Will Halstead - Tumblr Posts
Summer Nights
Pairing: Halstead Brothers x Sister!Reader
Request: … would you do a Halstead siblings request with a younger sister reader? Like there’s a summer blackout causing half the city to have no power so two of the siblings end up crashing the thirds apartment (I have zero preference for who’s apartment) resulting in sibling sleepover?
Summary: There are two things you shouldn’t take for granted. 1. AC and 2. Sibling love
Notes: I don’t really know what this is. If it makes you smile, maybe give it a reblog?

There were several reasonable explanations as to why over half the city was becoming a void of heat and darkness. It could have been damaged transmission lines, or the power plant exploding, or maybe you were about to be in the middle of the Chicago version of Battle: LA. You didn’t know for sure. What you did know was it was the middle of July and you were dying.
You had spent the last five hours in a tank top and shorts doing nothing but laying in the middle of your living room floor staring at the ceiling. You had already eaten your supply of ice cream and rubbed all the ice cubes you had over your skin, which only succeeded in wetting your clothes and irritating you.
At this point, the sun had single handedly siphoned your will to exist on this plane.
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Keep The Faith (W.H)
Prompt: “I don’t wanna die yet! Please! I don’t wanna die!” From Here
Pairing: Will Halstead x reader
Words: 857
Warnings: angst, blood, guns, cursing
Notes: *Nervous chuckles* I’m on an angst roll…

Being a detective in the Intelligence Unit had its ups and downs. You loved the dynamic of the team and the people on the team were absolutely amazing. Your partner Jay had introduced you to the love of your life, his brother, Will…and everything seemed to be going well for you. You should have known the second that things seemed to be looking up for you, something would go wrong.
You’d gotten some bad intel from one of your C.I.s and that led you and Jay to get ambushed by snipers. You couldn’t pinpoint them and you and Jay were pinned with little cover. Obviously, you’d called for backup, but they were nowhere in sight…it had you wondering if they were somehow blocking your signal, but the thought left you as soon as you heard the approaching sirens.
You hissed in pain as the crate exploded behind you, leaving you with even less space for you and your partner. You both had been sent to talk to the owner of the warehouse, you both hadn’t thought to put on your vests…the informant had said that the guy was harmless. When you got out of this, you’re C.I. was going away for good…you’d been foolish to believe him after how tweaked out he’d looked earlier. Though, Jay had said to give him a chance…so you did.
You turned your radio on. “This is 51-George! Where the hell is our backup. We’re pinned in a non secure area and the area is getting smaller by the second!”
“51-George, we’re two minutes out.”
“Make it one,” Jay yelled as more of his crate splintered.
You and Jay looked at each other, gripping the other’s hand for a split second before sending a volley of bullets towards the tops of the warehouses you guessed the snipers were in, seeing as they were shooting at crates to get to you. You both ducked down as the snipers returned fire.
“Jay, I’m not liking the crates. I don’t think they’re gonna hold much longer,” you stated.
“I know,” he growled, his head landing against the crate for a second before standing and sending back a few bullets before crouching down again.
You heard the cars roll up and let out a breath. “At least backup’s here,” you replied.
Jay laughed a little, “there is that.”
As you were going to say something else, you felt something pierce your chest. Everything seemed to go quiet for a minute. You couldn’t hear the gunfire or shouts the other officers were spouting. You slowly looked down to see your shirt growing soaked. “That’s not good,” you stated.
Jay, who’d been shouting back and forth with Voight, looked back at you suddenly. His eyes widened. You saw his lips moving and could make out what he was saying without hearing him.
Everything moved in slow motion at that point. You could feel your chest tightening, not being able to breath properly.
You could have blacked out a moment, because what you remembered next was Will bending over you, but you weren’t in the hospital. “Hospital,” you asked, clearly confused.
“I was doing a ride along with the paramedics today, babe…it’s gonna be okay, I’m gonna fix you up,” you could tell that he was trying not to let his emotions show. Jay was at your head as the other paramedics were on the other side of you.
You nodded and let them do their thing, but your panic was starting to rise as you felt yourself being unable to breathe…the blood rushing in your ears…you didn’t want to die. You were afraid of dying…and you couldn’t do that to Will. You couldn’t just leave him…you loved him.
As you were loaded into the back of the Ambo, Will came and sat beside you, checking everything to make sure that you were stable for the moment.
Your heart rate spiked as the ambulance started moving and you reached for Will’s hand, wanting some comfort as tears rolled down your cheeks. Will was speaking, but you couldn’t hear him above the blood rushing in your ears. You let out a sob and finally voiced your fears, “I don’t want to die yet! Please! I don’t want to die!”
His voice slowly started to penetrate the blood rush, “-not going to die! You hear me?! I’m not going to let you die. You are going to be just fine and you’ll be back out there catching criminals in no time. You’ll be out there with my brother making sure he doesn’t get himself killed and annoying the hell out of him…then you’ll come home and tell me about how idiotic my brother’s been and we’ll cuddle and watch the TV or something. You are not dying…I don’t give you permission to.”
You gasped as pain wracked your body, “love you,” you stated…just in case these were your last moments.
“I love you too…but you are not dying. You’ll tell me you love me again after we fix you up…keep the faith, babe.”
One Chicago Masterlist
By ~ @chloe-skywalker
* = Requested
Main Masterlist

Kelly Severide:
~ Always There
~ Tell Him *
Matt Casey:
~ Eyes For You
~ It's A Girl

Jay Halstead:
~ Dangerous Jobs
Hank Voight: (x daughter! Reader)
~ Bullying

Connor Rhodes:
~ Coming soon. . . (Working on it)
Dangerous Jobs - Jay Halstead
Jay x Fem!reader severide
Kelly x sister reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 681
Summary: Both Jay and Y/n have dangerous jobs, but will Jay be a hypocritic?
Authors Note: My first Jay Halstead Imagine! Feel free to Request for him.
P.s - Might eventually change Chicago fire masterlist to One rChicago masterlist so everything will be und theree
Chicago Fire Masterlist

“You know my brother’s gonna flip, right?” Wil said as he entered the hospital room seeing Y/n there wasn’t to much of an unusual sight. But she was there a lot less often then his own brother. He knew Jay would flip out once he heard she was here for any reason. So would her brother.
“Yeah, so is mine.” Y/n let out an unamused laugh.
“Your gonna have 2 men to deal with. Sucks to be you.” Will smirked teasing her.
“Jackass.” she responded and they both broke out into laughter. It was nice to be good friends with her boyfriend's brother. The two ended up getting to joke around a bit longer before the door to the room opened. Upon seeing who had opened the door, Will took that as his queue to leave.
“What were you thinking?!” Jay yelled as he entered the room, Kelly following not far behind.
“I’m guessing you told him what happened?” Y/n asked tilting her head to the side looking at her brother.
Kelly shrugged his shoulders. “He was gonna find out sooner or later.”
“Why would you risk your life like that?” Jay scolded her crossing his arms over his chest.
“Hey-” Kelly raised his voice cutting Jay off before he could scold his sister anymore for doing her job. “As much as I hate it to Halstead. She saved a young girl’s life, and your one to talk about life risking stuff.”
It was silent for a few minutes but Jay did stop. He couldn’t argue he got hurt way more than Y/n did. She did save a life.
“Hey Kelly, can you give us a minute?” Y/n aksed licking her dry lips.
“Yeah, Y/n/n.” Kelly nodded, he understood there was a conversation that needed to be had between the couple. “I’ll go get you a drink, okay?”
“Hmmmhmmm, thanks.” Y/n smiled gratefully to her brother.
“y/n-” Jay went to start after Kelly left the room but Y/n cut him off.
“No, Jay. I watch you get shot and beat up all the time. More than I and I’m sure Will would like. This.” Y/n gestured with her hands across her body. “This is nothing. Hell, I even get to be discharged tonight and back to work next shift.”
Jay listened till she was done. He knew he overreacted but it scared him that he could have lost her in the blink of an eye. “I know, I know. I just don’t like seeing you hurt.”
“I don’t like seeing you hurt but that’s practically a weekly thing.” Y/n stated, she understood Jay’s feelings completely. But it doesn’t change the facts. They have dangerous jobs getting hurt happens. Y/n let out a sigh looking down at her hands in her lap as Jay moved to sit in the chair next to her hospital bed. “I saved a young girl's life. I don’t regret it. I know you love what you do and I support it but…”
“I can’t be a Hippocratic?” Jay finished smiling at her.
“No offense.” Y/n dropped her head to the side smiling back at him.
“None taken.” he shook his head, dismissing the form of apologies. “I’m sorry I got mad at you. I just worry about you.”
Y/n reached out, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers together. “An I appreciate it. But we both have dangerous jobs. I promise if it was something serious-”
Jay nodded in understanding. “I know. Me too.”
“Is it safe?”Kelly asked as he popped his head through the door after opening it. He could tell by the lifted mood in the room that they had worked out their little issue.
“Yeah, it’s safe. You know Kel I find it off-ly convent that you decide to happily fill in Jay when I happen to be hurt.” Y/n smirked at her older brother.
“More people to watch over you the better.” Kelly shrugged his shoulder smiling guiltily. Jay couldn’t agree with the lieutenant more.
Bullying - Hank Voight
Hank x reader daughter
Warnings: bullying
Word count: 1,221
Requested: Hank Voight x teen daughter reader, he finds out she's being bullied at school. - @meyocoko
Authors Note: Thank you so much for the request! This is my first Hank Voight Imagine, so I hope everyone likes it (that likes Chicago P.D.). My Hank Voight stuff will probably only be the reader being his daughter. Just FYI.
One Chicago Masterlist

“Any cases?” Jay asked as he sat down at his desk.
Erin shook her head. It had been a slow day for the intelligence unit. “No its been a slow day.”
“Hmmm.” Voight hummed also listening to Erin’s answer. Even Voight was getting bored.
But when Trudy came up the stairs with concern on her face, that got everyone's attention. “Voight. Y/n’s principle is on the phone.”
“Thank you, Trudy.” Voight nodded and headed into his office and picked up the phone. “Hello.”
“Hello, Mr.Voight. I’m sorry for calling you at work.” Y/n’s principal apologized over the phone.
“It's not a problem. What's going on? Is Y/n alright?” Voight spoke with a tight voice. It was rare when the school called him so he was really worried but trying not to show it.
There was a pause on the phone before the person on the other side cleared their throat. “That's why I called there was an altercation and Y/n got very hurt so we’ve sent her to Chicago Med. We wanted to let you know and we also we’re hoping you could send down someone to talk to the kids responsible.”
“Yeah, I can do that.” Voight stated after a moment of silence. After that, the phone call ended and Voight shook his head trying to control his anger before exiting his office. “Ruzek and Linsdey head down to Y/n’s school and bring in the kids they’ll have there waiting for you back here to talk. Burgess call their parents and let them know that I’ll be pressing charges.”
“Voight, what happened?” Erin asked as her and the others started on their orders. All of them were now concerned about the teen girl they had all come to love and be very protective of.
“Some kids hurt Y/n bad enough that the school has sent her to Chicago Med.” Voight explained gruffly, trying to keep his worries and anger in check.
“What?!” Adam raised his brows in shock and he felt anger bubbling up on the inside. Much like everyone else in the room.
“Seriously? They just what? Let that happen?!” Jay was furious, he hadn’t known her the longest but even with his problems with Voight. Jay and Y/n had become close. They’d hang out, and go do things together. It bonded them. They’re friends. Y/n is like a little sister that Jay never had.
“Apparently. Look I’m going to Med to be with my daughter.” It unnerved the unit with how calm Voight seemed to be.
“I’ll come with you.” Jay said getting up to follow the older man.
“Let's go.” Voight nodded, he knew how close his daughter was to Jay. He might bring some comfort.
Everyone else headed off to do what they needed to do.
Once they arrived at Med, they went straight to the ED. Upon seeing his brother Jay called out. “Will!”
“How is she?” Voight asked as the redheaded Halstead appeared and stood in front of them.
Will let out a sigh, looking between his brother and Voight. “She doesn’t need surgery, which is the good news.”
As much of a relief that was it still left a question. “An the bad news?”
“About 70% of her body is covered in bruising, and she has a broken wrist, a few cracked ribs, and a laceration above her eye.” Will gave them a sad look. He to like a lot knew Y/n, and Will felt for the girl. She didn’t deserve this.
“Jeez Will.” Jay felt like throwing up. How could the school let it get this far? Or happen at all.
“I know.” Will nodded, he felt just like Jay.
“Where is she? Can I see her?” Voight asked keeping his feelings at bay for the time being. He was feeling to many things at once anyway.
“Yeah, right this way.” Will stated, leading them back to the trauma room Y/n Voight had been assigned to.
As they reached the room and saw y/n sitting up in the bed slightly leaning back. Probably to take pressure off her ribs.
“Hey, how about we go get copies of the injury reports and give them a minute?” Jay suggested with a tilt of his head. Wanting to give the father and daughter some space.
There were some moments of silence as Voight moved to sit down in the chair next to the hospital bed. It got to the point that Voight needed answers to keep his brain occupied. “Kid-”
“I know,dad.” Y/n cut him off nodding. Already knowing what he was going to say.
“What exactly happened?” he asked. He needed to know for many reasons but his main one and his focus now was just why and how this happened to his little girl. “Y/n.”
Y/n let out a sigh, knowing she had to tell him cause it was going to far and out of hand now. “It’s not the first time something happened.”
“You mean-”
Y/n nodded not looking at him. She couldn’t look at him. Not in the eyes. “It's normally not this bad.”
Now Voight was having an even harder time keeping it together. How could he not notice? How come she didn’t come to him? “Why didn’t you tell me? Or anyone?”
“I've tried before. To tell teachers bit either they do nothing or it just makes it worse.” She had thought about telling her dad or even Jay but if the school wouldn’t help how could they?
Voight shook his head reaching out for her hand, trying to get her to look at him. “I could’ve done something.”
“As a dad. Not as a cop. It wasn’t bad enough for cop involvement.” Y/n gave him a tight lipped sad smile.
She had a point and it bugged him cause he knew it was true. But now, this. This meant he could get involved as a cop, and a dad. “Well now it is and you can bet your ass I’m gonna do something about it.”
Y/n cracked a smile at him. “I don’t know who they should be more afraid of. You or Jay.”
“Combined force, sweetheart.”Voight gave her a half smirk half smile. Voight know she was right, he saw and could feel the anger coming off of Jay on the ride over to Med.
“Ohhh, deadly.” Y/n giggled wiggling her eyebrows and laughed. Even though they knew it was true.
Voight squeezed her hand for comfort before speaking. “You know you can talk to me right? About anything?”
He truly hoped she knew that. That she could come to him about anything and everything.
“I didn’t want to worry you.” Y/n shrugged but looked down feeling a little ashamed. That she didn’t tell him and that it happened at all.
“I’m your father. I worry even when your okay.” he told her sternly. He cared about her more than he could ever tell her. Or show her.
“I love you dad.” Y/n smiled at him grateful to have this off her chest, for him to know, and that he was by her side.
“I love you too.” Voight was gonna take care of this. An no one was gonna get in his way.
Taglist: @padawancat97
(Kevin Atwater x Original Female Character)

