Timmy Acnh - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Timmy: Hey Mr. Redd! How you doing? Tommy is sleeping. Also, could you explain why Uncle Nook is upset? He is saying over and over again “That Fucking Fox”...

Timmy: Hey Mr. Redd! How You Doing? Tommy Is Sleeping. Also, Could You Explain Why Uncle Nook Is Upset?

“Also, watch your mouth, Tom wouldn’t like it if he caught you swearing.”

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4 years ago

Timmy: Mr. Redd? Could me and Tommy hang out with you in your boat and sail the seas? Like pirates? Tommy: Yeah like Pirates! Timmy: We won’t tell Uncle Nook...

Timmy: Mr. Redd? Could Me And Tommy Hang Out With You In Your Boat And Sail The Seas? Like Pirates? Tommy:

“Heh, I don’t even wanna think about what would happen if I whisked you guys off to Neverland without Tom knowing...”

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4 years ago

*runs over to resident services* hOw dID yOu lOcAtE tHe kIDs?

*runs Over To Resident Services* HOw DID YOu LOcAtE THe KIDs?

“No, no. I’ll answer this one, Isabelle.”

“Oh! Are you sure, Mr. Nook?”

“Hm. Yes, yes. Let them see me.”

*runs Over To Resident Services* HOw DID YOu LOcAtE THe KIDs?

“Well, a few years after Redd first betrayed her, alongside me after she passed, I found the boys running around in the rain, looking for scraps. I felt emotional, seeing myself in them. I decided to take them in, and raise them like Rose did for me. It was the scariest thing I’ve ever done, besides reconnecting with Redd a few years ago, but it was inherently worth it, yes, yes. Alright, now I have to get back to work. No more questions for me, please.”

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4 years ago

Timmy: Mr. Redd! I learned two new words! Suck Dick! Do you and Uncle Tom do that? I have no idea what it means? Does it mean hug in a different language?

Timmy: Mr. Redd! I Learned Two New Words! Suck Dick! Do You And Uncle Tom Do That? I Have No Idea What

“I absolutely cannot tell you what that word means, and no, we don’t!!!”

(“Jeez... Nookie’s gonna kill me 10 times over...”)

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4 years ago

Mr Redd! Can we paint with you in your boat? Please?

Mr Redd! Can We Paint With You In Your Boat? Please?

“Of course. I set up a canvas for you two, and I’m even breaking out the good paint.”

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4 years ago

Could you tell me and Tommy and bedtime story? Please? Pretty Please? Uncle Nook is still at work so he won’t know. Please? Just one story? And a goodnight kiss?

Could You Tell Me And Tommy And Bedtime Story? Please? Pretty Please? Uncle Nook Is Still At Work So

“Now. Have either of you heard the story of Winkle the magic dragon? They say that time only flows when he’s asleep...”

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4 years ago

Uncle Nook was happy when he wrote that in his diary. He was giggling and he said over and over again “I love that baby fox~” And what does that mean?

Uncle Nook Was Happy When He Wrote That In His Diary. He Was Giggling And He Said Over And Over Again

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4 years ago

What about us, Uncle Nook?!?!

What About Us, Uncle Nook?!?!

“For the time being, the Able Sisters agreed to make sure neither of you get into any trouble while I’m gone. I’ll be back by the end of the day.”

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4 years ago



“I swear to god, he HAS to be alright..!”

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4 years ago

Hey Tom...? Maybe you should get the younglings home then come back...? If anything does happen I don't think they need to see it

Hey Tom...? Maybe You Should Get The Younglings Home Then Come Back...? If Anything Does Happen I Don't

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4 years ago


We made this for you!

Your the best Uncle ever!




“I should really teach you two how to paint sometime... that’s future me’s work, though.”

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