Boku No Hero Academia Headcanons - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Requests are open!

It was a long time, phew, but I'm finally finished all of your requests, it was 20 in total I think, thank you everyone!

With that, I'm open for requests again!

I have a Prompt List, and if you like my work, you can support me on Ko-Fi!~ I'm open for commissions here too!

But there's something we have to talk about.

From these 20 requests, there was at least 3 or 4 that arrived after I closed my box. Since this was the first time when I received requests after closing my box, I did them, but in the future, I won't.

From your phone, you can see the status of the box on the top of the page, under my profile picture, and from PC, you can see it two places, on the left side under the picture again, and on the top of the page too.

Please, pay attention to this next time! I'm not angry or anything, so don't worry about it! 💖

Also, I updated my rules for more options, please check them out!~

Send me anything babies, take care and have a good day/night,

xoxo, Chantal

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1 year ago

Characters I think are autistic bc I, an autistic person, say so:

- my OCs. All of them

- all of the Winx Club gals

- Apple White, Madline Hatter, Cerise Hood (Ever After High)

- Rhodonite and Padparacha (Steven Universe)

- Frisk (Undertale)

- Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug)

- all of Wonderland x Showtime, and Mafuyu Asahina from Nightcord at 25:00 (Project Sekai: Colourful Stage)

- Izuku Midoriya, Ochako Uraraka, Hitoshi Shinsou (Boku No Hero Academia)

- Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Skootaloo (My Little Pony)

if i say a character is autistic then i am correct and they are. these things come to me in divine visions and i do know more than you actually

Tags :
4 years ago

pining — bakugou katsuki

— info :: bakugou x gn!reader ; sfw ; slight angst & humour ; 3.13k words.

— contents :: quirkless reader ; bakugou’s pov ; one-sided attraction ; bakugou being bakugou ; well-meaning wingmen bakusquad.

— synopsis :: katsuki hates the way you make him feel.

— note :: this is my first time writing bnha, let alone bakugou, I hope I do it justice
 if you read this, thank you, I hope you like it! :)


katsuki swears he hates you.

to be honest, he’d rather hate you, than feel like
 this about you.

he’s convinced you’re messing with him. your quirk must make it so, because there’s no other reason why he feels his body heat up, his heart beat quicker somewhere deep in his chest, every time he thinks of you. you’re definitely doing it on purpose.

it’s that damned shopping trip to blame.

the girls had dragged everyone out to have some bonding time, which is the shittiest excuse katsuki has ever heard for splurging and buying pretty dessert that clogs up arteries. he’d have skipped out on it, but raccoon eyes begged kirishima, who in turn begged katsuki.

that’s another thing that pisses him off; remembering exactly how the other boy had convinced him. really, he couldn’t give less of a shit about something like romance, but of course the extras are going out of their mind about how popular they are with their preferred gender, and of course they had to drag him into it.

no, he doesn’t care at all, but it hurts his ego pride to entertain the idea that he might not be #1 at something even as petty as that.

hell, he doesn’t even care about being #1, as long as he’s doing better than deku.

but he’s not blind. cheeks is obsessed with the green haired idiot, her heart probably having a taste of her own quirk and shooting off into the universe fluttering madly every time she looks at him.

it’s like the world is out to get him, because not only did he have to accompany all the losers to their stupid trip, but he also had to, under duress, with that goal in mind? really? grade schoolers, the whole lot of them.

what he hates most about the whole thing is you, though.

and you’re doing exactly the things he hates.

ever since you stumbled across deku during that trip, tapped him on the shoulder and smiled at him, it’s like you punched katsuki in the gut. he can’t forget the way you’d looked so meek, but still somehow comfortable around deku, and he’d be damned if he doesn’t hate that.

and for the life of him, he can’t recall ever seeing you during his days in middle school. you claimed that you’d been classmates with deku – and by extension, katsuki – for an entire year, and deku sure seems to recognise you. but katsuki doesn’t. deku lights up like a stupid bulb, but katsuki does not.

he hadn’t needed to know details about any of the dumb extras that had infested middle school, more so any of them who didn’t already seem to know that he is the best. that must’ve been why he didn’t know you. there weren’t too many people who didn’t believe in his worth, but the ones who didn’t
 they weren’t special enough for him to remember. they could never prove him wrong, after all. they were nothing.

but you.

he hates you. he strongly dislikes you. he can’t stand you.

and you seem to love that shitty deku.

no, it’s not the same kind of emotion that uraraka holds for him.

you absolutely adore that girl too, and she treats you nicely enough despite the wary look in her eyes initially, when she thought she was being subtle while hovering around deku.

no, katsuki hasn’t been observing. especially not because he’s interested. he is literally just looking out for himself, because he doesn’t want to be blindsided just because he wasn’t careful of some scheming pest.

the pest in question being you.

you’re already wreaking havoc on his mind, full of nothing but thoughts of you, other than being #1. he would never give up on that, no matter how much you make his heart pound and palms sweat.

you’re kinda helpful for his quirk, actually, and that’s the only reason he hasn’t already blasted you off into nothingness. the accelerated heart rate does wonders for him. but he doesn’t want to credit you either for something he could achieve with his own hard work.

he can definitely credit you for being the most annoying idiot that he knows, though. your quirk is painful, because late at night when he’s alone, he’s hit by images of your face. you hang out so much with his classmates now, he can’t help it. he can’t even sleep peacefully, because when he does fall asleep, his often dreamless nights are swapped out for stupid sequences produced by his subconscious involving you, because of your silly little quirk that you think katsuki is unaware of.

it gets worse.

he finds out you’re quirkless.

he storms up to you when he’s had enough. not only do you go to a school quite near theirs, but you also always have time to meet up, and isn’t that super convenient for whatever grand scheme you’ve concocted in order to try and take down bakugou katsuki.

it’s a half-growled and half-whispered, threat-filled one-sided conversation between him and you when he asks you to stop whatever you’re trying to do. you, being the infuriating person that you are, just tilt your head and stare at him in confusion. in the name of all might, that should not make his heart skip a beat, because he doesn’t have any intention of using his quirk right now. he just wants you to stop using yours. that’s all he’s there for.

but then you just shrug slightly, that damned nervous smile plastered on your face that you’ve barely been showing anymore, now that you’re comfortable with the extras. you shake your head when he asks you, as nicely as he can, to stop whatever messed up thing you like doing to him.

“this your way of trying to win against me? you can’t,” he grits through his teeth, fingers itching to create little explosions. he’s not going to show his off when asking you to call yours off. he won’t—

you tell him you have no idea what he’s talking about, because you’re as quirkless as they come.

with all the strength that he can muster within himself to not have an outburst, he asks you to repeat yourself.

you do. “i’m quirkless.”

in the end, he can’t help himself, and sets off a series of minute explosions that have you hopping back, out of his arm’s reach. as if he’d harm you with them, he thinks while glaring at you.

katsuki would like to say that he got over it quickly, but it takes a while, truthfully. at first he can’t wrap his mind around the fact that you’re quirkless, because then every thought of you that’s haunted him the past few months is without explanation.

you being quirkless literally opens up so many other questions. if you’re quirkless, then who’s to blame for everything happening to him? is it someone else at fault? are you just stupid and oblivious and unaware of your own quirk? did it manifest late? did someone grant it to you? there are so many questions, and things are still the same, if not worse. he barely thinks of anything else.

at least he can write it off in the name of being better at defending himself from stray quirks affecting him.

he hates it, but he asks kirishima, very subtly, if he’s heard of anyone whose quirk has the effects katsuki hates suffering from. the stupid redhead simply looks him dead in the eye and says that it sounds like the case of a bad crush quirk, something out of cheap romance novels which might be quite dangerous in practice, before proceeding to ask katsuki why he’s curious about it. bless his stupid soul, sometimes, because he completely buys the lie katsuki feeds him.

he didn’t want to have to convince kirishima that he doesn’t have a crush. because he doesn’t want to even entertain the idea of having a crush on stupid little you.

especially when you barely even give him the time of day anymore.

well, you’ve never really been the closest to him, nor does he want that, thank you very much! but it seems like the only time you and him ever had a proper conversation was when he asked you about your quirk, and that too ended badly, with barely any words exchanged. but at least you used to smile at him. not that he liked it or anything, but it was better than you giving him the cold shoulder.

are the extras actually more interesting to you than katsuki is? he’s a little miffed if that’s the case. but whenever he talks, you hear him, sometimes even respond to him, so perhaps it’s not a matter of ignoring him.

it’s just one thing you do.

you avoid his eyes.

it’s subtle enough that no one else notices, and the first few times he sees you look away when your eyes meet his, his breath catches in his throat and he’s almost too shocked to breathe in.