*Not my gif*
Kevin finds it hard to protect what's his when the past comes back to haunt him and his wife.
Moonlight & ambient noise from the city streets several stories below filled the room. Both of you barely dressed, Kevin’s large muscular frame rested comfortably on top of you in the bed. Having just made love for the first time in weeks, neither one of you wanted to move from this space. He kissed you right above your collarbone, which still managed to make you quiver in all the right places. You gently traced circles along his back and finally decided it was time to break the silence.
“What’s wrong?”
He shifted to place his lips slightly lower on your chest as a distraction. While leaving gentle kisses.. “Everything’s...fine..Bianca..”
Finding it difficult to concentrate and not cave in to another round of passion, you immediately put his head in your hands to get his attention. Motioning for him to move so you could sit up straight, readjusting the sheets over your bare chest as he rolls on to his back, clearly annoyed. Play time was over.
“Kevin, I’m serious. I know something happened. You've been distracted, almost nervous, all week. Then tonight..you were different. I can’t describe it but you know I’m right.”
Kissing your hand, he realized in this moment that honesty with you was the only way. You were his wife after all, the person he loved more than anyone and would do anything to protect. He finally sat up, back towards you, facing the wall. You waited anxiously for words to come out of his mouth.
“It’s Damien. He’s back in Chicago.”
This sentence instantly shot chills down your spine. Kevin turned around to take you in, evaluating your mental state after hearing this news. Tears welling up in your eyes.
“How is that possible? I thought...what??”
“He popped up last week. We were working the case. Burgess was under with Upton at this little hole in the wall in Pilsen and he showed up at their meet.
“Did he see her? Is she ok?”
“She’s fine babe. Kim thought she might get made so she dipped out really quickly & let Hailey finish the deal. Voight & I have had a security detail on you ever since.”
You were now panicked and obviously upset that this news was kept from you. “You’ve what?! Don’t you think that’s something I should’ve known?! Oh my God.”
You jump out of bed sheet in tow, now pacing the floor. Kevin, knowing the bombshell he’d just dropped gives you another minute to process before he’s up and off the bed behind you.
Taking your face in his hands, the deepest sincerity in his heart, “B, look at me. I will NEVER let that piece of shit touch you again. Do you hear me? I know I should’ve told you, but I didn’t want you worried, especially without me being here for so long. I gotchu... You’re safe with me.” Kissing your forehead & wiping away your tears.
“I know. I know I am. I just thought this was all over. I don’t want my mess affecting Intelligence. If anything happened to Kim or you because of my past…”
Now sobbing, Kevin wraps you in his reassuring arms, with a steely look of determination to protect his world on his face.
Morning came, and you were startled awake by the sound of Kevin’s phone ringing. You heard the shower running in the next room so you reached to answer it with a groggy hello.
“Hi Hank.”
“Bianca, how you holdin’ up kiddo?”
Hank had become like family to you rather quickly. Your case was special. Damien was a long time predator he and Al had been trying to capture for years. When Hank found you 6 years ago, beaten, bloodied and half conscious, he made it his duty to look after you, especially seeing that you had no relatives in a new city. You were there with him through it all...Justin’s disappearing acts, Al’s passing, which eventually led to you meeting and falling in love with Atwater.
“I thought he was dead. How is he back? Why is he back?”
“I’m doing everything in my power to figure that out, Bianca. Don’t you worry about this ok? We’re gonna get this prick.”
Nothing anyone said could completely reassure you in this moment, but you nodded in agreement anyway.
“Yeah...Kev’s in the shower. I’ll have him call you back.”
You hang up the phone and get out of bed, looking for something to throw on. You find an oversized hoodie of your husbands and a pair of shorts.
You exit the bedroom just as Kevin emerges from the bathroom, towel around his waist.
“Hey...I was gonna wear that today.”
Completely deadpan, “It looks better on me.”
As he walks towards the kitchen to greet you, “You’re right about that. Good morning.”
Attempting to plant a kiss on your cheek, you show zero emotion & continue to prep your cup of tea.
He shakes his head but decides to give you your space and heads to the bedroom to get dressed.
Standing at the threshold of your bedroom door, tea in hand you boldly say, “I want you to put me under.”
Kevin stops in his tracks, as if he’s spotted Bigfoot buying a Venture card on the green line. Pulling his shirt the rest of the way over his head.
“Put you under what??!”
“You know what I mean. Undercover, Kevin. You know I’m part of the reason he’s back in Chicago. He didn’t get what he wanted from me before Voight found me that night. His usual pattern was completely thrown off. I want to help. I need to help catch him.”
Kevin storms passed you in to the living room. You follow.
“HELL NO. Are you joking?! You want us to damn near put you in the hands of the man who almost took you from me, before I got a chance to have you?! Absolutely not.”
You walk towards him softly. Knowing this will be a hard battle to win, you sit in front of him on a chair as he leans against the wall.
“Baby...it’s taken years for me to feel safe in my own skin again. You did that for me. Hank looking after me, leading me to you. This life that we’ve built is the greatest gift I could’ve ever gotten. And now you’re telling me that someone is threatening what we’ve worked to create? I can’t just stand and watch while you guys, my family, puts themselves in harms way for me. I have to do something.
A few weeks had gone by and Intelligence still had no leads in their investigation. It was almost as if Damien Charles had never resurfaced...until the team got an alert that a young woman was found dead in an abandoned warehouse, brutally assaulted. They had no real proof, as Damien was very careful, but it was definitely his MO. Kevin was on edge and pissed at you, somehow believing that shutting you out would stop you from getting your way. Knowing your husband wouldn’t budge, you decided to go to Hank to convince him to use you as bait to catch Damien. He reluctantly obliged.
Night fell on the 21st. Upton and Burgess were prepping your phone with a tracking device while Ruzek and Halstead checked weapons and started to vest up. You were nervous, but Kim kept reminding you to take deep breaths. “We’ll be with you the whole time.”
“I know, I just wish Kevin…”
Hailey chimed in, handing you your phone, “Trust me, he’ll come around Bianca. It’s in their nature to want to protect us, but sometimes it’s up to us to take that power back ourselves.”
Kevin was upstairs in the locker room wreaking havoc on anything that wasn’t pinned down. Hank, hearing the commotion from down the hall, rushed in to see who had lost their mind.
“Kevin! Kevin!”
“How could you let her do this man?! I’m her husband! You don’t get to make that kind of decision for her.”
“Neither do you, Kev. This was her choice, do you understand? No matter how much either of us wants to catch this scumbag, she wants him gone a whole lot more. She’s stronger than you think. Now you have a choice. You either hang back, mad at the world or you gear up and back Bianca...back this team.”
Back downstairs, having settled in on the choice you’d made, “Ok, let’s do this.”
As the three of you were headed out of the room to join the others, Kevin walked in. Kim touched his shoulder in an attempt to reassure him as she walked away. You wanted to find solace in his familiar embrace, but you knew it was pointless. The walls were up. He walked towards you and you immediately noticed the tears in his eyes. “Kev…” Grabbing your hand and leaving a kiss on your frontal lobe, he quickly wiped his face and walked out to join the others.
It was a typical undercover mission, except this time, the stakes were much higher. You and Upton walked into the crowded club, dressed as if you were ready to party. The intel the team gathered tracked Damien at this same location several days in a row looking for his next victim. The rest of the team were scattered throughout the room or on surveillance outside the main entrance. This was one of those cases where justice was decided by Voight and his team, no judge or jury necessary.
You spot him almost immediately. Tapping Hailey on the arm, she reports back to the group, “We have eyes on Damien. He’s at the bar talking to a young woman.”
Hailey turns to you and for a moment, you can’t even remember your own name.
“Bianca, you ready? You good?”
“Yes. I’m ready.”
Morphing into a drunken party goer ready to have more fun, you make your way to the bar.
Halstead distracts the woman Damien is speaking to, saving her from imminent danger.
As Damien walks away, pissed that he had to ‘let that one go’ he spots you. A beautiful & familiar face. You’ve changed over the years, but a vulture never forgets its uneaten prey. You’re nervous as hell. More thoughts run through your mind than you can handle at once, but for now, you must push them aside.
No sooner than you spotted him, Damien disappeared into the crowd. You called Kim as a cover while you began to look around. “Hey girlie! I thought you were supposed to meet me tonight? I don’t see you!”
Kim responds on the other line…”Keep talking, Jay is checking the bathroom. He couldn’t have gone far.”
You spot Kevin on the stairwell on the other side of the club. Everything will be fine….
The fire alarm sounds.
Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your neck.
A look of panic on Kevin’s face in the distance is the last thing you see as the cell phone slips from your hands.
Everything goes BLACK.
Chaos has ensued in the club. The alarm continues to blare, sprinklers shooting out water, and people running in every direction. Voight radios in as he and Ruzek are covering the perimeter, trying to calm down the frantic crowd. “Hailey, talk to me! Is everyone ok in there?!”
Kevin has bolted down the stairs, pushing his way through the crowd as he sees Damien pick you up and drag you out a backdoor. “B!! Bianca!!” It’s as if he’s trying to run in quicksand. As Kevin finally makes it to the back door, Burgess, who isn’t far behind spots your phone on the floor. She blots out after Kevin who is racing to his car. They get in, Kevin, not saying a word, speeding down the block trying not to lose you. Kim radios the team.
“Sarge, Damien has Bianca! We’re headed the wrong way down Parkside Ave in pursuit of a late model gray pick up truck. Tags are Indiana custom DG ...L16. We’re making a right on to George St. now!”
“We’re coming!! Don’t lose them!”
The high speed chase through the streets of Chicago continues as the rest of the team joins Atwater and Burgess. Atwater loses sight of the truck for what seems like an eternity. Ruzek radios Kim… “I just pulled up at the warehouse. I see the truck.”
Kevin picks up speed, gripping the wheel even tighter, “Copy that. Tell him we’re 5 mins out.”
You begin to come out of your fog. The dark room Damien has you in smells like mildew and death, yet in weird contrast, you’re lying on a mattress with fresh white sheets. Damien, not realizing that you’ve woken up, is in the corner at a table pouring wine and gathering instruments. You scan the room looking for anything to use as a weapon. Fear takes over as he walks towards the bed. You pretend to still be in a daze.
Scanning your body, then touching your face… “Wow. You’re more beautiful than I remember, darling. I’ve been waiting for this chance to be with you again.” He sits you up, started to touch you more, now looking down your shirt.
“Please, don’t…” Before you can get the words out of your mouth, his hand is around your neck. Gasping for air, tears start to stream down your face.
“DON’T act like you don’t want this! Hank Voight stole our chance at happiness years ago. And he thought he had me, but now is our time.”
As Damien leans in to connect his lips with yours, the sound of metal hitting pavement resounds in another area of the warehouse stopping him. He loosens his grip on you allowing just enough time for you to lunge for the bottle of wine and swing it hard against his skull.
“KEVIN!!!!!!” You scream, as you quickly scramble out of Damien’s grip. Racing towards the door, your realize that it’s locked from within. As you begin to pound on the door, Damien slowly starts to move closer to you. “KEVIN!!!! HANK!!! Please...down here!!”
Had the noise you heard a few minutes prior been a false alarm? Did you make a mistake? Damien’s disorientation and head gushing with blood give you time to look around the room for another way out, but nothing. With a newfound burst of energy, he lunges towards you like the madman that he is now pinning you against the wall. You fight him off with every ounce of strength you have.
Moments later in true Atwater fashion, the door to your current prison swings open. Without any hesitation, Kevin grabs Damien and tosses him yards across the room. He stands over his exhausted body and begins to pummel his face like a boxing bag. Ruzek rushes in to stop him.
“Kev! Kev! We got him man! We got him.”
Snapping back to reality, Kevin turns his attention back towards you, crouched down near the door crying. Voight and the rest of Intelligence are now in the room. They stand in utter disbelief that this madness has finally come to an end.
Without saying a word, Kevin comes down to your level and begins to gently kiss every inch of your tear-filled face as if there’s healing in his touch….you’ve always known that there is.
You wrap your arms around him as he carefully lifts you up off the floor. You’ve never felt more relieved in all your life.
Voight, clearly broken up at seeing you in this state, puts a hand on Kevins shoulder. “Make sure you get her over to Med. We’ll clean up here.”
Fully leaning on your husband for support, the two of you exit the room.
Kevin hadn’t left your side since being admitted into the hospital two days ago. He was planted in the chair beside you.
“Do you need anything babe?”
Touching his cheek to reassure him, despite the IV in your arm. “I’m ok, thank you.”
Dr. Halstead walks into the room to check in. “Bianca, we got all of the test results back. The syringe he used to sedate you wasn’t contaminated, and everything else is cleared. You’ll be able to go home today.”
Kevin gets up to shake his hand. “Thank you man. Seriously, thank you.”
“Of course. Bianca take it easy ok? Try to hold off on being a hero for a while.”
With a smile, “I’ll try. Thanks Will”
Will walks out. Voight walks in.
He and Kevin hug.
“Hey Sarge.”
“How’s our patient doing?”
“I get to leave today.”
“Ok! That’s great. Oh look at those balloons.”
Kevin chuckles, “Yeah, everyone stopped by yesterday.”
Voight walks closer to the bed like a proud father and takes your hand. “I’m really proud of your kiddo.” You squeeze his hand in acknowledgement, knowing that for Voight that sentence translated into ‘I love you and I couldn’t bear it if we lost you.’
Voight starts to walk out of the room and Kevin follows.
“Yo Sarge, are we good? You know.”
“He’s gone. Forever this time. Ruzek and I took care of it for you.” With a pat on Kevin’s chest, Voight looks back at you one more time and leaves.
Kevin makes his way back into the room. You sit up a bit, still weak and reach for him.
“Everything ok?”
“Everything’s perfect, B. Everything’s perfect.”
He kisses you as if there’s no one else in the world besides the two of you. His world has been set right once again.
“Let’s get you home.”
Sick Sister
First Tumblr post ever, i work on wattpad but i want to also post my stuff on here. Anyways hope you enjoy
Requested: No
Warnings: Fainting, Hospitals, and one mention of ambulances
Mattie’s Pov
“Mattie” you woke up to Jay pulling your covers off.
“Jay stop, it's so cold in here, did you turn the heat down or something?”
“No, I even turned it up last night cause I swear I could hear you shivering”. Jay said while going to feel Mattie's head.
“Gosh Mattie your burning up”
“I'm going to go grab the thermometer and call will, I'll be back”. Jay said while walking out of your room.
“Alright Mattie, I'm back”.
Jay called Will six times in the past hour taking the hint that he was busy or he just didn't want to answer so he called Connor in hopes that he would answer.
“Hello? Jay?” Connors tone confused on why his co-workers brother would call him
“Matilda has a fever of 103.1. I gave her tylenol around an hour ago and doesn't seem like it's working”.
“As her doctor im saying you should bring her in, but if you think she's ok then you can keep her at home”.
“I'm going to bring her in and-”. Jay stopped mid sentence hearing a loud thump. “Mattie, Matilda?”
Connor could hear Jay running up the stairs trying to figure out what happened.
“Jay-Jay, what's going on? Talk to me”
You felt a familiar feeling in your stomach, either it's because you're hungry or you need to throw up the crackers you ate.
As soon as you stand up get really dizzy you try to shake off the feeling but you can't, so you attempt to head down stairs but as soon as you take your next step you feel your body hit the floor and everything goes black.
According to Will and Jay you tend to faint every time you get sick but you don't remember so you just believe whatever they say and go with it.
The first time this happened Jay thought someone broke in since it was 6 in the morning. You swear you heard will yell that it was just you and not a criminal but your brushed it off thinking it was just a dream”
“It's Mattie, she fainted aging” .
“Make sure you put her feet up i'll let will know”
Before connor could finish jay hung up to call an ambulance”
“What've we got, Maggie”? Will asked as the paramedic handed over the young girl to the hospital.
“Matilda Halstead, 15 years old, found unconscious by her brother… Will you can't handle her, you the hospital protocols, I swear i didn't know”
Will was just left standing there as he watched his little sister being taken care of by other doctors.
Wills/No Ones POV
“At this point i think we should just put in the hospital with 24/7 surveillance everytime she gets sick” Will trying to make a joke
“First of all she hates hospitals and needles so that's a no, and i just realized that i forgot to tell voight i wouldn't be there. Haileys probably thought i've gone missing from not answering anyone's phone calls”.
Just then Connor walks in “Ok so she's ok now and you can see her now, she's dealurios but that will wear off soon. I wanted to run a few tests and it looks like she suffered from heat syncope. It looks like it's what causes the fainting every time she gets a high fever” .
“Thank you Connor”. Will replied
“Anytime guys, anytime”.
Mattie’s POV
Just then you saw your brothers come in and will told you to stop playing with your iv
“Ha you two look alike for some reason”
“That's because we're brother mattie” Jay said while coming sit down next to you
“Mattie? But the doctors told me i was matilda am i impersonating someone” You whined
“No Matilda, we call you Mattie for short so you're not impersonating anyone, '' Jay said, trying to contain his laughter.
“Hey, stop laughing at me. Your so mean” You said almost crying
“Oh mattie jay just a 3 year old in an old man's body” Will sighed trying to calm down mattie
The rest of the night was filled with mattie making everyone laugh then connor discharged her
“Is she asleep?” Jay says when will comes down stairs
“Yep she finally let herself relax and sleep”
“She's just like you jay”
“And how she's more like you” Jay gasped
“She loves to be babied when she sick just like you” Will chuckled
“Since you wanna keep coming at me like that you're in charge of waking her tomorrow morning”. Jay commented
“See you tomorrow night will”
Will sat there thinking about how he's raising two children instead of 1 little sister.
Family Isn't Always Fair

