlorine water, and barbecue. Loud music boomed throughout the Lees' backyard, coupled with shouting, laughing, and the sizzle of the grill.
Everyone was here— Heeseung’s brother, his cousins, and all of your siblings and cousins— except the boy himself.
He’s probably inside cooped up in his room, you thought with an eye roll. He always was. Whenever there was a pool party like this, he always came down the latest, after getting an earful from his mom about being a party pooper.
You’d always hoped that he’d come down. After all, he was the only one your age, and you wanted to show off how cute you looked.
That’s something that never changed.
You pushed up your sunglasses, watching as the boys that you grew up with tackled each other in the water and screamed bloody murder. You couldn’t help but chuckle.
At pool parties like this, you usually found yourself sitting near the shallow side of the pool, dipping your feet in and just enjoying everyone's presence.
Frankly, you weren't a fan of the water.
You were too busy splashing your cousins with water and laughing at how stupid they looked with their hair all wet and swooped around to notice the sound of a very familiar boy being dragged downstairs.
"Dude— Let go— Ack!" Heeseung's voice boomed all the way from behind the screen door. "Let go— Ow!"
You turned over your shoulder to see Heeseung himself standing at the entrance to the backyard, pouting like a child with his arms crossed over his chest. He was wearing swim trunks, but wore an oversized t-shirt over it.
Still, he looked as good as ever.
His tan skin, disheveled hair, and overall awkward and loserish look— you loved it too much.
You watched curiously as he stood there awkwardly while everyone else played in the water.
You sighed. Some things never change.
You pulled your feet out of the pool, before walking with wet feet over to the cooler next to the grill to grab two Caprisuns. Then, you trudged over to where Heeseung was standing.
"Look who decided to finally go outside," you said with a deadpan tone. Usually, Heeseung would glare at you, maybe scoff and look away. But this time, his eyes just shakily shifted to your face. Weird.
You could see his eyes widen a fraction, before they traveled down to your bikini top. You had to hold back a smug grin— Good, he was looking.
You shoved one of the Caprisuns into his hand, while stabbing your own with the straw.
He still stared at you, as if you were some kind of unicorn.
"Why do you keep staring?" you asked bluntly, quirking your brow at him. It was weird. Where was the annoyed Heeseung that fought back whenever you bothered him?
The boy tensed up, his eyes widening into saucers before he turned away from you altogether.
Was he... sick?
You looked at him questioningly. Heeseung stood completely still, his back turned to you, gripping onto his Caprisun for dear life.
You sighed. You nudged him with your elbow.
"I thought a school like UCSD would make you at least a little bit cooler," you began your way back to the pool, but stopped. You looked over your shoulder at him. "Still a loser."
And with that, you left him standing there.
Heeseung swore that he's not a loser.
Well, maybe he was just a little bit of a loser, but not that much. You called him a loser all the time, and it never really got to him. After all, you were cooler than anyone Heeseung knew, so your standard of coolness was off the charts.
Though, it did bother him a little bit this time. And for the life of him, Heeseung couldn't figure out why.
Eventually, he trudged over to the pool and dipped his feet in beside you. Though, he made sure to keep a big distance between the two of you.
Heeseung didn't know what he would do if he was any closer to you. And plus, you'd probably start screaming anyway.
In fourth grade, he pushed you into the pool as a joke, without knowing that you didn't know how to swim. Since then, you made it a point to scream whenever Heeseung was near you at the pool, always claiming that he'd pose a danger to you, or something like that.
The music was nice, and so was the feeling of the sun on his skin. Heeseung just felt a little bit out of place, but he wasn't unhappy to be there.
Heeseung was lost in thought, a habit that he's had since he was younger— so lost that he didn't hear the splashing of the pool, so lost didn't hear his brother ask you why you weren't swimming, so lost that he didn't hear his cousins threaten to push you in if you didn't get in yourself.
But the moment that Heeseung heard your shrill scream, he was up on his feet.
In a few quick seconds, Heeseung's brother had hauled you up over his shoulder, ignoring the way that you wriggled in his touch, and threw you into the pool.
It all happened so quickly before Heeseung's eyes, yet it felt like time slowed down.
As the water splashed in what felt like slow-motion, Heeseung watched as your eyes widened into large saucers, a loud shriek ripping from your throat. His breath hitched. Other than those sounds, he couldn't hear anything else: not everyone laughing, not the music, not the grilling, just you and him and the water.
Heeseung's lips moved faster than him.
"You idiot!" he shouted, and although his entire body felt like it was frozen in time, he was already halfway through throwing his t-shirt off. Heeseung tuned out the sound of more laughter. He could feel his blood boil. "She can't swim!"
With no hesitation, Heeseung dove into the pool, ignoring the cold sensation that sent goosebumps down his spine as the water engulfed him.
There were some things that cannot be forgotten, and something that Heeseung knew he'd never forget was the way you wrapped your arms around him the moment that you felt his presence. Your once tense body relaxed immediately. You clung onto him, your eyes squeezed shut as stray tears spilled out. He could hear the raggedness of your breath, and just by your face, Heeseung couldn't even imagine the panic and fear that you'd felt.
"Heeseung," you whimpered, grasping the boy as if you would die. You sniffled, pressing your face into his neck as your arms tightened around his torso. "Hee—"
Heeseung could feel chlorine water droplets slipping into his eyes, burning them. Yet, he didn't remove his hands from around you, not even once. As he stabilized the two of you in the water, he squeezed your shoulders comfortingly.
"You're safe," he said against your ear, "I got you."
The last thing you expected to happen was to be sitting on Heeseung Lee's bed.
He still had his shelf full of comic books and figurines. Except, the last time you really took a look at the shelf was when you were 13, and now six years later it was completely filled to the brim. The walls were still covered in superhero posters. In the corner of his room, there used to be a tiny little ukelele from when he was just learning how to play, but now it was replaced with a guitar.
You shivered, pulling your knees to your chest as you sniffled, holding the towel draped over your shoulders tightly. Your skin felt cold to the touch, but on the inside, you felt like you were burning up. Hot tears lined your eyes, threatening to stream out.
After that fiasco, Heeseung took you upstairs to his room. He left you a few moments ago to find you clean clothes.
You were angry. Why did they throw you in the pool? You thought it was common knowledge that you couldn't swim. You grew up with these people! How did Heeseung Lee remember and not anyone else? How annoying.
"Uh," Heeseung cracked his bedroom door open, poking his head in. You cocked a brow at him, especially when you noticed that he came back empty handed. "Just— Give me a second."
You watched as he went to his own drawers, taking out his own clothes.
"I— There's no girls living in his house," he said sheepishly as he handed you his clothes, unable to hide his red ears. "I couldn't find you— uh— girl clothes, so just— just take mine."
You just frowned.
Although you didn't do any swimming yourself, being thrown into a pool and drowning for a few moments was physically taxing enough. You didn't feel like moving right now, even if it was something as easy as changing clothes. You just put the clothes beside you on the bed, muttering a quiet thanks before pulling your knees even closer to your chest.
Heeseung stared at you. It was uncharacteristic to see you so... small. Someone so bothersome and mean to him, yet here you were curled up like you didn't want to be seen.
Heeseung would never admit it, but he felt bad for you at that moment.
Heeseung sighed.
He took a few more steps forward, standing in front of the bed.
"Scoot over," he said, motioning with his hands.
You looked up at him through your eyelashes. Your lips jutted out for a few seconds into a pout, but you huffed and nodded. Heeseung plopped down beside you, letting out another sigh.
The two of you sat in silence like that for a few moments, both staring at the floor. In the distance you could still hear water splashing and music from the backyard.
"Thanks, by the way" you murmured, breaking the silence. You kept your eyes down.
"Huh?" Heeseung whipped his head over to you.
"I said thanks," you repeated yourself, this time louder and with annoyance. "You loser."
"Oh." Heeseung blinked. "Sorry."
It was silent again, before you clicked your tongue. You nudge Heeseung with your foot.
"Why are you apologizing?" you sounded irritated, but Heeseung knew that that was just your natural tone when you weren't trying to be nice all the time.
"I dunno," the boy shrugged. "I guess for being a loser."
You sighed loudly, your brows furrowing as you nudged him again.
"You're taking me too seriously," you rubbed your temples. "I mean, you are a loser, but I don't really give a fuck if you are."
Heeseung blinked. "Huh?"
You groaned. "You're so dense. My point is, you have nothing to apologize for, including for being thick in the head and a loser."
"As a matter of fact," you grumbled. "I'm grateful for you. I'd be six feet under if it wasn't for you."
You finally turned to look at Heeseung. Your hand came up to flick his forehead.
"Ow!" Heeseung cried, his hand shooting up for his head. "What was that for— Ack!"
You grabbed a pillow and smacked him square in the head.
"What the hell?!" Heeseung yelled. He reached across you to grab one of his pillows, launching it at you, hitting you in the face.
But instead of fighting back like Heeseung expected, you threw your head back, falling back onto the bed. You were laughing.
"What are you—" Heeseung scrunched his face, before he grabbed another pillow and smacked you again. "What are you laughing at?"
You didn't respond, only continuing to laugh. Heeseung watched as you clutched your stomach, your eyes squeezing together as your lips parted, airy giggles pouring out.
His ears burned. Did he say something funny?
Had Heeseung ever seen you laugh so... light-heartedly? It seemed like the only times you'd laugh was when you were making fun of him. But here you were, laughing like he'd just said the funniest thing.
