Totoko - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago


All probably belong to a lame frat house or smth because...I mean...just look at them...

Lazy post

Idk random au hcs

cw: ocs



Engineering Student (?)

Pretty lax with his work, has a some late assignments but usually hands them in on time.

Engineer work always manages to impress.

Actually fairly decent with what he does!

Natural charismatic and chill nature makes him an ideal student and well liked by his classmates!

Often goes to parties and, out of the brothers, most lively and seen out more with his brothers.

Still a pervert, but we love him.


Law Student !!

Passing with flying colors.

Over the top ALWAYS.

Hands in assignments on time--no, EARLY actually. Cannot handle one tardy or late being a drag on his grade.

VERY passionate about what he does. VERY.

More assertive and combative with teachers and fellow students when it comes to debates or group projects.

Well respected by his peers, and often invited out, though doesn't often go to parties despite the pushing from Osomatsu.

Though, he does eventually cave now and again.

Choromatsu (i dislike him idk why)

Economic Student

Doing fairly well, passing but nothing over the top or crazy.

Never hands in a late assignment or late work.

Doesn't work amazing with group projects but doesnt work terribly either.

Architecture Student

Surprisingly passing fairly well!

Often doodles idols (Nyaa-Chan) in class, but always hands in work on time or even early with complex work and details.

Probably, a little bit of a teachers pet.


Law Student

Passing, but not doing the best he could do.

Often gets Karamatsu nagging him to interact more, to put in more effort, he is a law student after all.

Doesn't really care too much, and has few late assignments, but doing pretty okay.

Everyone always pauses to hear what he has to say, oddly his peers HEAVILY value his opinion.

Vet Student


Does plenty of volunteer work, and actually strives in this line of work. And, while he still does law, he doesn't want to do that as his profession.

Animals love him and have a clear bias of him over his fellow students.

Actively trying to get over his fear of needles to work as a vet.

His peers again value his opinion, though here they're more intimidated by him more than his law student peers.


Sports Tuition - Baseball !!






Always enthusiastic at baseball and has grown to befriend most to all of everyone on his team.

Plans to go big leagues and already has plenty of offers.


Interior Design Student

Pretty well liked by his peers, often conversing and making friends easily. While Todomatsu doesn't go to many parties like Osomatsu, Todomatsu prefers lowkey parties, group study sessions, etc..

Overall passing fairly well!

Amazing at group projects, often excelling at communication, and makes sure everyone does their equal parts.

Political Science/Politic Student

Similar to before! Pretty well off, and liked by his peers.

Often takes part in debates and events, normally taking part in setting up as well!!

Avoids his brothers, though his brothers do somehow manages to embarrass him regardless. All the avoiding was useless in the end.


(Sorority Girl)

Different Sorority house as Nyaa but later tranfers half-way through the year.

Economics !!


She needs the cash, and needs it now.

Has a few late assignments, but she's one of kind student.

Very cute, and well like by most if not all her peers!

Business !!

Similar to before, passing with flying colors!

Few late assignments, but there are a sparse few.


(Sorority Girl)

Music Tuition !!

Literally poster-girl of the school.

Amazing at what she does, even if she does it differently than what was stated on the assignments.

Not one late assignment and ALWAYS does it with class!

Social Science !!

Same as before!

The BEST at what she does, it doesn't matter.

Her gaggle of fanboys always trailing her, though despite the fame is sweet once getting to know her.

Keeps her daughter a secret, so being an idol, a student, and a mother sometimes her close friends (matsu brothers, totoko[, &rei]) help her take care of her daughter when she gets overwhelmed.

+Oc content, don't mind this.


Does marital arts on the side, though prefers to keep it in the dojo only.

Prodigy, and definitely the dojo master's favorite, though tends to deal with some ridicule and jealousy from her male peers.

Her older brother (Hakuno) is a almost graduate law student. Both don't talk much despite how close they were growing up.

Art / Fine Arts Student

Prefers turning in assignments at the end of class away from prying eyes.

A few late assignments, though normally turns them in eventually.

Doesn't do too well in group projects, and ends up doing most of it, though she normally doesn't complain.

Passing pretty well!

Normally tried to avoid group projects, but gets dragged into them anyways.

Often called "Hakuno's little sister" despite her clear dislike of it.


Often seen with his girlfriend, Cheriko, or Cherry.

Normally avoids topics like his younger sister, and has since stopped attending her minor to large scale tournaments.

Often brash and to the point. Often sees Karamatsu as an obstacle or competition as he was once top of the class and had since been booted to second place.