Matildas age: 14 years old
Tw: Seizures, Hospitals, Family Arguing, Yelling, Mentions of shots
Summary: After Matilda's sister got diagnosed everything changed and she didn't get much attention as she used to. That was until she was diagnosed with Epilepsy and their entire family crumbles with one Chaotic night.
Of course they didn't show up. They are always paying attention to my older sister Sophia. Ever since Sophia test results came back they've been acting like I don't exist. It's been like this for 3 years now since I was 11.
My competition was today for ice skating and they promised they would show up but turns out they had something “come up with work” I just know thats a code sentence for something that came up with sophia.
I haven't even had the time to tell them something that's been going on. My teachers and friends notice i blank out a lot and i've brushed it off for awhile but it's gotten to the point where i even got detention for not paying attention in class
Walking through the door I don't hear anyone or the house being filled with chaos. “Mom? Dad? I'm home”I shouted. Just as I thought no one, not even Sophia. All I see is a note on the counter with dads card saying I can door dash if I want too.
I heard someone knock at the door and I waited 30 seconds before getting up hoping the dasher had already left.
I was finally dozing off when my family came home
“Mattie we’re home” My dad yelled while putting the groceries on the counter.
I walked into the kitchen to see my dad already preparing dinner. “Wanna help?”
“Sure, it's not like I have much to do, '' I replied, finally relieved that I got to do something with my dad for once.
“Hey, so i made first in my ice skating competition” I said, trying to make some small talk
“That's good Mattie, so are you moving onto the final round? Jay asked while finishing up the pasta on the stove.
“Yeah and i'm going up against my biggest comp-”
“Your biggest what?” Jay turned his head towards Matilda when she didn't reply. “Mattie? Can you hear me” Snapping his fingers in her face.
(Authors Note, Even though abscess seizures last less than 15 seconds I'm going to make this last for around a minute reading it may seem longer but it's not that long).
Jays POV
I called Hailey to come downstairs because either Mattie was pranking me or something was seriously wrong with her.
“Yeah jay what's up?”
“Somethings wrong with Mattie, it's like she's just staring into space and she's not moving.”
“What do you mean she's staring into space?”Hailey tilting her head in confusion
Jay waved his hand in his daughters face and she didn't respond
“Alright i'm calling will”
I was keeping an eye on Mattie but before Hailey could call will, Mattie started moving aging.
“Mattie, are you ok? What happened”
“Yeah im fine and i don't know what happened” Her voice obviously confused
“What were we just talking about?” I asked. Will taught me in these situations I should ask questions if something bad were to happen.
“Uhh, I don't really know. It's like there's fog everywhere in my head”.
“Hails stay here with soph im taking her to med” I said almost dragging matilda off the kitchen bench.
“Ok, keep me posted. I'll tell voight you can't come in tonight.”
Connor “Ok so we ran some tests and it's epilepsy. It seems like she suffers from absent seizures from what she told and what you experienced with her. “
As Connor checks up on Mattie I feel ashamed to even be a father. How did I not notice this, she had been suffering for a while. I made it seem like Sophia is my only child, I made her feel left out, I made her… I made her feel like a glass child.
“Jay, JAY!” i was snapped out of my thoughts when will was trying to get my attention
“Sorry just thinking about something” I murmured
“I'm going to tell you this now, whatever happened whatever your think isn't your fault. You couldn't have prevented it no matter what you do. She's gonna have to live with it for the rest of her life and you guys will manage it I promise you.” will said while walking to sit down with me.
9 months later
Things are different nowadays. Hails and I have been arguing more now over Sophia on how I never pay attention to her and I spend all my time with Matilda now. We started attending couples therapy 5 months ago, and so far it's working . We've been arguing less and spending an equal amount of time with the girls. I still do spend a lot of time with Matilda but Hailey does have to know.
“Sophia, hurry up if we wanna get good seats then we have to leave now” I yelled upstairs while grabbing my keys and matilda's small bag.
“GO MATTIE” i cheered probably louder than everyone else.
Matties POV
Spin, Jump, Spin again anddd pose. I received an applause from the crowd and started to skate off the ice. I headed to the locker room and took my skates off and put my guards on. I walk around to find my family talking with my coach.
“Ahem?”My mom gives a look that means stop and behave.
Finally they finish and come over to me
“You did an amazing job honey, are they not doing awards today?” mom said as she hugged me
“No, they said something was wrong with there scoring so they'll release them out by email to us” I groaned
'`How about we go out for dinner, whose turn is it to pick?’ My dad asks
Before I can answer my sister shouts out “Olive Garden '' I don't really like olive garden that much but I prefer to have a nice family outing than to argue.
Once again me and my sister are fighting but this time it's bad. She had snuck out last night and got caught. She blames me because I didn't answer my phone to let her in. She ended up having to go through the front door which sends a notification to our parents phone every time the doors open. In my defense I had to sleep for my competition. I wasn't about to have dozens of seizures because I was sleep deprived.
I was talking on the phone and my sister overheard me saying “She was a spoiled brat and she's annoying” Truthfully i was talking about this girl in school that everyone hates. Next thing I know I was hanging up on the phone then next I was being pushed to the floor.
Haileys Pov
Me and Jay agreed that we would just let the girls fight now. They always made up and the fights were never physical, only verbal.
We caught Sophia coming back home at 3 in the morning. We grounded her until winter break which is in 1 month. The whole fight went on for about 20 minutes before jay told them to shout
Quieter before the cops came.
I was showing Jay an instagram post when there was a loud thud. Me and Jay both shot our heads up towards the ceiling. “Girls stop throwing stuff” i just looked down at my phone then looked back up when i didn't hear them shouting. “Matilda?...Sophia?” Me and jay both shared the same look and got up to see the damage
“Mattie, soph what's going-”Jay's voice in a mad tone “Mattie, oh my gosh.”
Walking in we see matilda having a seizure and sophia just standing there in shock
“She's having a seizure, Sophia. I need you to run downstairs and get my radio” Sophia just stood there looking at me. “Sophia so help me if you don't go get that radio you will wish voight would have dealt with you instead”. By saying that Sophia snapped out of whatever she was in and ran downstairs.
“What happened? She never has epileptic seizure in awhile” i asked
“She could’ve hit her head or something because i don't know how you get from standing the ground” Jay replied while checking his watch as hit the 30 second mark.
Sophia finally brings up my radio and radio for an ambulance. “This is 50-21 gorge. I need an ambulance to my location, 15 year-old female having a seizure.
At a minute and 30 seconds the seizure finally stopped. We rolled Matilda on her side in recovery position. Jay checked her pulse to make sure it's steady.
I ran my finger through matties hair, i couldn't hear jay asking where the ambulance is i just kept playing the scene in my head.
(Forgot to change the pov so this is going to to be in 3rd person until Voight is done yelling at Sophia)
“Hey Mags” will said while putting his tablet down
“Hey will, you need to control your niece”
“What did she do this time?”
“She told me last week that she wanted to live with me because i let her eat ice cream while she was over at my house because "everytime i come to your house you let me ice cream"” She replied and made a squeaky voice
Will let out a small chuckle “She for real said that? I can't blame her i would want to eat ice cream all the time too”
Just then the buzzer went off signaling that someone new came in. Will ran over
“What have we got”
“14 year old Matilda Halstead, found having a seizure in her bedroom” The paramedics said
Will knew he couldn't treat her because she was family. Connor and Ethan stepped in for the place of will.
“Ok, we're gonna move her to the bed on 3, (1-2-3).” Ethan said while getting ready
“Hey matilda, can you tell me how old you are” Connor said while rubbing her sternum
Will just stood there looking through the open door. It took will to fight off every thought to go in there and help.
Just then Natalie walked in to begin her shift. “Hey will, how are you?” When she didn’t get a response she turned around to see Will standing there. “Will are you good?”.Natalie caught a glimpse of what was going on and decided that will shouldn't be seeing this. “Will, how about we go sit down.” Natalie brought will into the waiting room where the rest of his family was.
“Ok Matilda you're going to feel a small poke.” Connor was telling Matilda what they were doing even though she wasn't responding.
“I want her taken up for a CT scan and I want the results as soon as possible, say Dr. Goodwin orders it.”
Connor didn't care if he got in trouble for lying about Sharon Goodwin's words. Matilda was family and he would do anything for her no matter the consequences.
Connor walked into the waiting room to see Jay, Will and Natalie. “So she had a seizure because of how hard she hit her head. She also has a mild concussion. I want to keep her for 3 nights just for observation. She wasn't reacting to the meds we originally gave her so I want to rey giving her something else.” Connor explained
“Why wasn't she reacting to the meds”. Jay asked obviously concerned
“I don't exactly know why, I wanna take her up for testing if it's ok with you and hailey”
“You can do it, Me and hailey give you permission to do whatever it takes to help Mattie '' Even though hailey was here he knew she would give permission.
“We moved her to a room on the Peds floor, but she is awake so you can go see her,” Connor said.
“I have to go take care of patients but ill make sure to come see her when i can. I’ll find someone to cover you for a couple of hours” Natalie said while getting up
“Thanks Nat” Will replied while walking away from her
“Hailey take a break or go see your daughter, I’ll deal with her” Voight stepped in.
Sophia let out a gulp knowing shes dead. If you were in trouble and Hank Voight stepped in to deal with you, you might as well just go to jail.
But this time was different, something about the way he was talking was completely different from when he would usually yell at the kids when they were in trouble. This time he was…he was Comforting and nice.
Hanks Pov
“Sophia, you do understand that your parents are extremely mad at you”
Sophia was too scared to even talk. She thought if she said something Hank would blow up at her.
(Idk what else to do for this part let's just say that hank didn't yell at her and he listened to why she did what she did)
Matilda’s Pov
All I could hear was ringing and muffled voices all around me. When I tried to open my eyes I immediately shut them because of the blinding light. I can feel someone holding my hand and I finally open my eyes to see my dad sleeping in the chair, he moved close to my bed and my uncle will talking to my mom catching her up on what happened, to wherever she went…
My head is pounding and my mind feels hazy. “Did I have a seizure or something?” I think to myself.
Just then my dad wakes up and sees me looking around the room.
Jays pov
I can see Mattie’s eyes and she is obviously confused and wondering why she's here. It's not our first time here and everytime she ends up crying because she doesn't remember what happened and she's confused.
“Hey Mattie, how are you feeling?”
“Like I was thrown in a washing machine on a spin cycle.”
“I can see your humor and attitude hasn't gone away.” I chuckle
Just then will and hailey come into the room asking all type of questions
“Maybe you guys need to calm down on the questions and-” Before I could finish Mattie started crying.
“Why’s she crying?” Hailey asks concerned
“She usually cries after waking up because she's confused and scared. Plus you two bombarded her with questions as soon as you saw her” I reply with a snarky tone
Just then the pager went off“ Shoot i gotta go take care of a patient i’ll be back later Mattie.”
“So did you talk to Soph” I said breaking the silence
“Yeah i yelled at her for like 2 seconds before voight came in.”She said looking down at the floor
“And what did she say?”
“She explained everything and i understand why she pushed her”
“Really hailey, you're protecting sophia again? She's the reason why we're having this conversation right now.” I yell but in a whisper
“Jay, how about we talk about this at home, we're in a hospital.” She says
“Fine, we'll talk at home. ”
I am so fed up with Hailey always protecting Sophia in these types of situations and using her disability as an excuse for her actions. “You're never here to see what's going every time she's in the hospital the first night, You're always at home with sophia.” I snap
“Well, yeah who else is going to watch her?”
“HAILEY, she's 16 years old, Mattie was staying at home watching her at 12 when we were at work and when sophia wasn't home” I yell but none it down because it's night time and i don't want Sophia and Mattie to wake up.
“I WAS WITH SOPH ALL ALONE HAVING TO DEAL WITH HER” she yelled back in a whisper.
“You seem to prioritize Sophia over mattie. Did you forget that you have another daughter? You made me feel like i needed to pay attention to Soph more than Mattie”
“Jay I-” She tried to speak but I cut her off. “No, I need to talk. Matilda has felt miserable for 3 years because of us. I didn't even realize I was making her childhood like mine. She felt like a glass child for years hailey…YEARS, and now when i try to hang out with her and be with her you need to put yourself there and say that “You should take Soph with you” I imitated her “Sophia this, Sophia that” I imitated her again “Do you ever get tired of talking about sophia?, NO YOU CLEARLY DON'T” I yell this time “GOD HAILEY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU HAVE TWO KIDS NOT ONE, BUT TWO.” I shout in her face “I am so done with you right now-”
Just then Matilda walks in the kitchen wondering what's with all the shouting
“Dad, what's going on?” she asks
“Nothing Mattie, go back to bed i’ll be there in a minute” I reply with a smile
She runs back up the stairs and I turn back to my wife. “You don't even go to her competitions anymore…” is all i could say. I couldn't stand to see her right now.
I walk up to mattie room and knock on the door frame “Hey my favorite ice skater, can i come in?
I walk into Mattie's room and sit on the bed.
“Hey dad?”
“Are you and mom gonna split up?” she asks me with tears in her eyes
“Oh Mattie, I really don't know honey. Me and mom are just going through stuff and we aren't happy with each other right now” I tell her while bring her in for a hug
“I heard you arguing about me and Soph, but mostly me”
“We just had a disagreement about something that had you in it. It's fine, nothing bad was said about you. I reassured her
“You don't have to talk to me like i'm five anymore dad” She said making the word five very clear
“You're still gonna be my tiny little baby forever though” I chuckle “Mind if I sleep here tonight?” I didn't want to sleep in the same bed with hailey let alone be in the same room with her.
“Why” Shes asks
I quickly come up with a lie that she will believe due to the recent events “Will and Connor said i need to watch you just incase you know”
“Sure you can go get the spare mattress in my closet because i know you wont sleep in my bed because you complain i move in my sleep, plus i don't wanna sleep by someone who snores like a bear”
“You got one thing right, you move in your sleep like crazy and two I do not snore like a bear, I sleep peacefully like a baby.” I say while bringing the mattress and blanket to the room.
While setting up the mattress I realize I don't have a pillow “Hey Mattie do you have a-” I get cut off with her throwing a pillow in my face.
“Here's your pillow you big baby”
“Alright go to bed before i ground you for doing something stupid, i'm gonna use the bathroom real quick”
I came out of the bathroom to see Matilda passed out in her bed. She definitely missed her bed while being at the hospital.
I get into bed, well the mattress and think about what I'm going to do tomorrow. I can't continue living with someone who acts like this and doesn't recognize her other daughter. Let alone see her when she's in the hospital.
Things are different now. Hailey wouldn't agree with me on how she's wrong about Sophia and how she “can’t” take care of herself. A few months after the whole thing with Sophia and Matilda we got a divorce. We dropped the charges that were held against Sophia because we didn't want it to hurt her future. Me and her still work at intelligence but i don't come in for work unless i need to. I do cases from home in my office so I can be with Mattie and I don't have to see Hailey as much. I do go into work every couple of days to be with the team and talk about cases and whatnot.
Mattie alsojust celebrated her 15th birthday with family and friends. As an extra gift from me to her I took on her dream vacation to paris. I even tried to ask hailey if she wanted to come but she said no and that she had work that week. I knew it was a lie because I knew her schedule and she probably just said that so she could take care of sophia. Mattie, even a national titIe when she went to Nationals. She was the highest scoring out of the entire competition. I couldn't be happier.
Although I do miss our whole family being together it's been better now that we're apart. I've gotten to know Mattie way more and had to listen though all the girl drama. Even had to help her when she first got her period and i didnt know who to call because Hailey and Kim were undercover.
Life may be different than it was. What maybe a year and a half ago, but were going to be fine and were going to live with it.
“Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family” - Anthony Brandt
This is way longer than it is on wattpad because i combined both chapters into one plus i like changing the title in tumblr for the fun and looks if it. Just a little quote to close out this story

