I Love Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Thanks for the tag @hermesserpent-stuff​ !

Wow, I have many to chose from of just the published fics.

Also, I’ve gotta admit, I forgot about some of them until I went back through my completed stories.

Lets see, I’d have to say these following ones are my favorite five (in no specific order) that I’ve written so far....

1. https://archiveofourown.org/works/33792382 - Venom’s Compassion

      -This one is in the Spider-Man and Venom fandoms. 

      - Description: What if Venom wasn’t as much of an anti-hero that he       portrays himself as? What if he's hiding something about his past from Eddie? Why does it involve Peter Parker? Tragedy follows Peter Parker, and after this most recent death, he takes a turn towards emotional instability. What will happen when a figure from his past returns?

2. https://archiveofourown.org/works/44724028 - Knife to the Throat

       - This one is part of the Star Wars: Rebels fandom.

       - Description: Someone thinks that it's a good idea to try and take Ezra. It wasn't a good idea. 

3. https://archiveofourown.org/works/42692556 - Poison

        - This one is part of the Emergency! fandom.

        - Description: What happens when an ex-nurse from Rampart General Hospital has the opportunity to get revenge on the paramedic, John Gage, who got her fired? 

4. https://archiveofourown.org/works/41307981 - Doom

        - This one is part of the Emergency! fandom.

        - Description: Will the new doctor at Rampart lead to Johnny's doom? 

5. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37249966 - Day Twenty - Caged

       - This one is in the Marvel, Spider-Man, and Iron-Man fandoms.

       - Description: Hammer's finally out of prison, and he wants nothing more than to make the Avengers suffer. Even if his qualms lie mostly with Romanoff and Stark, he still hates all of those goody-two-shoes! 

Thanks for the tag again!

No pressure tags:







I got an email saying you sent me a question, but it doesn't appear in my inbox. and now I'm not entirely sure if tumblr is letting me tag you.


Favorites would have to be (not in order)

To Hollow the Soul : So self indulgent and the first story i wrote for freakazoid. It stars mainly dexter and an oc Geist who is a clone of freakazoid.

The Thaw: Warming up to Friendship: First attempt at a prequel, and I love barry sam and len in this. flash is a delight to write i tell you. i think this fed into billy's story in thundersnow really well and got me to write part of tight rope.

Sapphire, Rubí, Esmeralda!: this one isn't talked about much anymore but Donald duck in college with magic was a jam for a while. i still like this starting fic/

Thundering Hooves : a cowboy, vigilante, and a knight, shining knight live on a ranch. what more could you want? and all the silly research i ended up doing lol

Accidental Nephew: I like this because peter interacts with so many villains and is the start of the series going nuts.

my brain is blanking bad rn but writer friends jump on this, and tag me if you wanna.

Im pretty sure @adgaea and @catch-all write

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1 year ago


Prompt: Missing and Presumed Dead

Fandom: Iron Man , Spider-Man, Marvel

Summary: Peter and Tony go missing after never meeting Happy once charity gala that they attended had concluded. They are presumed dead after bodies with their DNA and faces are found. Little did everyone know, neither of them had been killed.

TWs: presumed deaths, broken bones, shock collar, electrocution, threats of human trafficking

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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1 year ago


An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Fandom: Marvel, Spider-man, Iron Man

Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, May Parker, Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts

TW: Broken bones. compound fracture, blood, etc.

Summary: There's an explosion in Stark Tower, and Peter can't get out before he is grievously injured.

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1 year ago


Bad Things Happen Bingo

Pandemic - ADGAEA - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]

Peter's the only one worthy of saving the remainder of those who live on Earth after Thanos comes during the midst of a zombie pandemic.

TW: slight gore, character death(s), violence, injury, suicide

Disclaimer: I own nothing except for my plot.

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1 year ago
Bad Things Happen Bingo

Bad Things Happen Bingo

Chloroformed - ADGAEA - Spider-Man - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]


Peter always manages to get himself into trouble.

TW: chloroform, unnamed character death, overdose, vomit, kidnapping, ransom

Disclaimer: I own nothing except for my plot.

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1 year ago
Bad Things Happen Bingo

Bad Things Happen Bingo

Sensory Overload

Sensory Overload - ADGAEA - Spider-Man - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]

Peter’s so confused, especially since he was kidnapped as a civilian. Some passerby had managed to get the jump on him right after he left school. He hadn’t even seen their face before he felt his spider sense go off, and he was too late to stop the hit to the back of the head and the hand that pressed a needle full of some chemical in his neck.

TW: Kidnapping, drugging, sensory overload, panic attack

Disclaimer: I own nothing except for my plot.

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1 year ago
Bad Things Happen Bingo

Bad Things Happen Bingo


Peter never wanted to know how much pain he could experience before he passed out from it.

TW: Kidnapping, non-consensual drug use, attempted murder, vivisection, pain

Disclaimer: I own nothing except for my plot.

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1 year ago
Bad Thing Happen Bingo

Bad Thing Happen Bingo

Can Only Move The Eyes

Can Only Move The Eyes - ADGAEA - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]


Killgrave kidnaps Peter in an effort to keep Jessica in check.

TW: Non-explicit rape, strong language, kidnapping, restraints, violence, justified murder, nudity, alcohol


Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

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10 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

A villain from the past returns when previously thought dead, and Ezra is in danger.

TW: gore (tongue, burning flesh), cursing in Star Wars language, kidnapping, trafficking, dehumanization, restraints, non-consensual drug use

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9 months ago

Hi! This is chapter/part one of the continuation.

Also, @virgamsysxvolumes would it be ok if I posted this on AO3? I would mention you in the note at the beginning of the work along with your text being in the note and clearly marked as yours. Please let me know. Thanks!

It's not much of a continuation yet, but I didn't want to leave y'all hanging for too long. This is a WIP that will be added to sporadically due to time constraints. It is a DPxDC crossover.

@ravenr22 @symmetricalastigmatism @leafyeyes417 @alcorbearson @blue-penguins-blog @fanaroff @maxxed-waste @moonchild0924


Walker was having a fairly calm day until the frantic cry of a young woman came from out in front of the prison gates. The first thing he heard was ‘Phantom’. He set his jaw into a firm line as he made his way towards the gates.

By the time he had reached the guards, they, as well as any prisoners that had been in the yard, were all in a stir. Something was not right.

He tensed as his crew didn’t immediately come to attention in his presence. He cleared his throat loudly and watched as the two jumped and immediately looked at him. He just glared at them as the two shared a nervous look.

He listed as one bit their lip and reported “Sir, a grievous crime has supposedly been committed. A neverborn has been created without the consent of one of the parents. Phantom’s rights have been violated.”

Walker silently steamed with rage as he clenched his fist.

He said “Did the spreader of this message happen to say who committed this vile act?”

The two guards shook their heads and said “Yes. The one called Plasmius.”

Walker grimaced. All hell was about to break loose in the Infinite Realms.


Skulker paused as his hunt was disrupted by Kitty, a female ghost he had briefly gotten the name of in a past interaction.

He growled as he paused to listen to what she had called him for. She was definitely frantic, so it had to be something important.

However, as he listened to her message, his fury rose. 

Plasmius just became number one on his most wanted prey list.


Kitty was quick as she raced across the Infinite Realm spreading the message that the heir to the throne had been violated in a way that was outlawed by the realm's oldest law and that it had been Plasmius who had committed the act.

