Tmr Sonya - Tumblr Posts
Um, so, weird question, how does immunity work in the Maze Runner series? Specifically is it genetic?
Context: Almost all of the Gladers are immune. That's the whole point. Newt isn't. Why would he be there if he wasn't immune?
I think he's got something going on for the same reason that AMAB people who have biological full AFAB siblings with hemophilia, autism and the like have a much higher chance of having the same issue. This is because AMAB people typically only have one copy of the genes that their AFAB siblings have two of. Any imperfection given to them by the parents, even ones that are dormant in the parents, will almost certainly show up in their AMAB offspring. (Please note, my summary of genetics is WILDLY simplified.)
So, if Lizzie is immune, it is quite likely that Newt would have been.
Personally I think he was semi-immune, like how the effectiveness of your antibodies decreases after you get sick, but I just think there was no reason for WICKED to take him if he wasn't immune. I mean, they just murdered his parents in front of him, there's literally no reason for them to take him.
Anyways, rant over. Sorry if everything in this is wildly incorrect.
Her and Newt traded genders and sexualities (I take your trans!lesbian!Sonya and raise you trans!gay!Newt)

sonya looking at aris moodboard

I'm fucking crying
Fucking sobbing

You’re my big brother.You’re supposed to be the one comforting me.
Good evening, Tumblr user.
In front of you is a post asking everyone to list their favorite female Blorbos in the tags, stating that OP is tired of the focus on men in fandom.
You must participate and tag all of your favorite female characters.
If you include any characters who were canonically written as male in your tags regardless of reason, the reverse bear trap attached to your head will activate.
I feel like instead of the Maze Cutter series, we would enjoy a Maze B TMR series. Like, yes, I know we already know what's happened in the books, but it would be great to see other POVs
I think it should go something like this:
The Maze Runner (Group B) - Rachel, since she's Thomas's opposite.
The Scorch Trials (Group B) - Aris, because I need to see what was going on with his and Teresa's planning.
The Death Cure (Group B) - Sonya, because she's a part of the group that escapes before Thomas and the others do, and she's one of the ones chucked back in the Maze.
Or Aris for all three, because my Roman Empire is Movie!Aris and I really wanna love Book!Aris.
Just a thought.

