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2 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Story four of my Refuge series is up on A03!

Venom comes back with a friend to finally try and rid the world of Peter Parker. 

TW: Violence, blood, attempted murder, kidnapping

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

Things were quiet for another couple of months, and it was now the beginning of summer. There would be much more free time to work with and enjoy with family. Peter was also looking forward to going back to the Brice family land for the fourth of July in a couple of weeks. He had missed them for quite a while.

Not to mention, there was another new development. Gwen had made the first move and asked him out, and now she and Peter were a couple. A similar situation happened with Harry and MJ. Both couples were happy, and now they had the summer to spend together doing fun activities.  Plus, the friend group could talk openly with each other about Peter's identity. MJ had actually figured out Peter's identity on her own when he ended up saving her from a mugging and she recognized his voice.

They hoped to have a great summer.


Eddie hummed in his cell at Ravencroft. They all thought that he was crazy, but he knew he wasn't. He'd been trapped in this place for ages, and the symbiote was near full strength again, but remained mostly hidden. He knew that the symbiote hadn't truly left him. It just disposed of most of itself in order to fool Parker and the others until it could regain its strength.

Eddie clenched and unclenched his hands. He hated Ravenroft. Once the symbiote reached its peak fitness, they'd escape, and he would be able to destroy Peter. These people at Ravenccroft trying to change him would be the first on his kill list after Parker.

Only, he hadn't noticed that every once in a while, parts of the symbiote would chip off when it emerged before it was strong enough to take him over, in need of new hosts, and so near his own cell laid a very unstable man named Cletus Kasady.

A lone bit of Venom spawn made its way to Kasady's cell, ready to gain its own strength, and ready for Hell to be unleashed.


Peter laughed hard at a joke that MJ made after a particularly bad part of the movie that they and all of the uncles had made the decision to go and watch. He did his best to repeat the joke, and soon the whole group was rolling with laughter while MJ sported a huge smile. Harry had even laughed so hard that soda came out of his nose. Gwen had no sympathy whatsoever.

MJ smiled as she took int he group. She was the newest member to this rather odd group. Peter's uncles were a large group, but ever since they'd shown that they truly cared for Peter, she'd had no problem being around any of them.

They'd unfortunately been kicked out of the theater for being disruptive, but none of the group minded. Most people had already given them a wide berth anyway due to the fact that villain group were quite recognizable, though they couldn't currently be prosecuted for any crimes, as they hadn't committed any recently. MJ thought to herself as she watched everyone. Peter was good for all those guys.


Eddie smirked and snickered as Venom purred into his ear after another couple of weeks of agonized waiting. It was almost time. Just another few days, and the symbiote would be ready. All it needed now to completely heal itself was a human brain. Eddie smirked. He couldn't wait for Kafka to come in. She'd taste glorious to the starving symbiote.

Meanwhile, in the cell over, Kasady was smirking as guards hovered outside of his cell. He'd bitten the ear off of one of them the previous day, so now he was restrained. He couldn't help but smirk under the mask covering his face. A little devilish morsel had greeted him last night and crawled on his leg and seeped into his skin. He could feel it pulsing within him. The two of them had similar wants and needs. He let his anger fuel it as he surrendered his body, but not his mind, to its control.

Soon, the guards were rushing around as a red substance spread all over Kasady's body as Kasady cackled behind his mask. He knew the first person whom he'd visit after killing everyone within this hellhole. He'd make a little visit to Peter Parker and thank him for rejecting the symbiote which spawned his own. Just the thought made Parker's brain sound all the more appetizing. Without his rejection, the beautiful rage of the symbiote would not be making him stronger.

Eventually, all of the bonds were broken, and the symbiote completely covered Kasady. Kasady continued cackling as he easily broke out of his cell and ripped the head off of those who had been guarding him. He continued within the hallway, killing every person he saw as he went. Patients or doctors, all tasted pretty good to him.

The only one left alive within the facility when he was done was Eddie Brock, now in his Venom form after breaking out and killing as well.

Kasady purred as he approached Venom and said "Hello, Daddy. Call me Carnage. Time to find Parker."

They shared a maniacal laugh as they both grinned.

Soon, they left the grounds of Ravencroft. It was about midday and it was the first time either of them had seen the actual sun in so very long.


Peter smiled as May yelled to him "Don't forget the popcorn, dear! We need it for the family movie night tomorrow! Be careful!"

Peter replied "Yes ma'am! I'll grab them after I drop these books back off at the library."