She was exhausted by the time she had returned to her and Johnny’s place hours later. Johnny had greeted her with a worried look.

He questioned “What’s going on? Is it true?”

She responded “Danny unwillingly created a neverborn! It’s true! 

She fell into Johnny’s arms and shook as she teared up.

She continued “He….he doesn’t even know! I was so frantic that I left before I could explain anything to him! She’s not just a clone! He thinks that she is but she’s not! She’s a halfa neverborn! This has never happened before! Plasmius used his and Danny’s ectoplasm as well as mixes of their human DNA to form her, and apparently she wasn’t the only one! It’s horrible!”

Johnny paled even further, which for a ghost as pale as he, was very startling. Then the anger came and his eyes began to glow. Shadow gnashed their teeth as they prepared to go after whatever Johnny was angry at.

Kitty noticed and said “Johnny, we have to be careful. Plasmius has more power than either of us and can easily beat us. We’re going to need help, and he has to face justice.”

Johnny growled with anger but his eyes stopped glowing as he clenched his hands into his hair and let out an annoyed yell. 

He frustratedly yelled “Well what do we do now! This can’t be looked over! How do we even go about this?”

Kitty grimaced before rubbing a hand up and down her right arm in an effort to calm herself.

She responded as she said “I don’t know. The only ‘law enforcement’ we really have are the King that's currently standing in for Danny, and Walker since the Observants don't really enforce the laws.”

Both Kitty and Johnny were startled as another voice joined in on the conversation.

“Indeed, but I am the one standing in for the young heir until he comes of age. Therefore, I will be leading the recruitment effort. Plasmius will not come easily, and as the master of time, there is only so much leeway I have with the Observants. After all, they too are ancients.”

Kitty stuttered out “Clockwork?! What?!”

Clockwork solemnly smiled as he said “Yes, child.”

Kitty then glowed brighter as she gnashed her teeth and glared at Clockwork before saying “You had to have known what Plasmius did! Why didn’t you interfere!? You’re standing in for Danny! You should have protected him.”

Clockwork frowned as he responded “Even I have my limits. My power has been restricted since I last disobeyed the Observants. They care not about much other than maintaining the purity of the timestream and I have interfered too much already in their eyes. I am bound to do only as they advise for the next century due to a grievance already committed in my effort to help our future king. However, I have been given a bit of leeway since their oldest rule was broken.”

Johnny laid a hand on Kitty’s shoulder and she dimmed as her anger cooled. 

Johnny then furrowed his brow as he said “But, aren’t you like the god of time or something? Can’t you just go back and get rid of the Observants or something?”

Clockwork huffed with a brief laugh as he said “If only it were that simple. The Observants are far older than me, but altering the past only ever makes things occur in a far more disastrous matter. However, as the rule that was broken was created by the Observants themselves and is our oldest rule, I have been given more freedom on this matter as previously mentioned. The Observants may not enforce the laws often, but this one they must. Plasmius will be brought to justice.”


Constantine grimaced as he cut off his communication with Zatanna. She had also sensed that magical activity within the infinite realms had increased. Something big was going down in the Infinite Realms. He’d have to get in contact with Desiree or Ghost Writer if the guy had been released from confinement after the whole holiday fiasco.

Clone Crimes

Kitty was just looking for Danny to play with him like usual. They were the closest to around the same age after all; Johnny, Ember, and her being only a few years dead after all. She really hadn't expected to find Danny stargazing with a fresh new neverborn that felt almost identical to him. There were faint hints of someone else however, someone vaguely familiar that she just couldn't place. Somehow the scene set Kitty’s teeth on edge.

“What the heck? Phantom, why did you create a neverborn!?” Kitty blurted.

She hadn't meant to sound judgmental, she was just having trouble processing that Danny had created a neverborn. How had he even known how to do that?! He was just barely coming up on a year dead! He was basically a baby himself, how had he managed to have a baby?! She had just seen him last week!

“I didn’t make her! That stupid Fruitloop stole some of my ectoplasm and created a bunch of clones of me. I didn’t even know about them until Dani showed up. It was a huge mess, all the other clones melted but I managed to figure out how to keep Dani stable at least.” Danny huffed, crossing his arms with annoyance.

“Plasmius did this? He forced you to-” Kitty cut herself off, her stomach having fallen into her feet. She felt sick, Danny’s face shifted into a look of confusion and concern.

“Hey are you okay?” Danny asked, his voice going soft like it did when he was trying to comfort someone.

“You don’t look so hot.” Dani observed, equally concerned it seemed. She looked so much like Danny it made Kitty dizzy.

“I’m fine. I-Let me make sure I got this. Plasmius stole your ectoplasm and used it with his own to make neverborns with you, without your knowledge?” Kitty asked, her voice wavering despite how hard she tried to sound steady and firm.

“Why do you keep calling them neverborns? She’s a halfa like me. But yeah, he was a total butthole about it too! After I found out he didn’t even bother with hiding what he was doing! He used Dani to capture me and just electrocuted me for my ectoplasm! It hurt real bad, I had flashbacks.” Danny huffed, clearly still upset about what happened. Dani gained a guilty expression and pat Danny’s back.

“Sorry…” Dani said softly to Danny.

“It’s okay, you didn’t know he was an evil lunatic.” Danny comforted the younger girl, patting her knee gently. “You thought he loved you, of course you wanted to be a good daughter.”

“Sorry short-stop I gotta go.” Kitty turned around so fast that if she were still beholden to gravity she might have tripped over herself.

Danny and Dani looked at each other with some confusion but just shrugged the strange encounter off.

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9 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

@virgamsysxvolumes @leafyeyes417 @ravenr22 @symmetricalastigmatism @alcorbearson @blue-penguins-blog @fanaroff @maxxed-waste @moonchild0924

Chapter One is up on AO3 y'all!

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8 months ago

Rose and Red Hood - ADGAEA - DCU (Comics) [Archive of Our Own]

Rating: Teen

Characters: Red Hood, Dani Phantom, Danny Phantom, OC

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

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8 months ago


Vlad was slightly confused when Skulker requested a meeting with him. He had acquiesced, so he now waited in his lab for the hunter to arrive. However, he was utterly surprised when the hunter flew in and immediately started shooting at him.

He released a noise of pain as one of Skulker’s missiles hit him before he could conjure a shield.


Skulker continued trying to shoot at him as he said “You violated the oldest rule of the Infinite Realms. You created a neverborn without the consent of the person whose ectoplasm you stole. Not to mention this act was committed against the future king. Yes, I myself hunt the ghost boy still, but it is simply for leisure now when I get bored or if you need me to capture him for you. No more! You have committed the worst crime that you ever could have. Had I known that’s what you wanted the ghost boy for, I never would have aided you!”

Vlad was angry as he briefly took down his shield and aimed a plasma blast at Skulker.

Soon, the talking was over, and a battle raged between the two. Skulker never had a chance against Plasmius. Plasmius had helped him with his armor in the past and knew exactly where the weakest points were. Skulker’s armor was demolished, and the small ghost had to abandon his suit and flee back into the zone before Plasmius could finish him off completely.

Vlad grimaced as the little whelp of a ghost scurried back into the zone before he could finish it off.

He growled in anger. Daniel must have told one of his ghost friends about the creation of Ellie.