ive never had to come up for social media users for fictional characters before sorry if theyre corny
i originally had it as brenda then harriet but the attitude just read as brenda more so
throughout the short duration of my maze runner hyperfix i would write down random thoughts/headcanons i had about them so i'll just copy-paste all of them here
- newt is crazy ticklish but he gets so irritated when someone tickles him. minho does not care
- newt cant sleep in the same room as thomas because thomas snores crazy loud and newt is a v light sleeper
- thomas has a really bad habit of chewing on his fingernails
- once newt got over them kidnapping thomas, he got along really well with group b. and they loved him too (ik him and sonya r siblings but him and harriet would be such good friends. see the vision)
- newt loves reading. i think classics would be his faves
- also good omens
- also he likes mythology
- he probably needs glasses though
- thomas and minho would probably play roblox together and like. bully kids. sometimes brenda will tag along too (shes the meanest but she also thinks roblox is dumb so she goes on it less)
- minho is a total sweat when it comes to gaming
- old grandma newt
- minho and newt would be roomates
- ocd newt maybe
- thomas has SEVERE depersonalization problems
- i can picture newt dancing as a sort of outlet. not sure what kind but just in general
- minho has AT LEAST one skirt
- newt braids his hair ‼️‼️
- thomas and newt and teresa and sonya are all autistic
- also all trans
- plus brenda
- who is also a butch lesbian
- newt is lefthanded
- thomas is the kid with the peanut allergy
- do i eveb have to say t4t newtmas...
- teresa is a big swiftie
- newt would like shoujo animes
- minho would like shounen animes
- none of the main 3 can dress themselves and they look like shit usually
- newt doesnt get flustered like at all but THOMAS .... he goes red at any compliment from his crushes
- minho and thomas wrestling lmfaooo
- theyve probably broken several fhings in the process. including walls
- minho badly mocks newt's accent and he HATES it
- newt probably lets minho get away with a lot of things that he doesnt let anyone else get away with though because hes just used to it atp
- thomas is jealous because newt gives him a good scolding (affectionate) whenever he pisses him off. if hes particularly upset, newt will just ignore him for a few hours which is so hard for thomas
- newt has a lot of self-soothing behaviors but he rocks (like, rocking back and forth) a lot
- hes mega autistic look hes either minimum eye contact or intense uninterrupted eye contact and he hates being touched unless hes warned
- also the whole routines/order/rules thing he has going on especially in the glade
- newt's prolly one of those film nerds
- never watched it but he'd be the type to love brokeback mountain
- thomas is a chronic flannel wearer
- oh also forgot its not a given but newt has chronic pain and a mobility aid
- puerto rican thomas...
- hes also demiromantic and demisexual
- thomas is also ticklish
- tickle fights perhaps....
- thomas fell asleep first once at a sleepover and minho drew all over him/fucked with him in his sleep and he never fell asleep before minho ever again
- the gladers probably smelled like shit
- 40 some adolescent-teen boys all alone no supervision doing physical labor all day every day.... 💀
- the older boys do it more but the younger ones need reminding
- runners probably bathe more often too
- esp in the movies when the box only comes up monthly + no visible building for showers??
- teresa came up and GAGGED
- spiderman newt + batman thomas
- newt probavly is prone to sunburns and he was SUFFERINGGG in the scorch. sonya too but she had it a lot easier w group b's circumstances
- half filipino teresa
- also hispanic brenda is that obvious or not
- newt is unexpectedly demanding in relationships he wants kisses all the time
- newt is a bland ass texter
- thomas just doesnt text. he'll facetime you any time u text him bc he doesnt wanna text
- sonya knows basically NO celebrities you'll go "you know chris pratt??" and she'll be like "who tf 💀" (the ones she does know are just the women she has a crush on)
- gally has probably called newt the f slur before but only because he didnt know the extent of how bad it was and (after a good punch and superduper miffed) newt tells him yhe history of it and he never did it again. he felt rlly bad too
- teresa 100% has a full fursona set up in her head
- she also probably silently assigns everyone else fursonas
- newt is a reptile owner
- minho likes dogs but hes also a terrible pet owner so he just goes over to thomas' place to play with his dog
- sonya watches video essays. shes one of those people that'll turn one on every time she sits and eats
- harriet and newt r besties btw
- sometimes newt gets a little nosy about what sonya wont tell him
- thomas has a rbf and intimidates everyone at first (though its usually not long before he makes a fool of himself and everyone realizes hes just a Guy)
- sonya is like newt's reality checker
- ouuugghhh flower shop/tattoo parlor sonya/harriet
- minho tiktok user x newt youtube shorts user x thomas instagram reels user
- gally has NO social media
- newt has a lowkey freakishly good memory
- sonya has a small collection of stuffed animals. she probably liked squishmallows when they were a thing, she collected them a little
- she has pet mice and she pampers them
- newt and sonya have hamster trauma
- the ENTIRE gang went to see barbie together and they all dressed up
- gally probably showed up not dressed up but sonya and newt planned it so they brought him an outfit and peer pressured him into changing into it at the theater
- it was probably a barbie fit (as punishment) while the rest of the guys were kens
- have i said newt and minho would be roomies or no
- minho and frypan have TOTAL brainrot humor and they bounce off each other (sometimes thomas participates. newt watches silently but judgementally)
- newt with eds on top of his chronic pain from his knee im sorry bro
- very musically inclined thomas versus musically incompetent newt
- minho calls newt hot nonchalantly / newt attempted b4 /ref
- feel like its also a given but newt and alby had a fling
- thomas infodumps on social media and minho just talks about himself
- newt is probably entirely caught up in some niche drama situation someone's posting about
- minho's tiktok fyp is convinced hes a gay man
- newt's is probably convinced hes a lesbian
- thomas just has like weird obscure humor that nobody (including him) understands
- sonya is chappel roan's #1 fan
- truth or dare with minho goes CRAZY
- harriet has a pet tarantula.... freaky little lesbian.....
- newt smoking to get relief from his chronic pain and anxiety and depression and trauma and
- minho probably discovered a long time ago that while newt will NEVER ask for it, he sleeps better with physical contact. so he holds his hand silently and without acknowledging it
- passenger princess thomas lmfaoaoooofofotitu
- ivy trio plays horror games like phasmophobia and lethal company. thomas always dies first and newt is the only one actually playing the game
- rip newt you wouldve loved being inside while it rains and reading a good book
- he'd also be really good at romanticizing the midwest
okay thats all. a few edits were made so its coherent/fits my current views of the characters more but its 98% raw from my notes app. just a peek into my twisted mind 😈😈😈

more notes app tmr thoughts!
dont mind how the music one focuses more on artists than genres im very bad with music genres so u have to approximate from the 1 artist for most of them lol :p ... also, i think i wrote it before the kendrick vs drake thing too so i dont know if i still think minho'd like his music. take it with a grain of salt is what im saying
i'm open to polite discussion abt what u think abt these things as well :3