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Vi wishes to fight your Dons and Leos!
{ @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion }

Future Don: Of corse, let's fight!!!
Future Leo: DON! She is a kid!!!
._. Emm, they are not actually here, so... sorry, but probably they can fight in another time or future...

Hey! This is TMNT: Children of the Sky Mikey and Leo from Cabin 16 with a survey: who's the most artistic member of your AU/iteration's family?

Yeah its Mikey but Maria is good at it too (well if nothing explode :3)
(Have to say I did love drawing those little boys :3)

“Hello there, turtley-boos (or other type of camper)! I have an offer that is simply the bees knees! I am selling these lovely food items for unbelievably low prices! This is only while supplies last so spend those splendiferous cents before we run out!”
Frida is taking advantage of the arts and crafts to create a booth showing off the art of salesmanship. Be sure to purchase her quality items ^^

Oh no, she is going to attack until she has the food.
Sorry, but there is no money ._.
So if some of the food disappears, you know who was :3

I really love to draw with a lot of people on Magma (it was my first time and it was so fun :D)
I didn't draw a lot, but it was fun :3
I really LOVE to read this. And more people should read it too.
TMNT Fandom Family Reunion - Craft Fair Event || Short story

Cabin 10 - The Besties
Little Mikey Future - @orangepawn39
The Wrong Side of the Portal - Me!
I will be referring to the future Michelangelo as Michelangelo.
And to my Mikey as Mikey.
Today was a nice day.
It wasn't too hot or too cold, there was no fighting, they had slept well the night before- Michelangelo had even managed to entertain Maria and multiple more versions of himself and others with the origamis he had been making fly around.
Buuut he had been using his mystic abilities all morning and afternoon- he needed a little break. Thankfully, the other Raph from his cabin had offered to watch over Maria- so with his charge safe, Michelangelo was now walking back towards their cabin.
He had heard the other versions of himself talk about decorating the place. He couldn't wait to see it.
...Actually, wouldn’t his counterpart's cat be inside now? He should say hi, then take a nap. Then he could go back to the craft fair. Yeah. That sounded nice.
Michelangelo closed the door behind him, not all fazed by the dark. He didn't bother turning on the lights as he wouldn’t need them. Just say hi to Ice Cream Kitty, then go take a nap. Simple. Easy.
...Or, at least. That was the plan. Until he heard the quiet sniffles from the bathroom.
The turtle froze. He held his breath, not even moving an inch as he listened... yep, that was a sob. Uh-oh.
He changed directions from the kitchen to the bathroom, getting more concerned by the minute. Why would anyone be sad? Everyone had been having fun as far as Michelangelo was aware. Making crafts, paints...
"...Hello?" He knocked on the door of the bathroom once in front of it- and the hiccups stopped at once. He frowned. That wouldn’t do. "Anyone inside?"
No answer.
"..." Michelangelo pretended to walk away, then kept silent. He heard a shuddering breath behind the door, before a soft sob. He sighed. Okay, so maybe he didn't know everyone very well yet- but these were versions of his family. It could be one of the kids. Someone could be hurt. "I'm coming in bud, okay?"
He heard a panicked breath. "Wait no-"
Michelangelo opened the door. The sight perplexed him.
All the lights were out... yet, despite the lights not being on, a soft, golden light illuminated the room. The source of the light sat on the floor, blue shirt he had been wearing previously thrown away, bandages surrounding the figure from all around... a 15-year-old version of himself sitting on the floor, looking up at him with wide, wet eyes. Tears soaking his bandana and slipping down his cheeks.
His arms covered in bright, golden scars, all the way up to his shoulders, shaking like crazy.
Michelangelo put a hand on his mouth in shock.
Not even his own scars reached that far.
At the look he received Mikey teared up- and Michelangelo panicked. "Ah, no, I'm sorry- it's okay, okay-"
He closed the door behind him. Then locked it. Mikey curled up further into himself.
Michelangelo's mind went a 100 miles an hour.
Okay, think. There... hadn't been any versions of him with mystic scars in the cabin, right? There were the kids, the one with- four different versions of each of them? And the one where there had been two of each of them, Ice Cream Kitty came from that world, so no-
"-yeah, little orange is still sleeping all day!" The version of himself with Ice Cream Kitty explained as he held the bowl, Maria gushing over the little cat licking her face. "He was tired- but he would love to meet you!"
Realization dawned slowly. Michelangelo's expression softened immensely.
Right. Mikey had been asleep all day at first. And then Michelangelo hadn't seen him without his bandages or shirt. He was tired. And cold.
Which meant the scars must be recent.
"...Hey, kiddo." He mumbled, slowly walking over and sitting next to him. Mikey didn't respond, trying to muffle his sobs.
"Do they hurt?" The older one asked worriedly, looking them over. What on earth had happened for them to spread so far? Let alone at such a young age?
Yet, Mikey shook his head. Michelangelo looked away.
"...Doesn't seem like it, bub."
"They don't hurt... much." The younger one mumbled, sniffling. The mystic warrior frowned.