"Sorry," you said when you finally calmed down. You relaxed into his pillows, letting out a soft ah. You wiped your eyes, which had tears coming out from how hard you laughed. "It's just..." you glanced at him, "You were scaring me."
"Why?" Heeseung's brows furrowed.
"You were, like, being so awkward," you said coolly. "I mean, you're always awkward, but you were being awkward in a weird, shy way. You weren't fighting back like you usually did."
You flashed him a cheeky grin. "But you seem to be back to normal now."
Heeseung stared at your face.
Well, even if you were super hot now, and even if you had a crush on him, nothing would change the fact that the two of you were (no matter how much you didn't want to admit it) childhood friends. Heeseung wouldn't want anything to come between that. Even his own awkwardness. There was no use being weird about anything.
Maybe this summer was for the two of you to finally connect, rather than push each other away.
"Ew," you kicked Heeseung, "Stop staring, you freak."
Heeseung rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "Go change."
Truthfully, it was impossible to be awkward like this around you. Heeseung was awkward with everyone, including his own mother sometimes, but not you.
(By the end of the pool party, you and Heeseung had spent most of the time up in his room, which wasn't uncommon throughout your childhood. Though, the difference now was that you and him weren't arguing.)

Normally, on summer mornings, Heeseung slept until noon. But his slumber this morning was rudely interrupted by the sound of someone banging on his door.
"What the fuck?" Heeseung cursed under his breath as he trudged downstairs, still shirtless and groggy in his Minecraft pajama pants. He'd curse at his brother for not answering the door, but Heeseung remembered that everyone else in his family had a life that didn't include being home all day, unlike him.
Heeseung hastily opened the front door, ready to yell at whoever was disrupting him at this time. It was probably one of those solicitors trying to sell him something, or some kid that accidentally threw a ball into his yard.
But when he opened the door...
"Hi, loser."
Heeseung slammed the door.
What the hell were you doing at his house at this time?! Granted, it was almost 11AM, but still!
"What the fuck?!" you began banging again, "Open up!"
"No!" Heeseung yelled from the other side of the door. "What are you doing here?!"
"Well, open up and I'll tell you!"
After this back and forth for a few minutes, Heeseung finally agreed on letting you in.
"Rude," you muttered, crossing your arms. "Didn't your mother teach you to not slam the door on people's faces?"
Heeseung grabbed the door, beginning to close it again. You jammed your foot inside. "Not so fast, little boy."
Heeseung rolled his eyes. "Explain."
You huffed. "I'm bored. Can we hang out?"
"What? Why?"
You pushed past the boy, stepping inside his house and making your way to the kitchen.
"I already said," you said coolly. "I'm bored."
Heeseung trailed after you. "It's too early!"
You shrugged, making a bee-line for the fridge, looking through it. Heeseung sighed. There was no reckoning with you. He took a seat at the kitchen island, letting out an annoyed groan.
You looked over your shoulder, quirking your brow at him.
"Nice pajamas, by the way."
It was now that Heeseung realized that he was half naked with messy hair and his embarrassing Minecraft PJ pants.
His ears burned.
"I thought you were done with Minecraft," Heeseung could hear the teasing tone in your voice as a sly grin spread across your lips. "I guess some things just never change."
"Shut— Shut up!" And he scurried upstairs to freshen up and change. You chuckled.
Apparently, your definition of "hanging out" was gossiping in your car while devouring frozen yogurt.
"Why are you so surprised?" you asked, while indiscreetly stealing a strawberry from Heeseung's frozen yogurt.
"I dunno," he shrugged. "I just thought you'd have more extravagant plans for what a 'hang out' is."
You scoffed. "Like what?"
"I don't know!" Heeseung shook his head. "Maybe, like, going to the beach? Or going to the movies? What do cool people do these days?"
"Why would you think that?" you almost looked offended.
"You were popular in high school, weren't you?" Heeseung reasoned. "I assumed that your hangouts were cool because everyone wanted to be there."
You scowled. "Okay, well, getting frozen yogurt is cool. I don't know what you're talking about." Heeseung shrugged again. "And plus, I chose this activity because I knew you wouldn't like the beach or movies."
Heeseung blinked. Did you really do that for him?
"Why are you looking at me like I killed someone?" you rolled your eyes. "Why would I hang out with you and only do stuff that I'd enjoy? It's not fun when the other person isn't having fun, you know."
"I—I know," Heeseung stammered. The corner of his lips lifted a little bit. "I just can't believe you have feelings."
An offended sound came out of your lips. You slapped his shoulder, once, twice, three times, ignoring his yelps.
"I'm sorryyyyy!" Heeseung cried, squirming away from you. "Ack! What is your problem, dude— Ow! I said I'm sorry!"
"Take that back, you freak!"
"I did...!"
Heeseung never thought that he'd wake up on some mornings and see you in his kitchen, scouring his pantry and fridge for food.
At first, Heeseung found himself panicking every time he inevitably trekked downstairs, all groggy and shirtless, at noon and you were there munching on cereal.
"Why— What are you—" Heeseung would stare at you horrified, immediately feeling shy because he was shirtless. How could you be so... so casual?! "How did you even get in?!"
You'd just shrug nonchalantly, ignoring Heeseung's spluttering.
"I asked your mom for an extra key," you had pulled out of your pocket. "See?"
And ever since then, it wasn't common for Heeseung to hear the front door cracking open, followed by the sound of rustling in the kitchen and living room.
Initially, Heeseung made a point to freshen up before clambering down to give you an earful for turning the TV's volume too high. He made sure to throw on a shirt, maybe brush his hair and teeth and wash his face.
But the moment that Heeseung no longer relied on his biological clock and his alarm clock to wake him up because the ruckus that you'd make in his kitchen was loud enough to shake him out of his slumber, he realized that there was really no escaping you.
"Turn it down, will you?!" Heeseung would shout from upstairs, barely awake. You'd groan, but you'd comply. After all, it was his house that you were raiding.
It was weird. Heeseung never thought that he'd become comfortable with you like this, and in such a short amount of time. There was a level of friendship between the two of you no matter what. You'd grown up together, that was undeniable.
But Heeseung had always expected you and him to actually become friends through other means. He'd always thought that something bigger, more dramatic, would happen, something that would force the two of you to finally get along.
But all it took was for you to be bored one day and go to his house.
Had he been misinterpreting everything? All this time, Heeseung always thought that there was a wall around you, something that he couldn't break down. Yet here he was now, minding his own business while you ate at his kitchen island.
It made him think, was it college and summertime that made the two of you like this? Or has it always been like this, and he never noticed it?
It made him think back to his childhood.
He had so many distinct memories of you.
You pushing him down the slide, you calling him stupid, you pulling his hair when you were bored.
But there were also other memories, ones that Heeseung had to think hard about, ones that made him question whether or not his memory was playing tricks on him.
He could remember you following him upstairs after one of your families' dinners when you guys were six years-old.
If there was something six year-old Heeseung and you could agree on, it was that the adults' conversations at dinner were too boring and convoluted to follow.
Heeseung faintly remembered the way you paused briefly in front of the shelf in the corner of his room. It was the shelf that he displayed his comic books and superhero figurines on, a collection that he'd spent all of his allowance money on.
Heeseung had ignored you as you messed around with his stuffed animals, opting to read his comic books in silence. You had crawled up beside him, your squeaky voice pulling Heeseung's head out of the pages.
"What's that?" you had asked him.
Heeseung's teeth sunk into his bottom lip. He remembered what happened after you asked that clearly.
"A comic book," young Heeseung had said annoyedly, shooting you a glare. "Duh."
Heeseung could distinctly remember how he felt at that moment. Embarrassment. His brother, his brother's friends, and Heeseung's own friends liked to tease him for his nerdy interests.
Six year-old you didn't take the hint, only further poking and prying him. Your fingers plucked one of the pages, curiously looking at the screen-toned pages and text bubbles. "What's it about?"
Heeseung had snatched the comic book from you, so hard that the page you were gripping ripped. His memory was fuzzy here, but from what he could recall, Heeseung got angry and yelled at you. He had pushed you, making you bump into his figurine shelf. One of his bigger and sharper figurines managed to knock over, falling and hitting your square in the face.
It was nothing serious, just a scratch, but you were crying by the end of it.
As an adult, Heeseung cringed at the memory.
Poor, awkward six year-old Heeseung, who thought you were making fun of him when really you were just interested.
And after that, you never asked him about his superhero comics again.
As Heeseung now peered at you scrolling through movies to watch, he couldn't help but notice how you hovered over all the superhero movies, before moving past them. He wondered how different things would have been if he didn't yell at you that day. In fact, he wondered how different things would have been if he didn't yell at you at all.
Because now that Heeseung thought about it, all of his memories of you annoying him were really just you wanting to talk to him. When you slapped his shoulder and called him stupid, it wasn't you trying to be mean to him. You were just like that.
Had he taken everything wrong all this time?
First, it started with you eating in his kitchen everyday.
The next thing Heeseung knew, you were forcing him to go outside everyday, one way or another. This must be the most sunlight that Heeseung has ever had in his entire life.
On some days, you wanted to go on walks around the neighborhood.
"Do you remember that house?" you asked him once, pointing to the house at the end of the block.
Heeseung's lips lifted. "Of course I do. How could I forget?"
