Tropical Island - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
This Is An Island Cake I Made For My Grandma's Birthday.
This Is An Island Cake I Made For My Grandma's Birthday.
This Is An Island Cake I Made For My Grandma's Birthday.

This is an island cake I made for my grandma's birthday.

The cake is chocolate and the jelly is mint/ mojito flavored.

[ID: 3 photos and a video depicting the same cake. It's made to look like two island one slightly wrapping around the other one. There is blue jelly in place of water. Islands are quite dark with green vegetation and sandy beaches all around. There are waves painted on the jelly and the underwater portion is made to look like black and white coral reef. There is "sand" around the base of the cake. End ID]

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6 months ago

Septembre aux feuilles qui tombent n'est pas cette réalité unique. De l'hémisphère sud émergent les fleurs et le printemps, butinent les abeilles au vent libre, les tropiques inspirent l'air chaud, bientôt cyclones et pluies, chaleur moite et humide. Je regarde pousser l'ananas et la fleur d'oranger.

September with falling leaves is not this unique reality. From the southern hemisphere flowers and spring emerge, bees gather nectar in the free wind, the tropics breathe in warm air, soon cyclones and rains, humid and humid heat. I watch the pineapple grow and the orange blossom.

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5 months ago


i n my garden,

shy and beautiful

I look at ypu

And smile.

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5 months ago
Today, Flowers Gift By One Of My Little Students. *happy Teacher*

Today, flowers gift by one of my little students. *happy teacher*

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