he knows that he’s not done anything to warrant that reaction from you. perhaps you’re simply realising after a long time that he’s the one you should be paying attention to, rather than all the extras. and perhaps it’s easier for you to pay attention to him with your ears rather than your eyes. he can understand that. your eyes seem to have that effect on him too; it’s entirely possible that this way is easier for you to focus on him.

maybe he makes you nervous.

there are so many maybes, but that thought still makes a grin tug at his lips, seeing which kirishima almost gets nervous. yeah, he’s getting cocky.

but that’s fine. he doesn’t plan on approaching you yet.

after all, if you’re into him, you should be brave enough to tell him.

honestly, it’s completely the electric eel’s fault. really, it’s 100% his fault because he thinks it’s fun to talk about stupid shit around katsuki. stupid shit like you possibly having a crush on deku, even though all signs say otherwise.

katsuki was willing to overlook that, but then raccoon eyes decided to encourage that hypothesis, and soon the idiots around him were talking in hushed whispers about deku’s supposed fanclub. such a situation definitely warranted katsuki blowing up their asses during training.

katsuki hates training with deku with a burning passion, but such a situation also warranted going up to him and demanding that he train with katsuki. if only he’d had enough mind to notice that the class was ending. if only he’d not run his mouth—

“they’ll never even look at you.”

deku doesn’t know shit about what katsuki just said, looking at him like he grew another head – which pisses him off even more – but kirishima and the rest of them know—

they know that katsuki is still hung up over that stupid conversation from days back, and they also know something’s up, and katsuki hates himself for being an idiot.

they corner him, as impossible as that sounds. katsuki would’ve blasted them off into outer space but they literally pile up onto him, clinging and refusing to let go of him even when he threatens to beat their ass again. curse sero’s tape.

katsuki would like to say that he fends them all off and throws them off his case. unfortunately, that does not happen. they find out a few things that day. thankfully, the only things they do find out are: you really get on katsuki’s nerves, and you also have a silly little crush on him.

“for real? are you sure?” ashido asks, eyebrows knit together like it’s something particularly unbelievable, and kaminari nods along uncertainly.

katsuki scoffs. “no other reason why they can’t look me in the eye.”

“i mean, you are kinda scary
” sero starts, but one glare from the scary person in question has him trailing off.

kirishima politely provides, “he’s manly!” and the conversation ends there.

oh, but the scheming doesn’t end.

kaminari is a bloody idiot, and encouraged by the equally idiotic sero, both of them come up with various scenarios wherein you and katsuki could stumble into each other, completely coincidentally, as if katsuki can’t hear them gossiping right behind him.

he ends up having to intervene when they get increasingly creative, which only means disaster in katsuki’s book.

“i’ll just wait.” he simply shrugs, watching the idiots get confused.

“fun to watch them squirm when they think they’re being subtle,” he offers further, and kirishima gives him a disapproving look, mumbling something about sadists.

“bakugou,” ashido stares at him critically, opening and shutting her mouth many times before eventually asking, “do you like them?”

after several more explosions, katsuki’s heart beating too fast in his chest, the sweat beading at his temples written off as part of his quirk, he’s able to dispel the idea from her mind.

he’ll never like someone like you.

and he’s still wary of you in the secret corner of his mind, not sure why he reacts the way he does to you. he’s not stupid, he knows what a crush is and how it works, but he really can’t see himself being attracted to you at all.

it has to be something someone concocted to get him weak, but they’re not going to succeed.

even if not having your eyes on him pisses him off more, making him feel irrational and prone to dangerous stunts and outbursts. even if not seeing you around much makes him feel like there’s not much to show off to. even if he really doesn’t feel like there’s anything worth showing off when he spies poor little you hanging around his classmates, quirkless and gentle.


katsuki hates being wrong.

katsuki hates knowing he’s wrong.

katsuki barely ever is wrong.

but when he is, he messes up completely.

if he were to possess the ability to correct one thing, he’d just lock up the idiots who call themselves his friends, and not let them near you.

they notice your little mannerisms too, of course they do when katsuki himself told them that you like him. they notice that you don’t meet his eyes and prefer staying away from him, but still respond to him whenever he talks. they notice that you don’t seem to fear him like some people do; almost as if you’re comfortable with him.

and they also notice things he wishes they didn’t notice, like the way his skin reddens imperceptibly when he sees you, and the way he makes an effort to not blast things up too much in your vicinity.

(it’s not really much use anymore, unfortunately.)

it’s definitely kaminari who is to blame; he always is for everything. katsuki doesn’t need any more reason to want to absolutely pummel him, because with the tape idiot’s encouragement, he bounces up to you one day and asks the dreaded question.

“what do you think of bakugou?” the blond asks, grinning from ear to ear as if he’s done something wonderful, but the way your eyebrow creases in confusion makes katsuki’s heart skip a beat. erratic. he doesn’t know what to make of the expression on your face. and no, he’s not waiting for your response, dammit. he’s 100% busy ignoring everyone. he can’t let you know all of his attention is on him, especially when you’re about to turn your head to look in his direction.

“he’s okay,” the words eventually leave your mouth, and he almost snorts. just okay? are you stupid, or just pretending to be? he knows your vocabulary is bigger than that.

“don’t you
” kaminari leans in dramatically, and katsuki has to strain his ears to hear—

“don’t you like him?”

well, hell. guess someone missed the tact memo.

that’s fine, though, katsuki’s okay with that. maybe letting you shyly avoid him isn’t the best course of action when you refuse to make a move.

you let out a non-committal noise, prompting another round of questions. the way you further get confused and respond with questions of your own makes something nag at the back of katsuki’s mind.

there’s something steadily sinking, and said sinking feeling grows the longer you talk to the electric idiot. by this point, katsuki has realised he’s missing something, but he’s still confident that it’s nothing he can’t overlook at this crucial moment when you spill the beans.

“my dear, sweet y/n, don’t you like bakugou?!” kaminari finally exclaims, possibly frustrated, and katsuki internally wheezes. he’s preoccupied with what you’ll say next, so laughing at the idiot’s expense takes a back seat.

he has to hand it to you; you’re really hard to crack, and it’s almost annoying. katsuki’s tempted to just burst his way over to you and demand a clear confession.

the answer isn’t something he’s expecting.

“not that he’s not, y’know, nice and all,” you babble, clearly stalling. you exhale at the same time as katsuki inhaling, and he holds his breath, waiting for the shoe to drop. really, maybe kaminari isn’t so bad if he can actually weasel the truth out of you with his stupid self.

“it’s just
 he’s kind of scary. i try not to get in his way.”

kaminari seems just as stumped as katsuki feels in that moment.

 the way you act around him

well said, pikachu.

“oh.” that single word feels a bit like a gunshot. “oh, oh, i see. oh, no.” you need to stop saying ‘oh’ so many times, as if that changes anything.

“i’m sure he’s a good guy, but nope, i’m not interested in him romantically. i only act so awkward around him because that’s exactly how he makes me feel. i don’t even know him that well.”

can you stop twisting the knife?

“bakugou noticed,” kaminari mumbles, loud enough that katsuki hears. the words sound like they’re laced with pity. katsuki hates it, but what he hates more is how the idiot’s voice lowers to a whisper to say something to you that he really can’t hear from the distance.

katsuki also hates how your lips part and understanding dawns on your face.

he hates how your eyes meet his, head-on, because he completely forgot to look busy and has been gawking at you for the past few minutes. he hates how your eyes widen before a wary expression crosses your face.

katsuki hates the way you make him feel.

“is that what he’s passing it off as?” you ask, loud enough that he can hear. you’re not making an effort to lower your voice either.

kaminari does not respond to you, and you let out a short laugh, no doubt incredulous.

katsuki feels something within himself snap.

he leaves the room.


— note :: feedback is appreciated! :) I like this open ending because there’s a lot that can happen with it, let me know if anyone wants to see more of this! thanks for reading! :) ETA: if you’re interested in a continuation, you can read “honey”! :)


Tags :
4 years ago

honey — bakugou katsuki

— info :: bakugou x gn!reader ; sfw ; fluff & humour ; 6.04k words.

— contents :: quirkless reader ; reader’s pov ; scheming friends ; dumbass!reader ; slight cussing ; confessions.

— synopsis :: if there’s one thing that you have in common with bakugou katsuki, it’s obliviousness to the other’s feelings. a haunted house is the best place to resolve misunderstandings.