You chuckled. "Hell-bound dogs, right?"
Heeseung could remember the day. When you and him were ten years-old, you went trick-or-treating down the neighborhood. The house at the end of the block was new to the neighborhood, so the two of you kids had no clue what your new neighbor was like.
Big mistake. That year, Heeseung was dressed as a demon with a plastic demonic mask, while you were a witch.
The two of you had no idea that your neighbor would be so... afraid... of two children dressed as a demon and as a witch.
As fast as you rang that doorbell, chanting trick or treat!, the two of you were sent running back home at full speed, with a shouting neighbor threatening to call the police on you "hell-bound dogs." And that's how that neighbor earned the name Ms. Hell-Bound Dogs.
Poor you.
"Do you think she's still alive?" you grinned cheekily, nudging the boy.
"You know..." you drawled your syllables, "Ms. Hell-Bound Dogs."
Heeseung scoffed. "Of course she is!"
"But it's been nine years!" you shrugged. "You don't know what happens in nine years."
"She wasn't that old," Heeseung reasoned. You sent him a look. The both of you collectively recalled that neighbor being a hag. "Okay, maybe we were just young, so everyone looked old to us."
You hummed. "You're right."
As the two of you approached that house, preparing to pass it, you were engulfed with silence. The neighborhood that you grew up in held so many memories.
You and Heeseung had spent the entire walk pointing to various houses and obscure things in the neighborhood, recalling old stories of memories of the shenanigans that the two of you would have with them. Heeseung couldn't remember the last time he laughed like this. It wasn't the type of laugh that made him fall to his knees and well up tears in his eyes.
It was more like a laugh that felt mixed with a sob. In a weird way. Each laugh that tumbled from his lips felt so foreign, yet so familiar.
The type of laugh that could only be elicited by an old friend.
And it was then that Heeseung realized that that's what you were to him. An old friend.
"I dare you to knock on Ms. Hell-Bound Dogs," you said suddenly. You loved to do this, even when you were a kid.
"No," Heeseung shook his head, hiding a chuckle. "I am not doing that."
"C'mon," you nudged him again. "It'll be fun."
Heeseung narrowed his eyes.
"And we'll get to know if she's still alive."
Heeseung looked at Ms. Hell-Bound Dogs' door.
He was curious.
And besides, it would be payback for chasing you two out all those years ago.
Heeseung sighed.
It couldn't be that bad, right? Heeseung and you were older now. You wouldn't be afraid of some old lady. Right?
Because the next thing Heeseung knew, you were carrying him princess style, running as fast as you could down the street. The both of you were cursing at the top of your lungs, shrieking for your dear lives. Heeseung's large body awkwardly draped into your arms, his arms clumsily around your neck, but the two of you were too scared shitless to care.
The moment that you reached the comforts of the Lee house, Heeseung and you caught your breath, keeling over.
After a few moments of just breathing, the two of you made eye-contact.
At first, you just stared at each other, wondering what the fuck just happened.
But then a smile began to spread on your lips, then on Heeseung's lips, and suddenly the two of you were laughing. Laughing so hard that your stomachs hurt.
"She's way scarier than I remember!" you cried, clutching your stomach as you gripped Heeseung's shoulder for stability.
"I— I know!" Heeseung laughed. He wiped away his tears, shoving his face in his hands. "I can't believe we just did that!"
And the second thing that Heeseung realized that day was that you, too, were a loser.
"What’s got you smiling at your phone, Hee?" Heeseung’s dad asked him in the car one afternoon. The Lees had a short weekend getaway, and they were now on their way back. It was no denying that Heeseung had been on his phone much more than he usually was.
"Yeah," his brother nodded in agreement. "You've been texting a lot these days."
Heeseung's mother gasped. "You didn't get a girlfriend, did you?"
The whole car erupted, the tires of the Lee car skrrting against the wheels abruptly. His dad and brother whooped, while his mother excitedly squealed.
..... Except Heeseung heard none of this.
Because he had his earphones jammed in his ears, completely absent as he stared at the window.
The offense?
Heeseung was busy blasting your summer playlist.
Look, it wasn't because he liked you or anything. It was just that your summer playlist had all the songs that he liked! Maybe except a few...
The other day when Heeseung found himself in the passenger seat of your car chowing down on fast food, the two of you talked about music. Surprisingly, you had a lot in common in terms of music taste.
You guys ended up riding along the coastal highway late into the night, just sharing songs.
Heeseung remembered how the traffic lights reflected off your face, illuminating your pretty eyes. You chuckled at a few songs that came up.
"You know," you had smiled, but your brows furrowed, "Kai sent me this song when we were dating Sophomore Year."
And when another song came up, you furrowed your brows again. "I think EJ sent me this one when we were dating."
And again. "Oh! When I was dating..."
And for some reason, Heeseung couldn't bring himself to listen to any of the songs that your high school exes sent you. It could've been his favorite song, but for some reason, any association with your past lovers made Heeseung feel sick.
Heeseung couldn't figure out why he was so bothered. There were songs that he swore he could never hate, but it left such a bitter taste in his mouth that another man sent you songs.
Now, Heeseung's nose curled as he glanced at the song now playing.
I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys. Everyone knew this song, so it shouldn't be a surprise that one of your exes sent you this. But still. Heeseung felt uneasy listening to it. He couldn't figure out why. It was such a weird feeling. His heart felt like it was throbbing in his chest, tightening at the thought of it.
By now, Heeseung was certain that Jay's earlier report about you having a crush on him was outdated. It's been a while since Heeseung's thought about it, and while it still made him burn up, he was convinced that even if you did like him, that was the past. There was no use in dwelling on it anymore.
His finger hovered over the skip button for a few moments, taking in the sound of the rough bass.
Heeseung didn't know why he felt a sense of disappointment. Disappointed that you probably didn't like him like that anymore.

Sooo... you're not very successful at forgetting your mini crush on Heeseung. You swore that you could, especially because you thought you'd grown up.
But now as you watch the way Heeseung's big hands wrapped around the steering wheel, his eyes focused on the road while your collaborative playlist plays on repeat, you're finding it difficult to pull your eyes away from him.
He was just so... loserish. He was so awkward, and clumsy, and embarrassing, yet somehow every time you saw his grimace after he tripped over his feet yet again, it made you feel so warm.
One of your old highschool friends was throwing a party at her beach house, and you were invited. You didn't want to go alone, so you begged Heeseung to go with you. And after some hefty convincing, he finally agreed.
The two of you (mostly you) had spent the entire afternoon getting ready.
You made sure to put on your tiniest dress and tallest heels, glittery makeup across your face and curly lashes lining your eyes.
As you fixed your lipgloss in Heeseung's rearview mirror, you glanced at him from the corner of your eye.
You had to sit Heeseung down and give him a lesson in fashion. He was really about to go to a party in a hoodie. His entire closet consisted of baggy t-shirts and hoodies, and while they looked damn good on him, he needed proper party attire.
You searched through his entire closet, and lo and behold, you found the compression shirt that Heeseung borrowed from his brother and never returned.
You couldn't stop looking at the veins on his forearms, or the biceps on his arms that flexed everytime he gripped the steering wheel. You knew Heeseung worked out, but seeing his toned arms in the flesh made your cheeks feel warm.
Under his big doe eyes, pouty lips, and disheveled hair was a man.
It was hard to fully conceptualize sometimes— that you were no longer the squeaky teenage girl head over heels for your nerdy childhood friend. Instead, you were a woman, and so was he.
Heeseung's eyes fluttered over to you, sinking his teeth into his bottom lip as the two of you pulled up to the house.
"I don't think I know anybody here," Heeseung sighed, wringing his fingers nervously. As the two of you got out of his car and approached the door, he groaned, "It's gonna be so awkward."
"Relax," you grinned at him, reaching out to squeeze his shoulder. "Just stick beside me the entire time."
He chewed on his bottom lip. He was uneasy. You sighed, linking your fingers with his. His eyes widened into saucers, but you ignored it. You gave his hand a squeeze.
"You're gonna be fine," you reassured, before dragging him into the party, hand-in-hand.
The moment that you stepped inside the beach house, you could feel Heeseung tense up, squeezing your hand.
You couldn't blame him, for the bright strobe lights, booming music, and smell of sweat, alcohol, and drugs hit your senses immediately.
"Just follow me," you whispered to him. You shot him another smile. "C'mon. Let's get some drinks."
And despite what everyone liked to think, you were a law-abiding citizen. You were not about to get wasted, and you were under the drinking age anyway. You got yourself orange juice and Heeseung apple juice (something that you knew he'd like because you used to argue about it).
You found it a bit entertaining as you went around the house, saying hi to all of your old classmates and friends, while Heeseung followed you like a lost puppy. You had him hold you by the shoulders, finding it awfully endearing every time he squeezed them.
"I thought you hated her," he whispered into your ear after you just greeted someone, striking up an animated conversation with her.
"I do," you chuckled. Of course Heeseung would remember. "She's why me and Taehyun broke up."
You heard Heeseung's breath hitch, a gasp in his throat. "Really? That's fucked."
You chuckled again. So cute. "I know."
Every time you encountered someone that Heeseung personally disliked, you could feel him gripping your shoulders. It was cute.
"Is that Heeseung Lee?!" a squeaky voice suddenly filled you and Heeseung's ears. And the next thing you knew, Heeseung was being crowded around by a group of girls, leading him to be whisked away from you. You couldn't remember any of their names, but you definitely remembered who they were.