He hummed as he walked along the street. He could just web sling, but it was nice to just take a relaxing walk once in a while. He couldn't wait for tomorrow's weekly movie night with everyone. It was finally his turn to host it at his house. Not to mention, it would be a little bit easier to fit in their living room than Montana's. Their living room was a little bit more spacious.

The walk to the library had taken a little while, but Peter had enjoyed it. Now all he had to do was stop by the store and grab a couple of things.

Only, as he started walking again, he started hearing terrified shouts from a block over, and soon his eyes widened as he was greeted by not only Venom, but another guy with a symbiote. Peter turned and went to run, but was quickly caught by one of Venom's tendrils. He grimaced and turned to glare at Venom.

Venom purred and said "Uh, uh, uh, Peter! You're coming with us!"

Peter then yelped and screamed as Venom restrained him with more tentacles and started running off.

Peter struggled in the symbiote's grip, but couldn't escape. it had somehow gotten stronger. He thought that he'd destroyed that thing, but he'd been wrong.

He grumbled and yelled "Let me go, Eddie! Where are you trying to take me?!"

Carnage was the one to look back at him and reply "We're taking you to a most public place to string you up high where everyone can see you, and then we'll eat you!"

Peter was disgusted as Carnage grinned and bared his long sharp teeth which were dripping with blood.

There wasn't anything that he could do to escape or call for help. He really hated symbiotes. He wondered how he was ever going to get out of this.


Robbie rushed into Jonah's office and firmly said "Jonah, turn your monitor on! A new situation with Venom's come up. The thing's targeting Peter again!"

Jonah grimaced and turned his monitor on and curled his fists as a news helicopter followed the movements of Venom and a new symbiote person. He soon started barking orders to get reporters on the scene. He had to find someone else to do the photography since Parker was the hostage in the situation.

Jonah felt sorry for the poor kid. He just always seemed to get the short end of the stick when it came to crazy things happening.


Peter could do nothing as he was strung up by Venom's tentacles. The tentacles put him in a very high up position where Peter knew the news helicopters could get a great view of his terrified face.

Along the way to this destination, he had been disgusted as Carnage just ripped the head off of whomever happened to be in their way.

Venom looked away from him and Peter decided to try to appeal to Eddie "E-Eddie, don't do this! We were like brothers, remember!"

Venom growled as he said "We may have been brothers once, Parker, but your actions ruined my career! You will die today!"

Venom then turned back around and put his arms out as if beckoning for the cameras to give their attention to him.

He spoke loudly "People of New York, I welcome you today for this presentation! Today you will have the honor of witnessing Peter Parker's death by my own doing!"

Venom grinned towards the news helicopters that flying and capturing every event that was happening. Peter looked down and could see that multiple news vans had arrived, and were surely catching every word that Venom spouted.

Venom was happy to have an audience as he continued "I have been trying to get rid of this little pest who resisted me and ruined my life for what feels like ages! No one paid attention to me when I revealed that this little pest is Spider-Man, and likely still will not! Either way, Peter Parker is Spider-Man! He rejected us and he wronged us, and for that he must die! He decided that he was too good for us! The time for his reckoning has come! Watch as I end the life of this meaningless imp!"

Peter struggled within the bonds of the Venom symbiote's tendrils. The thing had somehow strengthened. He still wasn't strong enough to get out of its grip. He struggled harder as Venom grew in size and used additional tentacles to raise himself to his level and stare him in the eyes. He was terrified and Venom could see it in his eyes.

Venom grinned as he yelled "Finally, my revenge on Peter Parker will be complete! I will bite of your head for everyone to see, and it will be delicious!"

Carnage was now beside Venom after crawling up the side of the building to the left, and growled "I thought that we were going to take him down together, Daddy! I thought that he was going to be my prize since he's the one who rejected you. You seem to be getting all of the glory and eating the one that allowed for our creation! Well, NOT THIS TIME! I AM CARNAGE! I AM STRONGER! HE IS MINE!"

Carnage then bared his long teeth and started ripping into a furious Venom. Venom was pulled downward towards the ground, and his control of the tentacles holding Peter began to slip. The tentacles restraining Peter had loosened, and Peter couldn't help but yell as he began to fall to the ground. He closed his eyes, ready for the worst. Not even Spider-Man could handle that drop and hope to live.

Only his momentum was carefully arrested as he and another person grunted. He slowly opened his eyes and laughed before sighing in relief. His uncle Adrian had caught him.