— note :: it’s been a while; I finally finished this!! :D it’s a continuation to bakugou’s “pining”, and I’d suggest reading that first for the full experienceℱ but there are hints dropped throughout “honey” to give you an idea of what happened! I hope y’all like this! :)


quite honestly, you've got to be the biggest idiot possible.

really, you had the best chance.

it’s not like confessing to bakugou katsuki would be that bad, right? the most he’d do is turn you down with a scoff and then go back to pretending you don’t exist while chasing his heroic dreams.

he’s not big on humiliating people unless they’re— a: aspiring heroes, or b: midoriya izuku.

he definitely wouldn’t lord it over your head and tease you about it.

kaminari really gave you the best opportunity to get things out in the open!

and you let it slip through your fingers like an idiot.

furthermore, you really did also say that you have absolutely no romantic interest in the explosive pretty boy. you acted like the idea of harboring any feelings towards him shocked you. you also acted like he was the weird one for thinking you liked him.

while having a raging crush on him which really makes your heart beat and bounce around in your ribcage as if getting a firsthand taste of his quirk.

have you mentioned that you’re an idiot?

right, you have done that enough times, so maybe the next step is to explain why.

you’d been out running an errand when you’d come across midoriya izuku.

midoriya; the only other quirkless student in your year, in junior high. you’d never talked much to him, but you’d felt a sense of camaraderie with him whenever you saw him. the school was small enough that you could count the number of quirkless people on one hand.

you and deku were included in that number.

the only reason why you didn’t get picked on for the reasons he did was because you never wanted to be a hero.

and you avoided bakugou katsuki like the plague.

to be honest, you hated him at first.

you’d seen it all, but hadn’t been able to do anything other than giving midoriya a few words of comfort which felt hollow to your own ears. you still blamed yourself a little for having never helped him properly.

you loathed bakugou for being as powerful as he was, as arrogant and stuck up as he was, and for being the petty bully who really thought he was better than someone just because of a quirk.

you were bitter. not because you didn’t have a quirk, but because people like him made people like you feel like you weren’t worth anything.

that’s why, when you chanced upon midoriya after such a long time, you were elated.

you were so happy when you found out that he really did have what it takes to be a hero.

if you deliberately ignored bakugou, then that’s entirely on him and not on you.

you won’t be taking responsibility for things that aren’t your fault.

you were also wary of him.

you didn’t want him to blow you up if you so much as smiled at him.

not that he deserved seeing your smile anyway.

that’s what you told yourself right in the beginning. and that’s what came to bite you in the ass, because some days you have to do your best to conceal your smile at the mention of the stupid explosive boy’s name.

he really does scare you, you didn’t lie about that. but despite that, your brain thinks that it’s fun to get flustered over someone who scares you. just a little bit! he’s losing that scariness rapidly in all situations except when you’ve seen him in action as a budding hero. you just get worried that he’s going to take one look at you and decide that you’re getting in his way, a nuisance to everyone, and whatever else he can think of you.

in all honesty, you’re aware that he was an idiot in middle school, and the majority of his issues stemmed from his convoluted relationship with midoriya. if midoriya himself can forgive him, then you don’t really have a reason to hold grudges. and you know he’s grown. he’s matured to an extent you never expected from him, but perhaps that’s how he goes through life.

exceeding expectations is something he’s great at.

and he’s grown into someone wonderfully inspiring, if not intimidating.

—juuuust a little!

uraraka finds out first.

you love that girl, but you could do without her knowing about your embarrassing crush on one bakugou katsuki.

if only she’d actually helped you out, instead of teasing you subtly to the point that you couldn’t even stay in the same room as bakugou—to the point that you vehemently denied any sort of interest in him when midoriya innocently brought up the other boy in a conversation.

it becomes a reflex to avoid anything related to bakugou and romance in the same space. which is how you landed yourself in the mess with kaminari.

so you’re going to blame uraraka. she’s definitely at fault! it’s not your wimpy self to blame!

“uraraka,” you end up mumbling into the phone, rocking back and forth while hiding your face against your knees, wishing to be swallowed whole.

“uraraka, i told kaminari that i don’t like him.” despite having promised yourself that you won’t bring the whole thing up with her, you can’t help it. she’s still your precious friend that you’re very fond of, and the same friend who wrangled out from you all of your embarrassing opinions of him.

“uraraka, he’s going to hate me now. he’s going to think i don’t think he’s cool or strong, or whatever else that might hurt his pride. he’s going to completely stop paying attention to me now!”

you may claim that you blame her, but you’re aware that she’s not at fault. she always tries hyping you up when you’re nervous and comforts you when you’re down. perhaps you’re taking advantage of her kindness, but you really don’t want to be left alone with your thoughts. and it really is her fault for being so encouraging when it comes to dealing with your feelings for bakugou katsuki.

so when your friend just wordlessly hums in response for the third time, your fingers clench in your hair and you let out a frustrated sigh. raising your pitch obnoxiously, you whine, “uraraka!”

“i love you, but if you call my name like that one more time i will tell deku.”

you freeze, not sure if she means telling him about your not-so-little crush, or merely the fact that you like singing uraraka’s name. she laughs mischievously, clearing up your confusion much too quickly, prompting you to let out frantic apologies and make her promise that she won’t let the cat out of the bag.

“really, though,” you mumble, “he didn’t even remember me. he asked me if i was messing with him using my quirk. i had to tell him i was quirkless and then deal with his anger.”

that gets her attention in an entirely different manner. she sounds positively incensed when she asks you why it matters if you’re quirkless, and you give her reasons that sound weak to your own ears.

“and how are you messing with him?”

that leads to you telling her about one of your earlier interactions with bakugou, back when you’d first started being friends with midoriya’s class. you mention how you were about ready to pass out when bakugou’s question registered in your mind and you had to tell him you were quirkless, before you’re back to bemoaning the conversation with kaminari.

and something clicks.

not in your brain.

but in uraraka’s.

it’s not just you avoiding bakugou.

bakugou avoids you like the plague.

the sensible part of you is relieved, but another, bigger and dumber, part of you is hurt. of course he’d avoid you if his friend asked you if you liked him, and you said you didn’t.

but ouch, you really didn’t expect it to hurt this much.

not that something like this should even matter to him, right? maybe it’s you who’s suddenly noticing that he avoids you, because now you have a reason to fixate on rather than trying to lie to yourself that bakugou is not entirely indifferent to you. he really has no reason to pay attention to you.

it all makes sense, but it doesn’t stop you from feeling saddened every time bakugou blatantly ignores you. nor does it stop you from going out of your mind wondering why kaminari, too, seems to avoid you at all costs. it’s not like you said you didn’t like him!

yes, it makes sense perfectly. but not to you.

it makes absolutely no sense to you.

midoriya’s advancing steadily in his hero career with uraraka’s help, because the latter convinces you to come meet up with the two of them on a rare day out, and the former conveniently drags bakugou out too.

really, such heroics, all for a friend’s pathetic love life? how heartwarming.

you’re still in shock at how easy it was, and god, you don’t want to think about the implications, with the way bakugou’s eyes flit from one to the other when he’s not looking at you.

you also don’t want to admit that you’re stealing glances out of the corner of your eye at the blond when you don’t feel his eyes boring into you.

talk about awkward.

you’ve always been enamoured by how smart bakugou actually is, but it works against you when he corners you after uraraka and midoriya mysteriously vanish under the guise of training.

(that too at an arcade, because gaming supposedly helps achieve better reflex. why is a quirkless person with no interest in being a hero even invited to this outing? one will never know. the only games being played here are with your frayed self-control.)

“oi, if you’re gonna avoid me, don’t be so obvious about it.”

“a—? avoid you?” you practically squeak, and his annoyance seems to increase. there’s something else that you can’t really put a finger to. you’d say he almost looks agitated? but there’s nothing to agitate himself over

unless he still thinks you’ve got a raging crush on him.

“nope!” you hastily respond before realising he’s not even said anything to you, but hey, it’s as good an answer to his complaint about you avoiding him.

why’s he complaining, anyway? shouldn’t he be glad no one’s getting in his way?

you ask as much, and he all but growls, words escaping him as you take a step back. bakugou is more susceptible to dramatics than one would think. you used to find it funny, but when such behaviour is aimed at you, you’re not sure how to respond.

“you think you can actually get in my way?” he bursts out, and you make a show of thinking about it, when internally every single one of your brain cells is rioting, self-composure in shambles as you’re rudely made aware of how little distance is between the two of you.

that’s fine, you’re strong, you’re not going to be weak in the face of bakugou katsuki’s incredibly attractive glower.

no, you’re not whipped, thank you very much, to the uraraka-shaped devil materialising in your mind.

ah, back to the matter at hand. it’s not possible for quirkless little you to get in his way, is it?


