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When it all began
Standing with no chance, Part 2
She stared at the piece of paper in front of her with a contemplative look in her chocolate brown eyes. She fiddle with the bullpen in her left hand as she contemplated on what she was supposed to write. Pieces of crumpled paper can be seen behind her, showing that she'd started writing for quite a while now but was never satisfied at the result of her writing — honestly, when was she ever satisfied with her writing? Never, that was the answer. An annoyed sigh escaped her plumb lips as yet another minute had passed of her merely staring at the blank piece of paper. What was she even doing? That's right. She was writing a letter to him even though she'll probably never show it to him — she never did. She thought back to the amount of letters she'd written just for him, all of which she hid in a box that was never to be touched by anyone lest it be her. She ran a hand through her long, messy hair and sighed yet again. No words seem to be coming into her mind at the moment and, as on can tell, it was starting to frustrate her. Biting her lip as a way to show her frustration, she continued to stare at the blank piece of paper as if it was her greatest enemy.
A melodious laugh reached her ears just as she was about to give up writing the letter. Curious, she turned her head to spy on whoever released the laugh only to regret it as the sight before her met her now dull chocolate brown eyes, the annoyance quickly fleeing from it. The sight was that of the pair she had stared at all the time as school laughing together and leaning closely to one another with a goofy, adorable smile on her face. Oh how she wished to be at the receiving end of the smile of the boy in the pair. The boy which she was writing the letter for. The boy which she oh so foolishly fell in love with. The boy who made her have butterflies in her stomach at the mere thought of him. Her eyes welled up yet again with another round of tears which she quickly wiped. No! She wasn't going to cry over him. Not again. Not when she doesn't have the privilege to. She was tired. Tired of her constantly pinning over him when he was already taken — by a beautiful, talented brunette at that. She didn't want it anymore. She wanted the feeling gone. The pain was too much for her to bear. And so, with new vigor in her, she looked away from the pair and back at the blank piece of paper that wasn't going to be blank anymore. The words came flooding in her mind like water falling from a dam. Her hands were quick in writing down the words, afraid that it would escape her mind if she wrote it down a second to late. Her hand danced around the not so blank piece of paper as if it was a ballerina doing a pirouette.
To the guy who will never be mine,
Why? Why do you have to do this to me? Why did you have to steal my heart only for you to break it into a thousand pieces? Pieces which, by the way, I'm still trying to collect. But, of course, I can never blame you. Not because I'm to head over heels for you but rather because it wasn't your fault to begin with. It wasn't your fault that I fell in love with you. It wasn't your fault that I fell for you stupid smile and stupid laugh. It wasn't your fault that, suddenly, you were all that I can think about. It wasn't your fault that I fell in love with your stupid quirks and your stupid looks. It wasn't your fault that I fell head over heels with you even though I knew that you were already taken, unofficially at the time but it was still obvious. No, it wasn't. It was mine. You never intended to make me fall for you but I did it anyway. And now, I want to fix it. I want to move on from you because it hurts. Hurts to see another girl in your arms when I wanted the girl to be me. Hurts to see you love a girl that isn't me — don't worry, I don't blame you, I'm sure that the girl you love is a wonderful girl and far more better than yours truly. I hope that, by the time you're reading this — if you ever read it, that is — I had moved on. It would be hard, I know, especially because you are so dear to me, but I will, move on that is.
You're probably wondering how I fell in love with you — when I fell in love with you, aren't you? You're probably thinking about how and when it all began, right? Truth to be told, I never really knew when it began or how it began. I never knew when my feelings for you began but I knew when it blossomed into something more — when a crush turned into love. It was actually when we were in High school...
Her chocolate brown eyes scanned the area with an annoyed glint in them. A sigh escaped her lips as yet another minute passed by of her standing outside a classroom, obviously waiting for someone. Her eyes glanced down at the watch she had decided to wear on her hand and couldn't help but let out a groan. It's been over fifteen minutes and whoever she was waiting for was still not there. She couldn't believe she was even waiting for him when she knew she didn't have to. Damn her feelings. Her chocolate brown eyes narrowed at nothing in particular as if it was something she loathed.
"What did the air do to you?"
Not the least bit startled at the sudden question, she let her eyes wander around the hallway before it settled on the sheepish boy in front of her, wearing the usual school uniform. She couldn't help but notice how his face seemed to glisten under the light and sighed, knowing that the boy was sweating from either running or from whatever activity he did during gym class — she knew that he had gym class before their meeting as she had gotten quite used to his schedule and unknowingly memorized it — but knowing him, it was probably both.
"Shut up."
"Okay, princess."