"...Then, what's wrong? Surely you would have way more fun at the craft fair than locked in a bathroom."
Mikey flinched.
He mumbled something under his breath, too soft to hear. "Could you repeat that?"
"...I can't join."
Odd. "Anyone can join, mini-me."
"Well I can't."
"Why not?"
Mikey grumbled, frustrated and clearly about to say something-... but then his expression shattered. He teared up again. And closed his eyes as he held out his left arm in front of the other in defeat.
It shook like crazy. Too unstable to hold anything.
"..." Carefully, gently, Michelangelo took hold of the younger one's arm. Sucking in a breath when he felt the amount of mystic energy radiating from it. "...What on earth did you do to gain these scars?" He mumbled, gently twisting his arm around. When Mikey didn't answer, the older one continued. "You have trouble holding stuff."
Not a question. A statement.
Michelangelo had experience, after all.
"I can't do anything anymore." Mikey said bitterly, looking away- yet, he didn't take his arm back. So Michelangelo's touch didn't hurt. Good to know. "I can't stand, I can't walk, I can't stay awake, I can't hold stuff, I can't cook, I can't make art-" he forced himself to stop. "...It would be better if I just. Stayed gone. My hands are useless."
"Hey, no." The older one frowned disapprovingly. "You gained those scars for a reason. I bet those hands did some very important stuff-"
"-I had help and still failed." Mikey cut him off, and groaned. "Donnie held on with everything he had. Made me tech to help. Raph left to protect us so I could concentrate- on his own. And I still failed to open a proper portal-"
"A what now-?"
"-I got us stuck in some random universe, I was useless!" Mikey gritted his teeth, scars lighting up in reaction to his anger. Yet Michelangelo didn't let go. "And now I can't do the one thing I'm supposed to be good at?"
He would have said more. But Mikey seemed to remember he wasn't talking to one of his brothers. And bit his lip to keep quiet.
"..." Michelangelo sighed. He shifted his position so he was sitting on his knees in front of the younger one, taking hold of both of his shaky hands so so carefully. He looked at them, for a moment, his thumbs stroking over the other's fingers... before he closed his eyes...
His own scars lit up gold. He could feel the way his younger counterpart tensed but didn't move. He concentrated as gold swirls and sparkles started surrounding the two, his own mystic magic starting to lift objects so they floated around- his hair included. When he cracked his eyes open, just a tiny bit- they were completely gold.
"It takes time to get used to them." He murmured, still petting Mikey's hands. Mikey didn't respond, looking at him with awe- especially when a gold butterfly seemed to appear out of thin air, and land on his snout.
Michelangelo's mystic magic was... warm.
Mikey's had been too. It had been burning hot, painful, eating him alive and melting his being away. But this was different. This was the warmth of a home-cooked meal, of a hug-
Of brothers.
Of home.
"Sometimes, it feels like they'll never get better." The older one continued, letting go of one hand so he could open his palm- the butterfly illusion he had created landed in it. "Sometimes, they'll feel like the uggliest things you've looked at. But you need to remember why they look this way."
"...I failed to save Leo." Came the heartbreaking reply. Michelangelo tisked.
"Did you?" The butterfly flew away to land on Mikey's snout. "He seemed pretty alive to me."
"And you did all that without any practice, at such a young age?"
Michelangelo grabbed both his hands again, and smiled gently. "I know it seems like they're useless right now. But trust me when I say... they will get better."
"..." Mikey looked away to look at his hands uncertainly, still not convinced. Michelangelo's smile softened.
"Once you learn everything you can do with those hands, mini-me." He started. "You'll see. Just because you can't make art now the way you're used to doesn't mean they're useless."
"And someday." He lowered their hands. The warmth intensified in a pleasant way- a way Mikey hadn't known before, as he finally met his counterpart's eyes. Looking more hopeful then he had moments ago, with tears in his eyes.
'The way you're used to'
...There were other ways he could make art?
"Trust me when I say... like everyone else, you'll learn to love your hands too."

"Would you like a jar of hearts? They're uh-they're origami!"
Seems like mutant mayhem Leo from Pure Soul (Cabin 13) is handing out jars of origami hearts to all the campers! Wonder how he got so many jars...

Oh, thanks, but just let me help you. we can give them faster :3
Ok, I know again this is from the last event, so it was just for finnish it and post it cause I love to do it so i don't care if this doesn't count as any point or something like that.

No Biting Mikey and Donnie from cabin 7 are curious if you'd like to make a trade!

Mikey: so we get something in return...
Maria: Of course. Take this necklace it has a turtle on it :3
Ok, I know again this is from the last event, so it was just for finnish it and post it cause I love to do it so i don't care if this doesn't count as any point or something like that.
Greetings from the Cabin 9 Craft Fair! Ret Mikey is running a bracelet making workshop and is wondering if you’d be interested in taking part! He has all sorts of beads and bands for you to use!

