Thor Deity - Tumblr Posts

@solostinmysea you're the sweetest! 🖤

This really hits a note as, besides Loki, Thor was basically the first Nordic Deity I met "in person" in my practice. I haven't been called by him or whatever, but I know he's there, and tend to call upon him when I need extra protection.

I feel close to the Jötnar and honor them in my practice, yet I understand the delicate balance Thor is part of when he fights them. Hard to explain, just like Nature, but there is a balance.

Hear ye, hear ye, let me tell you how the mighty God Thor came to be.

It was at a time when the remnants of Ymir were scattered and formed the realm known as Midgard. The Trees were growing, the rivers flowing.

Three brothers even formed the first humans out of two types of wood they found in the sand.

And then there was Jörd. Her Hair was like reed, her body full and fertile. Her personality rich and and wild like the landscape around her.

Jörd gave birth to her first and only son and she gave him the name of Thor. Soon he'd join the oldest of the three brothers into Asgard, but until that, he was raised by his mother.

Thor grew up in relative proximity to the humans, who he always observed, trying to understand them.

He saw, that they were plagued by devastating storms, high waves and tides, rock slides and other catastrophies.

Reason for these catastrophies were the Giants, forceful and uncontrollable at that time, sweeping over the land of men.

Young Thor had pity for the mortals, seeing them suffer from the endless amounts of water raining down and mudding and drowning the seed, the waves taking the fishers and amber collectors with them.

It was not long, when he challenged one of them, the Giant named Rigna. For a moment, he was not occupied with letting it rain on the people and the sky cleared and humankind had some relief.

This motivated Thor. In his youthful openness to risk, he charged and tackled Rigna, both falling to the ground, creating an earthquake strong enough to make mountains shiver of fear of breaking apart.

But Thor knew that rain was important to the people and their crops so he withdrew and weakened, the Rain-Giant only gave moderate amounts of the precious drops to the earth.

Thor understood. To bring a balance to the rain and other weathers, he'd have to fight the responsible Giant again and again, weakening them in consequence.

Young Thor did not knew yet, that this could also mean that the Giants could also overwhelm him, still inflicting damage to the lives and possessions of men.

But for the moment the chaotic nature of the Giants was contained. And the young God had found his main task: protecting humankind and regulating the natural forces to make them blessings instead of catastrophies.

So he'd do it not only with the rain, but also with the sea, the air, the soil and the fire. As best as he was able.

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3 years ago

I’m so FUCKING sick of how Marvel’s dumb ass version of Thor is accepted as an undeniable truth when Marvel does such a poor job showcasing Thor accurately. Marvel Thor and Thor From Norse Polytheism are so different.

My English teacher had us watch Marvel’s Thor that way we could compare and contrast Thor and Beowulf. I did that. She wanted us to compare and contrast Marvel Thor with Beowulf. I compared and contrasted Norse God Thor with Beowulf instead. I’ll probably be in trouble for not following directions, but I don’t care. I will not spread misinformation on Thor by writing how Marvel portrays him.

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