When you said that Heeseung was a loser, you meant it in an endearing, mean-but-not-really way.
These girls were actual bullies in high school, and for a time, they'd bully Heeseung. If it weren't for you scaring them off everytime, Heeseung might be dead.
But there they were, crowding around and cooing at Heeseung, touching his arms and batting their eyelashes at them as if they didn't bully the shit out of him.
"I didn't know you got so hot, Hee!"
"If I knew you'd be so strong, I would've fucked you in high school."
"What're you doing after this, Heeseung?"
You could sense Heeseung's discomfort. From the way that he recoiled from each touch, to the way his wide eyes occasionally met yours, to the way that his lips curled.
And it made your blood boil.
Not only were these the people that went out of their way to hurt him, here they were acting like Heeseung would forget just because they thought he was hot. Blatantly disrespectful.
Help me, his eyes read. And of course you did.
You marched over to where they were, creeping up behind Heeseung and grabbing his shoulder and yanking him backward away from the hoard.
"Get behind me," you whispered to him, and Heeseung immediately complied.
"Hi, guys!" you greeted with a tight-lipped smile. You could feel Heeseung's fingers playing with the lacing at the back of your dress, something he did when he was nervous.
"[Name]!" the girls exclaimed, but you could tell that they were unhappy with your presence. "We were just talking to ourHee."
"Oh!" You faked excitement, flashing them another smile. You narrowed your eyes at them, before reaching behind you to grab Heeseung's wrist. "Well, me and Heeseung were about to leave just now."
"Aww!" one of them whined, yet she still managed to bat her eyelashes at Heeseung, who shifted uncomfortably.
"C'mon, [Name]!" another crossed her arms. You could tell that her tone was playful, but you knew better. "You got all the hot guys during high school. Let us have this one, won't you?"
You feigned a giggle.
"No, sorry girl," you said in a chirpy tone. You didn't want to seem hostile. "This one's mine."
The girls blinked at you. "Yours?"
"Mhm!" you smiled again. You squeezed Heeseung's hand in yours, bringing it up to show them your interlocked fingers. "Right, Babe?"
Heeseung stared at you for a few moments, before nodding his head quickly, his tongue swiping over his bottom lip. "O-Of course, baby."
You craned your neck up to gently press a kiss on his neck, ignoring his surprised yelp, before you turned back to the girls. "We'll be leaving now. It was nice seeing you!"
And with that, you pushed through the crowd of people, making a bee-line for the door and taking Heeseung with you.
The walk back to Heeseung’s car was silent. When the two of you got inside, it was still silent. Heeseung didn't start the engine or the music. He just sat there quietly.
"I'm sorry," he finally blurted.
"Huh?" you cocked your head. "What are you sorry about?"
"I feel like I ruined the night," Heeseung murmured, a large frown on his lips.
"What?!" you furrowed your brows, reaching out to touch his arm. "No, no, no! You didn't ruin anything."
He continued to frown. The car shook just from how loud the music was, and you could feel the bass in your chest.
"And you had to kiss me!" he continued, shoving his face into his hands.
You furrowed your brow. Did he not like it? Was he disgusted with you?
"You shouldn't have!" Heeseung continued rambling on, using his hands. Poor boy sniffled, and it was then that you noticed the way his doe eyes welled with tears. From the way he blinked quickly while turning away from you so that you couldn't see his face told you everything. "Now everyone is going to think that you're dating me!"
You were a little hurt. "Why is that a bad thing?"
"It's a bad thing for you," Heeseung muttered into his palms, sniffling quietly. "I'm a loser, [Name]. And you're not. What if everyone starts seeing you differently?"
Your hand ghosted over his shoulder. "Why should anyone's opinion matter to me?"
"Because!" Heeseung whipped his head over to you. With the sun setting, orange light reflected off his cheeks and red nose, as well as his glassy eyes.
"Because....." he sighed, before stopping. "What, you don't regret it?"
You crossed your arms.
"The only reason I'd regret kissing you is if you felt uncomfortable." You met his eyes. "Did I make you uncomfortable?"
Heeseung stared at you for a few times, before he whipped his head away again. But this time, it wasn't out of shame or remorse. You could tell by his shaky voice, pink ears, and rigid body language that he was embarrassed more than anything.
"No..." he mumbled. "The k-kiss... didn't make me uncomfortable. I actually kind of— Never mind."
If you hadn't known him all your life, you wouldn't have been able to tell that Heeseung was flustered. Flustered beyond reason. If you asked him a question about superhero comics, a topic that he knew front and back, he still wouldn't be able to give a coherent answer. That was how flustered he was.
How cute.
"Hmm?" you hummed, the corners of your lips raising. "Complete that thought."
Heeseung groaned something that you couldn't understand, shoving his face back into his palms. You chuckled as you pulled him away from his hands, gently clutching his jaw and forcing him to look at you.
"I wanna know what you were going to say, Heeseung," you rasped, unable to hide the slyness in your voice.
He let out an embarrassed squeak. Even if it weren't for the orange sunlight, you would still be able to tell how red Heeseung got. The warmth emitting from his face was so strong that you could feel it. Poor boy couldn't even look you in the eye.
So cute.
You hummed. "Go on."
"I was just going to say..." Heeseung squeezes his eyes shut, something he did when he was so embarrassed that he'd explode. "I l-liked the kiss."
You opened your mouth to speak, but he continued to ramble on. "I-I mean I didn't mind it that much. Itwasjustnicewhenitcamefromyouanditmademefeelreallywarmandmushyand—"
"Let's get out of here, Heeseung," you interrupted him with a reassuring smile. "We can go somewhere else."
"L-Like where?"
You grinned.
Where it all began.
"The playground?"
Heeseung gaped as you pulled him out of the car. He let you drive this time, fully expecting to go somewhere like the pier or the end of some road where it was quiet. Not the playground.
The playground near your neighborhood was nothing special. It had a spiral slide, swings, rock-climbing, telephone, a basketball court, hopscotch, and then some. It looked much smaller than you and Heeseung remembered.
This was where it all started, where you and Heeseung met as young children.
Things have changed since then. The swing set has been remodeled, the sandbox removed, and the railing have been repainted with a different color from your childhood.
"C'mon," you tugged on Heeseung's arm.
Heeseung stared at you. By now the sky was beginning to turn blue and the streetlamps were on. Even so, you still managed to glow. All his life, you glowed. You glowed so bright that you outshined him, so bright that you attracted everyone like a moth to a flame, and he never understood why.
But now he did.
The mischievous glint in your eyes, the grin spread across your face, and the way you called out to him to go play— it was like nothing changed. You were still you, still the cheeky little shithead that you always were. And he loved it. He loved you. Maybe he always had.
Some things really never changed.
"Heeseung, push meeeeeee!" you shouted from across the playground. As a kid, Heeseung loved to collect rocks. As a grown-up he thought it was ridiculous, but now Heeseung couldn't resist the call of the rocks.
Meanwhile, you were on the swings.
"You still don't know how to do it yourself?!" Heeseung yelled back.
"I doooon't!"
Heeseung sighed, shoving the rocks that he collected into his pockets before trudging over to you. Though, not without chuckling to himself.
After running around the playground a little bit and taking a trip down memory lane and whatnot, you followed Heeseung to the basketball courts. In your middle school days, you remembered how Heeseung would ditch you at the swings to go play basketball.
You sat next to the base of the hoop, just far enough to not get hit.
You watched in awe as Heeseung dribbled the ball, passing the orangey ball from palm to palm. He was always good at basketball. You remember pressuring him in highschool to try out for the school team. And when he made it, nothing made you feel giddier than seeing the proud and excited look on his face. That's why you went to all of his games in secret, just to silently cheer him on. Of course, you'd never let him know that.
With each flick of his wrist to shoot the ball, you couldn't hide your amazement as he made every basket.
Tall, strong, talented, and a loser.
Gosh, you wanted him so bad.
Him and his nerdy little antics.
On Heeseung's end, he made sure to play his best.
Sure, he was in his childhood basketball court. Sure, he wasn't playing against anyone else. But that was exactly why he had to do his best.
You were watching.
He'd never forget how you ran up to him after seeing him hoop one afternoon, exclaiming, "You need to try out for the basketball team!"
Back then, he thought you were being mean, but your words rang through his head enough that he actually did try out for the team. And he made it.
Now that he was an adult, Heeseung realized that you were anything but mean. If anything, you were encouraging him.
And now that you were watching him play all these years later, Heeseung had to prove to you that your words were not in vain.
"Woooooow," you drew out your syllables as you watched, silently clapping your hands at each basket.
Heeseung chuckled, jogging up to where you were. Letting the basketball roll across the court, Heeseung crouched down to your sitting figure, wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his palm.
"You're so good at basketball, Heeseung," you said coolly, trying your best to hide the fact that you were 100% gawking at him and his sweaty face.
Heeseung laughed as he caught his breath. The smell of the night air was making him feel so alive, so bold.
"All thanks to you," he breathed as he ran a hand through his sweaty hair.
"Nah," you waved him off. "You're giving me too much credit. It's all because of your hard work."
Heeseung shook his head, lightly punching your arm. "It's your support that made me so good."
You shook your head. "Not at all."
The boy gave you a look, quirking his brow, almost like he was doubting you. "You think I never noticed you at my games?"