“aren’t you the one avoiding me?” you’re going to try and turn this situation around on him even if it means confronting things you don’t want to.

he scoffs in disbelief, but by that time you’ve worked up the courage to look at him, and you see the look in his eyes. you’ve spent enough time around him to know what that means, even if you barely ever look at him. he looks like he’s been caught, and isn’t that the funniest little thing?

he notices the twitch of your mouth, his own eyes narrowing as it’s your turn to be caught now.

“kaminari,” bakugou says in lieu of a response, and your heart jumps in your throat. you don’t mind dropping a subject if he doesn’t plan on grilling you on it too—changing the subject would be great, but he just picked one even worse than the last!

“he’s stupid, don’t pay attention to him.”

“uh huh, he sure is,” you laugh nervously. if you’d had your bearings about you, you’d never have said that. as it is, your mind is still shaken up and hoping that he doesn’t catch on to the fact that you are the stupid one.

you’re also very busy battling a smug uraraka and shouting at incompetent old you for swooning in the face of your biggest problem. and for, you know, missing that golden chance to confess without anxiety.

“look at me.”

nuh uh, nope, not possible. you’re not going to survive looking into his pretty eyes.

he lets out another frustrated sound, and you wait for him to blow up again—maybe even cause explosions. you wonder why he’s not been doing that lately.

he gets tired of your stalling, and surprises you by getting in your line of sight, locking eyes with you.

ah, impatience is such a gorgeous look on him.

and you’re insufferable.

“i am not avoiding you. why would i, idiot? there’s nothing i need to avoid you for.”

you nod, not quite believing him, but you really want to just move on from this. a part of you wonders if you should come clean. but bakugou really doesn’t seem like he wants to hear anything about that. it’s in the way his eyes flit away momentarily and his expression sours, and in the way he seems to be pushing himself to hold onto some shreds of self-control.

all you can do is nod, really.

“where’s deku?”

you’re barely able to carry on the conversation, making some excuse or the other as to your missing friend(s), doing your best to act like you don’t have a clue either. if he finds your behaviour suspicious, bakugou doesn’t comment on it.

he does comment on something else. again.

“you don’t have to keep avoiding me just because of pikachu either.”

really? there’s nothing better for him to talk about? you thought you were past this! and calling kaminari ‘pikachu’ is not that smart!

“pikachu was cute
” you mumble. and you need to be louder, because you don’t want bakugou leaning in any closer to hear you.

the proximity is doing things to you.

things like making you forget that he probably hates your guts and doesn’t want to spend time with you, nor talk to you, at all. things like how he’s probably upset at being stuck babysitting you while midoriya and uraraka are off who knows where. things like making you discuss the cute factor of a magic ball–inhabiting yellow electric creature when bakugou clearly means the boy who almost outed your silly crush.

the boy who was giving you the best opportunity to confess!!!

if there’s one person who will never let you forget that, it’s your own self.

bakugou makes a sound that almost sounds like laughter, but there’s no way, right?

he shuffles back slightly, making it that much easier to breathe before he drops another bomb.

“school festival.”

you blink.

“it’ll be next month. make sure you’re free.”

oh. the stupid part of you is internally rejoicing, but since there is no way that he’d actually ask you to come—

“a-are you asking me to visit

no no no, you didn’t mean to ask—

bakugou gives you a flat stare, and you gulp. so you were right for once.

you mull over it for a moment, the concrete under your feet extremely interesting before meeting his eyes again, “am i allowed to?”

“you practically live with us with how often i see you in the dorms. you think they’ll stop you now?” he snorts, rolling his eyes, but there’s not as much bite to his words as one would expect.

he has a point.

but you can’t really see reason when every single cell of your body is screaming ‘IT’S A DATE’ over and over again.

you groan, before swallowing back the sound. uh oh, bakugou’s going to think you don’t want to—

“come when you can.”

hands in his pockets, he walks off as if he wasn’t just making you go through all stages of panic.

uraraka tells you why she vanished. she was simply being a ‘good friend’ and trying to get you and bakugou to reconcile. you politely tell her it wasn’t required, especially because there wasn’t much that happened.

except the fact that he asked you to turn up to the festival, so that’s nice, at least.

uraraka doesn’t react as expected, again, and she utters the cursed words that you never wanted to hear out loud. “aw, a date!”

“uraraka, no!”

but it’s too late. it’s been said and now you can’t think of anything else. you know it’s not a date, any sane person would know that, but you can’t stop thinking of that one stupid word and bakugou and the school festival and spending time with bakugou at the festival—

 the festival— i’ll need to see him. i’ll see him having the time of his life while he’s in his element, i’ll see that infuriating face— i’ll have to spend time with him—”

“y/n,” uraraka gives you a look that’s the perfect amount of wary and pitying to make you embarrassed, but there are bigger things to worry about than your friend’s opinion of you.

“this is bakugou we’re talking about. he’s not that open about having fun unless it has something to do with murder.” the fact that he won’t be keen on spending time with you goes unsaid, but you know what she’s hinting at. “also, i don’t think you find his face as infuriating as you say.”

“still. bakugou katsuki. he
 told me to— agh—”

and you’re back to square one, where the very mention of bakugou katsuki has you confused out of your mind because you don’t know how to act around him.


time passes quicker when you’re hoping for the opposite, you find out when the days go by faster than you can blink. there’s just a week left before you have to see bakugou again, and it makes you nervous every time you think about it. which is a lot of times.

you’ve not seen the class in a while, since everyone told you they have a ‘surprise.’ you know they’re aiming to outdo their previous performance at the festival, you’re rooting for them. but without one of your main sources of entertainment, things haven’t been eventful.

except the conversation you have with kaminari over text, because of course he somehow procured your contact information and of course he felt like he had to make amends.

maybe you were expecting it because you were already on edge from when bakugou confronted you, but kaminari doesn’t beat around the bush and gets straight to the matter, which is quite unlike the last time you both talked. that time.

“haven’t got the chance to check in w/ u in a while, we’ve been crazy busy! i hope u’ve been well >:D” shifts to “we’re good, right?” sooner than you’d like, and you’re left staring at your screen in shock as you try to think of an innocuous response that doesn’t give away your true emotions.

kaminari is too quick, and he doesn’t even give you a chance to think of a lie before the next ping distracts you, leaving you staring at the latest message in horror; “blame bakugou! he’s the one who told us you like him! i’m really sorry! :(”

it’s nice of him to apologise, but you really have other things to think about.

like how it’s bakugou katsuki himself who apparently thought you had a crush on him.

he knew.

he knows.

he knows he knows he knows—

no, no, he doesn’t know. he can’t. maybe he was just suspicious.

and on the off chance that he does know, then of course. he’s smart. you’re stupidly obvious. of course he’d figure out.

but he doesn’t seem to hate you. he was the one who approached you every time! when he asked you to turn your quirk off, when he supposedly instructed kaminari to ask you if you liked him, and when he told you to visit for the festival.

you like to think that he’s just too busy training to even realise that you like him. you hope that’s the case. you can always come clean and admit that yes, you really do like him. but there’s also your lame excuse of a pride that remembers the unreadable expression on his face when he’d heard you then, before promptly leaving, the door shut slamming shut behind him.

perhaps it’s not your pride, but guilt. you don’t want to be annoying and get in his way. there are too many things going on in his life already, why would you want to add on to all of that with your silly lies? the same logic applies to a confession too, argues the part of you that lives and breathes denial.

looking at it from another perspective, bakugou likes the attention and admiration. maybe it would’ve been for the best if you’d just admitted—

it’s too late now, so the most you can do is type out a hasty response to kaminari before he suspects your silence.

“it’s totally ok. we’re good :DD will see you guys soon!”

it’s purely to hold yourself accountable and not weasel your way out of the inevitable trip, but kaminari’s enthusiastic response manages to bring a smile to your face.

the evening before the grand day, you call uraraka up before the jitters can defeat you. she doesn’t react much other than humming and speaking a few encouraging statements while you lament over your luck and try to subtly ask her how bakugou has been doing.

“i’m sure he’s
 excited.” you can practically feel the smile gracing her lips, and you know she’s having fun at your expense. when does she not?

you know she’s also having fun when she calls you a whiny complainer and says bakugou would probably blow up if he knew even a bit of it, and you – predictably – complain more, blaming her for meddling and bringing you to this point.

bakugou doesn’t need to know about your penchant for whining when things don’t go your way. you think he’s only ever seen you smiling and speaking politely with everyone, if he’s even been looking. that’s good, you don’t want him to find you bothersome. you’ve been doing your best to appear sophisticated around him.

no amount of complaining and whining could prepare you for when bakugou turns around and grabs at your wrist.

bakugou’s too close again—things are suddenly eventful.