He gritted his teeth before quickly calming himself. It didn't matter. He would have what he wanted soon anyways.

He pressed a button on his lab’s wall and a heavily fortified visor slid open to reveal a dark black and aged book. He caressed the cover as he smiled. Just a couple of days ago he had explored a long-forgotten haunt in the zone and found something far more valuable than he had ever found before. The eldest tome of dark magic.

The pages turned on their own, seemingly knowing exactly what spells he needed and desired.

He soon spoke the words of the first spell that popped up. He'd never been more grateful that his Nana had taught him true magic and the art of incantation when he was young. He would be hidden from everyone's sight after this spell.

Once he felt the effects of the spell wash over him, the pages began to turn again. He smirked. A summoning spell. Perfect.

He would have his way soon. No one was going to be able to stop him.

It would take a few days to finish his preparations for the summoning spell, especially since he was going to have to move quite a bit to his hidden mansion in New York in order to do the summoning. He did not want to risk any other meddlesome ghosts that already knew of his home’s location to find him before he could reach his primary goal.

The worst inconvenience was going to be avoiding his mayoral duties. Oh well, they would be unnecessary once he got what he wanted. For the time being, he'd draft a letter to his secretary stating that he'd be on an extended vacation for a while.

Meanwhile, he'd explore the pages of the tome. Some of these spells would likely be very helpful in quick and untraceable movement of his things.


Zatanna closed her phone as she cut off the call with Constantine.

She frowned as she summoned a small portal to the ghost zone that she knew connected to Desiree’s haunt and said, “I wish to see and speak with Desiree of the Ghost Zone.”

A beautiful plume of smoke filtered through the portal and Desiree’s voice rang out as her body formed in front of Zatanna “So you have wished it, so it shall be!”

Desiree smiled briefly before greeting Zatanna “Ah, my dear friend, the magician Zatanna. Long has it been since we have spoken.”

Zatanna smiled briefly before responding “Indeed. Do you happen to know what’s causing a stir in the infinite realm? Neither Constantine or I have been able to figure anything out yet, so we figured you or Ghost Writer would be best to ask.”

Desiree sighed as she conjured chairs for the both of them to sit on.

She began “The future king of the realm has been violated. The oldest rule of the infinite realms has been broken. A ghost child, a neverborn, was unwillingly created. The future king has suffered by the hands of one known in the realm as Plasmius.”

Zatanna’s eyes widened as she said with a tremor in her voice “So the King has been violated. How? How could Pariah Dark be so vulnerable as to have his ectoplasm stolen? How is there not a bigger stir going on? Yes, there is much more activity, but none have fled the realm in fear.”

Desiree grimaced before questioning “Do you not know that Pariah Dark was defeated? Did you not sense anything or hear that I said future king?”

Zatanna rubbed the back of her neck before saying “Things have been busy with magical uprisings for a while, so I’ve been busy. I knew that a town called Amity Park had briefly been taken hostage in the infinite realms before it mysteriously reappeared, but I was too busy to investigate.”

Desiree sighed and rolled her eyes as she began “In that time, Pariah Dark was defeated by the one the people call ‘Ghost Boy’ and many know as Phantom.”

Zatanna’s eyes widened before she said “Phantom is the heir?! He was strong enough to beat Pariah Dark?! The JL keeps an eye on him for future recruitment purposes since he seems to keep his town pretty safe and he’s helped with a couple of low-level ectoplasmic entity threats, but we never knew that he was that powerful.”

Desiree nodded before saying “From what I hear, he had help, but he was the one to truly defeat him. No matter though, back to the subject at hand. We are in a stir as we are coming together in our anger against Plasmius. Something like this has not happened for millennia until now. It has been not even a whole day, but everyone is ready for action to defend their future king, as he is very benevolent and will be a just ruler.”

Suddenly, Zatanna shuddered. Desiree stiffened as well as a wave of dread passed through both of them.

Zatanna bent forward as she closed her eyes and gritted her teeth before her phone began to ring. She kept her eyes closed as she got her phone out and answered.

Constantine was on the other end and said “It’s been opened. The tome of dark magic. We’ve got to go to the Justice League with this. This is bad. Very bad.”

Zatanna opened her eyes and responded “I know. I’ll initiate a meeting request soon. It’s likely that Shazam has noticed this as well and already contacted the others. I’ve got to go. I will remain in contact.”

Desiree did not bother to question what had occurred. She knew what the tome was. Every user of magic knew of the tome. It had been thought to be lost for ages, but apparently not. She knew that all magic users had just felt that dread wash over them.

Things were going to get worse before they would get better.


Clockwork hunched over and gripped his staff as he felt a massive wave of dread wash over himself and a vision of what had occurred and was about to occur passed through his mind.

He watched as Skulker was defeated and Plasmius opened a secret panel on his wall and took out a dark black leather covered book that had pages rippled by their age.

He shouldn’t have tarried when speaking with Kitty and Johnny. He should have known that Skulker would go gung-ho with things and go after his previous ally. They would still need to recruit others for the protection of the future king, but he should have just gone straight after Plasmius. He had spent too much time trying to explain things to Kitty and Johnny. Plasmius had been alerted that he was wanted.

His vision went on to show Plasmius open the tome.

Clockwork gritted his teeth in frustration and anger as the vision ended and he stood back up to face Johnny and Kitty. He felt another wave of dread as a spell from the tome was used. He had a general idea of where Plasmius was before, but now, his visions and his powers couldn’t aid him. Plasmius had hidden himself and he could no longer pinpoint or get a visual on the ghost’s human or infinite realm haunts.

He spoke to the two frightened ghosts that were still with him as he opened a portal into the human realm “Quickly, we must go to Danny. He is in danger.”


Danny sighed as his ghost sense went off in the middle of lunch. This was the fifth time today, but no matter how many times he told the Box Ghost to stay invisible, he wouldn’t! Not to mention Boxy was the third ghost this week to keep tabs on him! At least the others stayed invisible though!

He was pretty sure no one was reacting to Boxy because of how many times he'd already showed up in the day. Danny just wished that he wouldn't appear so close to him. Everyone was staring at him since they knew that Boxy was following him specifically thanks to how many times he'd popped up.

The only good part was that Dash was too chicken to approach while Boxy was around, so there was less mockery than usual.

He reluctantly put up with it though as Boxy wasn’t trying to throw boxes at anyone. He hated being tailed by multiple ghosts this week, but at least Johnny and Kitty had actually helped him fight a few low-level ghosts that had tried coming through to wreak some havoc. Mainly though, he put up with being tailed because Clockwork had showed up a few days ago with Johnny and Kitty and asked (pretty much demanded) him to cooperate with the idea of having bodyguards for a while and Danny knew better than to question his intent though he really wished that he knew why he needed no so subtle guards to trail his every move. That didn’t mean that it wasn’t annoying as heck though.

Johnny and Kitty tailing him on the first day wasn’t so bad and neither was Poindexter on the second day, but Boxy! Ugh. Would Box Ghost even be able to do anything if a threat showed itself? Danny sighed and didn’t dwell on that thought for very long. He had to trust Clockwork’s judgment.

He looked over to his left as Tucker patted his back in sympathy while the box ghost popped into visibility briefly to wave hello. Why that guy ever thought he was scary, Danny would never know.

