Trudy Platt - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Bullying - Hank Voight

Hank x reader daughter

Warnings: bullying

Word count: 1,221

Requested: Hank Voight x teen daughter reader, he finds out she's being bullied at school. - @meyocoko

Authors Note: Thank you so much for the request! This is my first Hank Voight Imagine, so I hope everyone likes it (that likes Chicago P.D.). My Hank Voight stuff will probably only be the reader being his daughter. Just FYI.


One Chicago Masterlist


Bullying - Hank Voight

“Any cases?” Jay asked as he sat down at his desk.

Erin shook her head. It had been a slow day for the intelligence unit. “No its been a slow day.”

“Hmmm.” Voight hummed also listening to Erin’s answer. Even Voight was getting bored.

But when Trudy came up the stairs with concern on her face, that got everyone's attention. “Voight. Y/n’s principle is on the phone.”

“Thank you, Trudy.” Voight nodded and headed into his office and picked up the phone. “Hello.”

“Hello, Mr.Voight. I’m sorry for calling you at work.” Y/n’s principal apologized over the phone.

“It's not a problem. What's going on? Is Y/n alright?” Voight spoke with a tight voice. It was rare when the school called him so he was really worried but trying not to show it.

There was a pause on the phone before the person on the other side cleared their throat. “That's why I called there was an altercation and Y/n got very hurt so we’ve sent her to Chicago Med. We wanted to let you know and we also we’re hoping you could send down someone to talk to the kids responsible.”

“Yeah, I can do that.” Voight stated after a moment of silence. After that, the phone call ended and Voight shook his head trying to control his anger before exiting his office. “Ruzek and Linsdey head down to Y/n’s school and bring in the kids they’ll have there waiting for you back here to talk. Burgess call their parents and let them know that I’ll be pressing charges.”

“Voight, what happened?” Erin asked as her and the others started on their orders. All of them were now concerned about the teen girl they had all come to love and be very protective of.

“Some kids hurt Y/n bad enough that the school has sent her to Chicago Med.” Voight explained gruffly, trying to keep his worries and anger in check.

“What?!” Adam raised his brows in shock and he felt anger bubbling up on the inside. Much like everyone else in the room.

“Seriously? They just what? Let that happen?!” Jay was furious, he hadn’t known her the longest but even with his problems with Voight. Jay and Y/n had become close. They’d hang out, and go do things together. It bonded them. They’re friends. Y/n is like a little sister that Jay never had.

“Apparently. Look I’m going to Med to be with my daughter.” It unnerved the unit with how calm Voight seemed to be.

“I’ll come with you.” Jay said getting up to follow the older man.

“Let's go.” Voight nodded, he knew how close his daughter was to Jay. He might bring some comfort.

Everyone else headed off to do what they needed to do.

Once they arrived at Med, they went straight to the ED. Upon seeing his brother Jay called out. “Will!”

“How is she?” Voight asked as the redheaded Halstead appeared and stood in front of them.

Will let out a sigh, looking between his brother and Voight. “She doesn’t need surgery, which is the good news.”

As much of a relief that was it still left a question. “An the bad news?”

“About 70% of her body is covered in bruising, and she has a broken wrist, a few cracked ribs, and a laceration above her eye.” Will gave them a sad look. He to like a lot knew Y/n, and Will felt for the girl. She didn’t deserve this.

“Jeez Will.” Jay felt like throwing up. How could the school let it get this far? Or happen at all.

“I know.” Will nodded, he felt just like Jay.

“Where is she? Can I see her?” Voight asked keeping his feelings at bay for the time being. He was feeling to many things at once anyway.

“Yeah, right this way.” Will stated, leading them back to the trauma room Y/n Voight had been assigned to.

As they reached the room and saw y/n sitting up in the bed slightly leaning back. Probably to take pressure off her ribs.

“Hey, how about we go get copies of the injury reports and give them a minute?” Jay suggested with a tilt of his head. Wanting to give the father and daughter some space.

There were some moments of silence as Voight moved to sit down in the chair next to the hospital bed. It got to the point that Voight needed answers to keep his brain occupied. “Kid-”

“I know,dad.” Y/n cut him off nodding. Already knowing what he was going to say.

“What exactly happened?” he asked. He needed to know for many reasons but his main one and his focus now was just why and how this happened to his little girl. “Y/n.”

Y/n let out a sigh, knowing she had to tell him cause it was going to far and out of hand now. “It’s not the first time something happened.”