“too damn slow, are you trying to get lost?” he grumbles as he pulls you through the throng of people, and you smile weakly, internally telling yourself to get your act together and not let on how frazzled you feel at that moment.

you don’t know whether it’s your own skin heating up under his touch, or if his quirk is responsible. for a moment, it reminds you of when he asked you if you’re using your quirk on him. it’s sudden enough that it makes you snort under your breath before you catch yourself. he gives you a quizzical look out of the corner of his eye, and you shrug, smiling lightly. that sates his curiosity, and he looks ahead again as he moves towards a predetermined destination.

it’s a lot easier to deal with his hand against yours after that. eventually, he lets go, and you find yourself missing the warmth for a moment.

the warmth completely leaves you when you find yourself in front of—

“a haunted house.”

“congrats. we’re going in. let’s see how shitty it is.”

you get the sinking suspicion that he plans to rip everyone’s confidence to shreds, and you don’t want to be around for that, but he doesn’t give you a chance to protest. you’re not supposed to be overstaying your welcome or overstepping your boundaries either, so you resign yourself to following him around quietly and perhaps apologising to his victims if he goes too far.

you’re his only victim.

you only make your way through a few scares before you get the scare.

bakugou katsuki promptly turns to you, glaring. you, being the genius that you are, take a step away from him. this continues till you’re best friends with the wall, and you try not to panic at the feeling of something slimy now clinging to your shoulder.

how can you, anyway? you’ve got bakugou staring at you with a contemplative look, almost as if he’s looking into your very soul.

“you talked to the idiot.”

“there are many idiots,” you mumble, knowing full well which idiot he’s referring to. you hope kaminari hasn’t tricked you yet again. did bakugou put him up to that conversation— there are too many things you don’t feel you have in yourself to think about.

something changes, then, and he lets out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. he seems agitated, almost awkward, and you wonder why.

“you piss me off.”

huh? is he talking about how much you get in his way and bother him and make things hard for him and—

“kirishima told me.”

did another person figure out about your crush? kirishima’s always seemed really sweet, and you don’t think he’s the kind that would deliberately spill any secrets. it wouldn’t be manly, right?

“he told me i should apologise.”

“huh?” you really can’t hold it in. why is he the one apologising? shouldn’t you
? and why is he apologising by telling you that you piss him off?

“he said i shouldn’t have put you on the spot and then avoided you. dunno why he thinks he has any say in the matter but you know what i realised? maybe you think like that too. maybe you’re,” he spreads apart his fingers before making a fist and scowling at it, “hurt. and you really did avoid me after that.”

you don’t say anything, still stuck on how constipated he’d looked just moments ago. you’re not supposed to be amused right now.

“oi, say something. aren’t you gonna deny it?”

still nothing.

“say something before i leave this place without you.” your incredulity shows on your face, and he huffs, “what do you want?”

 i don’t need an apology
 everything’s okay
” it’s not, but you don’t want him to look further into this. there’s no point. “i’m not hurt, bakugou. there’s no reason for you to apologise.”

“then why’re you still acting so jumpy? i told you, just forget about what the electric idiot said and go on merrily through life. i told him not to bring it up with you again.”

“he said you told them i like you.”

he mutters something under his breath, no doubt cursing his friend out after you throw him under the bus. but he doesn’t let it affect him, straightening up again as he looks at you.

“miscalculation,” he shrugs, “i told them to drop it after you said you didn’t.”

“you believe me?” you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, but it slips out before you can stop yourself.

“no shit. you telling me you lied?”

you gulp. all of a sudden, the slimy wall is so interesting!

“stop avoiding my eyes, dammit!” bakugou comments, frustrated, and you inhale sharply.

“stop making me so nervous, then!”

uh oh. you shouldn’t have said that. it’s the game changer.

“i make you nervous?”

you don’t answer, hoping he drops it. he doesn’t, and he repeats the question. still, you can’t crumble just because he looks impatient, and you shrug non-committally. something tells you that the situation is steadily turning against you.

”hey, tell me. i make you nervous?” his grin is absolutely roguish as he waits for you to answer.

you still don’t speak, telling yourself that you won’t rise to the bait, you won’t respond to him because you’ve said way more than you needed to—

“weakling,” he sing-songs, and your jaw clenches.

“being nervous around someone isn’t necessarily a sign of weakness, bakugou. sometimes it’s also a sign of being wise.” there goes your plan.

“hah, are you saying that you’re wise for being nervous and avoiding me? what am i gonna do, eat you?”

“i don’t know, maybe executive some explosive murderous strategies?”

“i wouldn’t do that,” he spits out, running a hand through his hair. why is every pore of him screaming agitation? “it’s no fun defeating you when we’re not even competing.”

“oh really? then what’s your idea of fun?”

“when you tell me i make you nervous even though i’m not doing anything.”

“aren’t you supposed to be apologising to me?”

he snorts, “never. i only told you what some idiot thinks. but i can understand why you avoid me, i make you nervous after all.”

his self-satisfied laughter infuriates you, yet makes your own lips twitch.

he lets out a put-upon sigh, and scuffles the floor with his shoe.

“me too, dumbass.”


“you make me nervous too, idiot.”


face mere centimetres away from yours, he lowers his voice to a whisper, “i’ll only say this once, so keep your ears open if you want to know. i miscalculated. i thought you had a thing for me because you didn’t meet my damn eyes always gave pretty answers whenever you talked to me. but you didn’t. i was
” he gulps before clearing his throat, sounding far too aggressive in that moment before he practically grits out: “projecting. i was projecting because i’m apparently into you.”

you stare at him speechlessly. try as you might, you can’t think of a response. you don’t even know what he means by the last bit. surely he couldn’t mean
? why you, of all people? but you’re worried he might leave, his threat from earlier still rings clear. so you resign yourself into taking his words at face value and admitting the truth.

no, it’s not resignation. it’s the resolve you’ve been lacking for a while now, finally coming together after hearing that from bakugou. even if this is a cruel prank, you’ll survive. you just need to get it out before it consumes you and ends up being a what-if, years down the line.

“you may have projected, but it wasn’t a miscalculation. it’s
 not entirely
 unreciprocated. the feeling is mutual, you could say.”

it’s out now, and you’re alright. the ground doesn’t swallow you up, bakugou katsuki doesn’t blast you headfirst into slimy walls. nothing happens. the moment remains suspended in time, or perhaps time is suspended in that moment.

bakugou’s eyes narrow as he mulls over your words. he glares at you again. it’s muted.

“if it’s reciprocated, shouldn’t you be doing your best to cling to me every chance you get?”

him being reasonable and quiet puts you at ease. the words come out more easily.

“shouldn’t you have done the same?” he scoffs at your question, but doesn’t offer a response, so you continue, ”bakugou, you know why you avoided me, and i know why i avoided you. i didn’t want to get in your way. and i didn’t want anyone else to catch onto it.”

“was deku in on it?”

you know how he’ll respond if he knows midoriya had an inkling before him, so you hastily dispel the suspicion from his mind.

“you said you don’t know me well.”

“bakugou, you didn’t even remember me when we first met,” you reason with him, and he scowls. “it applies to both of us; we really don’t know each other enough.”

taking a deep breath, you continue, “as for the rest of it, i panicked. i admit i didn’t deal with the conversation as well as i should’ve, and some of the things that i said weren’t the nicest. i know it was hurtful even to kaminari, but i couldn’t help it.”

bakugou scoffs, “if anyone’s hurting, it’s only him. not that he has any reason to be.”

you wince as you’re reminded of the texts the boy sent you. now that you’re thinking clearly, you feel slightly bad for having been cold to him, and lied. but there are bigger matters at hand.

“you actually remember that conversation?”

“no shit, why else would i ask?”

 why? why do you remember it? that makes me feel a little guil–ty
” you trail off as sparks fly off his fingers, the explosion possibly unintentional. it allows you to see his face clearly in the dark, and the red tint to his ears surprises you. he’s glaring at the wall, not meeting your eyes, and your heart promptly melts.

“aw, bakugou, i didn’t know you cared—”

“shut the hell up!”

you wait for him to calm down as he sets off more explosions, but the smile on your face refuses to leave. he doesn’t seem to mind it either even as he glares at you, because there’s no harshness in his eyes.

“this doesn’t mean we’re dating,” he eventually declares, and you raise an eyebrow. “i won’t spend my time on things like that. we like each other, big deal.”

“i just said whatever you feel is not entirely unreciprocated. who says i like you?” you ask in a rare show of humour as you roll your eyes teasingly. sobering up, you nod slightly, “you could’ve worded it better, but i understand what you mean.” you hold up a hand to stop him from interrupting you. “don’t worry, i have no intention of getting in the way of something you’ve wanted practically your entire life, bakugou. it’d be stupid of me. and i know neither of us are ready for that level of commitment yet. it’s enough if we— you know
” you look at him pointedly, not wanting to utter the words. but it’s bakugou katsuki, and he’s run out of patience from after all the teasing you’ve subjected him to.