Danny simply sighed again and continued eating. He knew all would be revealed to him eventually. He had a feeling that it had something to do with that odd feeling of dread that he’d gotten shortly before Clockwork had come to him, but he couldn’t be too sure.

Clone Crimes

Kitty was just looking for Danny to play with him like usual. They were the closest to around the same age after all; Johnny, Ember, and her being only a few years dead after all. She really hadn't expected to find Danny stargazing with a fresh new neverborn that felt almost identical to him. There were faint hints of someone else however, someone vaguely familiar that she just couldn't place. Somehow the scene set Kitty’s teeth on edge.

“What the heck? Phantom, why did you create a neverborn!?” Kitty blurted.

She hadn't meant to sound judgmental, she was just having trouble processing that Danny had created a neverborn. How had he even known how to do that?! He was just barely coming up on a year dead! He was basically a baby himself, how had he managed to have a baby?! She had just seen him last week!

“I didn’t make her! That stupid Fruitloop stole some of my ectoplasm and created a bunch of clones of me. I didn’t even know about them until Dani showed up. It was a huge mess, all the other clones melted but I managed to figure out how to keep Dani stable at least.” Danny huffed, crossing his arms with annoyance.

“Plasmius did this? He forced you to-” Kitty cut herself off, her stomach having fallen into her feet. She felt sick, Danny’s face shifted into a look of confusion and concern.

“Hey are you okay?” Danny asked, his voice going soft like it did when he was trying to comfort someone.

“You don’t look so hot.” Dani observed, equally concerned it seemed. She looked so much like Danny it made Kitty dizzy.

“I’m fine. I-Let me make sure I got this. Plasmius stole your ectoplasm and used it with his own to make neverborns with you, without your knowledge?” Kitty asked, her voice wavering despite how hard she tried to sound steady and firm.

“Why do you keep calling them neverborns? She’s a halfa like me. But yeah, he was a total butthole about it too! After I found out he didn’t even bother with hiding what he was doing! He used Dani to capture me and just electrocuted me for my ectoplasm! It hurt real bad, I had flashbacks.” Danny huffed, clearly still upset about what happened. Dani gained a guilty expression and pat Danny’s back.

“Sorry…” Dani said softly to Danny.

“It’s okay, you didn’t know he was an evil lunatic.” Danny comforted the younger girl, patting her knee gently. “You thought he loved you, of course you wanted to be a good daughter.”

“Sorry short-stop I gotta go.” Kitty turned around so fast that if she were still beholden to gravity she might have tripped over herself.

Danny and Dani looked at each other with some confusion but just shrugged the strange encounter off.

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6 months ago


TW: implications of previous non-con.

Batman grimaced as Zatanna laid out the situation. He really hated magic sometimes.

He questioned, “So this dark tome is full of curses and a variety of things that will unleash more hell upon this earth?”

Shazam answered, “Worse than any we have faced before. We must track down the tome before the darkness can be unleashed upon the universe.”

Batman pursed his lips and he scoured his system for magical spikes, but thus far he had yet to find exactly where the strongest point was, as when that tome was opened and the first spell was cast, the magical field surrounding the earth exploded with activity all around the world. It would take days to explore every single place where the field had a spike in activity.

He began, “Ok, so we need at least one of each of you and …” before being cut off by a swirling portal appearing above the table where they were all seated. 

They all went on high alert, weapons and magic ready for a fight. 

A tall being with a white aura around them wearing a cloak of dark purple and holding a glowing staff emerged from the portal that disappeared behind him.

He pulled his hood down to reveal a blue face with red eyes and a scar across one eye. 

Constantine, Zatanna, and Shazam all bowed as the others stood by apprehensively.

The being smiled and said, “No need to bow, young ones. As we all well know, there is no time to waste. The tome of dark magic has been opened.”

Shazam stood and greeted, “King Regent Clockwork, how may we be of assistance?”

Clockwork spoke as he used his staff to conjure an image, or to be precise a memory, of Vlad Masters to show them, “The man you see is the one who now holds the dark tome. His name is Vlad Masters. He has hidden himself from mine and any other magic user’s sight. I know not what his full plans are. I can no longer see him in visions. I need your help to track him down as both a civilian and ghost. 

I have a network formed throughout my realm and I need a network among this realm as well. This man has tried many times to gain power over your realm and my own. He must be stopped before he can use the dark tome’s knowledge to take over both of our worlds. Do what you must. Ruin his reputation if you need. Track everything about him if you can. You have the technological knowledge to do this in the human realm. I will connect you with one from my realm called Technus that will be able to boost your efforts. I am sorry, but I cannot stay. I have another matter at hand.”

Batman was stunned as another portal opened as Clockwork moved his staff. A ghost with white hair that was wearing a trenchcoat stepped out of the portal as Clockwork stepped back in.

The ghost said, “I am Technus, and I will be assisting in technological efforts to track down Plasmius.”

Batman clenched his hands. He did not sign up for working alongside spectral beings, but if it’s what it was going to take to save their universe from the darkest of magicks, he would cooperate.


Clockwork appeared beside Danielle who had just arrived into the Infinite Realms.

Danielle’s eyes widened as she saw him. 

She said, “You’re that time guy Danny talks about, aren't ya?”

Clockwork huffed lightly as he said, “Indeed. We have much to discuss, young one. I must encourage you to come with me. Friends such as Johnny 13 will be present.”

Dani raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms as she said, “Yeesh, no need to try to encourage me to come with you so hard. I know I don’t come here too often, but Danny’s got you labeled as a trusted ally in his catalog.”

Clockwork said, “Very well. Take my hand, young one.”

Dani did as requested. They were soon off to Clockwork’s lair that he was using as a base.


Danny groaned as, not one, but THREE, pork chops landed on his lunch plate. 

He suddenly reared back and throws his arms in the air as he said quite loudly at his table, “UGH! I GIVE UP ON BEING PATIENT ABOUT THIS! LUNCH LADY, WHAT IS GOING ON?!”

Meanwhile, the lunch lady made herself visible and students began crying out in fear and running away.

Sam also said, “Danny! Not so loud!”

Danny fists his hands into his hair and said, “It’s not like anyone’s actually close enough to hear, Sam! Everyone has caught onto the fact that ghosts have been trailing me for a week now! I’m considered even more of a freak than I was before and my parents keep trying to get the ghosts trailing me but fail at it horribly! I haven’t been able to patrol much because they’re watching me more thanks to these ‘hauntings’! The ghost shield around the house since I’ve started being trailed are very inconvenient at the moment. This is driving me crazy!”

Tucker just patted his back in sympathy.

Lunch Lady tsked before saying, “This is necessary.”

Danny groaned and strainedly said, “But why?”

Lunch Lady pursed her lips before replying, “I suggest that if you want answers, you go to the one called Frostbite. He does not agree with your mentor’s hiding the details from you.”

Danny groaned before saying, “It’s worth a shot. Sam, Tuck, I’ll need your help for an alibi as to why I’m not home tonight when I go into the zone.”

Tucker smiled as he said “I got your back, dude!”

Danny nodded and sighed in relief. He really hoped that Frostbite would give him some answers.


Maddie greeted Danny and his friends as they arrived after school, “Hi kids, how was school?”

Danny answered, “Same as ever aside from we had a spur of the moment research project put on us. Sam and Tucker are in my group. Is it okay if they hang out with me in my room tonight? They’ve already got the ok from their parents to stay until ten.”