"Y-You knew I was at your games?!"
He knew all this time?!
Warmth washed over you.
All those times you screamed his name from across the court to cheer his name, all those times you snuck, all those times you jabbed at him for playing too much even though you spent too much time at his games.
Your cheeks felt warm as your hands found refuge on your head, shaking as you squeezed your eyes shut.
"No, no, no!" you cried. "That's so embarrassing!"
Heeseung's deep laugh made you even more embarrassed, especially the way he cooed at you and put a hand on your knee reassuringly.
"Of course I knew you were there," Heeseung said, putting a hand on his chin. "I knew it every single time. I don't think you missed any of my games."
You squeezed your eyes shut even harder, groaning. "Stooooop."
Heeseung laughed again, before clicking his tongue. He got back up and strolled toward the stray basketball.
You didn't know why, but his nonchalance and ease at picking up the ball made your heart pound. He was just so... strong.
Sure, he was a loser most of the time, but on the court, he was a completely different person.
As Heeseung began to dribble again, you had to admit that it was attractive.
With one more bounce, Heeseung snapped his head at you, meeting your eyes.
"This one's for you."
Your heart drummed in your chest. This was the type of stuff that happened in movies, when the basketball player dedicates a hoop for their loved one. How were you a grown woman and still feeling giddy and nervous over this?
It felt like it happened in slow motion.
You watched as the ball seemingly floated between his fingertips. The sound of the rubber ball as it collided with the concrete courts filled your ears, coupled by the sound of your heart pounding in your chest.
Heeseung's tongue swiped over his bottom lip. With a flick of the wrist and a jump, he shot the ball up into the air.
It stayed up in the air for what felt like an eternity, before it propelled forward.
There it was, its orange skin against the blue night sky.
And as gravity pulled it toward Earth, you held your breath.
Closer and closer, the ball inched toward the red-brimmed hoop.
And just as you held your breath...
The ball...
You deadpanned.
Heeseung was going to dedicate a ball to you... and he missed the hoop completely.
So cute.
You snorted, before you keeled over, some of the hardest laughs of your entire light spilling out of your mouth. This was hysterical. You laughed so hard that your stomach hurt.
Heeseung was such a loser, and it made you feel like a little girl.
Meanwhile, Heeseung stood there, completely red in the face.
"Sh-Shut up!" he grumbled as you laughed. How embarrassing!
When you finally calmed down, you had to hold yourself back from cooing at how cute Heeseung's embarrassed face was. But you just look at him with a grin.
"Try again."
And he did.
And it felt like suddenly the world was against him.
Just a few minutes ago, Heeseung made every single one of his shots.
And now that it actually mattered, he missed.
And to make things worse, you laughed at every one of his missed shots.
"Heeseung Lee," you announced as he gave up, taking a seat beside you. "You are such a loser."
He groaned, pulling his knees to his chest.
The two of you sat in a comfortable silence, listening to the grasshoppers sing their hearts out.
Neither of you wanted to move. Because if you did, it would mean one step closer to this night ending. Of course, there was always tomorrow and the rest of the summer to see each other, but to be separated even for a little bit as night passes was too long.
It felt like so much had changed, but at the same time, it felt like everything was exactly as it was left.
Feeling a stroke of boldness, Heeseung guided your head onto his shoulder, before slithering his arm to wrap around your own shoulders.
You guys stayed like that for a little bit.
Heeseung gazed at you. You could be lost in thought or dozing off, he wouldn't be able to tell.
He wanted this to last a little bit longer than forever.

Something was changing and neither of you could tell what it was.
Maybe it was now early July, and the heat was unbearable. Or maybe it was the intense scent of bug repellent that had gotten to your heads. It could be all those frozen yogurts you guys ate in your car, or the amount of shitty superhero movies you binged together.
Whatever it was, it was changing everything.
A single atom was out of place, a molecule of carbon was in the wrong spot. Heeseung couldn’t put his finger on it.
The air felt so warm, but not in a humid, suffocating way.
More like in a rosy way, like someone put a filter over Heeseung's world and now everything was more vibrant.
Heeseung had reason to suspect that you were the culprit.
He'd known you his whole life, and it was only up until recently that he understood why people loved you so much. Because who wouldn't? You weren't just beautiful, but so goddamn incredible. In every way possible.
Heeseung couldn't explain it. He didn't think he had a crush on you.
In all the romance books and games and movies that he'd consumed, they portrayed crushes as this magical unicorn of all things. Nervous, awkward, clumsy, and an upward battle.
But when Heeseung thought of you, he didn't feel any of these things.
He felt at home. Comfortable, as if he could be as much of a nerdy loser as he wanted and he'd still be treated the same way.
Unlike all what fiction would tell him, you weren't some god to him, nor were you a venerated saint. You were just you, and that was already enough to make his heart race.
There wasn't that urge to constantly hold your hands or kiss your lips (not that he didn't think about it!).
Rather, there was a need to always be with you, to be let into your world, to listen to every thought that you had, to hear your laugh until he fell asleep.
Maybe Heeseung didn't have a crush on you, but it was certainly something else.
And it was the same for you.
You've had crushes, and you've had boyfriends.
You always felt like you needed to be perfect for them, to be drop-dead gorgeous and put-together all the time, to be the kindest version of yourself.
But when it came to Heeseung, it didn't feel like that.
You could be as brash and annoying as you wanted, without the fear that he'd shun you. In fact, Heeseung would fight back or laugh.
While with all your boyfriends you wanted intimacy, validation, and constant reassurance, Heeseung felt safe.
You craved nothing from Heeseung except... Well, Heeseung himself.
And it was driving you nuts.
It was another family dinner, with both of your families, this time at your own house.
Heeseung and you sat across from each other. From when you were children until now, the two of you still ignored everything that the adults said, opting to stare and make faces at each other.
Except this time, it was absolutely impossible to look at each other without bursting out laughing.
You dug your teeth into your bottom lip, holding back a smile as you glued your eyes to your plate. If you dared to look up and even catch sight of Heeseung's hair, you'd probably laugh.
You gripped your fork. Even if you weren't looking at him, you still somehow could hear him. The way he obnoxiously and loudly poked at his food with his fork was something you always jabbed at him for, and it was still noticeable to you now. Except, instead of annoying you, it only made it harder to not laugh.
"[Name]," Ms. Lee's voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You looked up with shaky eyes, and when your eyes passed over Heeseung, you had to bite back a giggle. Alas, you weren't strong enough to hold back a smile.
"Yes?" you responded. From the corner of your eye, you could see Heeseung's nose scrunching. You sent him a quick glare, one that could only last a millisecond.
Don't you dare make a funny face or I'll spill my water all over you, your glare read. But it didn't seem like Heeseung cared.
"What have you been up to all summer?" Ms. Lee smiled. "Any summer programs?"
"No, not this summer," you answered politely. "I've just been—"
Your mother interjected, wiggling her eyebrows. "I've noticed [Name] and Heeseung hanging out a lot this summer."
From under the table you felt Heeseung kick you, but you still didn't dare look at his face. You had to bite inside of your cheek to keep laughter from tumbling out, your eyes wobbling.
"Oh, really?" Ms. Lee looked over at her son. "I didn't know you and [Name] were close, Hee!"
And this was when you unfortunately made eye-contact with Heeseung. Poor boy, his lips wobbled and twitched, trying his hardest to keep it in.
"Y-Yeah," he answered quickly, his voice shaking. That in itself was enough to make you let out a giggle. But before it could be uncontrollable, you clamped your hand over your mouth. You watched as Heeseung did the same, except this time, his face was bright red.
"That's so great!" you moms rejoiced. "We were so afraid that you guys would hate each other forever! You know, when you were kids, you used to..."
You and Heeseung tuned everyone out as they joined in the conversation about your old antics.
Instead, the two of you stared at each other, both completely blank-faced. But a simple look at you and it would be painfully obvious by the way your lips twitched that you were fighting for your life to not burst out with laughter.
And it was when Heeseung was taking a sip of water that you decided to make your attack on him. Just as he was raising his glass to his lips, you quickly made a face at him.
And just as fast as his entire face contorted, a loud laugh fell from his lips. Unfortunately for him, he still had water on his mouth. Poor boy began choking on his water, keeling over himself as he coughed up a storm.
And while everyone was busy helping him, you were busy laughing your ass off.
You win this one, was the agreement.
"You were 100% playing dirty," Heeseung whined.
You rolled your eyes. "Who gives a fuck?"
After you and Heeseung were excused from the dinner table, the two of you went up to your room.
Currently, the two of you were just lazing around your room. Both of you were on your bed, but Heeseung laid upside-down, with his head hanging off the edge. Although you barely exchanged any words, it wasn't awkward.
You scrolled through your socials, while Heeseung played his games on his phone. Just the two of you in your own worlds, occasionally breaking the silence to make a jab at each other or to show the other something.
"Oh my god!" you cried suddenly, tossing your phone aside and putting your face in your hands, your fingertips rubbing your temples. "What the fuck?!"
Heeseung, startled, looked at you concerned. "What happened?"
When you groaned into your palms, shaking your head profusely, Heeseung shut off his game, putting his phone away. He sat himself upright, shuffling over to you.
"What happened?" he asked again.
"Bad!" you cried, sinking your head into your pillows. "Horrible! Deplorable! Despicable!"
Heeseung stared at you questioningly, his brows cocking into an arch.