Peter could see news copters following their track as Adrian flew away with him. He could still see the two symbiotes fighting though. Adrian was slowing down. Adrian landed carefully on top of a roof close by.

Peter was gently placed on his feet and Adrian kept a steadying hand on his shoulder.

He spoke "Everyone was notified as soon as Ock's monitors captured the symbiotes coming into the city. We were a little bit late to try and get you to safety though. I'll distract the news copters for the moment though. Here's your suit. I know better than to try and get you to stay out of this fight. Montana and Quentin will arrive for back-up soon. At the moment, they're the only ones other than you with the tech in their suits to help against these things."

Peter smiled as he took his suit and watched Adrian fly away. The news helicopters followed him. He quickly suited up and perched on a ledge close enough for him to get a good view of the fight from.

Peter couldn't help but stare at the two as they fought. it didn't seem that either one had noticed that he'd been released. He wasn't quite sure how to proceed other than maybe using sound waves again.

The two symbiotes screamed as they battled each other. It was quite vicious. Venom's claws ripped into Carnage and went beyond the symbiote. Kasady could be heard screaming from within.

Carnage yelled "YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!"

He ripped into Venom with his extended tentacle blades and managed to stab Venom through multiple points. The symbiote shrank back slightly, and Eddie could be heard screaming. Carnage didn't let up as he continued the fight. He continued making more tentacle blades and stabbing Eddie over and over. The Venom symbiote was doing its best to heal Brock and keep over his head and the most vital areas, but Carnage's attacks lived up to the name.

Soon, Eddie was vanquished, and only the symbiote remained. It was truly disgusting as Peter watched with fear and disgust when Carnage just scooped the symbiote up and consumed it. He was terrified for his life, but he had also just watched the one he had previously considered a brother die at the hands of that monster. He was angry at the loss of Eddie.

Peter's breathing was hard as he dropped down to the ground close to Carnage and activated the sound pulse. It hurt his ears too, but he knew that it would work on the monster. He was stunned as all it did was make the thing angry. It didn't harm it in any way.

Before Peter knew it, Carnage grabbed him by the neck. Peter struggled for air as Carnage held him up off of the ground and smirked.

Peter was grasping at Carnage's arm as he tried to get some air in. Carnage just purred and laughed.

He spoke "Awwww. Stupid little spider. That only worked against my daddy, and I'm not my daddy! I'm stronger! I bet you'll taste so much better without that mask on though!"

Carnage licked the mask as Peter tried to get himself out of his grip. Nothing was working, and Peter could tell that he was close to unconsciousness.

He barely felt it when Carnage ripped the mask off of his face, though he felt it when Carnage laid his bloody and sickening tongue on his face and licked him again.

Blessed breath finally came back to him when Carnage howled. One of Dock Ock's tentacles was piercing Carnage's chest and the end was spinning and cutting up Kasady's insides as Ock pulled it back out.

Carnage worked quickly to try and heal Kasady. He was breathing heavily and rasping as he growled at Ock and dodged the next attack. Only, it was worse, because the Shocker had finally arrived on the scene. He used his modified gauntlets, and though Carnage wasn't as sensitive to the frequencies, the modified blast from Shocker's gauntlets along with a different frequency that Peter had used caused Carnage to shriek in pain and start separating from Kasady.

Peter was laid on his back and could hear the fight, but he wasn't strong enough to do anything. He felt awful. His heart was pounding and his neck was hurting so much. It felt like Carnage may have broken something. It was still really hard to breathe. It was getting so much harder to avoid losing consciousness.

Kasady was screaming alongside his symbiote. Sooner, rather than later, Mysterio arrived and brought more sound along with fire to the scene. Peter had once told him that these things were sensitive to heat, so he figured that while the others slammed on their attacks, he could use literal fire against them. Ock easily weakened Kasady's body to near death, and the symbiote finally completely separated from his body.

They kept up the onslaught of attacks, doing their best to avoid Peter's prone body. Soon, the Vulture was back on the scene and the Carnage symbiote was scooped up into a secure containment unit that it couldn't get out of. It was going to go to one of the most secure facilities on Earth. The fighting soon stopped and Kasady was already dead on the ground from his wounds.

Soon, the Rhino, Sandman, Dan, and Ox arrived on scene. Their eyes widened as they took in the scene of death and saw the prone body of their nephew. They'd been in charge of helping civilians escape.

Soon, Montana was the first to kneel by Peter's side. He ripped off his own mask and gauntlets and threw them to the side. Peter's eyes slowly met his own and Peter smiled lightly.

