Though Im Sure When A More Professional One Comes Out I'll Be Less So - Tumblr Posts
this is the first thing ive translated from scratch in a long time and im decently proud of it
fatal error - lonepi
amateurish translation, but i haven't seen any others.
無関心な他人を他所に 致死量のCO₂を生み まだ未完成の心にそっと 囁いて 逆撫でした indifferently, people breathe out lethal amounts of CO₂. again, my incomplete heart softly mutters out in irritation.
死なない音楽が 脳裏を延々ループする 明けない夜の中で 気持ちが反射する this "don't die" music loops endlessly in my mind. the unreachable evening reflects my feelings.
幸せに消えたいと 愛されて死にたいと どの口が?どの面で? 不遜で可愛いね i want to destroy happiness and i want to die of love - from what mouth? to what face? what cute presumption.
おはようもおやすみも 涼しい顔で言えないね これからも悔いればいい わたしはあなたの創痕 good morning, good evening, you can't say them with a straight face? from now on, if it's okay to regret, i will be your scar.
散々泣いて 乾いた頬 再三吐いた 記憶の膿 もう完成形の 体を抱いた 本心だった 少なくとも the violent sobbing has lead to cheeks oozing with the pus of memories. this already completed body holds true feelings, if nothing else.
暫定、この世で誰より 醜く逞しく生きておいて 存在理由は特にない あなたに下る罰がわたし provisionally, the you who continues to live in the most ugly, stubborn fashion without any reason to exist, has been handed the punishment of me.
死なない創作の 誹謗と中傷、ループする 殺されちゃった、享楽で 奪われちゃった、奪還だ the "don't die" art piece's slander and abuse continue to loop. the enjoyment that i slaughtered was the recovery that i stole.
未練なく事切れたいあなたのノイズになってやる いつまでも健康に生きてね、恥じながら 繰り返すぶり返す 本質は風化していくけど you, who died without regret, turned into noise. despite the shame, i continued to live in good health. even though, repeating, recurring*, the truth essence is worn away.
自分は幸せだと 望まれて生きていると 最期、また同じことを言えるか 楽しみだ! my happiness and desire to live at the end, did you say the same thing? i'm looking forward to it.
さよならもごめんねも あなたにとっては「声」でしかないとして 変わらない わたしはあなたの創痕 farewell, and sorry, to you, these were nothing but words**. unchangingly, i am your scar.
わたしはなにもかも覚えてるよ あなたもきっと同じだろうね 骨になるまであの時のままで あなたの未来に寄生するよ i remember just about everything it was the same for you, wasn't it? until we're nothing but bones, just like that time, i am a parasite upon your future.
* recurring in the sense of an illness. ** literally "voice"