"Tell meeeee," he prodded you, watching as you only sunk back into your pillows. You grabbed one of your plushies and shoved your face into it, flipping over so that you could kick your feet.
You groaned more, before you screamed into your plush. "I hate men!"
Heeseung poked you again, this time a little bit harder. "Tell meeeee. Did your ex text you?"
"Worse!" your words were slightly muffled, but Heeseung could hear the sheer irritation. "Way, way, way, way, wayworse!"
You did this a little bit longer, before you huffed and flipped yourself over once more. Sitting upright, you saw Heeseung sitting there patiently, waiting for you to explain to him what the fuck was going on.
"Okay so," you began, wincing at the next words you were about to say. "You know how my Instagram is public? So that anyone can message me?"
Heeseung narrowed his eyes. "Yeeeeessss?"
You grumbled something under your breath, taking Heeseung's hands in yours. You traced shapes on his palms and played with his fingers, anything to distract yourself from the godforsaken things you'd have to say next.
"Well," you sighed, shaking your head. "I got a dick pic from some random guy."
Heeseung blinked.
"Wait, you got a what?!"
Yes, you really received an unsolicited picture of some guy's dick. Insane, really.
It was now Heeseung's turn to tweak out.
"Oh my god!" he fell back into the pillows, grabbing at his hair. How ridiculous! "What the fuuuuuck?!"
"I know right?!" you fell back with him. The two of you laid like that, your heads next to each other.
It was silent again, save for the sound of your parents chattering downstairs.
"Did you block him?" Heeseung suddenly asked.
"Nope," you sighed loudly. "Not yet."
Heeseung hummed.
He couldn't imagine how many times you'd probably encountered this type of situation. And if this was the first time, it was already too much. If he were in your position, he'd have absolutely no idea how to react either. He'd be paralyzed, with no idea what to do! Maybe except...
"Do you want to fuck with him?" Heeseung blurted.
"You know..." the boy swiped his tongue over his lips, wringing his fingers. "Fuck with him."
You looked at him, your head tilted as if you didn't understand.
"I-I mean, if this guy's going to be disrespectful, it wouldn't hurt to give him a taste of his own medicine, right?"
You nodded, understanding. "But how?"
Heeseung's nose scrunched. He had many ideas, but he wasn't sure which one was the best. "Well, do you want to have fun with it or do you want to genuinely scare this guy off?"
You thought for a second, before a sly grin made its way across your cheeks. "There's no harm in having fun. I can just block him afterwards, easy peasy."
"Oh," Heeseung said. Then, a good idea popped into his head. His lips curved. "I have just the idea for that."
"Is this okay?"
"Hmm, a little to the left."
Heeseung's plan was funny, but it also made you feel... mushy.
The idea was for Heeseung to respond on your phone pretending to be your boyfriend, something that would probably scare the other guy off.
After a little bit of stalking, you guys concluded that the guy was a frat bro, so it would be best to prepare some pictures for evidence.
The first picture you decided to take was one that showed just a small part of your back and shoulders in bed, just enough to make it seem like you were in bed with someone. That way, it would be believable if Heeseung pretended to be your boyfriend.
So here you were, laying in bed with the blankets strategically draped over you, pretending to be asleep, while Heeseung snapped 'candid' pictures. You turned off all the lights to make it more believable, so if your parents walked in now they'd be confused as all hell.
"It's a little blurry," Heeseung remarked as he looked at the camera roll.
"That's perfect," you rolled over, facing him. "It'll look even more candid."
The next picture that you prepared was a little bit more risky, but all the more impactful.
"So... So.. Uhm—" Heeseung's cheeks burned as he explained it to you. "I think it would scare him if he thought he was messing with a super buff guy, you know?"
"Uh huh."
"W-Well," Heeseung grimaced. "If I send— like— a picture of my muscles, or something, I think it would scare him off."
You blinked. "Is this just an excuse to show off your biceps?"
As you tuned out Heeseung's rambling, you thought for a few seconds. If you were a guy, and some girl's boyfriend caught you trying to flirt with her, what would make you piss yourself?
Well, it would definitely be any explicit indication of intimacy... Your lips moved faster than your mind.
"What if you sent a picture of you with hickeys and lipstick marks?" you gushed.
Heeseung choked on his spit, coughing so loud that you thought he would burst a lung. His face was bright red, his eyes as wide as saucers as he stared at you horrified.
"A picture of me with what?!"
"Hickeys and lipstick marks," you said casually.
"And where would I get them?!" Heeseung was going to faint. If you said what he think you were going to say, he'd absolutely combust—
"Me, duh."
Flames. Absolute flames. That's what Heeseung felt on his skin. Were you just suggesting that you could give him hickeys and lipstick marks? His heart was pounding in his chest, so loud that he could barely hear his own thoughts.
"I mean, if you don't want to, we can just—"
"No!" Heeseung interrupted you, as if he wasn't as red as a tomato. "I can take it!"
And that's how Heeseung found himself sitting on your bedroom floor, his body so hot and hands clammy as he watched you roll up his sleeve.
Here was the plan for this picture: You'd put a few lipstick marks and hickeys on his biceps and neck. That way, he could snap a quick picture of that area alone while flexing, effectively scaring off the guy.
(Or maybe this entire plan was a very poor excuse for Heeseung to pretend to be your boyfriend and for you to kiss him.)
"Have you ever gotten a hickey?"
Heeseung's cheeks flared. "N-No."
You quickly put on your most pigmented lipstick. Slowly, you leaned closer to Heeseung's neck. He could feel your breath against his ears, making him want to squirm away. You put your hand on the other side of him so that you could stabilize yourself.
"Well," you whispered. "It doesn't hurt, so don't worry."
You brought your hand up to Heeseung's hair, gently tilting his head back to get better access to his neck.
"Can I...?" you rasped, wetting your lips.
And with that, your lips attacked his neck. You made sure to press on firm kisses so that the imprint of your lips would be defined on his neck.
With each kiss, Heeseung let out a quiet whimper, his eyes squeezing shut as his arm jerked out to grasp your arm gently.
He felt like he was dreaming, because here he was, having you kiss him. No intense build-up, no dramatic reason, just because it was funny and you wanted to fuck with someone. God, Heeseung would be lying if he said he never thought about what your lips would feel like. They were always so pretty, and so soft.
All throughout his life, Heeseung had never had a romantic experience. It was his first time ever being kissed on the neck, and goddamnit was he sensitive. The way your lips pressed against his skin made him feel so weak.
He wanted to be closer to you, closer than whatever this stupid little plan was. He craved it.
His other arm came up to slither around your waist, pulling you even closer to him.
"Hees— Heeseung— Ah—" you pulled your lips away, both of your hands coming up to clutch his shoulders for stability. "What are you doing?"
Heeseung's pupils were blown out.
"Get on top of me," he breathed desperately, "Please."
"Shiiiit," you cursed under your breath, before you plopped down on his lap, your legs on either side of his hips.
The two of you locked eyes, staring into each other's swirling pools of color. You could've been lost in Heeseung's eyes for minutes or for hours, there wouldn't have been a difference.
Oh, how much you wanted to kiss him. Not just a stupid little kiss on the neck. You wanted to kiss him on the lips, kiss him so hard that he forgot his own name.
Yeah, you had a crush on Heeseung Lee. You always had, and it seemed like no matter what, you were always bound to be downright attracted to him. God, you wanted him so bad.
Meanwhile, blaring alarms were going off in Heeseung's head.
He wanted to kiss you so bad. He wanted to drown in you, for you to be the only thing enveloping his senses.
Except... he had no idea how to— he had no idea now to express that. And it was making his head spin.
You opened your mouth to speak, not realizing that Heeseung, too, had something to say.
Both of you shut your mouths so quickly.
"S-Sorry," you stuttered. "Go ahead."
Heeseung blinked a few times, before he shut his eyes. You watched how he parted his lips, yet no sound came out, almost as if he was searching for the words in his head to say.
"I-I—" he started, before cutting himself off. His eyes squeezed together, his brows crashing together. You could feel his body tense under you.
"I don't know," he finally got out. "I-I— I don't know what—"
You brought your hand up to cup his cheek reassuringly. Slowly, he opened his eyes, and your thumb rubbed his cheek gently.
"Tell me," you whispered. "Tell me, baby."
Heeseung gulped. He felt like he'd melt under your gaze, but the way you were so gentle encouraged him. Heeseung kept his eyes glued on the floor, because if he even dared to look you in the eye he'd turn to stone.
He took a deep breath. He'd tell you how you made him feel. It shouldn't be too hard, right?
But the moment that he opened his mouth, his brain turned to mush.
"I want to— I just— I don't know—" he stammered— "I wish I could— You know— It's hard to say, and—"
And if it wasn't for the way you stifled a giggle, Heeseung thought he would've gone on like this for another ten minutes.
The moment that Heeseung realized you were smiling at his struggle, he shut his mouth, letting out a groan. He threw his head back, bringing his hands up to shove his face in.
"Shut up," he groaned. This was so embarrassing. He could feel heat prickling on his skin. His face was so hot that he thought he'd explode. "Shutupshutupshutup!"
You giggled again, this time using both your hands to cup his face.
Despite your cool, nonchalant exterior, you were giggling and kicking your feet on the inside.
"You're—" you breathed— "You're such a fucking loser."
Heeseung was about to tell you to shut up again, but you cut him off.
