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Well strictly speaking that is a pretty good skill but as a weapon skill not so much?
Celerity is a movement ability it will be tied to Tormod HP, like as long as Unit has HP ≥ 50% unit move 1 extra space. If unit is adjacent to Beast/Dragon Units grants +5 Atk/Spd/Def/Res.
I would reckon that it would be a C slot skill if its just movement or if it does come with an additional effect for beast type A slot skill.
Also plus Celerity is unique to Tormod so, it would not be inherentable.
For Weapons thats kind of hard, Meteor or Rexflame would be good Belgenon as well but what fun would that be?
So here is as fan made Tome.
Vesuvius: the Tome of Rising Flames
At starts of turn grants ally units +3 Atk. If unit’s HP ≥ 50% and unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can counterattack. After battle inflict 6 damage to all enemies.
I’m putting to much thought into this, but the weapons skills and ability that has been recently added is ridiculous / Wolskin and Kitsune banner /
I don’t want to know what Intelligent system has planned for the new brave heroes.
and if Tormod ever gets into the game as well… and he has an ability and weapons that boost Beasts/Dragon performance. you can be certain that a lot of whales will come out.
Lets play a game, shall we? Make a Unique Tome/Weapon for Tormod. Because oh boy was this character wasted and shafted... so many things could have been made, he's a son of a fallen noble house in Begnion, The Leader of the Laguz Emancipation Army, an all around jack of stats/ not a wet paper bag mage, sign me up! Imean what, did you not think we would not notice IS, seriously? I mean give the boy a unique class at least, Magic Knight or Mage Lord? come on! sorry about the rant.
I love tormod with all my dearest lil heart I tell you what he’s such a good lad and everyone sleeps on him and it’s Disgusting
I’m not too smart or creative but the idea of him having a beast-buffering supportive tome in feh would be cool- maybe +6 atk/def/red/speed for beast units but +4 for human units