Her eyes twitched with irritation at the nickname she, rather unfortunately, gained from him. Her hands formed a fist for a second before she let it go and flexed her hand, not wanting to get in trouble for murder of a student, even if the thought was so tempting.
"How many times have I told you to not call me that?" Before she could add more in her sentence, she was, quite rudely, interrupt by the very same boy she was scolding. "Clearly not enough since I'm still doing it," He spoke only to raise his hands in surrender at the glare that was sent his way — he knew just how scary the girl can be and didn't want to experience it, again.
"I hate you—"
"No you don't."
"Don't test me." Her glare was so strong it was scary. The boy mimed zipping his tongue as he continued to raise his hands in surrender — at least he knew when to keep his mouth shut. "Whatever you say, princess." She takes back what she said. With a glare and half a mind to murder the boy, she dropped one of the bags she was carrying near his feet before turning around and leaving.
"Oh — don't be like that!"
"Oh, so, you're ignoring me now?"
"Come on! I'll buy you candy, I promise!"
"...They better be good..."
"Ha! Yes!"
She let a smile form on her face as she listened to him cheering behind her, still walking away. Her heart swelled knowing that he was probably raising and pumping his hand up in the air like the idiot he is. What she didn't know at the time was the butterflies in her stomach growing stronger. Or how that simple, stupid moment was the day when it all began. When a crush she had yet to even discover at the time — she always ignored the soft butterflies in her stomach and passed it off as being sick — turned into something more. Something like love.
...I never knew at the time that I was falling in love with you nor did I know when I fell in love with you. I just found out when you told me — told us — that you had found the one. The one you're sure to spend the rest of your life with. It's just unfortunate that it wasn't me — it never had been and never will be, as far as I could tell.
Tears fell from her eyes against her will as she stared at the last sentence, knowing that it was true. She didn't even know why she was crying. After all, she always knew that they would never happen but, nonetheless, it hurts. She guessed that by reading the sentence she wrote down — reading the truth — had just confirmed her deepest fear, one that, despite knowing of it, she was never ready to face. Reading the sentence made her heart break even more and she cursed it all. She cursed faith for doing this to her. She cursed the fact that she had to fall in love, with the boy who only saw her as a little sister figure no less. She cursed the fact that, even if she wanted to, she can't move on. She wants to move on, she does, she really does, but her heart won't let her. At least not yet. Maybe, after a few months or, if fate really hates her, a few years, her heart will let her move on but for now, she was stuck. She was stuck in an endless pit she didn't even want to be stuck in, in the first place. Stuck in an endless pit people call "Falling in love". Honestly, if falling in love was always going to be this hard, she doesn't want it. She'd rather die alone than fall in love with someone who will never love her back because she's tired. Tired of the pain of it all. Tired of the constant suffering she had to endure. Tired of all of this. Tired of falling in love. She knew she might have sounded petty but who can blame her? She was hurting and love was the cause of it. Why wouldn't she hate love? Especially when it caused her the most pain?
Wiping her tears away, she stared at her shaking hands and let out an empty chuckle that was so empty it hurt everyone who heard it — which was not a lot, mind you. Glancing back up at the pair she glanced at just before she started writing, she watched them, yet again, interact and with it came the breaking of her heart. She wondered if love would always be like this. Filled with pain and suffering. So unlike the love she let herself believe in. Unlike the love she read about in the many books she'd read. Or maybe love wasn't all that bad. Maybe it just hates her for no particular reason. But maybe love was really a good thing. Maybe she just hadn't found the right person to give her the love she deserves yet.
"Why are you crying?"
The question didn't startle her. It was a question she received so much as of late but she never really gave a proper answer to it. Like right now. She ignored the person who asked her the question and merely stared at the couple with blank, empty eyes and no longer crying. She stared at them interact and wondered, for the last time that day, if maybe, just maybe, love wasn't all that bad. After all, they said that first love was always the hardest love. Maybe that was it. But then again, it was only a maybe. Only a possibility. But she didn't down herself any longer, she didn't want to. Her chocolate brown eyes glanced at the person who asked her the question with a blank face to go with her empty eyes.
"Why shouldn't I be?"
And with that, she stood up and gathered her belongings. She left not even a moment later and ignored the curious and concerned eyes that was set on her back. It was weird for them. To see her be so empty. Of course, she had never been the most filled with life of the lot but she was never do empty as she was then. Her friends made sure of that. So, to see her like that, to see her so empty, broke their hearts but there was nothing they could do. She was so deep into the endless pit that they feared they would never see the smiling girl they came to love ever again. And that scared them.
Said girl stopped in her footsteps in the middle of the hallway as she sighed, remembering something that made her annoyance grow.
She never got to finish her letter.