Rottmnt Krang - Tumblr Posts
Leo not escaping the Prison Dimension and just becoming reluctant vitriolic roommates with the Krang is so morbidly funny to me.
Krang out here despising Leo’s whole existence but refusing to let him die since then he’d be alone.
Leo out here having an eternity to work on his quips and insults because damn it’s not like he can fight the Krang in any other way so he may as well make use of his words.

Made this for a contents and it’s the first of three times I’ve tried pumpkin carving that it didn’t come out looking like total dog shit
im gonna end up saying this to a lot of people buuuut (hehe butt)
stay in the kitchen. keep cooking /gen
Okay this has been in my drafts for over a YEAR.
It's not finished and I have no plans to finish it BUT if anyone wants to do something with it let me know! I gotta get this out my drafts before I go insane.
Spoilers for the ROTTMNT Movie. Lol do I have to put a spoiler warning?
Ft. Kraang and Leo: Two arrogant psychopaths.
"Don't worry, Donnie! This is not a hug! It's a rescue!"
That was the last thing Leo heard as he saw his brothers fall through the air. He only had one second to see they landed safely before his attention was back on Kraang Prime; standing just a couple feet in front of him.
"You know, we're not so different you and I."
It took Leo a second to realize that Kraang had addressed him. He figured they were going to immediately start fighting.
"Can't believe I'm saying this the small talk. Let's get this over with." He said as he took a fighting stance with his swords ready.
"Trust me I plan to. But even someone as simple-minded as you could see the similarities."
Against his better judgement, Leo took the bait.
"Okay. Fine. You have 2 seconds to explain what you're talking about before I send you back to where you came from."
To Leo's surprise, Kraang's smirk that was present since they started talking only grew.
"That. Right there. The cockiness."
Leo's hands loosened on his swords just a little bit. "Cockiness...?"
Kraang looked briefly annoyed at the question. "Smug, full-of-yourself....". His smirk returned. "Acting like you're destined to win every fight you happen to end up in. Cockiness."
"I prefer confidence-"
"It's arrogance. But, as I said, we share this specific trait."
By now, Leo was hanging onto every word Kraang said. Thoughts of his brothers fell to the back of his mind ('they're safe I saw them land') and the grip on his swords was almost nonexistent. He wanted to see where Kraang was going with this.
"So we're arrogant. Your point?"
"My point is that we both. Hate. Losing. And right now it looks like you're on the losing side."
Leo said nothing. He didn't even move a muscle as Kraang started coming closer.
"Let's see if I have this correct: you're the type to ignore all sense of reason to get your way. Because you know, deep down, that you are superior to those who would think to go against you. While you have family, or should I say comrades at best, you don't hesitate to treat them like soldiers who should follow you no questions asked."
One of Leo's swords dropped to the ground. "That's not...I wouldn't..."
"What about your brother. The red one."
At the mention of Raph, Leo tightened his grip on his one remaining sword. "Leave him alone."
"When I was digging for information from his mind, I saw hundreds of arguments between the two of you. Always the same subject: you not following orders. You going off on your own. You, from my perspective, simply being a leader..."
"That was me being dumb. I was in the wrong. And taking you down is gonna prove that."
"And yet you still don't attack."
And Leo realized that, yes, Kraang was right. For the first time in Leo's life, someone had his full, undivided attention. Which is why, as Kraang began circling him, he never looked away.
"What did you feel when you managed to take the key back the first time? When I captured your brother?"
At first, Leo wanted to say "anger" or "fear". What else would he feel? His brother just got captured after taking a hit meant for him. "Guilt" was another option.
But if he said any of those, he'd be a liar.
What Leo actually felt, was something he shouldn't have. And he knew that when he felt it.
Because what he really felt, was
Aaaaaaaand that's it!
I don't know...ummm........enjoy?
Krang Will Rise
I have a couple theories, regarding the Krang.
There is such little evidence for it, that I don’t even think there’s evidence against it. But hear me out.
I think only Krang prime can abolish mystics. It’s not an ability tied to every Krang, only to him.
Thé Krang value strength above all else, putting no remorse into losing those deemed weak. As such, wouldn’t that make Krang Prime, their leader, the strongest? And what better way to deem yourself the strongest than carrying a unique ability that takes away your enemies greatest potential threat.
Another reason: it seems there are three types of krang. The biotech, the warrior, and the interrogator. I’m not sure how much they overlap, but I do think they carry specialities. Given krang brother is most often asked to- spread their krangness. He is responsible for krangification, domain expansion, and manipulating the technology they have (Nevermind how all these abilities make him the perfect match for Donnie)(also think Krang Brother is mute). Krang sister is the most skilled and best fighter. I’m sure she outclasses the boys in that regard. I’d go as far to say she’s second in command, leading the charge while brother krang stays behind (her role as commander matches as Commander O’Niels opposite in war, hence their quarrel). Leaving Krang Prime, who has the ability to dig into a persons mind, manipulate their captives, control the hive mind, and abolish mystic powers. Perhaps rare amongst Krang, this makes them the perfect leader (do I even need to explain why he’s Leo’s main antagonist, his opposite in every way?).
I mentioned how krang brother is likely responsible for krangification, which leads me to a second point. Clearly, from the start of the invasion to the end in the bad timeline, the krangs numbers increased 100 fold. From 3 lone survivors to hundreds if not more. Which has led me to wonder how krang are created. I have two theories: 1) in the bad timeline, the krang in the prison dimension didn’t die. Meaning that when Leo grabbed the key in the movie, and altered time, the resulting explosion caused the krang to be wiped out. 2) the probably more likely one- they repopulated.
Thé krang are clearly parasitic creatures. Meaning their reproduction is likely from a source, that source being humans. “Recreating this world in the image of krang.” Krang possession is simple, and any krang can do it, latch a bit of themselves to a human and start the battle of wills. Krang dogs are amother easier way to make more, a quick process that mangles the hosts body. We see this happen with the foot clan. But if you want powerful krang, with no chance to turn on you, and to truly become one with krang, you transform them.
Raph was found in a bubble. In a slimy krang cocoon stuck to the ceiling and filled with glowing yellow goop. He was going to be turned, transformed into Krang. And he was going to be powerful, his source material being stronger than most. He was- until the process was interrupted. Notice how the krangification didn’t come from the outside, it wasn’t attached, it was growing inside him. And, unlike the other krangified peoples we saw, his eye turned purple. It wasn’t just covered in hoop with the yellow hive mind eye, it was purple. Let it be a testament to Raphs inner strength cause he very well may have accomplished a feat deemed impossible to overcome. The process wasn’t supposed to be reversible, he wasn’t supposed to be able to break free, he was krang now. Krang Prime could feel his struggle, sense his resistance, and hear his thoughts as the turtle fought it off.
Once you turned, there was no going back. You were krang. Your old life didn’t matter. Your old friends didn’t matter. You had a new family. A new purpose to fulfill. New powers to explore. And given treasures for the hunt. The mark of a krang and a fucking massive piece of armor. This way of reproduction was useful when hunting new prey, as their knowledge of the species past through, truly allowing them to know their enemies and conquer planets. Krang can never die.
Then again. I could be wrong.
Thanks for reading! Likes and Reblogs appreciated! Other related theories and stories:
Resistance to Krang; The Shredder armor; Emperym Life Blood
So I wanted to try to make a theory/analysis post on something I've wondered for a while: What the fuck are the Krang made of? Yeah that's literally my intro to this. Can I make smooth transitions? Absolutely not.