Maddie sensed that Danny wasn’t telling the entire truth and said, “Mmm hmm, and what’s this project?”

Tucker held out his PDA as he showed her and answered, “It’s for sociology. We have to interview each other based upon this set of questions that our teacher gave us and write a group essay on what we’ve learned about ourselves.”

Maddie looked over the document and shrugged as she said, “Well, alright, but be sure to keep an eye on time. I really don’t want to be reamed out by Sam’s mother again.”

Maddie walked away muttering to herself as the teens went upstairs. Danny wasn’t watching where he was going too well and he ran into Jazz.

She saw that the three teens were anxious and said, “What’s going on? Have you figured out why you’re being protected and tailed? I just saw Lunch Lady fly back towards the school.”

Danny said, “No, but we’re about to try to. Let me guess, if I don’t invite you along, you’re going to find a way to follow us via the boomerang?”

Jazz smiled and said, “Yep.”

Danny sighed and said, “Fine.”

Soon, they heard their parents rifling around in the kitchen fighting with another set of reanimated food items. 

Jazz sighed as she called out “Mom, I’m going to take Danny and his friends out for dinner! We’ll be back in a while!”

She called out “Ok, sweetie! HYAH!” as she fought the reanimated food.

Soon, the teens went down the stairs as Tucker muttered, “Aw man, why’d I even come up with the fake assignment?”

Sam answered, “Because we didn’t know that reanimated food would act as a distraction, and we needed a reason for them not to enter Danny’s room for a while.”

Tucker continued muttering to himself. 

Danny soon transformed into his ghost form as the others got in the speeder and they were soon off to the Far Frozen.


Danny was slightly confused as random little ghostlings like blob ghosts floated near him for the entire trip. He really wanted some answers soon.


Frostbite had seen them coming and greeted them warmly, “Welcome, Great One!”

Danny smiled before saying “Hey. I was wondering if you could provide me with some answers concerning why I’ve been given a protection detail of sorts in my home realm?”

Frostbite grimaced as he answered, “I feared that was what this was about. I shall tell you everything, Great One. It is time you know of what you are to inherit as well as why you are under protection.”

Danny grimaced as he said “Inherit?”

Frostbite replied, “Yes. Follow me inside. Some of this is in my people’s ancient texts.”

The small group followed Frostbite and listened eagerly as he began, “Not so long ago, you won a fight against the previous ruler of the Infinite Realms, known as Pariah Dark. This means that you are the rightful King of the Infinite Realms by right of conquest. However, since you are not yet full ghost or of age, your mentor Clockwork has been appointed ‘King’s Regent’.”

Danny and company all exclaimed, “What?!”

Frostbite smiled warmly as he said “There is more than one reason why we call you Great One, young Daniel. This is only the beginning of this tale.”

Frostbite continued as the others eagerly awaited his words, “Clockwork has hidden the following details from you in hopes that you will be safer in not knowing, but he is mistaken. You are in the greatest of danger, and you must know by whom and why this is such an issue.

The oldest rule of the Infinite Realms has been broken. You, Great One, were the victim. The one you know as Plasmius committed this crime. He stole your ectoplasm and led to the creation of a neverborn.”

Danny interjected, “Wait, a neverborn? That’s what Kitty called Dani.”

Frostbite nodded and said, “Indeed. What Plasmius did was a violation upon your very being. Ectoplasm is sacred to one’s being. It is different for each of us. Much like human blood, but far more precious. Our ectoplasm is capable of forming a child when combined with another’s ectoplasm. Your ectoplasm was stolen by Plasmius and combined with his own to create Danielle. Thus, she is a neverborn. Normally, this process is consensual between ghosts. In your case, it was not. Your ectoplasm being used in such a heinous way without your consent has broken the eldest law. "

Danny was still confused as Jazz let out a gasp and covered her mouth.

Danny turned towards her and said, “What?”

Sam and Tucker shared a look as they also understood the implications.

Danny was worried as Jazz became tearful and hugged him tighter.

He looked towards Sam, who was completely surprised as she’d not known that Dani had been related to Danny in that way until now, as she began to explain, “Danny, this means that Dani’s not your cousin. She’s your daughter….with Vlad.”

Jazz sobbed harder as Danny went green in the face and stuttered, “No. That can’t be. I know Vlad used some of his ectoplasm with mine, but that was an attempt to keep the clones stable! She...she’s a clone! She wasn’t the only clone either! They were all clones! She’s only stable because of one of Dad’s inventions. If she were one of these so called neverborns, she would have been stable from the start, right?”

Frostbite looked towards the ground before sighing and saying, “No, Great One. Though it is horrific to know there were more created with your ectoplasm, young Danielle’s situation is different. She may have been unstable at first because she was created with the ectoplasm of a donor that did not consent.”

Danny rubbed Jazz on the back in an effort to comfort her as he shook his head and said, “No, that can’t be though! She’s too much like me to be anything but a clone!”

Frostbite laid a hand on Danny’s unoccupied shoulder as he said, “Great One, she is like you because she is your daughter. If she were a clone made with ectoplasm, she would be close to identical to you. It is also impossible to make clones of ghosts and stabilize them in any way for longer periods of time. One X came from your ectoplasm and one X came from Plamius’ ectoplasm. It is impossible that a female clone could be created of yourself when it comes to ghost biology. There is much you have yet to learn in regard to ghost biology.”

Danny was shaking as Jazz held onto him. He had been horrified and traumatized by what Vlad had done before, but this put a whole new spin on things. Danielle was his daughter…with Vlad. He was going to be sick.

He pulled away from Jazz and couldn’t keep himself from getting sick. He collapsed onto his knees against the ground as he shook and teared up. He had never once ever thought that Danielle could be his biological daughter. He loves her like a daughter, but he didn’t think that she actually was his daughter.

He couldn’t stop himself from being sick again.

Soon he began to sob, and his sister and friends surrounded him in a group hug as he sobbed. Their eyes were filled with tears. 

Once he was calmed some, Frostbite continued, “This knowledge got out when the one called Kitty returned here and began spreading the word that the future king was a victim of our eldest law being broken. Many of us are on the hunt for Plasmius. Many want to kill Plasmius. Your mentor and I have a goal of finding Plasmius and putting him on trial, however, that has become harder thanks to the opening of a dark tome of magic. Plasmius has hidden himself from any of Clockwork’s sights. As the heir to the throne, you must be constantly guarded while the threat remains. Plasmius will try to retaliate, and we cannot allow him to try and get to you again.”

Danny was stupefied. He didn’t know what to do. He had never expected the situation to be this type of thing. 

Before he could say anything else, a swirling portal appeared and out came young Dani and Clockwork.

Dani was smiling nervously as she looked at Danny.

She was first to speak as she rubbed her neck nervously as she said to Danny, “So, is it too early to call you Dad?”

Danny sobbed and knelt to her level and hugged her tightly. She bit her lip and held back tears as she rubbed Danny’s back. 

Clockwork interrupted the reunion with, “Now, Daniel, you understand why you are being protected so heavily. You are the future king, and it is likely that you will become a target of Plasmius again.”

Danny nodded as he said, “I understand why you didn’t tell me this before, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy about it.”

Clockwork nodded as he said, “You should return home, Daniel. Your parents will soon notice that you’ve all been gone for too long if you don’t return soon.”