Law Student


Always there to hand in assignments on time, and VERY competitive in debates.

However, he has a hard time listening to others and prefers only to work alone and refuses to hear others opinion which in the end only harms his grades. Though, not by too much.

Has grown more competitive during class debates.

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9 months ago


Osomatsu & Totoko Moment Redraw :

Osomatsu & Totoko moment redraw :›

I think they're sweet hehe

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6 months ago
A Bday Gift With Best Fish Girl

A bday gift with best fish girl 🐠🐟

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7 years ago
Day 4: Favorite Facial Expressions

Day 4:  Favorite Facial Expressions

The facial expressions in this series are seriously amazing.  Picking only five was so hard, there’s so many good ones to choose from ... The first two were a given;  they’ve practically become memes in their own right.  The other three are ones that I feel go underappreciated;  Totoko doesn’t get a whole lot of love (in the Western fandom at least,) and that face in Ep. 25 caught me off guard.  Choromatsu ... that face combined with Hiroshi Kamiya’s desperate whimpering is comedy gold, at least to me.  And Jyushimatsu’s ‘serious’ face is probably one of my favorites, just because of how out of place it is, especially on someone like Jyushi.

Previous Day:  Here.

Next Day:  Here.

Challenge Start: Here.

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7 years ago
Day 12: Top 3 Favorite Outfits
Day 12: Top 3 Favorite Outfits
Day 12: Top 3 Favorite Outfits
Day 12: Top 3 Favorite Outfits

Day 12:  Top 3 Favorite Outfits

Osomatsu-san has a lot of strange episodes with wacky outifts, and picking only three was tough.  But I really do love these ones, mainly because I think they’re legitimately well designed;  punk-rock Ichimatsu definitely brings to mind some of the old ‘British Invasion’ get-ups that western rock bands wore back in the 60′s and 70′s.  Shrimp Totoko is both really cute and actually looks nice compared to her normal jellyfish costume, plus it’s got a samurai armor vibe to it.  And Sunglassed-Wanderer Karamatsu isn’t as flashy as his normal *perfect fashion,* but it still kind of works; he actually does look cool and mysterious for once, yet the gaudy sunglasses push it over-the-top enough to still be Karamatsu.  (Plus he’s the spitting image of Zaheer from Legend of Korra - one of my favorite characters from that series, so brownie points for that.)

Previous Day:  Here.

Next Day:  Here.

Challenge Start:  Here.

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7 years ago
Five More Palette Challenges Done! The Hesokuri Wars Sets Are Really Fun To Draw, Like Hot Damn!
Five More Palette Challenges Done! The Hesokuri Wars Sets Are Really Fun To Draw, Like Hot Damn!
Five More Palette Challenges Done! The Hesokuri Wars Sets Are Really Fun To Draw, Like Hot Damn!
Five More Palette Challenges Done! The Hesokuri Wars Sets Are Really Fun To Draw, Like Hot Damn!
Five More Palette Challenges Done! The Hesokuri Wars Sets Are Really Fun To Draw, Like Hot Damn!

Five more palette challenges done!  The Hesokuri Wars sets are really fun to draw, like hot damn!  

The palettes are once again from @umihoshi-art ‘s palette challenge

Dear lord someone take these away from me I can’t stop

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7 years ago
More Palettes With Osomatsu-san Characters! With A Little Twist This Time Though; Only The First Three
More Palettes With Osomatsu-san Characters! With A Little Twist This Time Though; Only The First Three
More Palettes With Osomatsu-san Characters! With A Little Twist This Time Though; Only The First Three
More Palettes With Osomatsu-san Characters! With A Little Twist This Time Though; Only The First Three
More Palettes With Osomatsu-san Characters! With A Little Twist This Time Though; Only The First Three

More palettes with Osomatsu-san characters!  With a little twist this time though; only the first three are actually from @umihoshi-art ‘s palette challenge. The last two palettes are actually requests from friends of mine, hence the knockoff different palette design.  I designed the leaf template myself, and I think it looks pretty okay.  Oh, and the two friends who requested said palettes are @askxatsushixkun and @hedgeyart , respectively.  They’re both super cool people, go check them out if you’re looking for some new blogs to follow!  :-)

Also, I owe some credit to @goth-ism for that first Jyushi - they’re the one who first came up with the multicolored lines idea, and I may have taken some inspiration from their artwork (I hope they don’t mind ... eh heh.)  Go check out their blog too, they’ve got a lot of great stuff!

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4 years ago
Goretober Day 27: Fake Mermaid

Goretober Day 27: Fake Mermaid

This was an interesting prompt but it was fun to figure out

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