To Think I Could Become A Popular Starswars Fandom Blogger But I Think Ive Broken That Streak Lol - Tumblr Posts
this is a callout post for this messy bitch who instist on wearing white and then jumps into a pond for fun!!!

I feel like completely white clothes are both over and underutilized. Sure, pretty, pure, ethereal, blahblahblah but where are my DIRTY white robes at. Mud stains! Drops from stepping into a puddle! Getting pollen on your shoulders! Dropping a grape ONCE and now there's a stain! Getting green all over the fabrics becos you took a roll in the grass with your lover. Blood!! So many blood stains!!!!!! THE DRAMA!!!
BE GONE people who are no fun and manage too keep their white clothes pristine in the midst of a battlefield, GIVE ME the fools who kneel down to pet a kitty and now their white trousers have a permanent stain!!
Normalize MESSY characters with white robes!!