(This is @tmnt-reticent btw! This is just my main blog!)

Omg, Maria loves to make bracelets.
(Have to say love your artstyle it's SO GOOD)
Ok, I know again this is from the last event, so it was just for finnish it and post it cause I love to do it so i don't care if this doesn't count as any point or something like that.

Casey and S from Cabin Three offer bookmarks and homemade notebooks! @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion

Oh, thanks...
I mean she liked it but she is scare of the "krang" situation
(She knows what happened in the future or what was a krang...)
Ok, I know again this is from the last event, so it was just for finnish it and post it cause I love to do it so i don't care if this doesn't count as any point or something like that.
A teenage Donnie variant comes up to you with a gift.

"Please accept this technology based bracelet made especially to help you with your problems. A fellow Donnie from cabin 4 helped me make it."

Problems? I don't have problems at the moment but it will be useful :D
Ok, I know again this is from the last event, so it was just for finnish it and post it cause I love to do it so i don't care if this doesn't count as any point or something like that.

You have been invited to be covered in paint and pain at the Paint Gun Campus! Will you accept?

Omg yes, let's kill- I mean, paint turtles and people :3
(I loved to draw these characters. How can I know more about them? I mean I know who is bendy and funtime foxy but I think this versions have a story rigth? The same with the blue turtle I think its venus).
Ok, I know again this is from the last event, so it was just for finnish it and post it cause I love to do it so i don't care if this doesn't count as any point or something like that.

TTL au Mikey, Raph, and Donnie from cabin 11 are here with some charms for craft week!!

She really wants one :3
(I realized that leo wasn't there, but then I read your comic and know I have context)
Ok, I know again this is from the last event, so it was just for finnish it and post it cause I love to do it so i don't care if this doesn't count as any point or something like that.

Misa from Cabin 2 has made floating lanterns for the crafts, would you like one? @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion

They are so cute, of course. I want one. Oh, the green one :3
Ok, I know again this is from the last event, so it was just for finnish it and post it cause I love to do it so i don't care if this doesn't count as any point or something like that.

Tmnt fandom family reunion Craft event
MM leo (cabin13) Link
Mikey and donnie (cabin7) Link
Mikey (cabin9) Link
Casey (cabin3) Link
Donnie (cabin2) Link
Bendy, funtime foxy, Venus and mikey (cabin4) Link
Mikey, Raph and Don (cabin11) Link
Misa (cabin2) Link
@djcarnationsblog @to-be-a-hiccup @rainyraisin @eyesoftheholder @theawesomeninja-xd @trixanimations @ghosty-0w0 @littlemissartemisia

Shinigami worked very hard on her data collection. @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion (cabin 3)

Future mikey: Is... he alright?...
Have to say I like that leo he looks cool and adorable at the same time and his colors (I really liked to paint it) :3

You’ve just been glitter bombed by Cabin 15! 👹✨
Comic: @justalittleobsessed
Art: @belleyellsaboutturtles

Oh boy...
@justalittleobsessed @belleyellsaboutturtles (rise mikey and 2003 mikey)
@allyheart707 (little subjects mikey)
@itzzaira (rise mikey near Maria and 2012 mikey)
@bigb22374 (Especial Dr. feelings mikey (not on the tmnt ffr)
A shadow drew overhead as the avian Leo landed to stop in front of the you(/y'all). Giving a quick check of his wings he smiles and turns his attention to you(/y'all).
"Hello fellow campers, I the marvelous Bird Leo, the representative for my cabin, cabin 9, present a challenge. Since it's a sports day that is."
He pulls a ball to the front of his chest.
"Beat me in a game of Beach volleyball (except with a real volleyball instead of a beach ball) and you get a free... Uh... Totallyawesomemysteryprizewhichtotallyisntat-shirt!!" He said in a fast pace. He moved on from that quickly.
"So what do you say?"


LET'S PLAY!!! >:3
A beach day event
@allyheart707 (Heishi)
@miahasahardname (Lia)
Ignore the other drawing...
Maria is 100% sure that she is going to win >:3
(That leon looks so cool!!!)

the bay area turtles of cabin 5 want to know if your turtles wanna surfboard with them!

A beach day event
Well Maria know almost nothing about surf but she wants to learn :3
@itzzaira (leo and mikey on the background)
Space tour Leon and Kumo are here with special reminders for the sunny sports day!
(From cabin 8!)

A beach day event
We got some kids and teenagers so we have a lot for everyone in our cabin we have water too, want some :3
@itzzaira (Raph)

Fibonacci invites you on an fun, adrenaline-pumping race on professionally built go-karts! (Genius-Built is not responsible for any injuries sustained on the track, which are entirely possible to sustain even with the provided safety gear. No child under 9 years old should ride alone, and any children under 13 seen alone on the premises will be personally escorted to their guardian.)
Link for more context:

A beach day event
Oh Maria really wants and I think that mikey it's ok with that. So let's race!!!
And donald is reading about it.
@miahasahardname (Donald (donnie))