Marvel Thor - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Guess who made their first YouTube video!

This girl~! OCxCanon warning, but please check it out! 

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Thinking about that one time in mythology class where my prof used a thorki fan edit on one of the norse gods slides

Thinking About That One Time In Mythology Class Where My Prof Used A Thorki Fan Edit On One Of The Norse

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5 years ago
Are You Thor, The God Of Hammers? That Hammer Was To Help You Control Your Power, To Focus It. It Was
Are You Thor, The God Of Hammers? That Hammer Was To Help You Control Your Power, To Focus It. It Was
Are You Thor, The God Of Hammers? That Hammer Was To Help You Control Your Power, To Focus It. It Was
Are You Thor, The God Of Hammers? That Hammer Was To Help You Control Your Power, To Focus It. It Was

are you thor, the god of hammers?                                    that hammer was to help you control your power, to focus it. it was never your source of strength.

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5 years ago
Liza Celebrates Thor For @aledllast
Liza Celebrates Thor For @aledllast
Liza Celebrates Thor For @aledllast
Liza Celebrates Thor For @aledllast

liza celebrates ➤ thor for @aledllast

join my 2k celebration!

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Thor, standing with their back turned: I’ve been expecting you, Bruce.

Bruce: How did you do that without turning around?

Thor: ... To be perfectly honest, the first couple of people I did that to were not you.

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3 years ago

I’m so FUCKING sick of how Marvel’s dumb ass version of Thor is accepted as an undeniable truth when Marvel does such a poor job showcasing Thor accurately. Marvel Thor and Thor From Norse Polytheism are so different.

My English teacher had us watch Marvel’s Thor that way we could compare and contrast Thor and Beowulf. I did that. She wanted us to compare and contrast Marvel Thor with Beowulf. I compared and contrasted Norse God Thor with Beowulf instead. I’ll probably be in trouble for not following directions, but I don’t care. I will not spread misinformation on Thor by writing how Marvel portrays him.

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