Tristepin - Tumblr Posts

I got bored and drew a Wakfu character I hadn't drawn in months. I'm still obsessed with OK K.O., but I need to draw other things here and there, too (my greatest fear is that I will totally forget how to draw hands). Obviously, the coloring job is pretty lazy, but I may do a more involved drawing in the future. I'm not sure yet.

I wanted to redraw the tofu brotherhood but with my hcs. I rewatched the 2 first seasons recently w the roomies but i didnt find it as good as i used to

mascot of transgenders

This family is too cute.

This family is too cute.
Hahaha powiadajom że nadzieja umiera ostatnia ☄️⭐
Hahaha they say that hope dies last.⭐☄️
Ćesze się że mogłam pszeżyć tom przygodę zwanom Wakfu . Te 7 lat czekania na 4 s było wspaniałe niż wiedzą że teraz to koniec i nići z 5 sezonu😂
I'm glad I could share this adventure with the people called Wakfu. These 7 years of waiting for 4 s were great than they know that now it's over and the 5 s are gone😂

Nie pozwolę umżeć temu handomiwi
I won't let this handicap die
The End