Dani then spoke, “I’m also going to stay here with good ol’ CW for a while. I want to help him track down Vlad.”

Danny nodded and questioned Clockwork, “Will she be safe here?”

Clockwork smiled before replying, “Indeed. She will be close to me in her aiding of the search for Plasmius. She will be safer than even you. After all, the young princess must be protected as well.”

Danny nodded. He really didn’t want to return home yet, but he had to. Sometimes it was exhausting living two lives. 

They were soon back on their way to the mortal realm. 

Once they returned Danny turned back to mortal. Jazz hugged him again and appeared to be on the verge of sobbing again.

Tucker questioned Danny, “You gonna be okay, dude?”

Danny swallowed the lump in his throat before saying, “I will be.”

The teens composed themselves before returning upstairs. They’d only been gone for a couple of hours, but it appeared as if the reanimated creatures had spawned again. The Fenton parents were still battling the creatures.

Danny sighed and rubbed a hand over his face.

He was too emotionally exhausted to deal with this right now. He quickly raced past the kitchen, aka battlefield. HIs friends calling after him.

Jazz held them back from going to him.

She said, “It’s getting pretty late, you two should get home. I’ll go to him.”

The two reluctantly agreed and left.

Jazz went upstairs and found her brother curled up on his bed. She sat by him on the bed and rubbed his back. He sniffled loudly and rolled over and curled closer to her. Jazz sniffled as Danny began to sob again.

She kept a strong hold on her brother as he continued to grieve and process everything he’d learned. 

Wherever Plasmius was right then, she hoped that he would rot in Hell for eternity.

Clone Crimes

Kitty was just looking for Danny to play with him like usual. They were the closest to around the same age after all; Johnny, Ember, and her being only a few years dead after all. She really hadn't expected to find Danny stargazing with a fresh new neverborn that felt almost identical to him. There were faint hints of someone else however, someone vaguely familiar that she just couldn't place. Somehow the scene set Kitty’s teeth on edge.

“What the heck? Phantom, why did you create a neverborn!?” Kitty blurted.

She hadn't meant to sound judgmental, she was just having trouble processing that Danny had created a neverborn. How had he even known how to do that?! He was just barely coming up on a year dead! He was basically a baby himself, how had he managed to have a baby?! She had just seen him last week!

“I didn’t make her! That stupid Fruitloop stole some of my ectoplasm and created a bunch of clones of me. I didn’t even know about them until Dani showed up. It was a huge mess, all the other clones melted but I managed to figure out how to keep Dani stable at least.” Danny huffed, crossing his arms with annoyance.

“Plasmius did this? He forced you to-” Kitty cut herself off, her stomach having fallen into her feet. She felt sick, Danny’s face shifted into a look of confusion and concern.

“Hey are you okay?” Danny asked, his voice going soft like it did when he was trying to comfort someone.

“You don’t look so hot.” Dani observed, equally concerned it seemed. She looked so much like Danny it made Kitty dizzy.

“I’m fine. I-Let me make sure I got this. Plasmius stole your ectoplasm and used it with his own to make neverborns with you, without your knowledge?” Kitty asked, her voice wavering despite how hard she tried to sound steady and firm.

“Why do you keep calling them neverborns? She’s a halfa like me. But yeah, he was a total butthole about it too! After I found out he didn’t even bother with hiding what he was doing! He used Dani to capture me and just electrocuted me for my ectoplasm! It hurt real bad, I had flashbacks.” Danny huffed, clearly still upset about what happened. Dani gained a guilty expression and pat Danny’s back.

“Sorry…” Dani said softly to Danny.

“It’s okay, you didn’t know he was an evil lunatic.” Danny comforted the younger girl, patting her knee gently. “You thought he loved you, of course you wanted to be a good daughter.”

“Sorry short-stop I gotta go.” Kitty turned around so fast that if she were still beholden to gravity she might have tripped over herself.

Danny and Dani looked at each other with some confusion but just shrugged the strange encounter off.

Tags :
6 months ago


(Please let me know if TWs need to be added)

Dani frowned as she watched her father…Danny…leave.

She shuddered slightly as she thought back over the conversation that she and Clockwork had before finding Danny. She knew that she had ectoplasm from both Danny and Vlad, but like Danny, she had never thought much further than the idea that she was just another failed clone.

She looked up at Clockwork as he laid a hand on her shoulder.

She questioned, “He’ll be alright, won’t he.”

Clockwork answered, “With time, we shall see, young one. We shall see.”

Dani swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded.

She listened as Frostbite and Clockwork quietly conversed.

Apparently, Clockwork hadn’t foreseen that Danny would go to Frostbite. Something was wrong with Clockwork’s abilities. At least, from what she knew about the guy, something had to be wrong.

She wondered how everything would turn out in the end once they would be able to find Vlad.

For now, she would aid Clockwork within the realms and attempt to monitor any natural portals that she could sense popping up around the realms.


Vlad grimaced. It was taking far longer to gather the ingredients for the summoning spell than he would have liked. Not to mention, he had yet to retrieve the final ingredient.

He had plenty of the boy’s blood and ectoplasm available for the summoning, but the herbal ingredients were a hassle to obtain.

A petal from the rarest flower in the infinite realms, only found in the lair of the being known as Undergrowth. It was going to be such a pain to retrieve, but with the help of the spells in the tome, it was going to be done sooner rather than later.

He’d need to find a natural portal since he’d long since destroyed his own portal once that whelp of a ghost had unintentionally aided him by warning him that he was a wanted Ghost. Strangely enough, there were no portal spells for travel into the Infinite Realms within the tome (though there were some for escape from the realms), otherwise, getting the boy would be far easier as the last ingredient could've been obtained earlier.

He exhaled in annoyance as he used his heavily encrypted and hidden server to scan for increased ectoplasmic activity. The higher the ectoplasmic activity, the more likely it would be the location of a natural portal. Plus, with a little dark magic to assist, things would go much faster, after all, that stuff was going to be able to get him back once he retrieved what he needed.

An even more frustrating point was that Bruce Wayne, a man who always had some sort of anti-possession ward on him, was buying up his stocks like crazy. The man is his only true business rival.

Vlad shook his head. It wouldn’t matter. Soon enough, he’d have his son by his side and be ready to rule the world with his heir by his side.

He grew restless, but smiled with glee as a natural portal was finally detected.

He was soon off into the Infinite realm, ready to take what he needed.


The demon purred as she and her brothers clawed at the one called Plasmius's desires. Prodding them. Whispering dark words to the hybrid's already malicious conscience.

She purred in glee as her new host found what he was obsessing over.

After all, the sooner he got all the power he wanted, the sooner she would be able to gain a physical form through him.

She loved the feeling of her magic flowing through her clueless host's body. Soon, she would be able to come out of the shadows and take over the hybrid's brain and body. She just had to lie in wait until her stolen magic was ready to bring her back.

The witless cur wouldn't even know what hit him. He should have known better than to open her tome and use her magic. After all, there's always a price to abusing and using her dark magic.

Soon she would have a new body and another soul, a new brother, to add to her collection.



Technus angrily growled as he reported to Clockwork “Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Neither man nor ghost has been detected on any of the systems the Batman and I have created. All we can see is that the use of magic has been spiking all over the place. No one possible spot has been isolated. The one called Flash has been helping investigate the areas with the most activity, but nothing has been found. It is infuriating.”