Matilda Age: (15 years old)
Warnings: dont remember them since this is a old imagine
Summary: Jay wishes for something horrible now she ends up in the hospital
Never say, I wish
Me and Matilda were in a fight over her grades. She had gotten a C- after i told repeatedly to study instead she was on her phone talking with friends and watching Disney+. Things had gotten to the point where Will tried to interfere but I ended up snapping at him.
“Do you ever listen to my instructions?”
“I do, oh my gosh Jay you never give me a break. It's always Mattie study, Matilda this Matilda that.” She argued
“Because you don't listen whenever you need to. This always happens. You don't study, you don't do your homework.”
“That was one time Jay” She said with an attitude “and everytime you say" Mom wouldn't be happy with what you're doing”. I wish you would just stop bringing her up”
“I wish you were never in my life” I snapped
As soon as I said that, I immediately regretted it and wanted to take it back. Matilda just stood there looking like she was about to cry.
“Mattie i'm sorry” i said
She just ran up to her room and slammed the door shut. Will gave a death glare and I knew I was so screwed not only with will but because I knew he would tell Hailey and Hailey would give me the worst lecturer of my life.
“Man why the hell would you say that”Will yelled
“I don’t know it just slipped”
“It just SLIPPED?”He yelled “Are you insane did you not think about what you said before you said it”
“I'm sorry I didn't think, I'll go say sorry to her now.” I said walking
“No, let her calm down first because what you said was so wrong”.
And just like that i had put myself in the worst situation
Matties POV
Why would he say that? Does he actually mean that? Maybe he is right, mom wouldn't be proud of me. I'm just a burden to both of them.
Walking around I felt a familiar feeling. The feeling of fainting. “Ugh of course this has to happen now” I yell in my head. I go to sit down on my desk chair but I don't make it very far when I can already feel myself falling.
Everything hurts so much.
All I can see is black.
Wills POV
Im sitting scrolling on my phone glancing at jay everyone once and a while who looks antsy to go see Matilda. I look back down at my phone and I hear a loud thud. Hoping its matilda releasing her anger by throwing things i yell to make sure she's ok. “Mattie you good up there?”
I don't hear an answer from her and I yell aging. “Mattie!” Me and Jay both exchange a worried look before running up to her room and barging in.
“Matt why aren't you- Shoot Mattie can you hear me? '' Will said, slightly slapping Mattie's face.
“Jay go get the car ready we can't wait for an ambulance” Will immediately checked to make sure she had a pulse and was relieved she did.
Jay nodded and ran out to the car so he could pull it out to the front.
I picked Matilda realizing how light she is. I ran out to the car and jay opened the door for us and we sped off to med
“This is 50-21 gorge. I'm headed to Chicago med. 15 year old female was found unconscious in her room.” I could hear jay radio in
“See Jay, this is why we don't say things like that. I had a co-worker in New York who wished that she didn't have a sister. the next day her sister died on the way to her house.”
“I'm not gonna say anything until I see Matilda. I could never forgive myself if something happened to her and that was the last thing I ever said to her.” Jay said, i could hear his voice. He was on the verge of tears but Jay doesn't like to cry in front of people because he thinks it's embarrassing.
Just then connor came and me and jay stood up hoping for good news
“So she's stable and it was just another episode. She does have a concussion. I assume she fell on her head because she didnt get down fast enough. “
“Can we see her now?’ I asked already knowing the answer.
“Of course, good luck with her. She's delirious from the meds.’ He chuckled and left to continue his work.
“Matilda, stop. How many times do I have to tell you to stop playing with your IV”. Making her jump because she didn't see us walk in.
“Ok Jay, you can say whatever you want to say now.”
“I'm so sorry I said that Mattie, I never meant to say that. I just had a bad day and I shouldn't have taken it out on you.
“I forgive you, and i'm sorry to i should start to listen to you guys more often” She admitted
I just let out a small laugh and we all broke out in laughter on how stupid the argument was.
“I love you guys” Mattie said
“We love you too Mattie” Jay replied
I hate this one but i just wanted to post something while im working on a new imagine, even though i could've picked from many of my imagines i never posted
Believe me

Warnings: Bullying, Arguing,Yelling, Mentions of killing, (Mentions of running away?)
A/n:Just a heads up that there may be some spots that don't make sense because i keep forgetting to fix those spots but anyways enjoy the story
Summary: You get into a fight and none of your brothers believe you until Hailey steps in and comforts you and helps you and your brother's stop fighting.
Word count: 2.0k
Flashback to 12 years old
This is my first time being in the principal's office and honestly I'm scared, not because I could get suspended but because Its will whos coming to pick me up. There's nothing worse than someone being disappointed with you than mad. Will’s the type of brother who will just be disappointed and give you the silent treatment, while Jay will yell at you like crazy, take away your phone, make you file papers at the district and even give you the worst punishments ever for this type of situation but Will is definitely going to yell at me and take away my phone for the rest of my life and i'm probably grounded for 8 years.
End of Flashback
Present time
Today was the day you were really really dead, you got into a fight with this one girl because she said something about your family and you couldn't let that slide so of course you stood up for yourself and your family and punched right in the face.
The problem is when you tried to tell the principal what happened she didn't believe you because the girl you fought was the principal's niece and “she could never do wrong” or that's what all the staff thought. Everyone knew in school that she was actually the worst student there and she's a huge bully who's spoiled and gets everything she wants. There's even a rumor how the principal pays her teachers to give her good grades.
You were sitting outside the front office when you heard two familiar voices, and immediately knew it was Will and Jay. Now you were in trouble with both your brothers, both of them here means you're probably never gonna see the day of light ever again.
Your brothers walk up to the bench outside the room and either side of you and they don't even speak to you or look at you. You're surprised Jay hasnt threatened to arrest you or put you in handcuffs yet, he's done that before but that story is for a different day.
“Hello Mr, Halsteads” My principal came out of the door. My brothers stood up and shook her hand.
You hated your principal, and she hated you. She always had it out for kids like you. Kids who were better than Milly. Kids who stood up for themselves from Milly. Most especially kids who Milly Hated.
Once you were all seated inside the office she started explaining what happened.
“Y/n got into a confrontation with a girl named Milly and ended up breaking her nose.” She explained.
“I am so sorry for Y/n’s behavior today. I will make sure that she will be punished.” Jay replied. “Well i'm not” You mumbled
“She is going to be suspended for three days and when she returns she's going to have ISS for one week.” She said, “What, thats so fucking dumb she’s the one who started it!” You yelled
“Not from what i heard” She replied “Other kids said that you were bullying her and when she tried to say something you punched her”
“We're going to be going now, I'm so sorry for her actions. Please apologize to Millys family for us, Thank you.” Jay said while we walked out the office
“In the car now, we’ll talk when we get home” Will whispered in a yell. Although you couldn't care less whatever they were going to do.
“FIGHTING Y/N? WE RAISED BETTER THAN THIS” Will shouts at me. “Well maybe if you would leave me alone you wouldn't have to raise me” you snort “watch your tone young lady” Jay points at me. “How about you listen to me, OVER SOME STUPID GIRL” I say, raising my voice to match wills.
“Thats it, give me your phone and everything else now.”Jay puts his hand in front of me “take it, i dont even want it anymore since everyones gonna blow up my phone about how i lost to fucking Milly Wilson” I say tosing it to the ground and heading up the stairs to my room. “I hate you more than right now than i hated dad, I wish mom was still around.
“You are done for Y/n Halstead you're grounded for two months, be prepared to be at the district and med everyday now” Jay speaks in a serious tone.
“Don't slam that door Y/n halsted” Will yelled anticipating my move but i slammed the door anyways because i don't care.
That's when I had enough, enough of the bullying, enough of school, enough of my brothers never being on my side. It started out with small things like pillows, and clothes, then it turned into hard things, shoes, books and even your computer and Nintendo that was lying on your bed. Your room looked like a tornado and a hurricane hit at the same time, and you just sobbed on the floor.
That's when you heard a soft knock on your door. “Go away” you sniffled. “Y/n/n, please open the door” that nickname? Only Hailey called you that you thought. “Come in”
Hailey opened the door and immediately looked around to find you in a corner sobbing. You looked so frail and broken when she saw you. As soon as she held you into her arms you broke down and spilled everything out in a jumbled mess. “It’s ok let it all out” Hailey said in a soft voice.
“No one ever believes me- i-i tried to tell them a-a-and they wouldn't believe me, sh-she was the one who hit me first. She said if i told anyone sh-she would get j-jay fired” You froze, you weren't supposed to say that…There was one thing you hadn't said and that was milly hit first when you tried to confront her on what she said
Milly said if you told anyone she would make your life miserable and she would get Jay fired
from his job and arrested.
You stood up from haileys grip and started pacing around your messy room “No,no,no Milly's going to get jay fired or probably kill me now i should probably run away to south america or something”
“Woah woah y/n calm down, what actually happened?” She questioned, and you just started explaining. “Milly said mom and dad deserved to die since Jay takes people away from their families and sometimes hurts them, so i went up to and asked her why she said and she just replied “Don’t put yourself where it doesn't belong, and boom she punched and i just defended myself. You probably can guess the rest.”
“Oh, Y/n its ok i will make sure that milly wont do anything to you or jay, i promise.” She cooed “You promise?” She gave me a smile and a slight nood. “So how about you stay at my place for the night and we can head to the district tomorrow
you packed your bags and headed downstairs with hailey in tow. "Where do you think you're going? Did you forget that you're grounded?" Jay stood up from his chair
i'm taking her to my house no she grounded hailey crouched down to your level since you were short for your age "why don't you take my keys and head to the car and place an order for some food" you nodded and left the apartment
"jay don't argue with me the least you could have done is listened and you couldn't even manage that" Sill stood up to back jay up but hailey immediately stopped him "Don't even, i will bring y/n to the district tomorrow and you will both apologize and listen to her or else" Pointing to two men while walking out the door and slamming it behind her.
It was now the morning and you and hailey were headed to the district. When you tried to close the car door you hissed and immediately pulled your hand to your chest. “What happened to your hand?” Hailey asked. “Nothing.” you didn't want to get into the topic of what happened. Lets just go to the district and get this over with.
“First of all i'm taking you to get your hand checked out and second of all i talked to jay, he's not gonna yell or do anything to you. He forgot that I have handcuffs and can arrest him” You chuckled at that last part, her and Jay didn't always agree.
Hailey took you to Michigan Arial Hospital (the other hospital in Chicago since she knew you didn't want to go to med) and it turns out you had a sprain, well you had a sprain before but since you didn't get medical attention earlier you now broke your hand. You got a light blue cast because light blue was Haileys favorite color and at the moment you didn't want to please nor even think about jay or will.
When you reached the district you said hi to Trudy and everyone else but you hid your arm because you didn't want to talk about it. “Hey, mini halsted” Adam greeted you. You didn't even reply and walked straight to the break room where Jay would be found since you didn't see him in the main area.
“Jay you will listen to every word this girl has got to say because if you don't, Voight’s standing right outside this door and he would love to hear how you're treating his Goddaughter,” Hailey says with a stern and serious voice.
All three of you sit down and you explain what Milly has been doing to you and everyone else in the school. And how Milly is the principal's niece so she never gets in trouble. You also get far enough to wear you explain why you currently have a cast on. “And she said if i ever told anyone she said she would get your fired and make your life miserable”
“Y/n- i dont even know what to say, i am so so sorry for not believing you when you first told us. I guess i was just mad you had gotten into a fight and i didnt think about anything else” Jay said as he pulled you into a tight hug
“Jay- careful of my hand” You gasped “and, i forgive you” you said with a soft sweet voice.
“Now if you excuse me I've got some CCTV footage to look at.” Jay said as he pulled apart from the hug and stood up. You knew Jay was never the emotional type and never wanted one of his colleagues to catch him crying, yet Hialeys saw him cry Millions of times.
As the team was going through the footage they kept backing up to the right spots until they reached the time of yesterday. Milly punching you in the eye, which explains why your eye looks a little swollen now.
“THERE! Right there is all the proof we need to prove y/n innocent on many levels.” Haileys shouts. “Alright, find phone numbers, addresses, figure out her relatives before we go for her. I want to make sure this girl gets what she deserves” Voight yells in his raspy voice.
Definitely working on part right now, i must say this is my favorite one so far since i've planned it out i've wanted it to go. Don't forget to read my other stories and look at my crazy wattpad reading lists. Thanks :)
Failed Protection
Matildas age: (15 years old)
Time period: Matilda living with Pat Halstead
Word count:
Tw: Child Abuse, Yelling, Death and Hospitals, honestly very horrible writing
When I tell you I hate this one I HATE IT. But then again this is my last matilda halstead story before I can finally move on to reader stories :) changed the ending because i dont want to make a part two and don't plan on it either. Took this from my wattpad too
Matties POV
It was one of the coldest days in chicago. It was snowing heavily and I could feel the cold though the three layers I was wearing. Yet my dad made me go out and get milk and eggs.
Making my way through the front door I could already hear my dad yelling at me for not getting the “right milk”, I wasn't able to find the milk he wanted but it'll have to do.
“MATILDA” i heard my dad yelling for already knowing what's about to happen
“Yeah dad?’
“This isn't the milk i like to drink, why did you get this one.” he screamed “how stupid are you matilda?”
“I couldn't find it where it usually was so I picked one that was close enough to the one you like.”
“WELL WHY DIDN'T YOU LOOK HARDER?” Just then he stood up and slapped me “you are more of a disappointment than your brothers.”
“I'm sorry dad.” i cried as i held my cheek
“Yeah right you're sorry, now clean this mess up before I throw you out of my house.” he said while walking to his room and slamming the door.
“Where's Will and Jay when I need them…”
Jays Pov
“Hey hailey and jay we have a noise complaint near you guys do you think you can take since you're close by?” Hank radioed
'`Yeah of course we don't mind, do we jay?’
“Yeah we dont”
Small 5 minute time skip cause id, what else to put here.
“Let's make this quick, I need to call my sister and check up on her.” i said knocking on the door
“You still talk to your sister? Hailey said. Didn't you say that your dad destroyed her phone or something?”
“Yeah but i gave dad 2k for himself and to buy her new phone.” he replied
Your dad may have gotten you a new phone but that just gave him another excuse to yell at you because his “son” had to give him money, and that you should just work to buy a new phone instead of others getting it for you.
Just then the door opened and me and hailey turned our heads towards the door… “Mattie? What are you doing here?” I immediately spoke
“Its nothing, you guys should go dads asleep, and someone probably got the wrong apartment number” she spoke quietly
“We got a noise complaint from your next door neighbor. Can we come in?” Hailey spoke
“Uh..” She looked out towards a door than agreed to let us in “Yeah sure”
The place looks clean, not perfectly clean but if i'm honest my place has looked worse than this many times. Me and Hailey looked around a bit before leaving.
“Maybe we didn't get the wrong number, our previous apartment never looked that clean and I didn't see any beer bottles all over the place.” I said while walking towards the stairs
“Yeah sometimes people call the wrong num-” Hailey was cut off by a crash, screaming and yelling
“MATTIE!” jay yelled as he and hailey pulled out their guns
“MATTIE WERE COMING IN!” Jay yelled as he kicked the front door in
When the door opened jay and hailey found pat screaming at mattie while holding a broken beer bottle which he had obviously hit mattie on the head. Jay tackled pat to the ground, he didn't care if that was his dad. At this moment Mattie was his biggest priority.
“This is 50-21 gorge we're gonna need some back and an ambo, and get CPS on the line” Hailey radioed in while walking to Matilda
No Ones Pov (I have no explanation on why she ran so i’ll just do whatever)
So basically Pat started yelling at both Jay and Mattie and Mattie couldn't take the yelling anymore so she just needed a break.
“MATTIE COME BACK” Jay shouted while running after her
Running from Jay I slipped on black ice. Making my phone go flying into the air falling on top of a pile of snow.
Climbing the snow I'm thinking “Whoever was in the snow plow did a terrible job and probably will be fired.
I finally got my phone a thought i should text jay and say sorry for running off like that
Me: Hey sorry for running off i just had to walk out
JJ: It’s fine, where are you so me and hailey come get you. It's almost 11 degrees out mattie.
I was about to send my location to Jay but then the snow caved in on me and that's when I realized that this was a snow bank. It was more than twice your height. You tried to push out with your hands but that just caused more snow to fall on top of you.
Everytime you tried to push up you would fall down more into the snow. At this point you gave up and started shouting “Help, Help”.
God, you were freezing
Jays POV
“Come on Mattie, answer” Jay said while trying to call mattie
“She not answering?” Hailey asks while pressing the gas pedal faster
No, Voight, I need you guys at this location now. Matties missing and her phone was last pinned there.
“Alright we're on our way”
“Matilda, are you here?” I yelled while shining my flashlight
“Gosh this city is horrible at plowing snow” Adam stated
“Adam we don't have time to criticize the snow plowers of this city” Hailey argued
“Just trying to start some conversation”
Kim just gave adam a glare too shut up and keep searching
While shining my flashlight I saw a familiar item. That looks like the phone case I got for Matilda last week as a pre christmas because she wouldn't stop bothering me on how she wanted a new one. That also looked like her phone, I picked the phone up and saw the home screen was a picture of Me, Her and Will on it…
Seeing a hole I look inside and immediately get on my hands and knees yelling for everyone to come over. “I need some help over here”
Kelly, Selvie and Hailey pulled Matilda out and I just stood there in shock not being able to move. My little sister, who my mom told me to look after. I left her with that man who is horrible which led to her being in a snowbank.
“50-21 Gorge I need you to roll and ambo to my location. We have a hypothermic victim.” Hailey radioed.
“Ambo is 7 minutes out”
This is where i changed everything i had in mid a month ago
When Jay checked her pulse again he didn't feel anything and immediately started cpr. Eventually Hailey had to pull Jay away because Jay had failed, he failed on what his mom told him, he failed to protect her. She was gone and he couldn't do anything about it, and he and Will were gonna have to live with it…for the rest of their lives…
The end. Like I said , I hate it, but let me add my detail(ish) stuff and get it over with. Haven't even been working on part two to Believe me that much so i’ll work on it tomorrow. (it just feel bleh posting this and i can’t even)
Kinda a good way to end the Matilda Halstead thing with this so its the only thing i can agree with this story
Believe Me Part 2/Twisted Stories