"Can I kiss you?"
You relished in the way his eyes widened, probably the widest that you've ever seen them. So cute.
And with that, you smashed your lips against his.
Poor boy, he was completely frozen at first. But as you swiped your tongue over his bottom lip, you relished in the way that he let out a gasp, giving you just enough room to slip your tongue inside his mouth. You explored his mouth— every corner and every crevice was meant for you to corrupt.
You could feel his hands fall down at his sides. Of course, a loser like Heeseung wouldn't know where to put them. As you taste his lips, you guided his hands to your thighs. He gasped again, and you took this as an opportunity to deepen the kiss. As you did, Heeseung squeezed your thighs, letting out a whine.
Finally, you pulled away.
The two of you stared at each other, both breathless with swollen lips.
And as you caught your breath, you breathed, "I like you."
Maybe he would've been too stunned to speak after a kiss like that, but your words a loud "Huh?!" spill from his lips.
You grasped his chin, pulling him in again.
"I like you," you murmured against his lips, your eyes lidded.
Heeseung's breath hitched. "I—"
"Was that what you were going to say?" you said slyly, unwilling to hide your teasing tone. A whimper came from him. "Did I beat you to it?"
You ghosted your lips over his teasingly, loving the way that Heeseung leaned forward a little bit, whining as you pulled away just enough for him to miss you.
"Just—" he murmured, "Just kiss me already."
And with that, your lips crashed together. This time, Heeseung's lips were moving, too. He was a clumsy kisser, someone who had no fucking idea what he was doing. But that made the kiss even better. You've kissed many boys, but for some reason Heeseung was the best kisser you've had. You could taste him.
"Such a fucking loser," you murmured. You felt his hands slide up your waist, squeezing you.
"Yeah," Heeseung mumbled against your lips, and although his words were muffled, his voice drove you crazy. "Yourfucking loser."
Immediately you pulled away.
You looked at Heeseung, and he looked at you.
You bursted out laughing, and so did he.
"God, you're so cheesy!"
"Shut up!"

You rested your cheek on Heeseung's shoulder, watching as he typed away. After all this, the two of you still needed to fulfill your plan: fuck with Mr. Dick Pic.
"What are you going to say?" you asked, nuzzling your face into Heeseung's neck. You admired the purple-pink marks littering his skin, the ones that you left. Your lipstick marks smudged when you and Heeseung were making out earlier, so you had to redo them. It was hard, because all Heeseung could do was giggle like a little girl.
"Trust me, I'll cook something up."
And cook he did.
[name]: she's busy bro
[name]: [photo]
The first photo he sent was the candid one of you.
You waited a few seconds, and Mr. Dick Pic immediately opened the message.
Heeseung hid your phone from you, so you couldn't see the guy's response.
But what you could see was how he furiously typed away.
You thought it was funny at first... until Heeseung was typing paragraphs and paragraphs so loud that you could hear his fingers tapping the scream.
"Hold on, babe, I'm fighting this guy!"
"Just block him...!"
Some things never changed.

Work doodles because yesterday still feels like a fever dream.
Sans’ lil arm cannon blaster is so cute, but I imagine it could be a handful
(Lol I know it’s just a costume but let me live :P)

in which min yoongi refuses to lose you
regretting rejecting oc, min yoongi goes through a circus load of gestures and tasks in attempt to be loved again
navi | m. list | ask me ! | send an ask to be on the taglist ! i will not be responding to taglist requests anywhere else !
I only have eyes for you
rating: M words: 8.3k summary: Buck and Tommy host a family barbecue, Buck gets very distracted by his shirtless boyfriend, and they both get lovingly teased for being insufferably in love.
[read on Ao3]
“Buck!” Chimney calls, and Buck looks over his shoulder to find everyone’s eyes on him, amused expressions on their faces. “Don’t distract our cook, we’re starving!” “I’m just scolding him for taking his shirt off.” Buck says easily, then adds a little louder, to Tommy but making sure everyone hears, “Babe, you’re gonna burn yourself, you’re a firefighter, you should know better.” He shakes his head, and Tommy looks back at him with a raised eyebrow. “Oh, you’re gonna pretend like you don’t approve?” “Oh, I so don’t, Tommy, at all.” Buck tries to keep a straight face, but a chuckle bubbles out of him anyway. “You’re such a distraction, this is dangerous for everyone here.”
[read on Ao3]
Car Troubles
Yelena Belova x Reader
Word Count: 1444
Warnings: None

When you got the news that your car was going to be in the shop for an entire week, you were devastated. You never felt comfortable on public transport and the weather wasn’t the most forgiving this time of year.
Luckily Natasha had some time off from work and offered to take you where you need to go for the week. You tried to decline her offer but she wasn’t taking no for an answer.
She said something about the streets being dangerous and not wanting you to get mugged.
So that’s how you found yourself a couple of doors down from your own apartment, inside of Natasha’s, looking for a ride to the grocery store. The door was open so you just let yourself in.
“ Natasha, I need a fav- oh you’re not Natasha”
Keep reading
Blueberry Pies
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Reader
Summary: You loved cooking, but Carol always said you were too messy when you did. But of course, when she started baking, her little dragonfly had to come along.
Word Count: 406
Warnings: Slight angst and age regression.
A/N: If you actually bake, I am so sorry. I know nothing about making pies so this is completely inaccurate- the fluff makes up for it though. Enjoy!
You were always a pretty messy cook. You loved baking and everything of that sort. There was nothing you adored more than making cookies on a summer day paired with lemonade. Carol knew this as well- which is why she tried to convince you out of baking.
Which you believed to be completely and utterly unfair. How did she get to do all the baking she wanted and you couldn’t? It simply didn’t seem fair to you.
See, you were upset because you could smell a delicious blueberry pie being baked downstairs. After debating whether or not it was worth trying to help, you finally decided to take a chance and made your way down the stairs.
Carol smiled when you ran up to her excitedly, clinging onto her sleeve with a grin. “Hi, my little dragonfly! I’m making a little pie for both of us. What do you need, little love?”
“Mommy, I wanna help! I wanna make a pie!” You said, clapping your hands together.
Carol sighed, “You know I love when my little helper is here, but we don’t want a messy kitchen! How about you read the directions out of that cookbook for me, hm?” The blonde tried to compromise, but you were completely unconvinced.
“No mommy! I want to help for real! Talking isn’t helpful.” You pouted, your bottom lip sticking out.
“Well, we’re going to have a big mess on our hands if you help out. And that’s no good, don’t you agree?” Carol said, crouching down to your level.
“I’ll clean all the mess! Mommy, please. I wanna help!” You pleaded.
“Okay little love, you can help. But you’re going to be the one cleaning up!” She pointed out, and you shrugged your shoulders.
“I’ll be a big kid and help!” You concluded, skipping over to a bowl full of dough. “Okay mommy, how do I help now?” You asked, leaning over the bowl.
Carol skimmed through the pages of the cookbook, “Okay lovebug, so you’re going to take that dough and evenly spread it on that circle pan over there, okay? After that, we’ll do the filling!”
You squealed in excitement, “Yay! I’m so excited mommy!” You were completely unable to contain your happiness, but Carol wouldn't have had it any other way.
“And I’m excited that I have my favorite little one right next to me. Now come on, it’s time to mix up some blueberry jam!”
Main Taglist: @catasha @romanoffs-wallflower @wandanatvoid @marvelwomen-simp @freesloppy @thewidowsghost @didujustcallmedumb @dawnoftime22 @deadcvpid @romanoffscottage @millieistheunofficialsimp @heartoreadallthequeerthingz
Carol Danvers Taglist: N/A
Age Regression Taglist: @milfloverslut @dani6279 @millieistheunofficialsimp
What if Danny went to school with Damian? I’m just imagining them going feral together after a little while, because you know that Danny picks up on Damian’s liminal vibes.
I mostly just want Damien to bring Danny home, and for Bruce to do the headcount thing that Mr. Weasley needed to do in Harry Potter. Just like ‘I could’ve sworn I didn’t have this many this morning’
Damian made a friend.
It shouldn't be as big a deal as his brothers were making it out to be but even he knew that he didn't have the best track record on friendships. It was hard to get along great with the kids in his school.
A lot of them were too carefree, to be unburdened by the things he saw and did on a battlefield and he couldn't stand how loud and messy they all were.
Damian preferred to sit by himself with some headphones in and draw whenever he could get the chance. According to the other children that made him an "emo loser" and a lot of them took great joy in flinging insults and taunts at him.
He never even spoken to them but for some reason, the general populace of Gotham Acadamy deemed him a great target for their scorn. Sometimes Damian wondered if he deserved their taunts, flung paper and spitballs.
If his time in the Leauge of Shadows truly made him broken and wrong as his classmates claimed.
It wasn't like Damian couldn't defend himself. He could have all of them begging for mercy within a minute but to do so would put at risk his Robin identity.
Which then would put his family at risk. Damian would never allow those under his protection to be harmed. So even if it hurt his dignity he allowed some of the more physical bullies to get a few hits in and ducked his head when he walked through the hallways.
His other classmates saw, but no one chose to speak up for Damian Wayne otherwise known as Bruce Wayne's accident on travel and dirty secret. He was the freak. The weirdo. They knew that if they got involved, even if they didn't agree with it, then they would be targeted.
He never expected anyone to step in whenever his bullies found him.
