Treasure Map - Tumblr Posts
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Overwatch (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Junkrat | Jamison Fawkes/Roadhog | Mako Rutledge Characters: Junkrat | Jamison Fawkes, Roadhog | Mako Rutledge, Hanzo Shimada Additional Tags: Treasure Hunting, Treasure map, not romantic - Freeform, Fighting, Disorganized Thoughts, Inattentive, Erratic Thinking, Watchpoint: Gibraltar (Overwatch), Humor, Brief death description, Unusual Tattoos, Swearing Series: Part 3 of Attackers Incoming in 30 Seconds Summary:
Junkrat is supposed to be doing something, but he can't think what it is...
The Internet Story.
A true story of a treasure map and a murder.
Unsure if this has been submitted or not yet, but I figured you guys would appreciate it ;)

Inktober Day 5 - Map