Warnings: Yelling, Mentions of shooting, Harassment, Assault, Fighting, Guns, and Attempted murder. I think that's all tell me if i missed anything
A/n: I can't express how long this took to write because I don't know how to describe the scenes. Anyways, here's part 2 and I'm also working on a book.
Word Count: 1.7k ish
Summary: Nothing Really, just a huge twist
The team had gotten all sorts of information, turns out that Milly wasn't actually Milly and her real name is Michelle Taylor. So much for changing her name . She has a crazy history in many schools and clearly her parents had changed her name so people would accept her into society and into places.
“She's the principal's niece…y/n was telling the truth.” Jay spoke. “Alright let's move out” Voight snapped Jay out of whatever he was thinking.
The team arrived at Millys house but Kim and Adam went up to the door because everyone else had shown their faces at the front office due to you getting in trouble or parent meeting and stuff and Voight didn't want to risk messing up the plan.
Kim knocked on the door and waited for someone to open the door, the door opened and there she was, your principal
“Hi is there Michelle Taylor here” Kim said calmly. Your principal slammed the door shut right in Kim's face and made a run for it. “I NEED BACKUP” kim shouted into her radio. Jay, Hailey and everyone else jumped out of their cars and ran.
Jay had instructed you to stay in the car because he didn't want you to get hurt even more than you already were. Just then shots rang out all around the car and you dropped down to the floor of the car.
Jays Pov(for this part because it's the only way i'll be able to write it)
We had arrested Y/n’s principal as we were all heading back to our cars. shots rang out and everyone dove down onto the ground. “Y/N!” i wanted to run to her but hailey held me back. “She’s smart jay, she probably got down to the floor.” Hailey suggested. But I had this gut feeling that something wasn't right.
As soon as the gunshots were finished I ran to the car and practically ripped opened the door. Relife filled my body when I saw Y/n, she was ok, she had her hands over her ears, curled into a ball shaking. I slid into the car seat and pulled Y/n into my chest and she sobbed.
I sobbed into jays chest for what felt like hours which was only for a few minutes. “Its ok y/n, i got you, its ok.” Jay soothed. “I-wa-was so scared i-” My chest felt tight, i couldn't even finish my sentence because i didn't have enough air to even talk. “Y/n you have to breath.” Jay said. “I-I-I can't”. “Hey, look at me. Match my breathing” I looked at jay and soon i started to calm down.
We sat in Jay's car for a while, Jay was talking to Hailey, Adam and Kevin while stroking my hair. I didn't realize I fell asleep until I woke up on the couch in our apartment. “Hey Y/n” someone said in a soft voice. I recognize that voice, it was will.
“What are you doing here?” I said in a groggy voice while sitting up. “Jay called and told me what happened and asked if i made sure you were all right.” “soooo the only time you come over is to see if im alright and not to watch a movie and bring me Mcdonalds?” I joked. “I don't have money for Mcdonalds” Will said while looking at my hand. “DUDE, I've seen your paycheck and you definitely have money,” I argued. “Alright, I'll take off tomorrow and you can have a junk food day, just don't tell Jay” A huge smile was on my face. Finally i won an conversation against will, wait… hold up. “Wait, You never take off a whole day like that, what's the catch?” “Whoever did your cast didn't make it tight enough, so you'll have to get a new one tomorrow, and Connor needs to do some further look at it” Will explained. “Whatever at least i get whatever i want tomorrow” I said
It's been a couple of weeks since the whole incident at school. Today at the court case, I didn't really wanna go but Jay said I had to. Something along the lines with “they need you there for “evidence” and blah blah blah”.
I wasn't gonna dress that nie so I just wore some flare pants and a Chicago Med Sweatshirt I stole from will.
“Michelle Taylor will be charged on many accounts of Thievery, Fraud, Assault, Harassment, attempted murder, possession of a firearm and many accounts of fleeing the police.” The judge spoke from his chair
Gosh you didn't Milly had committed all these crimes in one lifetime, you didn't even know she had a fake name. Quite frankly you didn't want to be here, you wanted to be at home in your bed sleeping or watching movies with your brothers.
“Your honor, my client has a different side of her story based on what happened between her and Ms. Halstead.” Millys Lawyer spoke, Milly got up to the stage(or whatever you call it, i wanna be a doctor not a lawyer), and started talking.
“I was just talking to my friends about some girl who was being mean to me, and i guess she was eavesdropping on my conversation and she just came up to and punched me, i tried to defend myself, after we got pulled apart she- she threated to hurt me and my family with her brothers gun, and that she would come to school and ki-kill me” SHE WAS CRYING, SHE WAS REALLY FUCKING CRYING! You wouldn't believe what you were hearing, you did none of that, milly swung first, milly was talking about your family so you tried to talk and well… you already know the rest of the story. There was no way the Judge would believe this, Or so you thought.
“Your honor, there's CCTV footage, my client has bruises and a swollen eye from the confrontation, she even has bruises from other fights she had gotten in with Ms, Taylor weeks and even months ago” Your lawyer spoke.
This went on for 40 minutes. Made up stories and most of them happened but words were twisted things were changed to make you look like the bad guy. and afterwards you took a lunch break. “Their not gonna send Y/n to jail press any charges right hailey?” Jay spoke. Hailey knew a thing or two about courts since it was her first choice of what she wanted to be (idk if actually was but whatever). “Yeah- yeah she'll be fine jay.” Deep down hailey knew this wasn't going well and you'll probably end up with house arrest or something.
I sentence MiChelle Taylor to six Years in Jail with possible parole. You sighed, nothing bad was going to happen to you and you were fine. “And I sentence Y/n Halstead to 10 Months In Jail without parole, for Attempted Murder, Assault, and harassment” Suddenly there were so many Flashing lights, so many people talking, then you couldnt breath, you couldn't see, black spots clouded your vision…
Then one loud voice overcame all the other ones. “MOVE, LEAVE HER ALONE”, you were picked up and brought to an empty room. Y/n, it's ok, it's just me and will, you're safe, no ones gonna hurt you” a soft voice came. “You can open your eyes now, there's no cameras, no media, nobody, just us. Ok?” You didn't even realize that you were closing your eyes tightly.
“They're taking me to jail” You whispered, it came out of a question rather than a response. “y/n, I promise, we will do everything possible to make sure you don't go to jail. I promise” Will said while coming towards you and jay.
You already knew that promise was broken within a millisecond. “You can't promise that, it's already been done, there's nothing anybody can do.” “You'll have another court case to finalize everything by then we'll have figured out everything” Jay spoke
Just then police officers barged through the doors and pushed Will and Jay out of the way. “Let me go!” you yelped when they grabbed you with force. “Don't hurt her” Will tried to get to you but jay held him back “If you fight back you'll only make it worse for her” Jay said “BUT WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING JAY, I'M NOT JUST GONNA STAND BACK WHILE MY LITTLE SISTER GETS ARRESTED FOR A CRIME SHE DIDN'T COMMIT, IF YOUR NOT GONNA HELP THEN I WILL.” Will snapped, and with that he threw jays hand off his shoulder and walked out.
Jay was left standing there questioning what led to this, how was his family falling apart in just one day.
When will ran outside he saw you looking at him with tears in your eyes. With one last chance on seeing you for awhile he signed *I promise little boss* During the pandemic, you, will and jay learned sign language for fun and ever since you guys have been using it, either so someone didn't figure out what you guys were talking about or in a serious situation where one of you couldn't talk. And the name, will had given to you when you were nine because you kept bossing everyone around and you were short for your age and you are still short, hence the name Little Boss.
This was the day where the three halstead siblings lost each other…
The end
No i'm just joking. I was totally gonna make this a happy ending where milly goes to jail and You don't go to jail but no, this idea sprang to me at 7pm and i just word vomited all my ideas into the chapter but i hope there's one more chapter after this because i already have ideas for the last one. Btw my bad for being gone took me about a month to write this part. It's been since June 17th that I started this. Anyways, bye.
1 Hour

“Everly, don’t forget to eat your lunch on the counter!” Hailey Called out to the twins as she grabbed her phone off the counter. Everly ran downstairs to see her lunch packed, for the first time in forever. “Thanks Mom” Everly almost ran into Jay whilst running out the front door. “Bye honey see you later. '' Jay called out. “You too” Everly closed the door and walked down the sidewalk towards school.
I'm Everly Halstead. You can call me Eve, Ev, Eve, V or Evie. People spell my name differently. Me and my twin brother Nathan are 15 years old and were in 10th grade, well I'm in 10th grade my brother was homeschooled so he's in 11th grade since he was “smarter” than me.
My parents are amazing detectives in the intelligence unit. Pretty amazing but most would disagree. My brother Nathan was born with Spina Bifida, when he was born his spine wasn't formed properly so his Spinal cord and nerves, so his ability to walk was damaged but it's better now and he does Physical therapy to help.
The doctors said he would never be able to walk, but because us halsteads are stubborn he beat those odds and with help and surgery he was able to walk with an assistant when he was 5. My parents say I'm the best younger sister in the world, even though I'm 11 minutes younger, I disagree. Most of the time I mind my business and understand when my parents have to go take care of Nathan.
Once Everly walked through the front door she already knew the drill. Get to color Guard practice. Football season is over but with the UIL season in a couple of months and your state hoping to go Nationals this year all the practices started early. The band directors would get mad when people were late, absent, sitting down or just chilling out in general. She hated it most of the time but she liked it and she had to take a fine arts class to graduate.
Once practice was over Everly walked to homeroom and sat down in her seat. Everly didn't have any friends as most people didn't like kids whose parents were cops/detectives. She also learned having friends came with problems and issues, so she rather just be by herself with her family.
“So Everly what did you do during Thanksgiving break?” Ms. Wilson Her English teacher spoke. “I just hung out with my family and ate some good food” She shrugged. “Probably failed at her stupid flag sport” The “popular” mean girl Cora spoke. The whole class let out a light laugh. “And you probably spent trying to make out with the entire football team.” The whole class started laughing at Everlys joke more than Coras. Coras jaw dropped and formed a big “O” Everly sat down in her seat laughing in her head. She hated these kids and they all probably hated her.
After school instead of heading to the district I walked home, I had a lot of homework to do and since it's getting colder my asthma is getting a little worse. Oh yeah I forgot to mention I have asthma. It doesn't really affect me until I start pushing myself too hard or when it's really really cold. I knew no one would be home since my parents were at work and my brother was doing whatever he usually does around this time. Perfect, peace and quiet.
Relationships Can Kill

