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okay so the futuristic four seems like a pretty small fandom, but as a die-hard Hiro lover and having at least seen enough to understand the others it's one i'd kinda like to join, so... uh... how do you like. find a little tiny hidden fandom
Do you like. make art? I can make art
When I first started watching Broadchurch, I couldn’t help rolling my eyes at Alec Hardy, with his cold demeanour and his “broody bullshit schtick” as Ellie puts it. A handsome, brooding detective with a troubled past. Well that’s something I’ve seen a hundred times before.
But Chibnall’s writing cleverly undermines that trope in a hundred ways. Hardy is different. Under his apparent rough exterior, he is so emotional and so emotionally invested in the cases he works. We see him break down and cry a lot. He’s mentally and physically ill. The scene on the beach where he finds Danny’s body shows him trying to control a panic attack. He is physically weak and prone to collapse. The narrative confronts his illnesses head on and shows how hard he struggles with his health. It doesn’t shy away from his anxiety or his panic attacks, nor the realities of his arrhythmia.
His isolation comes from him being hurt and self-protective and socially awkward, but as he accepts Ellie he proves himself an empathetic and devoted friend. At the end of the season, all of Ellie’s friends desert her - all except Hardy. He is there for her, providing all the support he can. For all his trust issues and his maxims about how you can’t trust anyone, he trusts this woman more than anything.
He’s extremely protective of children and it’s clear he would die to protect them or get justice for the murdered children he’s investigating. He would do anything for his daughter. He loves her so much he ruined his own life and his health for her. Even though it hurts him to be apart from her, he waits for her to be ready to accept him back in her life, and doesn’t force his way in.
Despite being played by David Tennant, Hardy is an undesirable character. He’s not some macho fantasy that goes around seducing women and having one night stands left and right. He’s rejected by every woman he approaches, and what he really craves is not sex but a meaningful relationship with someone he loves. He’d be happier with a hug from a loved one than sex with a stranger.
His tragic backstory isn’t a simple case of dead wife or dead daughter either - he’s a cuckolded husband who handled the situation by taking the blame and protecting the wife that cheated on him. He’s the wronged party struggling to overcome all the health issues that cropped up as a result - but the best part is, the narrative never excuses his behaviour just because he’s been hurt. Ellie Miller always calls him out on his bullshit. She supports him and loves him, but when he acts like a jackass, regardless of the underlying cause, she damn well lets him know it’s not okay. And that’s so important. Too often a tragic backstory is used to excuse bad behaviour. With Alec, it explains his behaviour, but never condones it.
In S2, and this is where things get good, our hero confronts the failure that has haunted him. But there’s never any macho bullshit about how he has to do it alone, or that he has to be the one who solves it. His priority is justice for Pippa and Lisa. All through S1 he admonished Ellie Miller for letting her emotions get the better of her. He told her she had to be objective, and that she had to look at things from the outside. And Hardy is man enough to take his own advice. He accepts his own failures and says, “hey, I’m way too emotionally invested with Sandbrook and too close to these suspects to think straight. I need help.”
Where most dudes insist on doing things alone, Hardy is actually asking for help constantly. The problem is, no-one answers his requests. He asks Tess to reopen the case and to give him some officers. She says no. She reminds him that he never made any friends, which is why he’s alone and in exile. The only person who answers his requests for help is Ellie Miller. He tells her in clear terms - “I sort of need your help.” “I can’t do it on my own.” “Help me.”