“it’s enough if we what—? tell me, i don’t know.” he leans in again, the petty side of him thriving. you’re starting to get used to his proximity; it’s what you tell yourself but you barely stop yourself from averting your eyes.

“i’m just saying it’s enough if we like each other. we can get to know each other slowly and that’s it. we don’t need to jump into something that has a low success rate in the first place.” he gives you an incredulous stare, and you elaborate, whistling, “high school flings are mostly just flings, bakugou.” it’s not the truth, but it’s not entirely a lie.

he makes a face at you. eventually, he exhales.

“so? you like me? can i ‘pass it off’ as that?”

“will you ever let that go?” you groan, and he only responds with a cocky tilt to his lips. “yes, i like you. i wonder why i do,” you huff. “why’d you bring me to a haunted house of all places?”

“so you could get scared and beg me to save you.”

(you make a note to yourself to tell uraraka later that it wasn’t a date. but truthfully, you’re not disappointed about that.)

you stare at him, unamused. “you scare me much more than any haunted house could.”

“then stop getting scared!”

from the way his face is angled away from yours, you’d almost think he’s pouting. your eyes move between his face and the steam—

you wait for his hand to stop steaming before reaching forward and taking hold of it.

you give him a wry smile.

he returns the gesture with the same wild eyes and disarming grin that first drew you to him.

word got out that someone had been threatening a visitor in the haunted house. bakugou’s friends are convinced that you both had another fallout—kaminari is too scared to even look in your direction. good for you, because he misses every time you and bakugou lock eyes.

you frequently find yourself stifling laughter.


— note :: thanks for reading!! :) please let me know how this was; a lot of effort went into it and I’m not sure how to feel about this, so feedback is really appreciated! :)

— taglist :: @kur0samu​ ; @mylife-demonstrates-murphys-law​ & @sorrythatspussynal​ ; @i-need-air​. If you want to be removed from or added to my taglist (for bnha or all works), please send an ask. :)


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4 years ago

does class 1-a sing in the shower (part one)

do aoyama, ashido, asui, iida, and uraraka sing in the shower bath?

part one - you are here!

part two - ojiro, kaminari, kirishima, koda, sato

part three - shouji, jirou, sero, tokoyami, todoroki

part four - hagakure, bakugou, midoriya, mineta, yaoyorozu


aoyama yuuga: yes

can often be heard belting out a showtune

this kid is l o u d

and has a giant vocal range

three words

“defying gravity riff”

over and over and over

often forgets that he lives with 19 of his classmates and 1 teacher

ashido mina: no

i think she dances though


dances in the bath

she hums along to her playlist

all filled with 2000s bops ofc

asui tsuyu: no

bath time is not singing time

she just soaks in the tub

no thoughts

no anything

just her and the water

iida tenya: no

doesn’t sing to begin with


are iida’s engines waterproof?

in the pool episode, he didn’t touch the water at all

plus his engines were activated


i’ve got it

iida plastic wraps his legs

spends 30 minutes with a whole roll

wrapping his calves

then he gets into the tub

uraraka ochako: no

sorry but her voice isn’t very good

sadly she’s aware of that fact

she loves playing around with her skincare routine though

there’s just a mountain of soaps and lotions and scrubs in the baths

who’s paying for it though?

a certain pro hero father...perhaps

mastermind shoto coming in clutch

Tags :
4 years ago

does class 1-a sing in the shower (part two)

do ojiro, kaminari, kirishima, koda, and sato sing in the shower bath?

part one - aoyama, ashido, asui, iida, uraraka

part two - you are here!

part three - shouji, jirou, sero, tokoyami, todoroki

part four - hagakure, bakugou, midoriya, mineta, yaoyorozu


ojiro mashirao: yes

he plays around with his vocals a lot

has a really nice mid-range

the acoustics make his singing sound really nice

will spend an hour in there

but doesn’t sing outside the bathroom

he will remain normal to the outside world


kaminari denki: no

he sang the pokemon theme song in the dorm baths

...but forgot all the lyrics

ended up doing some freestyle

it wasn’t even about pokemon

when he came out of the baths

sero was not impressed

tape guy was literally waiting outside

“you are a disgrace to the fandom.”

“i know...”

will never sing again

kirishima eijirou: yes

sings the manliest of manly tunes

which is all  c o u n t r y

thinks that it’s very manly

the most manly

does not care if anyone hears him

tokoyami once heard a “yeehaw” coming from the bathroom

he was terrified

koda koji: yes

has the nicest voice ever

not even kidding

i guess that’s what happens when you’re friends with the animals

snow white in the house

catches himself vocalizing bird calls

it’s very cute

sato rikido: no

he likes coming up with recipes instead

just thinks about deserts in the bath

“maybe i should make cheesecake later.”

and then he hypes himself up

after the bath

he’ll proceed to whip up the greatest cheesecake of all time

class 1-a thanks the bath for its service

Tags :
4 years ago

does class 1-a sing in the shower (part two)

do ojiro, kaminari, kirishima, koda, and sato sing in the shower bath?

part one - aoyama, ashido, asui, iida, uraraka

part two - you are here!

part three - shouji, jirou, sero, tokoyami, todoroki

part four - hagakure, bakugou, midoriya, mineta, yaoyorozu


ojiro mashirao: yes

he plays around with his vocals a lot

has a really nice mid-range

the acoustics make his singing sound really nice

will spend an hour in there

but doesn’t sing outside the bathroom

he will remain normal to the outside world


kaminari denki: no

he sang the pokemon theme song in the dorm baths

...but forgot all the lyrics

ended up doing some freestyle

it wasn’t even about pokemon

when he came out of the baths

sero was not impressed

tape guy was literally waiting outside

“you are a disgrace to the fandom.”

“i know...”

will never sing again

kirishima eijirou: yes

sings the manliest of manly tunes

which is all  c o u n t r y

thinks that it’s very manly

the most manly

does not care if anyone hears him

tokoyami once heard a “yeehaw” coming from the bathroom

he was terrified

koda koji: yes

has the nicest voice ever

not even kidding

i guess that’s what happens when you’re friends with the animals

snow white in the house

catches himself vocalizing bird calls

it’s very cute

sato rikido: no

he likes coming up with recipes instead

just thinks about deserts in the bath

“maybe i should make cheesecake later.”

and then he hypes himself up

after the bath

he’ll proceed to whip up the greatest cheesecake of all time

class 1-a thanks the bath for its service

Tags :
4 years ago

does class 1-a sing in the shower (part three)

do shouji, jirou, sero, todoroki, and tokoyami sing in the shower bath?

part one - aoyama, ashido, asui, iida, uraraka

part two - ojiro, kaminari, kirishima, koda, sato

part three - you are here!

part four - hagakure, bakugou, midoriya, mineta, yaoyorozu


shouji mezo: no

is more concerned about getting clean


...actually wants to take a bath

i don’t blame him though

he has six arms

plus that webbing

that must be hard

has a rubber duck to keep him company

jirou kyoka: yes

you expect her to have a a+ singing voice...

...and not sing in the shower?

has a waterproof speaker

and a waterproof case for her phone

has a bathtime playlist

you get where i'm going

will not sing anything other than the songs on the playlist

the bathroom is her stage

sero hanta: no

cannot sing

he's tried

but his voice cracks



how does he take baths anyways

are the slits where the tape comes through on his arms closeable

i guess so

how else would he cut the tape

imagine sero with safety scissors

struggling to cut his tape

todoroki shoto: no

not a singer

hasn't even tried singing

or even wanted to

doesn't really like music

you know what he does?

just changes the temperature of the water

with his quirk

"it's cold."

*uses quirk*

"too hot."

*uses quirk*

he does that forever

tokoyami fumikage: no

he hums

while doing some skin care

but it's not a skin care routine

it's a feather care routine

hawks has a whole line of products

(has the cheesiest packaging)

tokoyami was so into it when it first came out

"hawks feather mask? those sound nice."

hides all of those products in a small basket

covers them with some band tees

nobody will know

Tags :
4 years ago

does class 1-a sing in the shower (part three)

do shouji, jirou, sero, todoroki, and tokoyami sing in the shower bath?

part one - aoyama, ashido, asui, iida, uraraka

part two - ojiro, kaminari, kirishima, koda, sato

part three - you are here!

part four - hagakure, bakugou, midoriya, mineta, yaoyorozu


shouji mezo: no

is more concerned about getting clean


...actually wants to take a bath

i don’t blame him though

he has six arms

plus that webbing

that must be hard

has a rubber duck to keep him company

jirou kyoka: yes

you expect her to have a a+ singing voice...