Well I have no motivation or ideas to write part three and i also started school last Wednesday so I've been busy, this is gonna be a short one since i had the urge to write something. I finally got to watching the episode where will leaves and that episode was so chaotic and i cried a little. This is also based off before Jay resigns and leaves. While doing this i was researching best universities to study medicine. Even though I'm only a sophomore in high school. (This is old i started school like a month ago)
Summary: You and your older brother Nate get into a heated argument over rumors, but did he know that his last words to you would be so brutal?
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Angst, Arguing, Fighting Drinking/Hungover, and death (My bad for this)
You walked off the bus excited because Jay let you doordash tonight and it was friday AND Jay and Will were coming home from their brother bonding trip. You punched the numbers into the keypad and closed the door behind you. You were very thankful that Jay and Hailey had gotten a house and let both you and your brother move in with them.
“Hey Nate, wanna go play hockey with me on the lake” Nate could basically do everything but the thing he did the most was hockey, he promised to teach you so both you and him could compete against each other during the winter.
“No, I'm busy,” Nate said quickly. “Okay, do you want anything from Panda Jay let me doordash some tonight” You said “No i wouldn't wanna mess up your date with my girlfriend” Nate Spat.
“Girlfriend? I dont even like your girlfriend and i'm pretty sure she hates me so why on earth would i-” Nate cut you off and started yelling.
“I WOULD BELIEVE HER ANY DAY OVER YOU, now get outta my way, i hate you so much” Nate slammed the front door and you just stood there shocked. Instead of crying or running after him you pulled your phone from your pocket and ordered your food.
After eating dinner and getting your homework done you went ahead and texted the family group chat but only one with Will,Jay, and Hailey.
The Cops and Doctors
Y/n- When will you guys be home?
Hails <3- Soon, i have to finish this case. Do i need to bring home food
Y/n - No, Jay gave me money for Doordash
Hails <3 - Alright, I'll see you later.
Y/n - Bye Hailey
Hails <3 Bye Hailey.
You closed your messages app and decided to watch some tik tok since you would probably be bored until everyone got home.
Crash, you whipped your head to see 4 men dressed in all black standing in your room…Now you wished Nate was here.
Hailey walked in and the house was sortta quiet, the tv and the lights were still on but otherwise that's it. “Y/N? NATE?” Hailey shouted, nothing. Maybe they're sleeping or they're in the shower, she thought.
When Hailey peaked through Nate's door he wasn't there, Hailey knocked on your door “Y/n are you decent” Again nothing. “Y/n?.... Y/n i'm coming in” Hailey said as she was turning the doorknob.
When Hailey opened the door any happiness she had went outside the window. “Shit shit shit, NATE! NATE”
No response. Hailey didn't have time to worry about him; you were dying on the floor and you were her biggest priority.
“Y/n Halstead you do not get to do this to me, your brothers and everyone, you can't, cmon,cmon” Hailey screamed as she continued CPR.
“Hails, Y/n, Nate I’m home” Jay screamed. He waited for you to come screaming and running to him like you always did but this time you didn't, this time all jay could here was screaming and sobbing.
Jay pulled out his gun and slowly walked up the stairs of the house and walked to your room where the screaming came from. What he saw next made him freeze for about ten seconds before dropping the gun to the ground and immediately sliding over to and hailey.
“What happened?” Jay sobbed, “I-I don't know I came home and just found her like this.” Hailey replied as she CPR. Jay looked around your room and it was completely ransacked. Your dresser drawers were open and clothes either hanging from them or out of them, papers on the floor, and all your electronics were gone. Your tv, Computer, Phone, and they even somehow found your burner phone you could use to call someone in case of an emergency where you didnt have your phone because you were grounded.
“Hailey let me take over, you're getting tired.” Nothing, hailey didn't even look up from you. Jay pushed her off of you, not really a push but kinda scooted her away and continued CPR. Hailey ran to get her phone and punched in the numbers to call 9-1-1.
“Any sign of him?” Will asked. Nobody knew where Nate was, and his friends weren't telling anybody anything. “No, they have Adam outside the house just in case he turns up at the house” Even though the family used Life360, Nate turned his phone off. Typical of him.
Just then Connor walked into the waiting room. Will knew that face he had on very well, he knew it all too well because he would be the one to deliver the news sometimes.
“How is she?” Jay asked whistl standing up from the chair. Connor shook his head. “She didn't make it, I'm so sorry” “Bu-but you found a pulse you-you said that she was gonna make it” Jay said whilst holding back his tears.
“One of her rooms puntcered the carotid artery. I'll explain it to you when you're ready or whenever both of you are ready. Will can explain but otherwise wise i'm so sorry i couldn't have done more.” You could hear by voice that he wanted to cry but he had to hold it together for Will and Jay.
“Can we see her?.” Jays voice quiet. Connor led the brothers to the room you were in. “Oh y/n, we're so sorry” Will choked as he stroked your bruised Knuckles. Jay stood there, not moving, not reacting, not talking. His sister, his little sister, his only sister was gone, and you were never coming back.
6am, 6 fucking am is when your brother came back, hungover af. He looked like he drank like there was no tomorrow.
Jay nor Will was in the house. Both of them couldn't stay in that house with what happened, plus Will didn't trust Jay to be by himself so they were both at Will's apartment.
“Where have you been?” Hailey said. The whole team was doing an investigation along with another team as well. “I was out on a run” His words slurred. “Drinking? You think I don't know the signs of someone being hungover. Nate, your sister is in the hospital.” Hailey was holding back on saying you were gone. “What why?” Nate froze “Because whilst you were gone someone broke in and stabbed her to death.” Hailey cried.
“What? It was only supposed to be a joke” He mumbled. “What?” Hailey stopped fidgeting with her fingers. “It was supposed to be a joke, pay back, they were only supposed to scare her and pretend to take her stuff, they weren't supposed to kill her.” Nate said.
“Hey Adam and Kev, downstairs now, we've got him” Hailey said into her radio. “Nathanyal Halstead you're being arrested for the murder of y/n Halstead, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can be used against you in the court of law” Adam said as he arrested the teen. “She was a good sister and she was your only sister, now you're gonna suffer the consequences of a Practical joke” She whispered into his ear.
Hailey wanted to be the one who broke the news to will and jay. They did do an autopsy and it did show that you put up a fight. did Nathanyal say who was also involved in your murder for his sentence to go down. 50 years in prison without chance of parole. During your funeral you were named a Hero and an amazing person to all. Even though you didn't get to be a future doctor they put up a Memorial outside med and that was their way of honoring your Dream.
The fact is i'm also learning about the human body sometimes while I'm writing chapters because i like my information to be somewhat correct.
So if you were here in my earlier days on tumblr which was like 4-6 months ago i had published "Family isn't fair" and during school i had thought of turning it into a series and i thought of the next chapter.
Dont worry, im still trying to get that request in, and more one shots to come ive just been focusing on school, and trying ti a hold on chemistry and architecture, since those are my worse grades right now.
As always I love you guys so so much and thank you for following and reading my Stories.
And as a little treat since i wasnt able to post a halloween one shot for yall heres what i have in mind for My new book "Even though it's just the two of us"
Things have been diffrent in the halstead household ever since Hailey and Jay Split up, Weeks after Matildas 15th birthday Jay enlisted in Bolivia for 2 months. (ik its longer than that in the show but for my sake its 2 months) When he came back he found out that Will was moving and he decided that for the sake of him and Mattie that they move Texas (YEE HAW YALL). Yes it was only a few states away from Illinois and yes it was far from Will but it was good. Will their new lives be better as their lasts or will challanges and obstacles coutine get in the way. And Will Matilda's epilepsy get worse or get better with the stress upon her?
-Lia (Nickname reveal)
Low Days
I’ve changed my format and things around cause I like it better that way :D
I think I’ll keep this font for different One Shots like this and keep the normal one for Halstead sister one shots.
I think I’ll be able to finish the day I start it as well. And sorry if there’s horrible grammar I wrote this on my phone😭
Word count:
Summary: Your Matt’s sister and There’s a hostage situation in the hosue
Warnings: Guns, Hostage situation, mentions of Hospitals, Mentions of death, seizures Small Cursing ~and I think that’s all~
Ever since you were young your older brother Matt has looked after you, along with the rest of the people at 51.
You never really minded staying at the house most of the day. Whenever you weren’t at school you were there and whenever you got off of school you were there.
Everyone spoiled you most of the time. Violet, Stella and Sylvie made sure to spend some girl time with you. Either going out for milkshakes or just talking about drama in or school or boys .And the others spent some time with you and they all were special to you in their own way.
Whenever the truck was gone Kelly, Herman or boden would watch you. If everyone had to go then they would take you with them and you would wait in the engine.
“Y/n have you done your homework?” Your brother said. “Yeah I emailed my teacher that I finished it.” You were gone for about a week due to being sick. It was late October and of course it’s flu season so you were bound to get it.
Just then Matt’s phone went off. “Hey y/n go get something to eat or drink your sugar is low” your brother said as his phone lit up with a notification. Yeah you had type 1 diabetes, you got diagnosed at 10 after your sugar had dropped dramatically while everyone was on call and they had found you in the truck practically life less.
“Alright I’ll be right back-“ About 10 guys barged into the station holding guns screaming at everyone who was in their sight.
Matt dragged you to the ground and pushed you towards everyone else who was in the main area where the trucks were ~idk what it’s called~
“Hey you put give me your phone now.” One of the guys spat at you. You shook your head in fear. Before he could lunge at you Kelly got in front of you. “She has diabetes she needs her phone.” Kelly spoke. “Diabetes are the least of her worries now. Hand it over.” Kelly and Matt gave you a look. You slid your phone across the floor. Matt read your face and could see that you were worried. “I promise I’ll your glucose meter” Matt reassured you.
4 hours, you add the crew have been held hostage for 4 hours now. CPD has been trying to talk to the leader of this and he was finally arrested . The last number your blood sugar had been at was. 58 and you could tell it was dropping.
“Y/n I need you to stay awake for a little bit longer, okay?” Matt cooed. “Just a small nap” you leaned onto Kelly’s shoulder sleep pulling you in.
Sylvie had ran to your to your drawer that was in the office that contained all of your stuff and grabbed your glucagon and ran back to you.
“What’s her number?” Sylvie asked while opening the bright Red box. Kelly read your phone screen. “29 and it’s dropping.”
“Hey Y/n, I’m gonna test you alright?” Sylvie says. Before she could even test you, you started pulling away.
“She’s having a seizure, roll her on her side, Stella go get nasal spray from the cabinet inside the rig” Sylvie spoke fast and Stella nodded and ran quickly.
“You’re okay Y/n, you’re okay” Matt said.
“Does she need to go the hospital?” Jay walked over to everyone. “No, not unless her blood sugar goes down to where I can’t control it. Stella returned with the nasal spray and Sylvie sprayed it into your nose.
As you stopped seizing, Matt immediately went by your side “see you’re all good now, we’re gonna make you feel better, then we can go wherever you like you just have to stay with me” Matt said as he rubbed your back.
“Truck 81, Ambo 16. Reports of child stuck on roof”
“Go, I’ll watch after her with them” Jay was like your brother, whenever you couldn’t make it to the station after school because it was snowing or too cold, you would be at the district and hang out with everyone there. Jay would make sure he would give you food, get your homework done, and would make sure your sugar didn’t get to low or high”
Matt have instructions right beofre he wa about to leave “If her sugar drops to 50 or below again after giving her the Glucagon take her-“ “to the hospital and she has another seizure take her to the hospital and keep her in her side. I know the drill man, I got her” Jay had been through this about Three or two times. “Thanks Jay”
Your eyes flutter open but you shut them again because of the bright lights overhead. You soon adjusted to the light and realized you were on the couch in the break room. You looked around and saw Herman, Kelly and Jay talking together. What the hell happened?
“What the hell happened, where is everyone” You muttered. The three men immediately turned to you
“First of all language, second, your blood sugar dropped while we were in the whole hostage situation and you had a seizure” Kelly spoke
“What was it at?” You cried “29 was last I knew of” Jay picked his phone to see what your number were at now. “Atleast I got a new record” you dorsally celebrate. “I can see your humor hasn’t gone away” Herman laughed.
“Where’s Matt” Matt was usually with you after you had a low and you felt exhausted afterwards. “He’s on a call now everyone else should be back soon since it was something small”
“Can I have like pretzels or something I’m really hungry”You begged “you know the drill y/n you have to have something sweet that’s a drink or a snack.” Jay pointed out. “well can I have Gatorade?” Gatorade was your all time favorite when you were low. “we’re out of Gatorade, since we didn’t go grocery shopping last week. But you can have apple juice” Kelly compromised“well not my favorite but I’ll take it”You shrugged
Kelly walks over to the fridge and retrieves your juice and hands to you. “I almost just died can someone help me open this”
“First of all, don’t say that because of a Matt was around he would freak and yes we’ll help you open it.” Jay laughs as he takes the box from you.
“I’m gonna take a nap, I’m exhausted from today” You pulled the blanket you had on closer. “Wake me if someone brings me food,I love food”
“Yes princess Y/n”
Surprise y’all I posted, apologies for not posting last month. Now I can get onto requests and my other one shot that only need about 200 more words and it’ll post.
Thank you so much for read and I love y’all
Break Through Au
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: You go out ice skating on the lake with your brothers and Things don’t go as planned for you three
Warnings: CPR/Death, Falling through Ice, Hospitals, Yelling
You were on the ice with your brothers Will and Jay, even though you weren’t allowed to, you guys still went regardless.
It was 10pm, no one would be out here to get in your way or yell at you to get off the ice.
“Cmon Y/n/n, it's better out here” Jay said while attempting to slide farther out to the lake.
“I don’t know Jay, I kinda wanna stay over here. That way I get off easier than struggling to get off if I'm way over there.” you shrugged.
“Alright then, me and will be over there if you need us' ' He pointed towards the middle of the lake.
“Alright, I’m just gonna slide around.” You shivered. Maybe I should work more layers. You thought to yourself.
After a while you got bored and decided to go over to Will and Jay who were “fighting” over who got the better hockey stick.
Will pulled out his phone and checked the time. “Guys it’s 11 o'clock, she should head home now, if we all get a cold moms gonna know that we went outside without asking her, especially if Y/n gets sick”
“But I'm getting good at hockey,” you whined.
Will and Jay just have you that look. “Alright alright let’s go” You caved.
Because your brothers were better on ice than you were, they went up ahead of you.
“GUYS! I'M NOT AS FAST AS YOU SLOW DO-“ Before you could finish your sentence a loud Crack interrupted you.
That made the two Halstead brothers come to a halt and turn around to you. “No,” Jay whispered. “Y/n don’t move, just stay still we’ll come to you”
Before you could say anything the Ice broke.
Jays pov:
“Y/N, SHIT NO” I screamed, my little sister just fell through the ice.
Me and Will immediately slide over to where she fell in and I immediately throw my whole arm in the freezing water to see if I can feel Y/n
“Give me your other arm so I can pull you once you get her!” Will shouts.
“Once I touch something that feels semi to a human arm I pull. I can tell it’s Y/n because once I pull I feel a bit of weight.
Once we were towards the edge of the Lake I pick y/n up bridal style and rushed over to land.
“Put her down here.” Will says.
“What the hell do we do?” I cry
“She’s not breathing, Jay, you need to run back to the house and call someone” Wills is studying medicine so he knows a couple of things about what to do in a life or death situation.
“WHO DO I CALL?” I shout
My body moves into autopilot as I’m running through the forest making sure I don’t trip on any rocks or roots.
My legs are burning and I can’t breathe but I can’t stop, if I stop Y/ns gonna die and it’ll be all my fault.
As I reach the house I punch in the code to the door and run upstairs to my bedroom.
I basically almost threw my phone into the air while trying to pick it up.
“9-1-1 what’s your emergency?”
“It’s -it’s my sister, she fell into the lake and I don’t know if she’s breathing”
“Check if she has a pulse”
“My older brother is with her at the lake, he-he's studying medicine so he knows what he’s doing”
“What’s your name sweetheart?”
“Uhh jay, my names Jay”
“Alright Jay, How old is your sister and how long was she under water for?”
“I don’t- 5 minutes maybe, and her name is Y/n, but we all call her Y/n/n. I don't know what I’m gonna tell my mom, that my littler sister died because we didn’t listen to her?” I’m panicking.
“Jay, I’m gonna need you to take a deep breath, I have help coming on the way right now”
How did she get my location? I didn’t even tell her.
The paramedics arrived and Jay led them to the lake where Will was with you.
Will did successfully get you back but you were still unconscious.
Why didn’t we just listen?
“15 Year old Female Y/n Halstead, Hypothermia after falling through ice, Was unconscious on site and Has a history of Heart issues.” The paramedic listed off all the things
(Ik that Grey's anatomy is in Seattle but because the show is so old let’s just pretend that this happened with them, it’s been awhile since I’ve watched it so if I make mistakes Woops)
“Alright,on my count if we move her. 1…2…3”Alex said.
Alex looked you over and started telling Jo things to do. “I want a head Ct, Keep me updated on her temperature and get me Derek for a consult.” Jo nodded.
Jay and Will followed Dr. Karev outside. “Is she gonna be ok?” Jay asked.
“She’s not out of the woods yet, but we won’t know more until she wakes up which will be a couple of hours”
“Jay Halstead and Will Halstead” A stern voice called to them that made them Gulp.
“What in the world happened, and why did the Atwater’s call me and say that something happened on the lake and I needed to come home?” Your Mom stoked with her hands on her hips.
Jay and Will glanced at each other and knew they had no way out of this so they just decided to tell the truth and get it over with.
“I have told you guys time and time again not to play on that lake during the winter,
If you want to go ice skating go to the bigger one. Y/n has been punished enough, and as for you too, just until we get home, me and your father Will real with you. Do you understand?”
“Yes mom,” The boys said together.
“Alright, either the Atwater’s or the Uptons are going to pick you guys up and take you home. I will stay here with your sister, your father should be at home by now”
“But mom-“ Jay said. “No buts, wait here”
It had been a couple of weeks since the incident and A lot had happened.
You were on the News, people came to your school and spoke about Ice safety. Jay and Will were indeed grounded but only for two weeks. The lake was now closed off while they were still doing an investigation. Which you didn’t understand why because it’s not like anything else happened but it was whatever.
“Y/n hurry up you’re going to miss the bus!” Jay shouted from downstairs.
“HOLD ON IM COMING” You grabbed your backpack and ran down the stairs.
After getting all your stuff in your backpack you got all your stuff ready to walk to the bus stop.
“Alright, what’s the rules?” Will questioned you.
“No wandering off to the other lake, don’t take off my jackets unless I really need to and don’t get anything that will drop my body temperature”
“Do you still have to put my hat and Jacket on for me? I’m 15 years old.”
“Because of recent events and mom being gone and I’m going to leave soon I need to make sure you're ok, plus your body temperature is still not to its normal temp yet so layers it is.” You rolled your eyes at what would be said.
“I will pick you up for your doctor's appointment maybe 30 minutes before school ends, and Jay will drop your lunch off at the front office” Will said as he started walking at the door.
“Bye will see you later”
Once Will was gone, you ate the last of your waffles and grabbed your hot chocolate or what Jays calls “Jay's famous Hot chocolate” but it tasted like any other drink.
“I miss having you out on the lake by the middle school” Your friend Ellie said.
“Me too, but ever since my mom died Will and Jay have been strict on what I can do since my dad won’t really do much and they're trying to get me to learn stuff before Will leaves for New York and Jay leaves to serve” You shrugged.
“But I did convince Jay to get you some fries and nuggets” You laughed
“You are literally the best, I really didn’t feel like spending all my money in my account today” Yeah the school food was expensive but it’s because you guys had fast food restaurants in your cafeteria so I guess it made sense.
“Hey Nugget” Will greeted you as you got into the car.
“Hi Will, can we please get McDonald’s after my appointment?”
“Sure, where’s Jay? I told him he could get out of school early since he has a free period this week.”
“He said he wanted to stay at school, so he’s probably just walking around the hallways or doing whatever Jay does” You shrugged.
You thought about it for a while, your life was somewhat falling apart. Will was leaving for New York. Jay was getting deployed so you weren’t gonna see him. And your mom was gone so all you had left was your Dad, and your dad wasn’t the best person now since your dad died.
“Hey Will?”You broke the silence
“Yeah Nugget?”
“I’m- I’m gonna miss you when you leave” Here comes the water works.
“Me too Y/n me too”
Life from now on was going to be way different for you , and everyone around you knew that. You were going to get through it and it was going to be Ok. Right?
Well that’s at least what you thought…
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: Yelling, Mentions of shooting, Harassment, Assault, Fighting, Guns, and Attempted murder. I think that's all tell me if i missed anything
A/n: I have finally finished 🎉. I hope y’all enjoy this as much I as I did
Summary: You get into a fight at school and Hailey helps you and your brother to stop fighting.
It was a chilly, no… freezing day in Chicago. It was snowing but not as much currently because the storm is supposed to hit later tonight.
You decided to walk to the firehouse instead of riding the bus because you didn’t feel like hearing everyone screaming whenever the bus would almost crash, even though you were one of those people with your friends.
Your class won a food party because they collected the most votes on the door decoration contest. Luckily none of the food had strawberries. Because you deathly allergic to strawberries and always needed and Epi Pen with you just in case.
