Togami - Tumblr Posts
t rex was about to eat the dead triceratops but nobody was around and it tasted the leafs just to see and he realized they were pretty good. and he was like wow ill stop being the bad guy and eaating everyone and everyone was like wow t rex its been millions of years but you finally turned a new leaf haha and then the sky got red
Byakaya Togami Headcanons
-Internalised homophobe and closted gay person
-Insecure about how tall his legs are
-Takes LONNGGGGG showers
-Enjoys the texture of money
-Has a strong hate for anime fans but respects the artists
-He likes meat (not that way)
-he probably likes taco bell
-Related in some way to Sonia Nevermind
-Probably pushed either Fukawa or Naegi down a small flight of stairs (they were fine)
Maid byakyuya??1?1?22??!!

Also small amounts of tags did NOT work last time 😓😓