...and not sing in the shower?

has a waterproof speaker

and a waterproof case for her phone

has a bathtime playlist

you get where i'm going

will not sing anything other than the songs on the playlist

the bathroom is her stage

sero hanta: no

cannot sing

he's tried

but his voice cracks



how does he take baths anyways

are the slits where the tape comes through on his arms closeable

i guess so

how else would he cut the tape

imagine sero with safety scissors

struggling to cut his tape

todoroki shoto: no

not a singer

hasn't even tried singing

or even wanted to

doesn't really like music

you know what he does?

just changes the temperature of the water

with his quirk

"it's cold."

*uses quirk*

"too hot."

*uses quirk*

he does that forever

tokoyami fumikage: no

he hums

while doing some skin care

but it's not a skin care routine

it's a feather care routine

hawks has a whole line of products

(has the cheesiest packaging)

tokoyami was so into it when it first came out

"hawks feather mask? those sound nice."

hides all of those products in a small basket

covers them with some band tees

nobody will know

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4 years ago

uh hi can i request an eri head cannon w a big sisterly reader that plays w her n has tea parties w eri shinso and aizawa a lot?? thank you^^

yes you can, anon! (also, first request! tysm!)

also, i completely ignored the fact that ua are living in dorms when eri comes, so bear with me here.

tea parties with the aizawas

you were VERY concerned the first time you saw a certain purple-haired sleepyhead

of course, it would be weird if you came off this paranoid

so, you went for a:

“are you okay? you don’t look like you’ve been getting much sleep.”

shinso was used to being asked this

he averaged two to four hours per night

no wonder his eyebags were the size of golf balls

“didn’t sleep last night.”

“do you want me to take notes for you?”

“it’s fine.”

months passed by

you showered him with concern and love

it startled him for the most part

he wasn’t used to this much attention

at least from anyone other than aizawa

and eri, his new “sister”

most were fine with surface-level answers

an “i’m okay”

but you-

you went above and beyond for him

“gum? you look like you could use some.”

“you sure?”

you simply nodded in response and handed him a stick

more like forced it into his hand

and then the words came out of his mouth


he wasn’t thinking


“i am, actually!”

he decided to go along with it

you seemed like the perfect sister big sisterly friend for this

“would you be coming to a tea party? a pretend one. it’s with my younger sister.”

you weren’t used to the boy being so stuttery before

he was always so put together

but you kinda enjoyed it

shinso notices the silence and tries to abort mission

“of course, you don’t have to come if you don’t want to. i know that we’re not really that clo-”

“i’d love to.”


“can i bring cupcakes?”

“if you really want to.”

come friday after school

aizawa was surprised when he answered the door

the ua uniform was the first thing he noticed

was it one of shinso’s friends?



aizawa switched to parent mode

but all that managed to come out of his mouth was:

“who are you?”

“i’m shinso’s friend. y/l/n y/n.”




aizawa turns behind him

“hitoshi! did you invite someone?”

he turned back to you

“it’s for safety purposes.”

“i understand.”

shinso rushed down to the front door

“hi y/l/n.”

“i brought cupcakes. i got the red velvet ones you said your sister liked.”

you held a box in front of you

aizawa’s heart had been stolen

hitoshi thinks that eri is his sister

hitoshi has a friend

and they brought cupcakes for eri?


shinso took the cupcakes to the kitchen

“eri! y/l/n is here!” shinso tiredly shouted as he led you upstairs

“eri’s your sister?”

“yeah. they’re really excited to see you. don’t let the shyness fool you.”

“any tips?”

“just be how you were with me.”

you laughed as you guys entered the room

set up on a blanket was a set of teacups, plates, and spoons

a girl with pale blue hair and a red overall skirt was setting down a teapot

“hey, eri,” you smiled. “it’s nice to finally see you.”

the girl turned to the purple-haired boy beside you

“is that y/l/n?”

“yeah. they’re here for your tea party.”

shinso sat down at a place setting next to eri, and offered you a seat next to him

you sat down, waving to eri

eri waved back

shinso grinned and started pouring “tea”

you poured the creamer into the cups

eri dumped the whole sugar pot in shinso’s cup

“hitoshi loves sugar!” eri giggled while telling you

“really?” you question and eri nods. “i didn’t know that.”

you all take sips of your tea 

shinso’s was in the middle of “buttering” a slice of “bread” when his father came up to check on you guys

the cuteness killed him

“aizawa! we saved some tea for you!” eri said

he sat next to you and eri

eri made him a cup

he drank that alongside his own cup of black coffee

you watched as he was crowned a prince (courtesy of eri)

shinso cleared his throat and put down his bread

“there’s a surprise downstairs, eri.” 

“really?” eri grinned

“wanna see for yourself?”


you followed the family downstairs

shinso opened the fridge and got out the box

eri squealed when she saw the contents

“red cupcakes! thank you hitoshi!” 

she wraps shinso with her tiny arms and he laughs

“you really should be thanking y/l/n. they bought them for you. i just picked the flavor.”

“thanks y/l/n!”

your heart skipped a beat when she went to hug you

“you’re welcome eri-chan.”

“can i call you y/l/n-chan?”


“can hitoshi call you that too?” eri giggled

your face turned as red as the cupcakes you brought

“i don’t know if he’s comfortable with calling me that, eri-chan.”

“of course he’ll be fine with it! he was calling you that before you came here!”

shinso hid his face in his hands

“don’t expose me like that, eri.”

“you can call me that if you’d like.”

shinso brings the cupcakes out of the box and offers one to everyone

“thanks for coming, y/l/n-chan.”

“you’re welcome.”

“you should come next friday!” eri bounces up and down.

“only if your dad says it’s okay.”

aizawa warmly smiles and takes a bite of his cupcake

you make both of his kids happy

“it’s okay.”

it’s safe to say that you’re coming every friday

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4 years ago

does class 1-a sing in the shower (part four)

do hagakure, bakugou, midoriya, mineta, and yaororozu sing in the shower bath?

part one - aoyama, ashido, asui, iida, uraraka

part two - ojiro, kaminari, kirishima, koda, sato

part three - shouji, jirou, sero, tokoyami, todoroki

part four - you are here!


hagakure tooru: yes

no two bath songs are the same

likes to improv melodies

usually sings on “la” or “ooh”

an occasional “na”

taps her feet in time

hums her songs in class

bakugou katsuki: no

but this one time

bakugou had some flashbacks to the sports festival

he got really pissed about the final battle again

ended up blowing up the tub

now he listens to classical music during bath time

as much as he hates it

he doesn’t want to pay for another replacement tub

midoriya izuku: yes


you know that pokemon rap?

or the periodic table song?

or the animaniac nations of the world?

or any song that lists all of something?

he sings the heroes of japan

wouldn’t be surprised if he wrote it himself

knows the whole song by heart

class 1-a is shook

mineta minoru: no

he probably thinks of-

you know what?

i’m not even going to finish that sentence

you know what he thinks of

i need holy water

just like a whole spray bottle of it

yaoyorozu momo: yes

disney princess

momo kills it in the shower

her voice is great for soft pop

ojiro once complemented her

“you have a really nice voice.”

“oh! thank you...”

didn’t sing for a week after that

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4 years ago

does class 1-a sing in the shower (part four)

do hagakure, bakugou, midoriya, mineta, and yaororozu sing in the shower bath?

part one - aoyama, ashido, asui, iida, uraraka

part two - ojiro, kaminari, kirishima, koda, sato

part three - shouji, jirou, sero, tokoyami, todoroki

part four - you are here!


hagakure tooru: yes

no two bath songs are the same

likes to improv melodies

usually sings on “la” or “ooh”

an occasional “na”

taps her feet in time

hums her songs in class

bakugou katsuki: no

but this one time

bakugou had some flashbacks to the sports festival

he got really pissed about the final battle again

ended up blowing up the tub

now he listens to classical music during bath time

as much as he hates it

he doesn’t want to pay for another replacement tub

midoriya izuku: yes


you know that pokemon rap?

or the periodic table song?

or the animaniac nations of the world?

or any song that lists all of something?

he sings the heroes of japan

wouldn’t be surprised if he wrote it himself

knows the whole song by heart

class 1-a is shook

mineta minoru: no

he probably thinks of-

you know what?

i’m not even going to finish that sentence

you know what he thinks of

i need holy water

just like a whole spray bottle of it

yaoyorozu momo: yes

disney princess

momo kills it in the shower

her voice is great for soft pop

ojiro once complemented her

“you have a really nice voice.”

