Thomas Shelby Headcanon - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Thomas Shelby x Kidnapped!Reader

An imagine in pieces : Requested? I think so?

Tommy was always precautious when you went out.

Finn or John would usually accompany you when you went out

But now it was Isiah who kept you company when you where out

“Stop looking at women like that Isaiah, it’s disrespectful.”

He chuckled and shook his head.

What a bean.

You had been a big fan of reading.

Once and a while Tommy would send you out to find new books to read so you could tell him all about it when he tried to sleep.

The library was like a maze and being the clumsy person you are, you lost Isaiah.

As you read around the library, you would hear Isaiah calling out for your name.

You wandered around and slightly panicked when he stopped calling your name

Turning onto one of the bookshelve corners, you saw Isiah on the floor.

Then everything turned black

When Isiah went into the Garrison, it was late, he was bloody and tired.

Tommy could have almost killed Isiah if it weren’t for Michael, telling him that Isiah is the only person who knows what happened.

“Send a search team, every man, working or not, I want them searching everywhere for Y/n, now!”

Tommy not sleeping for days until he found the first lead to who might have taken you.

Drinking heavily because you aren’t there to stop him.

Him not admitting that he misses you.

“We’ll find her Tommy.”

“I asked you to do one thing for me and you lose her. You fuckin lose y/n, Isiah! Do you know what that means?! That means I’m fuckin’ lost to shit because she isn’t here!”

People not realizing how much you meant to Tommy until now.

Tommy still not sleeping because at night he would go out and try to find you himself.

Polly trying to calm him down but knowing she couldn’t.

Everyone knew you where his anchor- Everyone.

Arthur staying up with Tommy a few days, making sure his brother was in check.

Ada reassuring him.

But when he got a clear lead. Oh how he almost killed every man in that room until he got a straight answer.

When they had located where they were keeping you, a whole mission was set up second by second to make sure you would be safe.

When he walked into the building, you were set up like bait.

Tied up onto a chair in the middle of the room.

Beat up.



Soaked in freezing water.

His heart shattered.

You looked up at him and smiled. “Is Isaiah alright?” God, you didn’t think he could ever look so upset. “Is he alive?”

“He’s alright.” He slowly stepped closer.

“No, don’t. Don’t come near me. I’m bait, Tommy. We both know it.” He hated that you where right. “Make them suffer Tommy. It’s not like I can go anywhere.” The light chuckle that came out of your lips scared him. He knew that if this was your last moments, you would be okay with it.

As you sat in the chair, your heart started beating slower. You had been starved, dehydrated and beaten. Your body couldn’t handle it anymore but you determined to stay awake. His name would slip out of your lips a few times, trying to warn him that your body was giving out. But then everything went black again.

You were safe at home when you woke Tommy was by your side with the book you had picked out at the library. You dropped it when they took you. “Don’t be angry at Isaiah. It was my fault.” He looked at you, his expression was apathetic but his eyes gleamed.  “I wandered off on my own. He called out for my name when he couldn’t find me, I found him on the floor. That’s when they took me.”

Never have you seen Tommy so heartbroken You knew he was looking at every ingury.

The cut on your lip

The bruise on your cheek

The rope marks on your neck

“I’m alive, Tommy. That’s all that matters.”

“You could have died.”

“But I didn’t. And don’t you dare give me some bullshit about leaving me because, “it’s the best for me” when it’s fuckin’ not. I knew what I was getting into and nothing will ever pull me away, Tommy.” You put your hand on top of his, as it rested on the lower portion of your thigh.“I made the most amazing mistake of falling in love with a Shelby and I’m never takin’ it back.”

Hail MAry im back, quick update on my life. 

Im alive, i still love tom holland and cillian murphy. I have fallen into the fandom of Sherlock and ¡ I have a boyfriend? Ill talk about that later. But I think i just needed some time to finally want to get back into writing. In two weeks its my spring break and i’ll be in france and Italy! My 11 hour flight will be for any writing and my inbox and request for anything is open 24/7!!! 

- Love, Me!

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