So starting out chronologically with their introduction, the majority of their animation shows smooth movements from their tentacles, basically like tentacles irl lmao. But further into that fight scene..

We can see their tentacles also strong enough to double as blades, able to stand up against (and nearly overpower) Leo's swords, and able to stab through Raph's shell. The material isn't exactly consistent in how solid it can be, able to go from the fluid movement of the tentacles, to sharp enough to function as a blade. This leads me to think their flesh is able to shapeshift in some minor ways, especially considering the way the tentacle shifts to become sharper as the Krang's leg is about to stab Leo.

And considering how goopy Krang 2 looks after being.. basically melted by April, it does show that at the very least their natural state of flesh is more fluid. Another interesting detail about this scene, and the way Krang 2 is animated after the attack that sort of feeds into the shapeshifting theory..

Back in the finale we're shown the skull of one of the Krangs. Yet after Krang 2 has her eye melted off, we see no hint of the skull. That could either just be from not wanting to add that much detail into the animation, which to be fair it would've likely given more extra work to animation that's already amazingly detailed as it is. OR- It could be from the flesh melting around the skull to keep it from being exposed. If we can see their bodies practically shift states of matter, and see Krang 3 use his own body to expand the portal, is it that much of a stretch to say they can shift their state of flesh to cover vulnerable parts of their body after being injured?

And another thing this screenshot helps to show, their bodies don't seem to all be made from the same material specifically. Normally I'd assume all the pinks/purples are the same type of flesh but I actually don't think it is. Their tounges specifically are shown to always be sharp, a slightly darker shade with the sort of lines and stripes covering it. Keep this part in mind.