The others soon joined Montana, but Peter solely kept eye contact with him as he let out a tiny breath and his eyes rolled into the back of his head as his body lose the tenseness that had still been there.

Montana started to hyperventilate as he checked Peter's pulse.

He shook his head and said "No. NO! I refuse to lose my nephew!"

He quickly started chest compressions. He wouldn't let Peter die. He couldn't. The kid had too much ahead of him to lose. He had too many people to leave behind.


Gwen yelled in fear as she watched the fight with Venom and Carnage on television. She'd been happy when Peter had been picked up by the Vulture, but now she was utterly terrified, as she'd just watched her boyfriend be unmasked for the whole world to see, and with this, there was no way of going back to normal. Peter's secret was out, but that wasn't what worried her. What worried her was the fact that Peter was lying on the ground surrounded by what used to be the villains and Montana was doing chest compressions.

George soon raced into the living room where Gwen was watching the fight from and said "Gwen, what's wrong----" and cut off when he saw the television and cursed.

George steeled his face and said "Gwen, have they shown Peter's face while he's been in the suit?"

She nodded and then paused before questioning "Wait? How'd you know that it was Peter?"

George just smiled softly and replied "I'm not one of the world's best detectives for nothing, Gwen. I've known his identity since almost the first sighting. Only, now, everyone knows. I'm going down there to hopefully mediate the crowd. From the looks of the television, emergency medical services have already arrived."

Gwen bit her lip and looked back at the television as she listened to her father leave. She watched with sadness as one of the other Enforcers, Ox, had to hold Montana back as the paramedics worked on Peter and did their best to help him.

Her hands shook as all she could do was stare at the television in fear and ignore the texts she was no doubt getting from Harry and MJ. She only had eyes for Peter, and right now, she just hoped that Peter hadn't died.


Jonah couldn't help but stare at the monitor in shock. The kid had fooled them all the whole time. He really was Spider-Man.

He'd be more worried about it if it didn't look like the poor kid may have just died. Jonah couldn't help but steel his jaw and watch as the footage continued. He hoped that the kid would survive.


Montana and Quentin stood outside of the intensive care unit that Peter had been shuttled to once the paramedics had gotten his heart started again. Octavius was with the doctors to assist, as he had the most knowledge about working with Peter's unique biology. The others remained outside of the building to keep an eye on the perimeter and at as security in case any reporters or threats were to come up and try to get to Peter.

Before too long, Dan came in with May. Montana hugged her as she teared up and wiped her eyes as she sniffled.

It had felt like ages before Otto came out of the room and reported "Peter is currently critical but stable. He has a broken hyoid apparatus, cracked atlas and axis, and multiple broken cervical vertebrae. Surgery will have to be done. I will be assisting as I have the knowledge over dosage for medication and knowledge of human anatomy. The forms for the procedure are currently being drawn up. Ms. Parker, I highly suggest that the operation be done. It will give Peter the highest chance of survival."

May leaned heavily against Montana. Montana steeled his jaw and hugged her to his side while Quentin just clenched and unclenched his hands repeatedly.

May sniffled and replied "I'll sign whatever needs signed! Just do whatever you have to to save him!"

Otto grimaced and replied "I'm afraid that even if the procedure goes as expected, Peter may be completely paralyzed."

May covered her mouth and turned her head into Montana's shoulder as he held her close. He too was sniffling.

Quentin's hands began to shake as he said "I'm going to join everyone outside. Call me if there are any updates."

Montana nodded and Otto agreed.


The surgery took nearly twelve hours to complete. Otto had observed the entire procedure and assisted with a couple of the most delicate processes. Repairing the bones was quite hard, but it was rather fascinating to watch as the boy's healing factor was working on repairing the bones as they were placed back together during the surgery. Peter's enhanced healing was far more valuable than Otto had previously thought.

With how rapidly the healing was taking place, no screws or metal had to be placed, but it also made the reconstruction of the bones harder as some had already tried to heal and had to be rebroken. Every twenty minutes, more scans were done, and more X-rays were taken. His brain activity looked fairly normal every time it was checked.

Only twenty hours after the reconstructive surgery, most of the bones appeared to be close to perfectly healthy. It would still be a waiting game until Peter showed signs of waking up though. The boy had quickly fallen into a coma post-surgery.

Otto worried about whether or not Peter would ever be able to move his head properly again. If he ever regained consciousness, even though the bones appeared to have healed well, there could still be problems. The bruising on his neck was still rather prominent, but the swelling had gone down quite a bit. Normally, the bruises would go away fairly quickly, but it appeared that Peter's body worked on repairing the worst of the injuries first.

