Tsuyu Headcanons - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

does class 1-a sing in the shower (part one)

do aoyama, ashido, asui, iida, and uraraka sing in the shower bath?

part one - you are here!

part two - ojiro, kaminari, kirishima, koda, sato

part three - shouji, jirou, sero, tokoyami, todoroki

part four - hagakure, bakugou, midoriya, mineta, yaoyorozu


aoyama yuuga: yes

can often be heard belting out a showtune

this kid is l o u d

and has a giant vocal range

three words

“defying gravity riff”

over and over and over

often forgets that he lives with 19 of his classmates and 1 teacher

ashido mina: no

i think she dances though


dances in the bath

she hums along to her playlist

all filled with 2000s bops ofc

asui tsuyu: no

bath time is not singing time

she just soaks in the tub

no thoughts

no anything

just her and the water

iida tenya: no

doesn’t sing to begin with


are iida’s engines waterproof?

in the pool episode, he didn’t touch the water at all

plus his engines were activated


i’ve got it

iida plastic wraps his legs

spends 30 minutes with a whole roll

wrapping his calves

then he gets into the tub

uraraka ochako: no

sorry but her voice isn’t very good

sadly she’s aware of that fact

she loves playing around with her skincare routine though

there’s just a mountain of soaps and lotions and scrubs in the baths

who’s paying for it though?

a certain pro hero father...perhaps

mastermind shoto coming in clutch

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