Which reminded you to tell Will or Jay that you needed a new one since you lost you last one when you went out sledding with them.
But when you opened your locker to get your backpack and Jacket there was a box of chocolate chip cookies.
~inside the box
don’t worry there’s no strawberries,
-secret admire ;)
You screamed internally one because you lived for Chocolate chip cookies and, you had a secret admirer?
On your way home you were starving since you didn’t eat much at school only really some fries from the restaurant.
So you decided to eat 2 cookies and let everyone else fight for the rest, they were yours after all.
Opening the box carefully so you didn’t drop the box and whatever was in your hands.
You shoved the whistle cookie in your mouth. You may do girl things but you eat like a grown man, especially a football player.
Not even 10 seconds after swallowing the cookie your throat started to feel dry and you couldn’t breath
(Give me a break today this is all going to be in mine right now)
“Shit. There’s no strawberries in these, unless.” You picked up a cookie and broke it in half. “What kind of physco put strawberries in chocolate. I- I need to get t-to the house”
You basically pushed everyone aside who tried to greet you and rushed to kitchen.
“Ayy, Y/n how’s my favorite Halstead sibling doing” Kelly joked
Jay hit Kelly in the elbow hard. “Cmon man it was a joke, I can have favorites”
“Nah, I see how it is, guess I’m never bringing food over here again. And you can keep Y/n forever then” Jay shrugged.
“I was just trying to cheer her up, she looks upset” Kelly usually payed attention to
Your face whenever you came in. He would know if it was ok to make jokes or he needed to pull you to side and talk to you. Right now you liked upset but that’s because you weren’t processing anything.
But clearly ignoring everyone was for nothing because you barley made it to your drawer of the kitchen before you fell and your backpack cushioned your fall.
At least you’d didn’t hit your head.
“Y/n you good?” Jay stood up from the chair he was sitting at. This was so unlike you. You always came in and said “Hi” or “Hello” to everyone weather or not you were having a bad day
Hailey practically runs in due to all the commotion with Stella and Sylvie right behind her
Hailey picked up the box and your backpack so it was out of the way but when she looked in the box she saw something that she thought you wouldn’t have.
“Shit, where does Y/n keep all her stuff in here” Hailey was looking at both Sylvie and Stella but she hoping at least both of them answer.
“Uhh bottom drawer far left”
Hailey rummaged through the draw untill she found a tube with a bright orange tip. And sprinted to you and pushed everyone out of the way.
As everyone was yelling at Hailey like she was crazy she rolled up your pant legs and Jabbed the Epi Pen in the middle of your thigh.
“Strawberries- she had strawberries” She sighed
My head feels like it’s underwater
Everything seems so muffled
What-what happened?
Your eyes flutter open and immediately shut them due to the light.
“Cmon y/n come on back to us” a soft voice says
“Give her space guys” as time goes on the voices get louder and it forces you to open your eyes.
“Just rest, we’re not gonna push you to talk, we’ll talk at home. We’re gonna leave soon”
Hailey had to go home while you were passed out because she had an early shift tomorrow so Will drove over to the firehouse to come and get both you and Jay.
“How is she?” Jay looked in his rear view mirror to see you guys.
Will checked your pulse again and looked at the watch on his wrist “her pulse is better but her breathing is slow, I might give her oxygen when we get home”
“Why would she eat strawberries?”
“They were cookie Jay, maybe she didn’t know. It happens”
“Well it better have been an accident or me her are gonna have a serious talk” Jay grumbled
“Don’t be to harsh on her”
You woke up around 5:30am and couldn’t go back to sleep, and the one thing you hated the oxygen.
You’d much rather have the nasal one but you can’t exactly argue with adults on what’s better for your health so you just have to deal with the mask.
Eventually it got hot and you got bored since you couldn’t find your phone you assumed it was still at the fire house or Jay had it.
You dragged your little tank/ machine across the room and grabbed your comforter (the very top blanket on your bed) and your pillows and one stuff animal and stuffed them into the bath tub and you found your laptop and you put on your favorite show.
This was better than being in your bed.
Will woke up to sounds of Jay screaming in his ear. So much for trying to sleep in.
“Wake up, Y/n’s gone she’s not in her bed” Jay almost screamed at the top of his lungs.
“Are you crazy? Check her bathroom, I found her sleeping in there one time after a reaction and I hear sounds coming from there this morning” Will turned his back to Jay.
Jay ran into your bathroom which was connected to your bedroom and what he saw made his heart melt.
“Here’s the real story, the PTO had a cookie drive where you could buy cookies for your friends and stuff like that and they would put it in your locker and we would find them, mine had a note that just said that “thanks for being great friend, don’t worry there’s no strawberries” Okay, so maybe you lied a little but it’s better than jay beating up some poor boy.
“Did it say from who?” Jay asked in his detective tone
“Nope, and I’m pretty sure Hailey told me she threw the box away while I was passed out” you shrugged.
“I guess it’s fine, maybe the PTO forgot. It’s not like anyone hurt you on purpose so it fine. Right jay” Will sent jay that look to just drop this subject this one time.
“Yeah right…” Jay picked at his pancakes. He wanted to look in to it more but Hailey would kill him.
But… the laughing and the image of you guys faded into his mind.
Flashback end… (WHAT?!??)
Will realized it, it was Milly. Milly was somewhat an old friend of yours and he remembered the day you said you told her that you were allergic to strawberries when she was over. You’ve only been allergic for around a year and half. There hadn’t been anyone else you told.
Except for Milly…
Will shot up from the couch grabbed his keys from the bowl and ran outside to his car.
Will attempted to call Jay but he didn’t answer. So he was probably out with Hailey.
“Jay when you get this meet me at the Jail they have Y/n at immediately. There’s not a lot of time”
“Uhh yeah, I just opened my locker and the they were there. I didn’t think anything of it, I guess I was just excited” You shrugged.
“Did you tell anyone else about your allergy other than Milly” Jay spoke
“No, not untill after the incident, I honestly don’t remember much from that day, but i don’t really care to be honest.” You shrugged once again.
“Y/n listen to me, you’re going to have another court date. You’re going to tell everyone exactly what you told us. We’ll get security footage from the school and we’ll also get statements from everyone at the house” You’re lawyer was pretty strict and prescient on getting you out.
It wasn’t the first time someone has gone against Milly in court and you’re lawyer had won 4 cases against 2
1 year and 7 months ago
“Well well well isn’t it the detectives little sister?”
“What did I do not milly?” You sighed.
“Nothing, I just wanna make your life a living hell. Your brother is horrible and if I can’t do anything to him I might as well hurt what’s best to him, his little sister-.” Milly had a smirk on her face.
“Please Milly, I’m just trying to fix my makeup” you rolled your eyes and looked back at the mirror.
“Let’s see if make up can fix this” before you could ask her what she meant you felt stinging on your right eye.
Killer Cookie
A/n: I finally finished and I don’t know what else to say but I hope you love reading this since it’s the last part
Word count: 3.3k
summary: You get into a fight at school and Hailey helps you and your brother to stop fighting
———————————————————————— It was a chilly, no… freezing day in Chicago. It was snowing but not as much currently because the storm is supposed to hit later tonight.
You decided to walk to the firehouse instead of riding the bus because you didn’t feel like hearing everyone screaming whenever the bus would almost crash, even though you were one of those people with your friends.
Your class won a food party because they collected the most votes on the door decoration contest. Luckily none of the food had strawberries. Because you are deathly allergic to strawberries and always needed an EpiPen with you just in case.
Which reminded you to tell Will or Jay that you needed a new one since you lost your last one when you went out sledding with them.
But when you opened your locker to get your backpack and Jacket there was a box of chocolate chip cookies.
~inside the box
don’t worry there’s no strawberries,
-secret admire ;)
You screamed internally because you lived for Chocolate chip cookies, and you had a secret admirer?
On your way home you were starving since you didn’t eat much at school, only really some fries from the restaurant.
So you decided to eat 2 cookies and let everyone else fight for the rest, they were yours after all.
Opening the box carefully so you didn’t drop the box and whatever was in your hands.
You shoved the whistle cookie in your mouth. You may do girl things but you eat like a grown man, especially a football player.
Not even 10 seconds after swallowing the cookie your throat started to feel dry and you couldn’t breath
(Give me a break today this is all going to be in mine right now)
“Shit. There’s no strawberries in these, unless.” You picked up a cookie and broke it in half. “What kind of psycho put strawberries in chocolate? I- I need to get t-to the house”
You basically pushed everyone aside who tried to greet you and rushed to the kitchen.
“Ayy, Y/n how’s my favorite Halstead sibling doing” Kelly joked
Jay hit Kelly in the elbow hard. “C'mon man it was a joke, I can have favorites”
“Nah, I see how it is, guess I’m never bringing food over here again. And you can keep Y/n forever then” Jay shrugged.
“I was just trying to cheer her up, she looks upset” Kelly usually payed attention to
Your face whenever you came in. He would know if it was ok to make jokes or he needed to pull you to the side and talk to you. Right now you are upset but that’s because you weren’t processing anything.
But clearly ignoring everyone was for nothing because you barely made it to your drawer of the kitchen before you fell and your backpack cushioned your fall.
At least you didn't hit your head.
“Y/n you good?” Jay stood up from the chair he was sitting at. This was so unlike you. You always came in and said “Hi” or “Hello” to everyone whether or not you were having a bad day
“Y/n?… SHIT Y/N!”Jay screamed
“Take her back pack off,” Matt said. “What’s wrong with her? She turning blue”. Someone else’s voice came out from the other 10 voices.
“Give her CPR or something” Jay spoke as Kelly was rubbing your sternum.
“Jay we don’t know what’s wrong with her let alone why she’s turning blue it could be the cold” Kelly said “cmon y/n come back to us”
Hailey practically runs in due to all the commotion with Stella and Sylvie right behind her
Sylvie and Stella ran over to you and started assessing you while Stella started CPR.
Hailey walked over your bag which was thrown a few feet away from you and decided to go pick it up, to help out.
Hailey picked up the box and your backpack so it was out of the way but when she looked in the box she saw something that she thought you wouldn’t have.
“Shit, where does Y/n keep all her stuff in here” Hailey was looking at both Sylvie and Stella but she hoped at least both of them would answer.
“Uhh bottom drawer far left”
Hailey rummaged through the draw until she found a tube with a bright orange tip. And sprinted to you and pushed everyone out of the way.
As everyone was yelling at Hailey like she was crazy she rolled up your pant legs and Jabbed the Epi Pen in the middle of your thigh.
“Strawberries- she had strawberries” She sighed
My head feels like it’s underwater
Everything seems so muffled
What-what happened?
Your eyes flutter open and immediately shut them due to the light.
“C'mon y/n come on back to us” a soft voice says
“Give her space guys” as time goes on the voices get louder and it forces you to open your eyes.
“Just rest, we’re not gonna push you to talk, we’ll talk at home. We’re gonna leave soon”
Hailey had to go home while you were passed out because she had an early shift tomorrow so Will drove over to the firehouse to come and get both you and Jay.
“How is she?” Jay looked in his rear view mirror to see you guys.
Will checked your pulse again and looked at the watch on his wrist “her pulse is better but her breathing is slow, I might give her oxygen when we get home”
“Why would she eat strawberries?”
“They were cookie Jay, maybe she didn’t know. It happens”
“Well it better have been an accident or me her are gonna have a serious talk” Jay grumbled
“Don’t be to harsh on her”
You woke up around 5:30 am and couldn’t go back to sleep, and the one thing you hated the oxygen.
You’d much rather have the nasal one but you can’t exactly argue with adults on what’s better for your health so you just have to deal with the mask.
Eventually it got hot and you got bored since you couldn’t find your phone. You assumed it was still at the firehouse or Jay had it.
You dragged your little tank/ machine across the room and grabbed your comforter (the very top blanket on your bed) and your pillows and one stuffed animal and stuffed them into the bathtub and you found your laptop and you put on your favorite show.
This was better than being in your bed.
Will woke up to the sounds of Jay screaming in his ear. So much for trying to sleep in.
“Wake up, Y/n’s gone she’s not in her bed” Jay almost screamed at the top of his lungs.
“Are you crazy? Check her bathroom, I found her sleeping in there one time after a reaction and I heard sounds coming from there this morning” Will turned his back to Jay.
Jay ran into your bathroom which was connected to your bedroom and what he saw made his heart melt.
“Here’s the real story, the PTO had a cookie drive where you could buy cookies for your friends and stuff like that and they would put it in your locker and we would find them, mine had a note that just said that “thanks for being great friend, don’t worry there’s no strawberries” Okay, so maybe you lied a little but it’s better than jay beating up some poor boy.
“Did it say from who?” Jay asked in his detective tone
“Nope, and I’m pretty sure Hailey told me she threw the box away while I was passed out” you shrugged.
“I guess it’s fine, maybe the PTO forgot. It’s not like anyone hurt you on purpose so it's fine. Right jay” Will sent Jay that look to just drop this subject this one time.
“Yeah right…” Jay picked at his pancakes. He wanted to look into it more but Hailey would kill him.
But… the laughing and the image of you guys faded into his mind.
Flashback end… (WHAT?!??)
Will realized it, it was Milly. Milly was somewhat an old friend of yours and he remembered the day you said you told her that you were allergic to strawberries when she was over. You’ve only been allergic for around a year and half. There hadn’t been anyone else you told.
Except for Milly…
Will shot up from the couch, grabbed his keys from the bowl and ran outside to his car.
Will attempted to call Jay but he didn’t answer. So he was probably out with Hailey.
“Jay when you get this meet me at the Jail they have Y/n immediately. There’s not a lot of time”
“Uhh yeah, I just opened my locker and they were there. I didn’t think anything of it, I guess I was just excited” You shrugged.
“Did you tell anyone else about your allergy other than Milly” Jay spoke
“No, not until after the incident, I honestly don’t remember much from that day, but I don't really care to be honest.” You shrugged once again.
“Y/n listen to me, you’re going to have another court date. You’re going to tell everyone exactly what you told us. We’ll get security footage from the school and we’ll also get statements from everyone at the house” You’re lawyer was pretty strict and prescient on getting you out.
It wasn’t the first time someone has gone against Milly in court and you’re lawyer had won 4 cases against 2
1 year and 7 months ago
“Well well well isn’t it the detective's little sister?”
“What did I do not milly?” You sighed.
“Nothing, I just wanna make your life a living hell. Your brother is horrible and if I can’t do anything to him I might as well hurt what’s best to him, his little sister-.” Milly had a smirk on her face.
“Please Milly, I’m just trying to fix my makeup” you rolled your eyes and looked back at the mirror.
“Let’s see if make up can fix this” before you could ask her what she meant when you felt stinging on your right eye.
“It’s not you I have a problem with. It’s your brother's little squad.” She spits as the rest of her group come in and corner you.
A kick from behind throws you to the ground.
As you try to fight back Milly and get friends they overpower you as it’s 1v5
(And yes this happened at my school but in the hallways❤️)
After a few more kicks to the stomach one of the girls speaks up.
“Let’s go, don’t kill her.”
“You’re off the hook for now Halstead.” She kicks you once more in the stomach and you cry out in pain.
As soon as you got home you peaked behind the wall to see if Jay was watching Tv to make sure the coast was clear. Nothing
You ran to your room and to your bathroom.
You pulled open your draw of Makeup and crabbed your concealer.
(I don’t wear much makeup yet so give me break on how it works😭)
“Y/n? Are you good in there?” Jay knocked on the door
“Yeah, yeah just fixing something” you replied
“Alright, Will called and asked if you wanted to go out for dinner”
That made you freeze. You can’t go out like this… Will and Jay could tell the signs of when you used too much makeup.
“Uhh, I don’t really feel like it. Can her just pick up chick fil a or something”
“Are you ok? You love going out” Dam it Jay, did you really have to pick a being detective as your job.
“Yeah, I rather just hang out with you guys tonight y'know”
“Alright I’ll call him”
“Y/nnnn… Y/N”
“Is this one of those seizure things she used to have when she had that head injury?” Jay whispers to will
“No, it doesn't look like it. I’m hoping it’s not because I will sue this place down if they let her get a head injury and didn’t let any of us know.” Will grits that last part between his teeth.
“Y/N!” A voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
“Yeah, tell them in court got it. I gotta go bye”
“Alright, call me if you need to schedule anything or if anything happens” your lawyer stood up from the chair.
“Yeah thanks Chris” both Jay and Will got up and shook his hand and walked out.
“What was that about” Will mumbled
“I don’t know, Y/ns strange but you never know what’s going up in that head of hers.” Jay shrugged as he walked down the steps.
Just three weeks left Will said to himself, three weeks. And then you could go back to school. You missed a whole school year so you would be a year behind all of your friends.
How could Jay not care, he hadn’t fought or visited you as much as he did.
He would talk to him when they got back to his apartment. This was gonna be another fight
“Yes will”Jay hummed
“You seem to not care about y/n all you do is sit her all day and watch these stupid games”
“First of all the games aren’t stupid, and second of all how dare you say that I don’t care about her. It seems like you don’t care about her”
“ME? Oh no you sit here and go to the district come back home and drink like your Addict”
“And you? Don’t act so innocent. You’ve been sitting there on your couch rotting away when you’re not at work” Jay scoffed
“At Least I’m trying to help, I’m trying to read about how we can help Y/n. Do you ever use your brain or are you so fucked up inside? You gonna turn up like dad if you don’t check yourself” Will shoved his finger in Jays chest.
Jay flung wills hand away. “Watch who you’re talking to. Don’t bother coming over. And you can have y/n when she gets out since I don’t care about her. Now get the hell out of my house”
Like I said, the Halstead siblings are falling apart.
January 29th 2024
Court date
“All rise” Everyone stood up as the judge walked into the room
Will,Jay and your lawyer Chris had given you a talk on behaving and doing exactly what they said.
You were gonna follow through with those rules but you had something else in mind to add. A way that everyone would see the true face of Milly.
“I have a question for my client”
“During your first court, Ms. Taylor accused you of abusing her over the months, and looking over CCTV footage from your so called confrontation Michelle walked over to Ms Halstead instead and she threw the first punch. If you had looked at the cameras you would have seen it”
Milly looked astonished that someone had said her real legal name and not Milly.
“MR. Olsen, I did look at the security cameras and I saw what I saw” The judge shrugged.
You had enough, the judge kept lying, Milly kept telling fake stories and everyone wans´t helping.
“I’ve had enough” You stood up. “Y/n what hell are you doing sit down” Jay yelled in a whisper.
“Back off Jay, Your name isn’t Milly Parker. It's Michelle. Isn’t that right? Ms, Taylor? There’s video proof of everything and every single one of your group of friends. You think I haven’t had an outsider for months? Giving me all the information I know right now. I knew it was you who tried to Kill me with the cookies. I got video permission and I saw it. Best part is I didn’t even have to wait for you to be proven wrong in a couple of years because IT'S ALL HERE. YOUR A FUCKING SNAKE, A LIAR AND BITCH”
Jay and Hailey got up and pulled you out of the courtroom before security did it themselves.
“Y/n are you crazy, you’re going to end up getting more Time in jail”
“You don’t understand Jay, she’s the one who hit me first. She’s the one who gave those strawberry Cookies” You cried.
Jay pulled you into a hug, so you wouldn’t run off and he could comfort you. “It’s alright, you’re ok. I’ll figure it out.” “Go get that footage on that screen, if they try to stop you someone named Harrison Butler will help you” Jay whispered to Hailey and she nodded back.
“Y/n I’m gonna leave you with Kevin for 5 minutes while I talk to Will about something really quick. Is that ok?” He could feel you nodding in his chest.
“Natalie, It’s Jay. I need you to send Y/ns medical records from when we came for a check up after she had a reaction”
Jay kept humming in response when Natalie kept asking questions
“Alright thank you”
“I’m getting super tired of the crazy shit” Jay mumbled to himself.
“You need to listen to me. When you go in there don’t get up and scream, don’t accuse, don’t exaggerate. Stick to what Voight told you” Jay was on your level giving you a pep talk. This was the final court session. It would be decided who was guilty and who wasn’t. “Do you understand?”
“Yes. If I get to go home can I get McDonald’s?” It was worth asking.
“Of course y/n. I’ll buy you all the McDonald’s you want and whatever you want.”
“Y/n it’s time, let’s go” Your lawyer Chris came out.
“Can Ms. Y/n Halstead come up” The judge “would please tell your side of the story to settle this once and for all.”
After the longest speech of your life which was almost 40 minutes. And other people are coming up to talk. A decision was made.
“I sentence Michelle Taylor 30 years for attempted murder, 10 years for fraud and 3 years for assault.”
“For Y/n Halsted, she and her family will be compensated 10 thousands from the star and 25 thousand from the Taylor family from what she has been through.” You looked at Jay with a shocked face, that was a ton of money. “Case closed.” The Jude spoke. Everyone around you started clapping and cheering.
People from your school who had also been affected by Milly were there, News stations, Your family from Med, Fire and Pd. The whole state had heard about your story and it finally worked, people came out told their stories with Milly and this Past year of Hell was over.
You won
Now in the car With Jay and Will you guys were one of the last to leave since people were interviewing you guys like crazy. You were starving for something, not prison food.
“Can I have McDonald’s now?”
Jay and Will looked at each other and then looked back at you “taking that as a yes, I’m tired of prison food so let’s go”
IT'S OVER, I don’t know if I’m gonna pick this up and add to it again but I want to say I’ve been adding to this every now then since late December early January ish.
I love this and now I can focus on working on some other stuff I have to write😁
Sorry it took so long as well. I wanted to make it good but I got tired of writing this like 2 weeks ago so it’s kinda bad.
Love yall so much and thank you for all the support
Life with Mally
Fc- Fisher sisters (mainly Halston), Leo and Vitto and pintrest (just for the story, Finns hair is coming in brown and it’s not blonde)