“You mean-”

Y/n nodded not looking at him. She couldn’t look at him. Not in the eyes. “It's normally not this bad.”

Now Voight was having an even harder time keeping it together. How could he not notice? How come she didn’t come to him? “Why didn’t you tell me? Or anyone?”

“I've tried before. To tell teachers bit either they do nothing or it just makes it worse.” She had thought about telling her dad or even Jay but if the school wouldn’t help how could they?

Voight shook his head reaching out for her hand, trying to get her to look at him. “I could’ve done something.”

“As a dad. Not as a cop. It wasn’t bad enough for cop involvement.” Y/n gave him a tight lipped sad smile.

She had a point and it bugged him cause he knew it was true. But now, this. This meant he could get involved as a cop, and a dad. “Well now it is and you can bet your ass I’m gonna do something about it.”

Y/n cracked a smile at him. “I don’t know who they should be more afraid of. You or Jay.”

“Combined force, sweetheart.”Voight gave her a half smirk half smile. Voight know she was right, he saw and could feel the anger coming off of Jay on the ride over to Med.

“Ohhh, deadly.” Y/n giggled wiggling her eyebrows and laughed. Even though they knew it was true.

Voight squeezed her hand for comfort before speaking. “You know you can talk to me right? About anything?”

He truly hoped she knew that. That she could come to him about anything and everything.

“I didn’t want to worry you.” Y/n shrugged but looked down feeling a little ashamed. That she didn’t tell him and that it happened at all.

“I’m your father. I worry even when your okay.” he told her sternly. He cared about her more than he could ever tell her. Or show her.

“I love you dad.” Y/n smiled at him grateful to have this off her chest, for him to know, and that he was by her side.

“I love you too.” Voight was gonna take care of this. An no one was gonna get in his way.

Taglist: @padawancat97

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4 years ago

Happy Birthday

(Kevin Atwater x Reader)


Pairings: Kevin Atwater x Reader, Adam Ruzek x Kim Burgess

“Come on girl, we’re gonna be late.” Kevin scolded as he unlocked and walked through the front door.

“Five more minutes!”

Having just finished applying lipstick, you stood in front of the mirror in your bedroom agonizing over which pair of earrings to wear.

“You don’t even have your shoes on.” Kevin entered the room, with your heels in hand, hoping to speed things along, but he was instantly staggered by the sight of his gorgeous fiance. “Well damn…” Dropping the shoes and walking towards you, forgetting all about his previous rushed state. You playfully dodge him, stooping to adjust and step into the heels he so carelessly discarded on the floor. Unrelenting, Kevin comes up behind you, arms wrapped around your waist and kissing your neck as you walk into the living room.

Finally turning around to face him, you permit him to one passionate kiss before snapping back to reality. With both hands on his chest to keep him at bay, “Kevin Atwater...stop it. Adam is going to kill you if you’re late to this dinner.

Stepping back for a moment to take you in, “I think he’ll understand.”

You burst out laughing and pushed him away, grabbing your clutch and jacket off the couch. It was never easy for you to resist Kevin, especially when he looked and smelled this good, hell, it was almost impossible. But, tonight was special for your friends and you had to be there for them.

Adam and Kim had been through a LOT over the last year and a half. It took plenty of late night gab sessions between you and Kim and tons of games of pool between Kev and Adam for the two of them to realize they were simply made for each other. Tonight, Adam just wanted to do something special for his girl with the people closest to them there to celebrate.


You and Kevin walked into the private room of the restaurant arm in arm to find Adam pacing back and forth.

“Ruz, you good? Cuz you don’t look too good man.”

Lightly hitting his arm as you walk over to greet Adam, “Kev leave him alone.”

Standing in front of Adam, you place your hands on his shoulders in an effort to calm him down. “Tonight will be great. Everything looks amazing.”

Kissing you on the cheek, “Thank you (Y/N). You look beautiful by the way.”

“Thanks sweetie.”

Kevin mumbles from across the room, “Yeah, we almost didn’t make it here dawg.”

You dart a glaring look at him.

“What was that man?”

“Ignore him.” You remove your jacket and assess the room to see if there’s anything you can prep before your best friend arrives.


The room is now filled with laughter and all of the people Kim loves. Members of Intelligence, a select few from 51, Adam’s dad, even Kim’s sister flew in.

After dinner, a waitress enters the room with a glowing birthday cake.

