Ts4 Urban Gardener Apartment - Tumblr Posts

I’m on to decorating my second apartment in San Myshuno. I’m calling it the “urban gardener apartment” because it’s designed for a city dweller who loves plants and gardening. I think Ziva Blumenfeld, botanist and founder of the San Myshuno Farm Co-op, is settling into her new place.

Finding tranquility on the urban gardener balcony…
After a long day at work, Ziva Blumenfeld (botanist and founder of San Myshuno Farm Co-op) unwinds by relaxing on her balcony.

Slowly, the chaos of the city fades away... bright lights dim into the gentle flickering of a candle, deafening noise decrescendos to the soft gurgling of a fountain, and you escape, if only for a moment, the eternal frenetic pace of city life.

Resize down option, I've wanted you for so long!

But wait there’s more... these pots and pans used to be the bane of my existence (the scale was way off) but no longer! I always wanted to use the massive spa towel as a dishcloth and now I can!

I’m almost done rhapsodizing about resizing down but I just have to say it all looks even better than I imagined. Ah, resize down options, you complete me (or at least my builds)!

Sometimes it’s the little things in life that bring you the most joy.

End of the Year Tag (part II: my builds)
Thanks for tagging me @kyranyx, @anotherplumbob & @citrusmiint! I figure because I was tagged multiple times it gives my an excuse to break this into two posts: sims and edits in part one and builds and scenery in part two.
The rules: Find your fave pics of your story or your blog in general and post them in a collage. It can be 1 picture or 100 (whatever you want). But just reflect on your fave moments in your story or on your blog. It can be cute moments or pictures of which you’re really proud. When you’re done tag 5 people or more.
The main reason I started my simblr was to post about my builds and interior decorating. Sadly I lost interest halfway into the year when I started to become frustrated with the limitations of the game and lack of interesting build/buy content but luckily with all the great new content I’m feeling that inspiration return. I’m hoping to have more time this year to tackle all the build ideas I have in my head. Anyways, Happy New Year everyone! 🎉🎆🍾
I tag @thespangleway, @jenba, @alexpilgrimblog, @skadisim, @charmsimy, @bottsbotts, @cyberqueen-13, @pixelpeopleplayland, @pixelplayground, @kilra0, @budgie2budgie, @floppant, @javitrulovesims & anyone who wants to do this.