But then again, he came to learn that Daniel Fenton wasn't just anyone. His friend had a heart of gold with a righteous rage that was hardly contained in his smaller body.
It had been three days since Daniel had been transferred to Gotham Acadamy, during their free period. The youngest Wayne had been minding his own business, eating the vegetarian meal prepared by Alfred and drawing a little in his sketchbook when he was surrounded.
Damian had been pushed up against a wall by the meaty hands of the snickering soccer team. They were gripping his shirt collar and Damian had been preparing for a punch in the face when Daniel had appeared out of nowhere.
"Hands!" Danny had shouted pointing at Derek, the captain of the team with a scowl. He was the one who was going to beat Damian up while his friends held Wayne in place. "That's a penalty kick buddy!"
And then Danny kicked Eric- a teenager who was at least a head taller than him- right between the legs. Danny threw his whole body weight into that kick and the captain proved it by choking out a wheeze and falling to the ground.
Before his friends could react, Danny was upon them swinging his lunch tray like a battering ram.
Needless to say, the rest of the soccer team was not impressed, especially the goalie. They abandoned Damian to fight against Danny, who well seemed like he knew his way in a fight, was nowhere near Damian's level of training.
Good instincts but he lacked a solid foundation.
Danny was able to fight off the seven members of the soccer team (the rest didn't really hang out with them during breaks) but he had a lot of wounds as a result.
"Run dude!" Danny had shouted at him, putting himself between the team and Damian. His lip had been busted, he had a black eye and a nosebleed but Danny didn't seem to care. "I'll hold them off!"
Damian was ashamed to admit that he just stood there in shock at the new transfer's behavior. Daniel....was attempting to rescue him. Why?
He hadn't even known Daniel at the time.
The teachers arrived then, dragging everyone to the principal office where Damian was accused of starting the fight and Danny was threatened with being expelled only three days into his move. The soccer team had been smug, while the principal who Damian believed disliked him for his Middle Eastern Blood, seemed to jump at the fact he could smear Damian's name.
Daniel was on scholarship which did not help his chances at all in a school that had legacies.
His father had been away on a mission, so the school had been forced to phone Richard instead. When his brother arrived the soccer team's parents had been throwing a fit about all the hits Daniel had gotten in.
"Mr. Wayne shouldn't have agitated them and Mr. Fenton jumped in unprovoked. ," The Principal said staring Richard down when his brother had loudly demanded to know what happened.
"But he didn't" Daniel cut in. His guardians hadn't arrived yet and had remained mostly silent by the way. The group of parents and teenagers turn to him. "They were the ones to attack Wayne. I hit them unprovoked though. That part is true. They didn't do anything to me, but I can't stand cowards that attack in groups."
"I guess you have proof of this?" Mrs. Skeel sneered. She was Eric's mother and often brides her son out of problems.
"I have a body cam," Daniel reveals pulling out a miniature camera from his tie. He smiles at the dumbfounded stares his actions cause."Recorded the whole thing."
"Can I see the footage?" Richard requested, which Daniel easily handed over. They played it on the Principal's computer and there the camera shows Daniel sitting in the tree that Damian had chosen to sit under. The video captures Daniel watching him up until the soccer team arrives, and their innocence is proven.
Daniel didn't seem to care that he made enemies with almost everyone in that room as Richard quickly took control of the meeting with the evidence. Damian thinks he may not have to worry too much now that the staff were aware that Waynes would and could cut their funding.
Not only that, but the parents were also weary of angering Father. None of this meant that Daniel was safe so Damian took it upon himself to never let the new student be alone for too long.
As a means to protect him.
It wasn't until he realized two months later that school had gone for a dull meaningless pass time to laughter and enjoyment because of Daniel. They walked to class, they shared notes, they passed notes, they watched videos, Daniel chattered about everything and anything and they sent each other funny memes.
Daniel was vastly different from Damian but it didn't seem to bother him. If anything their differences were what made them so close. Daniel claimed that his two best friends back in his old school were vastly different in interest and personalities too.
He had made a friend.
Daniel was his friend.
A friend who didn't seem to mind when he would go quiet to draw or medicate. A friend who didn't need an explanation or justification for his eating habits. A friend he was able to vent about his troubles to and lend an ear to when Daniel faced his own woes.
A person who laughed at all his dark jokes, regardless of how much death was in them. Someone who seemed almost as... what did Todd call him? Feral? as Damian was.
Damian had chosen to invite Daniel to a sleepover. His very first ever sleepover with people from school- Jon held the crown for being the first friend to have a sleepover with him- and he has been ever so excited.
It's childish for someone of his age to show such anticipation for something so small but he couldn't help himself. Something about Daniel was captivating. Almost otherworldly so.
There was something about him that made all of Damian sense buzz but not in a bad way. He isn't sure what it is, but he is getting tired of Drake's and Richard's knowing smirks.
He detested being left out of the loop.
The doorbell rings. Todd makes the motion to stand up, which would be a disaster. He does not want Daniel- a person who swears in old classic book titles to meet his one brother who adores said books and reads them for fun.
Damian flings himself over the couch, using Todd as board. He ignores the shout of rage that his action causes and the hollaring laughter of the rest of Father's brood.
He clears the door before any of the other Wayne members and breaks out into a run. Just in case any of them got the idea of trying to meet Daniel before Damian can control the situation in which it happenes.
Also, he wanted to see Daniel. Spring break felt like an eternity now that he couldn't see his friend every day. He would like to have met up with him since the break started but Daniel's guardian had planned a trip and they only just returned.
He had yet to meet Daniel's uncle but heard a lot of Mr.Clockwork from the teenager. Damian was still unsure if he liked the man. He seemed far too aloof when it came to Daniel.
"Geez Dami, relax! Your boy toy isn't going anywhere!" Brown cackles
"Give him a big smooch!" Drake adds, his laughter echoing Brown's
I will deal with them later. Damian swears, fixing his hair from where it had fallen out during his run. He checks his reflection in the mirror by the doorway. He wants to look good for his first ever school friend's sleepover.
Damian had picked his best outfit, wearing his favorite jeans and black button-down. He accessorized with silver rings and chains, grateful Jon had been willing to facetime to give him the modern teenager stamp approval.
Once he is satisfied that his appearance is at its utmost best, he opens the door.
"Hi, Dami!" Daniel chirps. He is wearing a faded pair of jeans and a white shirt with a red dot in the middle. It's nowhere near Damian's stylish and well-put-together often, and yet he looks as beautiful as a grace nymph outside the school uniform.
Damian mind goes blank for only a second before he nods. "Daniel.Welcome. This is Wayne Manor. I live here for I am a Wayne."
For I am a Wayne!? Damian thinks to himself in horror unsure why those words hand tumbled out of his mouth. A wave of shame washes over him as Daniel curiously looks around with that pleased little half smile on his lips.
Daniel is always half smiling as if he heard a joke only he was privy to.
"This place is cool!" Daniels says spinning around to face him and missing Father stumbling out of the living room. Damian is unsure why the man had return so soon, as he thought Batman would be off-world for another week at the least with Flash.
His father looked dead on his feet, eyes half open as he walked up to Daniel and yanked him into a hug!?
"Oh," Daniel says pressed up to Father's chest. "Hello?"
"Hi, son." Father mutters. He squints down at his friend with bloodshot eyes. " Did you get smaller Timmy?"
"Father!" Damian shouts outraged while the rest of his so-called siblings come spilling out of the other sitting room.
"Bruce!" Drake shouts a wide grin on his face. "I'm over here."
"Wha-? Then who is this?" Father blinks slowly, one eye closing before the other, as he tilts his head. He has yet to realese Daniel, though his part his friend seems content with the embrace seeing as he had returned the gesture. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.....ten? Do I have ten children?"
"You only have nine" Thomas calls out helpfully. Father nods, then counts again, pointing one finger at the people in the room
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine" He looks down pointing at Daniel. "Ten. Why are there ten of you?"
"That's a son-in-law, old man"
"No. I could have sworn none of my children are married......Dick you're not married are you?"
"Not yet B."
"Trying to find a finger to put a ring on it Old man."
"No thank you."
Daniel giggled at Drake's response and Damian felt the sudden urge to bury a knife in Drake's side.
"I'm too young B."
"I can't even get a date, Bruce"
"Inability to get dates run in the Row family tree."
Father nodded then. "Good none of my children-"
"What about Dami?" Daniel asks with a wide grin. Both his friend and Father turn to stare at him. Damian suddenly feels himself sweating through his shirt.
"Damian? You aren't married?
"Of course not!" He denies it loudly and faces an unconformable red. Daniel cackles like the devil he is.
Father meanwhile continues to hug Daniel while muttering. "Then where did ten come from? Alfred? Why are there ten children in my house?"
"Master Bruce if you do not let that young man go and go see Dr.Thompkins for that concussion I swear, heads will roll!"
Damian is grateful that once again Alfred seems to be the only one with a brain in this manner.
"I like it here," Daniel proclaims watching the butler drag away his confused father. Damian is utterly unprepared for the look that his friend shoots him from under his eyelashes, and he almost trips over his own two feet as he says. "Show me to your room?"
"I...of course! This way! I live here!" Curses his voice cracked. It ended in a squeak! He, Damian Wayne son of the Bat and Demon, made a fool of himself by squeaking!
"This is better than a daytime tv sitcom." Row- the male one- snickers from the stairway and Damian flips him off as he passes by with Daniel.