Fire Emblem Path Of Radiance - Tumblr Posts
Might as well do a Path of Radiance one, too. But to make things slightly more interesting, (at least for myself) I'll draw a picture of the winner. :)
Congrats to the Black Knight fans! (Besides me. I like him but voted for someone else. There are too many good bosses!) Here's his drawing:

Might as well do a Path of Radiance one, too. But to make things slightly more interesting, (at least for myself) I'll draw a picture of the winner. :)

Posting this again because I think it may have been hidden under a cut the first time.
Fire Emblem fans ahoy! I am interested in hosting a Fire Emblem Siblings Week!
Fire Emblem Fans only, please! I want to get an accurate idea of where things stand.
The week would be about making art and fanfiction about any siblings from any Fire Emblem game, whether Shadow Dragon, Radiant Dawn, Heroes, or Engage. There would be a prompt list made by yours truly. Thank you for your time. :)

Two weeks until entries can be posted!
Prompts can be found here.

Hello, everyone! I'm going to do this fun expression challenge!
Just send me the letter and number of your chosen expression, and a character from one of the following games/fandoms:
Fire Emblem (7, 9, 10, & 16), Xenoblade Chronicles (the original), Metal Gear Solid (any), Final Fantasy VII (the entire compilation), Final Fantasy XV, Star Wars (the originals, the prequels, & the Disney sequels), Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Septimus Heap, Lockwood & Co. (The books, not the show.)
I might add others if I think of them.
Thank you @magicalpouchofmagic!
Sanaki for the reference-less drawing?
(Also if you want to do someone you don’t know, you could try my lil guy Temenos from Octopath :3)
First off, the empress!

I've drawn her before, and I thought I did pretty well, until I saw what she actually looks like.

She's wonkier with accuracy than I thought she would be, (I think I may have given her Sephiran's turtleneck) but as far as recognizability, I think she's good.
And then there's Temenos:

I don't know whether I've ever seen this guy outside of your drawings, so the memory of them was pretty much my reference. I don't know where that little sprig on his head in my drawing came from, but it's not here:

He's way more colorful than I thought. I thought he had an all white robe like an FE healer.
Thanks for these! This is fun!

I'm having a blast experimenting with my new markers. Have some Tellius guys and dolls! :D

Hey @aptericia, I have a small public service announcement for you:
Birbs 🦜🦆🦅
I tried a new digital drawing app, so of course I had to test it with something very special:

Isn't he beautiful? 😍
“I don't need to think because that's what Soren's for-!”
-Ike, probably
Top 10 Fire Emblem Fathers: INPO

10. Garcia - Sacred Stones

9. Eliwood - Binding Blade

8. Finn - Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776

7. Greil - Path of Radiance

6. Chrom - Awakening

5. Lambert - Three Houses

4. Henry - Awakening

3. Laslow - Fates

2. Hector - Binding Blade

1. Kaze - Fates
Well strictly speaking that is a pretty good skill but as a weapon skill not so much?
Celerity is a movement ability it will be tied to Tormod HP, like as long as Unit has HP ≥ 50% unit move 1 extra space. If unit is adjacent to Beast/Dragon Units grants +5 Atk/Spd/Def/Res.
I would reckon that it would be a C slot skill if its just movement or if it does come with an additional effect for beast type A slot skill.
Also plus Celerity is unique to Tormod so, it would not be inherentable.
For Weapons thats kind of hard, Meteor or Rexflame would be good Belgenon as well but what fun would that be?
So here is as fan made Tome.
Vesuvius: the Tome of Rising Flames
At starts of turn grants ally units +3 Atk. If unit’s HP ≥ 50% and unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can counterattack. After battle inflict 6 damage to all enemies.
I’m putting to much thought into this, but the weapons skills and ability that has been recently added is ridiculous / Wolskin and Kitsune banner /
I don’t want to know what Intelligent system has planned for the new brave heroes.
and if Tormod ever gets into the game as well… and he has an ability and weapons that boost Beasts/Dragon performance. you can be certain that a lot of whales will come out.
Lets play a game, shall we? Make a Unique Tome/Weapon for Tormod. Because oh boy was this character wasted and shafted... so many things could have been made, he's a son of a fallen noble house in Begnion, The Leader of the Laguz Emancipation Army, an all around jack of stats/ not a wet paper bag mage, sign me up! Imean what, did you not think we would not notice IS, seriously? I mean give the boy a unique class at least, Magic Knight or Mage Lord? come on! sorry about the rant.
I love tormod with all my dearest lil heart I tell you what he’s such a good lad and everyone sleeps on him and it’s Disgusting
I’m not too smart or creative but the idea of him having a beast-buffering supportive tome in feh would be cool- maybe +6 atk/def/red/speed for beast units but +4 for human units
Um so Fire Emblem Tellius Saga with Three House Crest System?
I don’t know it just occured to me. That it would be interesting to see which character would have crest (Major and Minor) and be crestless... so i kind of compiled the Character and crests here...
Just food for thought thats all.
Note: i’ll be excluding the Laguz from here because of this idea... so please bear with me and my ever jumping active mind.
also the characters and crest choice are due to the lore of Three houses and background of certain characters, please keep that in mind when you are reading, plus angst and feels... know that i might have missed a few characters here and there.
Feedback is appreciated aswell!
Note: I fixed and added few things.

Key Notes!
1) Ike and Mist are Siblings with Ike inheriting the Crest.
2) Soren is the abandoned son of a certain king and has no claim to the throne, was taken in by Greil and Elena.
3) Oscar and Boyd are full blooded siblings (ei: Same crest) but Rolf is their Half Brother. Relationship between the three were not good until recently.
4) Rhys is a runaway noble and met Shinnon and Gatrie on his travels
5) Elincia is still a princess of a kingdom, but has doubt of her legitimacy.
6) Sanaki is the heir apparent for her kingdom but is met with vehement protest by a minority of nobles.
7) Tormod is a Son of Noble House raised humbly alongside the normal people but his name would be used to blouster the schemes of the minor nobles.
8) Stefan is both a tentative ally of both Sanaki and Tormod during the chaotic period.
9) Pelleas is still the legitimate heir to the throne of a certain king.
10) Micaiah is an orphan who gives other orphan a home.
11) Edward is the only child of a declining noble house to have crest.
12) Illyaana did not obtain her crest naturally.
13) Levail and Zelgius would eventually ally themselves with Sanaki and Tormod.
14) Teureneo is .... he’s just there, standing menacingly.

Day Four, Prompt: Imitation
Kurthnaga's attempting to be prim and proper like his big sister!
👀 Oliver, from Tellius
"AS YOU Wiiiissshhh...."

Have a freaky peek-y.
Noodle Buddies

Soren and Micaiah for @lepetitcaporal for ArtScuffle!

Engagement Volktrine for @vellatra for ArtScuffle!

The Three Desires - by ME
- Aimee
- Calill
- Heather

It's 2020 and the only enemy-only unit from Tellius is Zelgius. This injustice can't continue. A vote for Petrine is a vote for the many cool enemies that Tellius has to offer