How often does that happen? How often does a man look at a woman and say, without any hint that he finds it emasculating, “I can’t do this alone, I need your help”? The thought of it being emasculating doesn’t even register. It’s not even within his ability to think like that and the narrative never even touches those sexist assumptions. It’s just a matter of - I trust her, and she’s the best person for the job. Nothing else.
Throughout the season he asks for her help and she agrees. Always, always, he asks. And she helps him because she wants to. He recognises his shortcomings and he’s completely comfortable saying, “talk to Miller” instead of interviewing someone himself. He steps down and gives her the reins. He acknowledges her abilities and once they’ve solved it he thanks her and says, “I couldn’t have done this without you.” Very sincerely, he lets her know he couldn’t have done it without her. He gives her the credit, doesn’t make it a secret, lets everyone know, “I need Miller.”
Alec Hardy is mentally and physically ill. He’s emotional and he cries a lot. He recognises his flaws and shortcomings and is willing to admit them. On a professional and an emotional level, he looks at this one woman and says, “I need you.” He is never mocked for this or viewed as less of a man. The narrative rewards him for talking about his feelings and never condones his rude or inappropriate behaviour. He’s kind and devoted and loving, especially towards his daughter. He’s respectful of people’s boundaries, he craves physical intimacy, and he’s always willing to offer what emotional support he can. He’s allowed to cry and make mistakes and rely on the help and friendship of a woman without it calling his masculinity into question.
It’s the greatest debunking of the “handsome, brooding dude with a troubled past” I have ever seen and I can’t thank Chibnall enough for Alec Hardy, and resident bamf Ellie Miller, too.
i can tell you with full certainty that right now aj crowley has taken up a job as an uber driver and is leaving the public of london mentally scarred but where they need to be seven times as fast
love that even with the metacrisis suppressed and everything, Donna (and Rose) were still getting the Doctor's memories in their dreams. like they both referenced stuff that happened weeellllllll after he mind wiped Donna. there was always still that subconscious connection there. and I'm wondering. if it worked in reverse. like we know the Doctor puts off sleeping for as long as possible so do you think they ever passed out for the first time in a month only to be bombarded with images of Nerys causing a fucking SCENE at Donna's baby shower. I'm imagining like, 12 accidentally mind melding with Rose one night and waking up in a cold sweat like 'I have to cut bangs right now or else I'll kill myself' and River just barely managed to talk him out of it. 14 now remembers every single little spat Donna and Shaun have ever gotten in and he has Opinions. oh my God, what if fish fingers and custard was just a crazy pregnancy craving.
absolutely love how the star beast is all new and exciting but still is such a doctor who episode (especially such a david tennant episode)
in keeping with the character, the doctor;
bullshits his way into and out of situations
gets slapped by somebody's mother
is confused about gender
basically says fuck it to gender, i am gender
get's knocked out
gets kidnapped
is silly
looks absolutely pathetic
is on the verge of tears at least 3 times
has an emotional breakdown
stares into the middle distance
get's his ass whipped by donna
is confused by what's happening 80% of the time
is outsmarted by a young girl (who basically saves the day)
get's insulted about his appearance
acts like a 5 year old in the tardis
is an absolute disaster when he tries to chill with donna
clearly has severe PTSD

