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Kind of fits the narrative though.
Like when Rumi lost her limbs the next cover was her with cool prosthetics like a showcase of “how strong she is”, whereas any of the League Members who lost limbs got prosthetics, but Compress’s arm was acting up during Maschia’s fight, Re-Destro’s legs weren’t strong enough to keep up with his quirk at all times and did Giran even get anything for his fingers?
This is really mimicing of the real live that bnha often does with the celebrity treatment of pro heroes.
So the girls have to have pretty/sexy over functioning costumes, there are billbords everywhere and any pro hero who overcomes something is called a role model and strong for it, or they get away with comitting crimes without any trial.
Just like in real life celebrities get called strong and a role model for basic living, but when a civilian does it, it doesn’t matter or they have to take care of themselves, being in a huge disadvantage. Or when a famous person gets a legal sentence they are usually way lower than those of civilians.
A fighter that does horrible damage to their oponent loses their limbs?
Being a pro hero you’ll get a cool cover with your prosthetics.
Be a villain? You’ll be denied basic human rights, even though you are in no way capable of fighting anymore and not a physical threat to anybody.
This is very mimicing of the real live where the rich, wealthy or famous people get their lives back with a lot more ease even after traumatic experiences, while normal people have their lives destoryed/ made harder or even ended.
And it does give the villains right. They keep losing to this rigged system that they are trying to fight, so they have to push harder and they do. They are not in a place of privilege so any fight they take on, they are at a huge disadvantage from the get go -> See Deika.
Deternat has resources, they start the fight, Giran loses his fingers for not giving up the League, Toga gets blown up, Twice his arms broken, Shigaraki breaks his leg and loses his fingers, but they kept standing up and fighting. Which does really show of their dedication to themselves and gives you great reason to root for them. And because they keep fighting more priveleged people you want them to win and you start rooting for them.
So if they can go up against the Meta Liberation Army with all their resources, they can go up against the society that is activly working against them in all ways.
And on Hawks: keeping his wings is kind of forshaddowing on him getting out of the Twice kill for now. I remember very well the chapter he got burned and everyone was discussing about this being Hakws great turnpoint, but it wasn’t, so far Hawks has no turn point, only deepening his issues, which can be frustrating to read. And his wings are the first sign that nothing really has changed. Or as Dabi put it: he didn’t do enough yet.
The pro heroes still have their ways of getting away with things no one should get away with and so the damage done to society wasn’t enough yet.
But what makes it so frustrating to read for a lot of people is because we see this in our normal lives all the time. We see priveleged people using their position to help themselves instead of those who could use some help.
I don’t know if this is intentional or not as being part of pro hero society, but it does fit the narrative very well.
That being said: from a writing perspective I’d love for the heroes to have a big impact that really changes them in a way that isn’t fixable because for far (315) we see some slight learning from Deku, which is realistic, but kind of boring to read to be honest, when the villains always have such drastic consequences for their lives in comparison.
(Oh wait, that is a sign of privelege again, to have the time to grow.)
Is anyone else like... a lil bit annoyed by the repeated reversal of consequences for the heroes? When they brought Eri in I was like this is a cool concept but I like that her powers are too unstable to be basically used as an undo button for characters' injuries, but then the Mirio thing happened and there's no guarantee she won't be used that way again, and now apparently Hawks is getting his wings back too. Even stuff like Enji and Jeanist losing lungs feels like a moot point bc they still fight no problem - in fact Jeanist coming back at all sorta feels like another example of the problem.
It kinda feels like only minor characters/side characters/characters whose literal only purpose is to die actually face concrete consequences, especially on the heroes' side.
Idk, maybe Hori's handling of Aizawa will prove me wrong. We'll see.