Adam clinks his beer bottle and stands to get everyone’s attention. Kim looks up at him adoringly, yet embarrassed, as she never knows what will fly out of his mouth.

“Hey! Everyone…”

Kevin whistles to get the room quiet for his brother as Kim removes the beer bottle from his hand, replacing it with a wine glass. The room erupts in laughter.

“Thank you darling. Ok, seriously. I just want to thank all of you for being here tonight to celebrate this beautiful woman’s birthday. All of you know that she’s been through a hell of a lot, but she’s kept going. She’s strong, she’s kind, she’s a badass...and I love her. So, everyone please raise a glass to my girl, Kimberly Burgess.”

Everyone in the room chimes in, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM!!”

Adam leans down to plant a kiss on Kim’s lips, as you and Kevin look on like proud parents, finally seeing your children happy.


The room cleared out a bit as everyone said their final goodbyes. After you joyfully see Kim off with Adam, her knight in shining armor, you walk back into the room and notice Kevin, Hank and Jay in the corner. Having been with Kevin for a few years now, you knew what those faces meant. Your man was amazing at his job, it’s one of the many reasons why you fell in love, but the knot in your stomach always returned when you knew it was time for him to switch into that mode.

Further proving your theory, you overheard Voight say, “If we don’t grab this prick tonight he’s gonna blow town. We gotta move on this.”

You gathered your things and stood next to Trudy and Mouch. Hank and Jay exited the room as Kevin turned to you and walked over with an apologetic look on his face. Before he could get out one word, Platt interjected, “Don’t worry Kevin, we can take her home.”

Mouch chimed in to reassure him, “Yeah, I wanted to pass along my secret pasta recipe to (Y/N) anyway, since Trudy refuses to cook with me.” You both chuckled, knowing that that statement landed Mouch in hot water. Yanking Mouch’s ear, Trudy walked out the door, “He's gonna get the car and we’ll meet you outside (Y/N).”

“(Y/N)...I know I’m always working. I really wanted to be the one to take that dress off of you tonight. I’m sorry baby.”

“It’s ok, really. Go do what you have to do.”

Hailey reentered the room, “Hey Kev, can I roll with you back to the district? Voight and Jay went ahead.”

“I gotchu.”

Kevin held your hand as the three of you walked towards the door. The valet drove up in Kevin’s car...Hailey hopped in.

You smiled and released Kevin’s hand. “Go. By the time you get home I’ll have mastered a new recipe.”

You always did your best to put Kevin’s mind at ease before any assignment. His job was grueling, and being the woman by his side, you knew that fear for his safety came with the territory. You also knew that he couldn’t have any distractions when he was out there with his team, so hearing Randall run his mouth for 30 minutes about how he was a Master Chef was a small price to pay to ensure their safety.

Kevin planted a kiss on your forehead and walked towards the driver's side door, “I love you.”

“I love you too.”


The light of the dawn was about to make its appearance as Kevin unlocked the front door to the loft. He closes it lightly behind him entering the living room to find you asleep on the couch, still in your dress. He locks his gun in the closet safe, puts his keys down on the coffee table and stands there for a moment taking you in. After adjusting the blanket over you, he joins you on the couch. Still half asleep, you turn your body to face him, now nestled comfortably in his arms.


“I see you still have on the dress.”

“Uh huh...just for you.” Still groggy, you look up at him, gently touching his face, willing the stress of his night to melt away. “You ok?”

He moves in closer, holding you just a little bit tighter...kissing you slowly.

“Now, I’m perfect. Go back to sleep.”

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7 months ago

Somewhere between the first three seasons, Trudy said it to Antonio in a beautiful way. Can't recall her exact words, but it was something down the line of: "I've seen high status police officers enter the door in the morning and check out at night without doing nothing. One may not approve of Hank's methods, but if someone I love is in trouble, he's the ONLY one I would trust and call. He gets the job done, he's down in the streets in the middle of the action, and he does everything in his power to solve the cases". It sums the meaning of the season so well in my opinion ✨

Everyone: We don’t approve of Voight’s methods/background dealings, so we will try to catch him and have him fired/arrested.😑

Voight: ….

Everyone when they’re in trouble: Hey Hank … I need your help.

Voight: Say no more, here’s what we’re going to do.

Everyone: We Dont Approve Of Voights Methods/background Dealings, So We Will Try To Catch Him And Have

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