Clockwork sighed as he responded “This is dire. We have no means of tracking him, especially since the natural portals open up wherever and I cannot track all of them.”

Clockwork grimaced as a vision came to him.

He clenched his hands as he saw a vision of Undergrowth frozen within his own ghostly domain. Even worse, he could tell that the vision had already come to pass. Masters was working quicker than ever.

Clockwork could only hope that Daniel was being properly guarded. Zatanna and Constantine had helped set up wards around the Fenton residence without the child’s knowledge, and that would hopefully be powerful enough to resist any kind of tampering that could come from dark magic.

Before he could say anything else, he was struck with another vision that had also already passed.

Danielle! She was unconscious. Lying in some underbrush at the entrance of Undergrowth’s lair.

Clockwork quickly opened his own portal and left before he could explain anything to Technus.


Dani grimaced as she saw a natural portal appear just next to where Undergrowth’s lair laid. She groaned. There was no way that she could leave it unguarded. They couldn’t have that guy trying to make his way back onto the Earth to wreak havoc while everyone was still busy trying to find Vlad.

However, before she could even make another move, she was blindsided as a very determined and very angry looking Vlad appeared through the portal.

Dani cursed as she readied a plasma blast. She knew that she couldn’t beat him by herself. She had no time to even try and get help as Vlad almost immediately spotted her and went on the offensive.

She threw a plasma blast at him before she had to dodge one of his.

She barely had time to conjure a shield before a stream of black plasma raced at her. She grimaced as the black plasma pushed her back. That magic had changed Vlad. He was stronger than ever before. She knew that she was only lasting because she had been training and strengthening her powers ever since she’d been stabilized.

She gasped in pain and shock as the next barrage of magic infused plasma shattered her shield and hit her full on. She screamed as the magic tore through her chest. She seized up as it felt like lighting mixed with hundreds of tiny knives were hitting her.

She couldn’t keep herself from passing out. The pain was too much. She had failed.


Danny grimaced and dropped his pencil. He rubbed his temples as a sudden headache came onto him.

Jazz noticed his distress and questioned “What’s wrong?”

Danny shook his head lightly and said “I don’t know. I just feel like something’s wrong.”

Jazz grimaced. Danny had been emotionally spent and had cried himself to sleep last night before he could do his homework, so he was doing it this morning under her dutiful watch. She did have to wonder if the headache was caused by the emotional stress.

She said “I’m going to forge a note for you. You’re not going to school today. Between the emotional exhaustion and the headache, you need some actual rest.”

Danny nodded in agreement.

His headache kept pulsing as he laid his head on his desk. Jazz gently rubbed his back.

She reassured “Everything will turn out okay, little brother. Besides, if that creep Masters shows his face anywhere near you again, I’ll show him what the true rage of a Fenton woman looks like!”

Danny snickered lightly before groaning.

This headache was persistent.

He rubbed his temples again before saying “I think I’m going to lay down again to try to get rid of this headache. It feels so weird. It’s different from any I’ve had before.”

Jazz grimaced. That didn’t sound good. She hoped that it didn’t mean anything dangerous.


Vlad grinned as he returned to his hidden base. That idiot of a child Danielle had tried to defeat him! So naive! She couldn't fight off a blob ghost, much less him!

He sure showed her though. She wasn’t going to be waking up anytime soon. She had interfered with his plans for the last time.

And now, he finally had the last ingredient he needed for the summoning spell to work.

So very soon, his son would finally be home!


The demon purred. It had been so easy for her to prod that one little thought in his head to get rid of that little girl ghost. That would make it so much easier for him to get what he wanted.

She grinned. She wanted the boy as well, though for different reasons. After all, you can't have the future ghost king around and living anymore if you want all the power in the infinite realms.

And hurting the princess like that was bound to hurt the young to be king. It weakened her host a bit too, but not as much since he had renounced the girl. The boy likely didn't even realize that the girl's core was drawing energy from him in its battle to defeat the dark magic trying to destroy it.

It would be a delight when she could finally take what she'd always wanted before she and her soul had been locked away into her very own tome.

Clone Crimes

Kitty was just looking for Danny to play with him like usual. They were the closest to around the same age after all; Johnny, Ember, and her being only a few years dead after all. She really hadn't expected to find Danny stargazing with a fresh new neverborn that felt almost identical to him. There were faint hints of someone else however, someone vaguely familiar that she just couldn't place. Somehow the scene set Kitty’s teeth on edge.

“What the heck? Phantom, why did you create a neverborn!?” Kitty blurted.

She hadn't meant to sound judgmental, she was just having trouble processing that Danny had created a neverborn. How had he even known how to do that?! He was just barely coming up on a year dead! He was basically a baby himself, how had he managed to have a baby?! She had just seen him last week!

“I didn’t make her! That stupid Fruitloop stole some of my ectoplasm and created a bunch of clones of me. I didn’t even know about them until Dani showed up. It was a huge mess, all the other clones melted but I managed to figure out how to keep Dani stable at least.” Danny huffed, crossing his arms with annoyance.

“Plasmius did this? He forced you to-” Kitty cut herself off, her stomach having fallen into her feet. She felt sick, Danny’s face shifted into a look of confusion and concern.

“Hey are you okay?” Danny asked, his voice going soft like it did when he was trying to comfort someone.

“You don’t look so hot.” Dani observed, equally concerned it seemed. She looked so much like Danny it made Kitty dizzy.

“I’m fine. I-Let me make sure I got this. Plasmius stole your ectoplasm and used it with his own to make neverborns with you, without your knowledge?” Kitty asked, her voice wavering despite how hard she tried to sound steady and firm.

“Why do you keep calling them neverborns? She’s a halfa like me. But yeah, he was a total butthole about it too! After I found out he didn’t even bother with hiding what he was doing! He used Dani to capture me and just electrocuted me for my ectoplasm! It hurt real bad, I had flashbacks.” Danny huffed, clearly still upset about what happened. Dani gained a guilty expression and pat Danny’s back.

“Sorry…” Dani said softly to Danny.

“It’s okay, you didn’t know he was an evil lunatic.” Danny comforted the younger girl, patting her knee gently. “You thought he loved you, of course you wanted to be a good daughter.”

“Sorry short-stop I gotta go.” Kitty turned around so fast that if she were still beholden to gravity she might have tripped over herself.

Danny and Dani looked at each other with some confusion but just shrugged the strange encounter off.