always didnt really like the lack of undertone diversity in omniverse's skin colors, esp for white people. like theres pink and then kevin is... purple ig? anyway ben looks like a naked mole rat (to me) even though hes constantly in the sun and originally had a much warmer skin tone. heres an edit i did to demonstrate my point, i think making him a little warmer and healthier makes his colors look a little more cohesive, plus it adds personality

ppl are being annoying about racebending on twitter again (whenever r they not) so here's native ben and gwen bc bellwood reminds me of the res near me (built on 2 billion sinkholes). i actually rlly like the tooth necklace idea, i might use that on a lot more ben designs

(because i got 150 notes and 3 reblogs on one of my recent drawings lol)

an old fic i wrote which never got the attention i hoped for. it's about reboot ben 10k and kevin 11k reconciling after 15 years apart. read it here and leave a comment if youd like

(sorry i put this every time but its so funny to me how it actually works hehe)

ppl are being annoying about racebending on twitter again (whenever r they not) so here's native ben and gwen bc bellwood reminds me of the res near me (built on 2 billion sinkholes). i actually rlly like the tooth necklace idea, i might use that on a lot more ben designs

(because i got 150 notes and 3 reblogs on one of my recent drawings lol)
Counter- Cutie^2 (or QT squared it’s the same thing)
big hero 6 fandom, if youre still out there, can we PRETTY please make hiro and karmi's duo name cutieduo 🙏🙏🙏 becausue "captain cutie" and "kheartsqt"

when i was a kid i was obsessed w xiaolin but only for these three characters and id draw fanart of me marrying chase while the main characters were on screen (except kimiko i liked her. i used to ship her and shadow so much.... toxic yuri win)
OMG I LOVE THESE SO MUCH!!! idk how i didn’t see these but i adore these redesigns ✨ you’re completely right about lewis and those horrid shorts, like- out of ANY other color, RED??????? same thing about wilbur’s jeans, idk what it is but they really look like leggings more than anything, i’ll never be able to put into words what’s up w his pants 😭
i’ll probably try my hand at redesigning them because i am nothing if not a redesign fanatic, i just think it’s so cool to see other people’s takes on characters :3
Lewis and Wilbur Redesigns
Exactly what the title says. I redesigned Lewis and Wilbur, purely for fun. This isn't meant as a way to "fix" the character designs. I repeat, this was just a fun exercise and a way for me to show you what my take on the characters would be. I've actually wanted to do this for a while now.
First off, the OG designs:

I actually really like the OG designs. Except for a couple of elements, but I'll get to them when I get to them.
Now, my redesigns:

For Lewis, I cooled the color palette down and made it more cohesive. That meant getting rid of those bright red shorts. Lewis, sweetie. I love you, you're my son, but I will never forgive you for those red shorts! I also tried to give Lewis more of a disorganized look, with the dress shirt sticking out and the pencil stuck behind his ear (among other details). I've always felt Lewis would dress in a cozy way, so I turned his sweater vest into an oversized full sweater. Also, I kept the one sock up one sock down because it's cute as hell.
With Wilbur, I've always interpreted the lightning bolt to mean he's quick on his feet. I carried the lightning bolt motif throughout his design, even giving him some awesome jogging pants. Perfect for track and field! I kept his slim frame, though I did beef him up a little bit in the legs. The jeans weren't working for me in the OG design. Something about them always seemed off. Of course, I added freckles to him. As I mentioned somewhere previously: If you ain't drawing the Robinsons with all the freckles, you ain't doin' it right.
Here's a transparent version of them next to each other:

I better see others try their hand at redesigning them. I CANNOT be the only one out here! I wanna see other's perspectives... please? :3
Let me know if you want me to do other characters in MtR! This was super fun! Also, yes... you can draw art using these designs if you want. Just make sure you credit me, yada yada... you should know the drill.
rb for later (praying half these tags still work)
Hey, RH fans! Are you bored?
Reaper High Tags:
Undead Valentine
Paranormal Reaper
Reaper High main Blogs:
Reaper High rp blogs:
as a black person (also i may have started the max is black art train whoops), yeah
it's wild to me how ppl can watch a goofy movie and not see that max is black-coded like wdym you think he'd be white in human form
GOD i wanted chase so bad, like you have an army of fucking tigers and lions and cats and shit?? lizard man?? and also his va is a personal fav but anywho he’s so fucking cool

i know chronicles sucks donkey dick but i find chases characterization so funny. does anyone remember that time he got so into evil laughing and dunked his head in his kiddie pool and flung his hair around like a loreal commercial

i need to rewatch this show so bad... their friendship used to be so important to me

Four char-grilled burgers, three chili-cheese dogs, three pulled pork sandwiches, two orders of onion rangs, and a milkshake. And whatever Jack wants.
More Danny Cooksey voice clip extracts. (because his beautiful voice). Here’s a number of things you never thought you’d hear Jack say. Once again, may the Xiaolin Showdown fandom interoperate this however they like.
it’s either clay or raimundo tbh
Reblog for more reach? 🥺❤️