It was now a waiting game.


Reporters did their best to try and get the scoop on Peter Parker, but no one would do it. Jonah Jameson had even put out a plea in his paper for people to leave Peter Parker and his loved ones alone. Detective Stacy had dropped by the hospital to talk with Montana briefly and express his grief at the fact that Peter was in such a bad state. Peter's friends were all terrified as they had all been updated that Peter was in a coma after having such grave injuries.

Gwen had even told off a reporter who had tried to interview her about her relationship with Peter. Her father had been the only one to keep her from decking the guy.


It had been four weeks since Carnage and Venom had both been destroyed.

May hummed as she rubbed circles into the back of Peter's right hand. She and Montana had been there almost constantly. The others would stop by occasionally, and were ever vigilant around the hospital, but neither May nor Montana could bear the thought of leaving Peter for very long.

Montana was on Peter's other side. It hurt seeing the kid connected to so many machines.

Only, today would be different. Today, both May and Montana had immediately noticed when Peter's hand twitched and his eyes started to flutter open as the alarms on some of the machines started to beep.

Montana pressed the button to call a doctor in as he and May both worked to calm Peter down. He had seemingly been fighting the endotracheal tube until they calmed him. They also took note that he seemed to be grimacing.

The doctor soon came in alongside Otto. Unfortunately, an extubation had to be done right then. Peter was coached through it, but it was still quite uncomfortable. He was tearful as his vitals were checked. He grimaced as he turned his head towards Montana.

Otto soon gained his attention by questioning "Peter, does it hurt to turn your head?"

Peter shakily and raspily replied "A little bit, but it's mostly just achy."

Otto let out a sigh of relief and asked another question "Would you try to move your toes for me?"

Peter furrowed his brow and attempted to do as requested. Everyone in the room let out a sigh of relief as Peter was able to move his toes.

Otto said "That's a very good sign."

Peter looked like he wanted to say something, but his throat was still aching. Otto handed him a small tablet that he could use to communicate with them.

Peter typed a question "What happened after Carnage choked me? Did anyone else die? Are all the others fine?"

Montana answered "Carnage has been destroyed. No others died after you were choked. Most of the fatalities from that day took place as the two were escaping Ravencroft."

Peter grimaced and said "My identity?"

May replied "Everyone knows, dear. It was broadcasted on the television when when that monster ripped your mask off. The reporters have calmed down slightly though over the past couple of weeks."

Peter grimaced and typed another question "How long have I been in the hospital?"

Otto answered "A little over four weeks. You nearly lost your life. Your neck was broken when you were choked. We were afraid that you would not make it or that you would be paralyzed even after the bones were repaired."

Peter steeled his jaw and typed another question "How are Gwen, Harry, and MJ?"

Montana answered "Worried about you, but good other than that. Same with all of the others. Everyone's been coming in too see you every once in a while. Even that Jameson guy's stopped by to check on you. We almost didn't let him in until May approved. You'll have more visitors soon if the hospital allows it, by the way. I notified everyone through the group chat that you came out of the coma."

Peter nodded. It really was extraordinary that Peter had little consequences remaining from the injury. It appeared that the main thing remaining from the worst of the damage was the slight atrophy of his muscles.

Peter smiled and typed "You know, I'm feeling pretty sad right now from the fact that things have changed so much concerning my identity. Can I have a hug?"

Montana snickered as Peter smiled. Both Montana and May gave him a gentle hug.


Peter had to attend physical therapy for about a month until it was deemed that he was strong enough to return to his Spider-Man duties. He'd regained most of his strength and muscle mass within the week of waking up, but everyone wanted to be sure that he wasn't going to overtax himself. They were lucky that he hadn't suffered any permanent damage.

The worst part of everything though, was that Peter had ended up missing half of the summer break, and missed the trip to the Brice's for the fourth of July. The family had been told why Montana and the Parkers couldn't come, and they had sent their well wishes. Peter still hoped that they could at least get a trip in to see them sometime soon though.

The first time Peter had made a public appearance after the coma, it had been for another press conference and consult with his lawyer Matthew Murdock. Everything had gone well, and the reporters had been appeased. Not to mention, his uncles had all hovered and went into protect mode.

The first time Peter was stepped back out as Spider-Man though, that was a highly celebrated event. The people of New York City were happy that the hero from Queens was back in action. They knew that Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man, would always do his best to protect them.

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