After the Foot Clan get transformed into these creatures, it actually gives us further evidence on how the krang's flesh functions. When possessing humans, the Krang pieces sort of fuse and meld with human flesh. Whether it's adding on pieces, or, like with the stomach here, changing its shape entirely. But notice how they have those additions while still keeping the same colors their skin and bodies used to be.

But when Raph gets possessed? The Krang flesh doesn't fuse with his body at all. It's more of an add-on, especially with the way his arm back there shows the original shape of his hands, while still being covered in the Krang's pink. That, and his body isn't even the same color of pinks either. Some pieces are darker, and some don't even seem to be the same shape. Like I mentioned with the Krang's tounges earlier, I think those spikes on his arms and back are made of that same material. Darker color, lines and stripes, permanently spiked.. Sounds right to me.

Even in this scene, the colors of the tounge seem to match up, a lot of pieces attatched to his body fit into that, maybe that fleshy state inbetween transforming from fluid to solid? His tounge seems to be the only part of those spiked pieces that's able to mimic fluid movements, the rest seems to be solid in place. It definitely seems to be a different type of flesh, considering how the flesh around it seems to part instead of melding together.

As for the Krang's armor.. I was confused about it before but now that I think more about how the Krang themselves are built it's starting to make more sense. Essentially I think there's 3 main components to pay attention to. The darker gray of the chest and shoulderpads seem to be simple armor plates, made of some type of alien metal I assume.

The darkest blacks of the armor seem to just be the base pieces of the suit. I've seen theories it's partially organic, with the way it bleeds black liquid after Leo stabs into it, and honestly, that seems like a really good answer. I'm not sure if it's flesh with the black suit on top of it, or if that dark black with the markings is actually its natural state. (Though, side note, it makes me even more curious HOW they would've aquired or created this armor. Their tech is mostly made of flesh, sure, but with another theory about the Technodrome having a mind of its own, willing to let Donnie merge with it and control the ship.. It does make me wonder if their armor is made from the corpse of another being, or if they simply know how to create and generate flesh, and were able to mold it for their purposes.)
Anyway- The white pieces of the armor seem to be bone to me. What with the head looking like a skull, the tail having bone-structure and being animated that way, less smooth than everything else, jerking around each piece. But here's what makes it confusing, the gloves.

There's a couple scenes where the hand has folds on it. Yet the rest of the arm seems pretty solid, and the material must be solid enough to form claws at the end, so, what the hell is it?? This is what stumps me the most, it seems to be made of fabric and bone at the same time, I really don't understand it. The only real answer I have is that the material is comparable to the base body of the Krang. Flesh that's able to mold between different states, able to take that solid, bone-like appearance, to form claws at the end.. While still being moldable enough it's able to bend and fold like the tentacles can. Potentially, it's mostly solid and bone-like, but the pieces that need to be able to move are more flesh-like. The wrist and hands have more folds because they move more, and tend to get stuck in that state to move with the body, while the plates, spikes, and claws are able to be stuck in their solid states.
I dunno how to write conclusions, but that's most of what I'm able to observe for what the Krang are made of, and why pieces of their body function the way they do. Not only are they futuristic, they're also alien, so it's natural to assume they're just advanced enough to be capable of breaking these rules materials in our world have to stick to.
Tumblr Brainrot
rottmnt AUs be like:

Krang screenshot redraw!
I'd include the screenshot but idk where I put it. Ah well, y'all know this one anyway.

I did a fanart for @caseyjones-junior's sep!Casey au!

Wow, look another one!
Probably gonna do a couple other characters too so lmk if there are any moments from the movie y'all wanna see : )
Oh you guys thought there wasn’t going to be some angst in my Robo AU? >:)

If the kraang can take over tech.. It would be such a shame if the kraang got a hold of one of our tech based robo turtles..
I just had to make it XD
Wait so did Amaya lay an egg or-
Im sorry just genuinely confuse
No no it’s ok!
So it’s kind of like this:
So my interpretation of how Krangs reproduce is asexually, they can choose whether they want to or not, they keep their eggs in a warm area so it can develop. Amaya wasn’t the one who layed the egg, Orodox was, and before he went for the final fight on the Krang during the 1st invasion he gave it to his beloved to keep safe, and as we both know, he didn’t make it back.
How Krang eggs start out are small hand sized transparent balls, which are liquid and squishy in nature, which soon develop in more ostrich sized eggs with a protective fleshy shell, when green vein start to appear it means it will hatch soon, however if in a cold area, like Widows was after the Hidden city and it’s realms appeared, the eggs hatch process will suspend and completely freeze in place, this leaves the egg vulnerable for attack.
Widows was frozen for 1000 years before Avian found it and took it to his home to study, and with that warmth, unfroze the process and Widow hatched a day after :)
As for how Widow became Half Human, there is a way to do this, if a DNA sample of another species is taken and put into the egg in it’s more transparent state, it will absorb the DNA and merge with it.
Hope this helps, I’ll try make a Krang Egg ref tomorrow :)