Tags :
2 years ago

NAUUUURRR LEFT ON A CLIFFHANGER NOOO WAY!! fuckfuck this was an amazing update LILE WOWOWOWO holy shit. from learning more about the brothers odd behaviour and even about some family dynamics??? (is the mom covering up for the brother since it was mentioned that he was a mamas boy???? BUT IM GETTING CARRIED AWAY HERE!) and we even got that DELICIOUS HOSEOK SCENE 😿😫😫😫😳

but the cliffhanger noo D: i mean!! its making me even more excited about whats to come on the next uodate!!! and im waiting very patiently.

wait but the account part? did hoseom know about mc before he mentioned shes comig over? or did he hear about the account after? i was just a bit confused about the timeline :O

hope ue day is going well, stay safe 💞💪

Our Own World: Chapter 10

Warnings: stalking, masturbation, yandere behavior, future smut

Type: romance, yandere, hyrbid!bts

Authors Note: It is here. Not as long as I had hoped but hopefully y’all enjoyed it anyways! its a bit spicy. And more Hoseok this chapter. As always, I hope you all enjoy, if I have missed anything in the warnings please let me know. Feedback is greatly appreciated, lemme know your thoughts! Until next time <3

Tags: @miss-jupiter @imagine-forlife @blaaiissee @millenniumspec @toughbook @whipwhoops @bandwagonrevolutionary @devilsbooksworld @darkuni63 @badbyeyoongi @iloverubberduckiez-blog @missseoulite @singukieee @potterbrooke @suhappysuho @zae007live @sevenpersona @blancflms @childfmoonn @caffeineandreveries @cryingpages

Our Own World: Chapter 10

It was a relief for everyone to finally be back home. Returning to a surprisingly spotless house, a full refrigerator, and a pantry had honestly been the highlight of your week. The entire ride to the house all you could think about was the disaster the house had been left in and all the food that had been tossed away. The thought of having to do any shopping or cleaning, had you considering jumping out of the moving car. You had sent your brother a thank you text, and as expected, even hours later, no reply. You had honestly begun to worry, the extreme part of your brain screaming he was dead and you were trapped here with hybrids. 

What a nightmare. 

Thankfully your mother was more than confident he was still living, she had even spoken to him a few hours before you had called. You felt bitterness, or maybe anger was a better way to describe it. Honestly, at this point, you weren’t sure you were still angry. You were just disappointed with the way things were playing out. The gut feeling you had the weeks before arrival was right, as always, and of course, you ignored it, as always. Unless something ‘dire’ was happening, your brother was practically a missing person, at least towards you. Your mother said she spoke with him every day, and even the hybrids had shared that they all heard from him at least once a week. So what have you done? Why was he avoiding communication? You were doing him a favor. The whole situation had your head spinning. 

Your brother was never such a flakey person. He responded to every text and every missed call, his behavior now was out of character and you couldn’t figure out why now he was deciding to act out. Not even your mother could explain it. She had promised to speak with him, but she had done so multiple times these last few weeks. How much longer were you going to have your mother act as the messenger? 

Keep reading

Tags :
8 months ago

Guys, I just have to say it... I fucking love the gays. I mean, gay people in general. The whole alphabet mafia. They are the coolest fuckers ever. Also, gay fanfics are better that straight ones. AND, hot take, polyamorous gay fanfics are on top frfr.

Currently reading Steve x Eddie. Previously reading Steve x Bucky. PREVIOUSLY previously reading Steve x Tony x Bucky. Always reading Spideypool.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

Tags :
5 months ago

Never thought I'd have to do a school presentation about fanfiction... but here we are.

Tags :
7 months ago

how seventeen act with their writer s/o

requested by anon ^^


How Seventeen Act With Their Writer S/o


he is begging. he is on his knees BEGGING you to pls let him buy you a new laptop because the one you use is literally on its last legs and makes ominous sputtering n whirring sounds like a dying cat stuck in a vent every time you start it up. you don't let him tho bc “no cheol the memories :(((“ cuz you've had it for years but he is nearing the end of his tether and who knows. in a few days ur laptop may mysteriously disappear forever and you'll be forced to let him buy a new one


he's like the pet cat you don't own who likes to slink into the room and make inquisitive noises as he watches you work. drapes himself over your shoulders and makes distressed huffs when you try to dislodge him. he's never usually noticeably clingy, but when you try to write, the clinginess always springs out and you can't go five minutes without jeonghan poking his head into the room to check up on you and see what you're up to


your biggest fan. buys every single novel you write, puts on his glasses, and reads them very seriously in one go on the very evening it's released with the lamp on beside him. he looks so serious every time, but he'll always peer at you over his glasses and then give you a big grin, telling you how much he loves it. gets you to sign a copy for him and brags to everyone he knows that he has your signed novels with special messages just for him that no one else can have


he's your personal general knowledge bank. when you're searching up obscure things and slowly losing hope on finding an answer, just ask junhui and he'll either a) know the answer or b) knows someone who knows someone else who knows someone else else who knows the answer. don't ask him how to spell words tho bc he's like. hopelessly bad. blinks at you going “what's an [insert word]” before you give up and google it yourself


alwaysssss wants to know what you're working on right now. gets all whiny when you get possessive of your work and refuse to show him before it's finished bc come on, it's surely perfect already, why are you trying to hide it from him?? loves helping you do, like, the non writing stuff. writing out plot? nooo. building fantasy maps, figuring out political systems, getting lost on a tangent on figuring out the price of beans in the 1800s? hell yeah sign him up!!! 


knows all the grammar rules in the world. you can ask him stuff like “hey wonwoo can i put a comma here or no” and he'll amble over to peer over your shoulder and tell you whether you can or cannot, in fact, put a comma there. helps you curate all your writing playlists for the different moods you have. gently reminds you to get back to writing whenever you end up scrolling on instagram for too long


you're even more of a workaholic than he is when in the zone, so he gets to realise how unhealthy it is to be sat in front of a computer for hours straight with no break. you get to act as each other's “let's act like a normal human being now” reminders, depending on which of you is going through a work fixation. you guys both go on runs together in the mornings even though it kills you bc at least it gets both of yo brains kickstarted to spend a day being all creative in ur respective fields


you value his opinion above anyone else's. above your beta reader's, above your agent's, even above your editor's bc those are more like advice, not opinions. but knowing that minghao likes your work, and knowing which parts in particular he really likes, is so important to you because ultimately, you want the person you love to also love the things that you create. 


brings up the fact that you're a writer in every conversation he has with anyone ever. “oh my god look, this menu has writing on it. speaking of writing, my s/o writes actual books as a job!!!!”. your agent made him sign a contract similar to an NDA bc he just keeps yapping about your books even when they haven't been released yet. loves the noises you make whilst you're writing. thinks it's the cutest thing ever when you make overjoyed “AHA!!” sounds when you finally realise what the plot is doing


more than willing to be your rubber duck and let you talk at him until u figure out your own plot holes. he could be in his room scrolling on his phone but the minute you call for him, he's leaping up and bounding over to you and pulling up a chair in an instant, more than willing to let you bounce ideas off him. sits there doing nothing but looking all pretty as you talk at him and work out the tangle you've gotten yourself into. beams and gives you a big kiss when you manage to figure it all out. 


he buys you a biiiig wheely whiteboard and a bunch of coloured board pens to help you plot your novels. when you get stuck, he comes over and stares at the board with his hands on his hips, very gravely considering your dilemma and what would be the best way to get you out of it. you two talk about plot holes like it's the most serious thing in the world and he just nods like a proud father once you both find a solution


at this point he's like. a professional tea and coffee and biscuits supplier due to the amount of snack runs he does for you. has walked in on you lying face down on the floor during a meltdown one too many times to bat an eye anymore. also great at helping you block out actions during scenes like. he's the perfect doll. lets you maneuver him into the weirdest positions in the world with zero complaints. he just loves helping you however he can, really. 


reads through your drafts whilst you're in the middle of writing, accidentally gets hooked and is begging you every day to finish the novel bc he really wants to know what happens next. he's the best at spotting inconsistencies and plot holes in ur writing so before you even send it off to your beta reader, he gets to have his hands on the manuscript to check for any changes needed. also bc he needs to read the ending asap otherwise he'll probably combust. 

How Seventeen Act With Their Writer S/o

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