Hailey_Upton - November 27th

Liked by jayhalstesd, will.halstead and 10,377 others
Tagged jayhalstesd
Last night before we say goodbye to daddy for the next few months ❤️
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Jayhalstead already missing you guys and I haven’t even left
Hailey_Upton - December 16th

Liked by wil.halstead, Natalie__halstead, Adamruzekkkk, Alexander.Ronan and 14,038 others
Went up the mountain for a couple of days to spend time with family. Poor Mallory could not stop crying so we decided this would be fun for her and the fam.
Tagged will.halstead and Natalie__halstead
will.halstead Finn is already missing Mallory and their spaghetti nights
Hailey_Upton I think I’ve had enough of making spaghetti for the rest of the year
Natalie__halstead My favorite babies
Liked by Hailey_Upton and 236 others
Adamruzekkkk where was my invite?
Hailey_Upton Mallory said you couldn’t come because you would eat all the food😂
User270 Mallory is my favorite instagram baby
Liked by 9,636 others
User837 Wait Alexander.Ronan liked this post?
User927 Probably hooking up with Hailey while her husband is out serving the country
Liked by 1,937 others
User793 Alexander and Jay have been friends for years and Alexander has a good relationship with Mallory since both Jay and Mallory love hockey. Don’t make assumptions without fact checking.
Liked by 7,637 others
Hailey_Upton - December 21st

Liked by Alexander.Ronan, will.halstead and 56,838 others
Mally wanted to show you guys how her new “ears” look but she feel asleep as soon as we got into the car, so here’s a photo instead
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Hailey_Upton - December 23rd

Liked by Jayhalstead, Alexander.Ronan and 2,737,737 others
Uncle Alex honorary post🏒
Alexander.Ronan my favorite hockey buddy
Jayhalstead Missing yall❤️
Hailey_Upton We miss you too
User837 Uncle? Are they related?
User278 No, I’m pretty sure that’s what Mallory calls him
Liked by Hailey_Upton
User156 Why did she turn off her comments in her last post?
User187 Because people always make fun of Mall for having hearing aids