So, decided to give some more lore on Orodox :)
Before 1st Earth invasion:
Orodox was a worrier class Krang born and bred for Bloodshed, much like Krang 2 and Krang 1, they were skilled and merciless on the field or battle and relished in tasting the blood of their enemies, just another nameless Krang in the army like any other. However his ruthlessness was recognised and seen by the current general, and saw potential in him.
One day, often another planet was conquered, the general had approached him, saying that he had the potential to be the next General. This being a high honour for a Krang, Orodox agreed to train to be the next general, but of course, it was not that easy. For Krang 1 was also being trained under the current General to be the next Leader, so naturally, the 2 formed a rivalry, and that only the strongest of the 2 Krang would gain the honour of leading the Krang on the next invasions.
During the next invasion it was time for Orodox and Krang 1 to prove who was stronger, and the General put the 2 on the frontlines, and when the invasion was successful, Krang 1 had proved to be more fit for the role, thus earning the name PRIME. Leaving Orodox to be seen a weak by his fellow soldiers, despite this, he willingly followed Krang 1, now known as General Prime.
The 1st Earth Invasion:
Primes first invasion was on a planet named Earth, when they had begun Orodox had done what he had always done, killed, spilled the blood of his enemies, and relished in the death. Several villages being consumed by the Krang in less the 2 days.
However, once reaching the 4th village, a curtain worrier proved to be challenging for him, a Female, in her early 20s, fought back against them, despite the human Males protests, she had taken a sword, and stood infront of Orodox, sword drawn, staring him down with no fear, it…….intrigued him, how something so small, could be so brave as to face a creature as superior as him.
The fight raged, Human soldiers and Krang worriers clashing, Orodox and the women fought with much Valor. Until Orodox had finally tired her out, however, decided to spare her, seeing her as a worthy opponent, having not had one in a really, really long time.
As the invasion continued, he would battle with the women on several occasions, her have followed the army a cross Japan to try and stop them, however as they fought more, the more Orodox had feel a rather……..odd feeling feeling towards her, something he was unsure of, something her had never felt before.
Until on day, she had finally beaten him, he waited for her to kill him, if the others found out bone lost to a human they would kill him themself. But she never did, instead she sheathed her sword and offered a hand, it confused him. They begun to spoke. “Why did you attack us? Why did you invade out world?” She asked.
“Because we Krang seek to remake the universe in out image, it is for glory, and the expansion of out race” he responded. She just looked at him sadly.
“Is it really Glory if you take the lives of others, it expand your own?” She asks, and that’s what stumped him, of course it was!……….wasn’t it?
The 2 spoke for a while, until they heard the general call them back, the village had been taken. Orodox was more unsure then he was ever before, what was this all for? Was this really Glory? The women offered for him to join her, she spoke of 4 mystic worriers, who had started a rebellion that plotted to stop the Krang. Orodox thought for a moment, but agreed to it, if they were not fighting for Glory, then all they were doing was being the one thing others say they are, a Parasite. And that’s as not what he wanted to be.
“I’m Amaya, and you are?” she had spoken, he had simply told her that Krang did not have names, that only the highest of rank have such a privilege. So, she had decided to give him the honour of one, she had named him, Orodox.
Joining the rebellion and falling for Amaya:
Much to Orodox’s surprise, several more Krang, who had the same worries and thoughts as he, had joined the rebellion, it seemed to bring him some relief that they had managed to get through to others about this concern. Although many of the humans didn’t trust the Krang recruits, that did not bother him, it was understandable.
The longer he stayed in the rebellion the more he learned about Earth and it’s people, he grew to have great interest and amazement in the life that flourished here, now something like forests could be regrown, if just one plant survives. Earths ability to adapt, and change, fascinated him, he also found himself getting closer to Amaya, he wasn’t sure what this feeling was, but he had overheard some of the human soldiers mention it was called……Love……….what a funny word.
When he had finally consulted Amaya of these feelings, she had returned them without hesitation, which Orodox was relieved of, he was afraid of her rejecting him, but found something he hadn’t felt for a long time………happiness.
Soon after many days the 2 had decided to make it official, Orodox was always fascinated by the concept of marriage, but never thought he would be the one doing it! Je was…….nervous it say the least, one of the Krang in the rebellion had done the liberty of making rings for them, turns out they had really gotten into blacksmithing.
They had made Orodoxs ring large enough to fit on his Mechs finger, he felt it would be more natural to actually have fingers when doing this.
After the wedding, Orodox made a decision, something that would only ever be used for war, now for something else.
3 days afterwards, he had surprised Amaya with an Egg, something special for her, something that would create something new, and she was delighted to have the opportunity to have such a life. She had taken a hair from her head and placed it on the Transparent egg, and it had instantly absorbed it, merging the 2 different DNAs together.

The final battle:
It was the Fight he and the rebellion had been waiting for, he bud farewell to his beloved, leaving the egg in her care till he returned.
As he charged onto the battlefield in his mech he tore through the Krang warriors without mercy, they had all made their choice, they had chosen to continue infecting this world, and now they will pay for it, he had almost forgotten how it felt to tear into the flesh of his enemies, he almost missed it.
All was looking good until Prime entered the field, the moment he was the traitors in the rebels army, when he saw Orodox, he finally had the excuse he needed to skewer in through.
Without mercy he charged at Orodox, and the 2 entered a violent battle. Prime had size and strength on his side, while Orodox could only counter against him, he had luckily managed to get a few good hits in, but it was all in vain. He took a bad hit to the side and was flung across the battlefield.
Prime took the time to taunt him, that was all Orodox needed, he got a fatal hit in, disabling one of his mechs legs. He strung to his feet and grabbed a metal debris from the technodome, and damaged the head of the mech, however the explosion sent him flying back, and he was impaled on a metal pole, luckily Primes mech was disabled leaving Prime to have to continue the battle without it, Orodox however, Orodox was fatality injured, Prime was about to finish him off when The Mystic Worriers opened the gateway to the Oroson dimension, trapping the Krang there
Orodox however, does of his injured soon after. Leaving Amaya to care for the child, alone.
Amaya journey:
After finding out about the death of her beloved she had no choice but to leave Japan, she travelled by boat to a far away land, and made a home on a large spot of land near a large river, that, in 1000 years, would be New York. The place had been decimated by the Krang, but thanks to the Mystic Warriors trapping them, the land had slowly begun to gain life again.
She had created a nest for her egg and shrine for her loved one in a deep enormous under ground cavern, a large titan sized mech, sitting dead at the centre, and would come down once a week to see how the egg was doing, and to pay respects to her loved one.
However as the years went by the cavern u der the land would start to change, and Yokai had begun to inhabit them, and Humans had started to move back to the land, the shrine completely frozen over once the new weather system had begun to appear in the Hidden city, leaving the egg in a frozen, suspended state. Leaving Amaya to be unable to enter with a Mystic means, leaving her trapped on the surface of the earth.
After many years she had finally passed of old age, and the number of inhabitants of the land above and below, had only grown.
1000 years later, a young Yokai explorer in their late 20s, named Avian, had uncovered the cavern, and found the egg inside, bringing it back his home for study, however when he went to sleep and awoke the next day, he saw that the egg had hatched. He heard a noise from the kitchen, and saw a mess on the floor.
He slowly walking into the kitchen with causation, and was shocked to see a small, humanoid child of some kind, no bigger then half his leg. He had found himself to not have the heart to get rid of them, so he had decided to take them in, and named them, he had named them, Widow.

Warning one pixel image looks almost slightly gory so uh yknow if you’re sensitive to that just beware
Some turtle pixel art I did on my computer like months ago. One didn’t save right so I had to screenshot it on my phone. One is Mikey over a dead donnie who is crushed under pieces of his tech and Krang matter, and the other is happy Christmas for all of them watching Donnie’s favorite JJ movie
So I got this random thought today, not sure if anyone else has said anything about this yet but
You know how in the movie Krang 1 says "A shame our brethren didn't survive the prison dimension. The again, their weakness has no place in my new Krang empire."
That got me wondering
Is there just
Dead krang bodies floating around in the prison dimension 👁️_👁️

Note: by the way i mean what the note says YOU can write to me if YOU WANT a spoiler or something thank you
✨Some Doodles✨

Note:This cómic is already in procces And FOR The one that ask me to do something Feral Leo Au art THAT IS already in procces to.

Note:I drawed this in march
Old Aus

Info:It is a Undertale Au

Info:I maked this AND My friends asked questions to them,if You want this au to be in Tumblr Tell me in The comentaries

Info: Daughther of The future Rottmnt

Info:oc and au not complete

Info:O-1 au inspired in The rottmnt movie

Info:OC and au not complete

Info:The Softshell Au daughther of Future donnie

Info: Olivia au! She Will have a new Lore now,i'm working on It

And last one But not less importan:OCs of Hazbin Hotel and Hazbin Hotel Au