“oh! thank you...”

didn’t sing for a week after that

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4 years ago

Yo you should do headcanons with Class 1-A or Bakusquad with an s/o or a friend who’s a emergency medical responder during missions but is really goofy and what they overall think, I haven’t seen anyone request this before and actually was thinking about the medical field myself! Love your writing 💜

hey cato! i think that it’s really cool that you’re thinking about the medical field, especially with everything that’s going on right now. 

also, this prompt works really well for mha!

here you go:

the prohero!bakusquad being friends with an emr!goofy!reader


in the first few seconds he saw you in action, he thought that you were unprofessional

you tried making him laugh? on duty?

but you quickly proved him wrong

war flashbacks to you scolding his compressions and how they were too hard when adminstering cpr

since then, you've grown on him

he smirks whenever he sees you pull up in your van and throw him some catty remarks

despite the scowl he gives you when you crack a joke

he realizes how much effort you put into your work

you're just as much of a hero as he is

plus, you're more tolerable than the rest of his coworkers

then again, all of his coworkers are idiots

loves hearing you laugh

but if you confront him about it

he'll suddenly have to go back to his agency


she can't understand how you find your area of work so interesting

and how you can lecture her for hours on how to splint someone and not get bored

you did that once

she simply nodded every other minute

please never do that again

she appreciates the fact that you can do what you do so well

but you know what she appreciates more?

your jokes

which are much easier to understand than "medical thingies"

she finds them hilarious

she'll retell them to anyone that is willing to listen

the first time you met

you guys hit it off really well

but she forgot to give you her phone number

big oopsies there

she had to ask around for weeks

was totally worth it though


likes you

a lot

a lot a lot

thinks you are the smartest person in the world

are we gonna forget about einstein

yes we are apparently

also thinks that you can bring people back from the dead

kaminari is going a bit too far with this one

he laughs at all your jokes

and will tell a few of his own

but not if you're in the middle of something

he knows that you need to focus for your work


kami would go to the ends of the earth to see you smile

he's not going braindead though

the one time he did that for you

he forgot that he was still on patrol duty

you had to shock him with your aed more than a few times


you guys have a secret handshake

friendship goals

it started off as a high five

and then it spiraled into a 30-second sequence

you will not talk to each other until you’ve done the handshake

he needs to be in the mood to deal with your goofiness

so don't feel down when he doesn't laugh at one of your jokes

he's probably had a rough day

but when he's in a good mood

he'll chuckle and ask for another

on a couple occasions, he's texted you medical questions in the middle of the night

most of which you are not qualified to answer

"can i use cpr on giraffes?"

"do i look like a veterinarian?"

"is that a no?"

"i can't with you."


unlike mina

he would be willing to sit through one of your splint presentations

your splintations?

your splintsentations?

i think he'd actually be ecstatic to listen

maybe even take some notes while he's at it

he says that

“i want to spend all the time i have with you”

"it'll come in handy in the field"

and it has

he's actually assisted you before

kiri's the kind of person who will send you a meme at 3am because he thinks you'll get a kick out of it

if you like getting your beauty sleep

he will apologize profusely in the morning

in the actual morning

when you're awake

and not half-asleep


she already has a bit of medical knowledge

so she likes checking information against you

like kiri, she's able to assist you in the field

there have been multiple times where you've asked her to monitor someone's pulse

and by using her quirk, she's able to hear it lots better

loves feeling useful

she'll smile at your jokes when she's on duty

she won't make any of her own though

she'd rather save that for a time that doesn't require any of her focus

d e d i c a t i o n

just make sure to brace yourself for infinite teasing when she's off duty

"that joke that you made earlier though, i-"

cue her bursting into a full-blown laughter

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4 years ago

Yo you should do headcanons with Class 1-A or Bakusquad with an s/o or a friend who’s a emergency medical responder during missions but is really goofy and what they overall think, I haven’t seen anyone request this before and actually was thinking about the medical field myself! Love your writing 💜

hey cato! i think that it’s really cool that you’re thinking about the medical field, especially with everything that’s going on right now. 

also, this prompt works really well for mha!

here you go:

the prohero!bakusquad being friends with an emr!goofy!reader


in the first few seconds he saw you in action, he thought that you were unprofessional

you tried making him laugh? on duty?

but you quickly proved him wrong

war flashbacks to you scolding his compressions and how they were too hard when adminstering cpr

since then, you've grown on him

he smirks whenever he sees you pull up in your van and throw him some catty remarks

despite the scowl he gives you when you crack a joke

he realizes how much effort you put into your work

you're just as much of a hero as he is

plus, you're more tolerable than the rest of his coworkers

then again, all of his coworkers are idiots

loves hearing you laugh

but if you confront him about it

he'll suddenly have to go back to his agency


she can't understand how you find your area of work so interesting

and how you can lecture her for hours on how to splint someone and not get bored

you did that once

she simply nodded every other minute

please never do that again

she appreciates the fact that you can do what you do so well

but you know what she appreciates more?

your jokes

which are much easier to understand than "medical thingies"

she finds them hilarious

she'll retell them to anyone that is willing to listen

the first time you met

you guys hit it off really well

but she forgot to give you her phone number

big oopsies there

she had to ask around for weeks

was totally worth it though


likes you

a lot

a lot a lot

thinks you are the smartest person in the world

are we gonna forget about einstein

yes we are apparently

also thinks that you can bring people back from the dead

kaminari is going a bit too far with this one

he laughs at all your jokes

and will tell a few of his own

but not if you're in the middle of something

he knows that you need to focus for your work


kami would go to the ends of the earth to see you smile

he's not going braindead though

the one time he did that for you

he forgot that he was still on patrol duty

you had to shock him with your aed more than a few times


you guys have a secret handshake

friendship goals

it started off as a high five

and then it spiraled into a 30-second sequence

you will not talk to each other until you’ve done the handshake

he needs to be in the mood to deal with your goofiness

so don't feel down when he doesn't laugh at one of your jokes

he's probably had a rough day

but when he's in a good mood

he'll chuckle and ask for another

on a couple occasions, he's texted you medical questions in the middle of the night

most of which you are not qualified to answer

"can i use cpr on giraffes?"

"do i look like a veterinarian?"

"is that a no?"

"i can't with you."


unlike mina

he would be willing to sit through one of your splint presentations

your splintations?

your splintsentations?

i think he'd actually be ecstatic to listen

maybe even take some notes while he's at it

he says that

“i want to spend all the time i have with you”

"it'll come in handy in the field"

and it has

he's actually assisted you before

kiri's the kind of person who will send you a meme at 3am because he thinks you'll get a kick out of it

if you like getting your beauty sleep

he will apologize profusely in the morning

in the actual morning

when you're awake

and not half-asleep


she already has a bit of medical knowledge

so she likes checking information against you

like kiri, she's able to assist you in the field

there have been multiple times where you've asked her to monitor someone's pulse

and by using her quirk, she's able to hear it lots better

loves feeling useful

she'll smile at your jokes when she's on duty

she won't make any of her own though

she'd rather save that for a time that doesn't require any of her focus

d e d i c a t i o n

just make sure to brace yourself for infinite teasing when she's off duty

"that joke that you made earlier though, i-"

cue her bursting into a full-blown laughter

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5 months ago
Thinking About Best Friend!denki

thinking about
 best friend!denki

m. masterlist mha. masterlist

best friend!denki who was instantly smitten with you when he first saw you at the u.a. entrance exam, nearly running into eijirou’s back since his focus was on you and not where he was walking.

best friend!denki who was determined to be your friend, basically following you around like a lost puppy everywhere you went.

best friend!denki who screamed into his pillow back in his shared dorm room with tenya when you agreed to be his friend, earning worried glances from shouto and izuku who were studying with tenya. (tenya had become accustomed to the yellow haired male’s antics, so he didn’t bat an eyelash at his outburst.)

best friend!denki who was convinced he was dying when he noticed his heart would start beating faster, his hands got clammy, and his quirk started to run rampant whenever he merely caught sight of you. (eijirou nearly had a heart attack when denki came rushing into his dorm room he shared with izuku claiming he was dying, then earning a blast from katsuki who had a panicking izuku banging on his door.)

best friend!denki who became a nervous wreck (added to his previous problems) around you once mina made him realize he had a crush on you and wasn’t dying. (he still feels like he is.)

best friend!denki who started to avoid you like the plague when he could, afraid that he would mess up and confess to you, or even accidentally hit you with his quirk. (he did it to eijirou, thankfully not around any teachers. though he did have to bribe tenya from going to aizawa and ratting him out.)

best friend!denki who wholeheartedly wanted to shock himself to death when you locked himself and you in an empty classroom to ask him why he’s been avoiding you, if you had done something wrong.

best friend!denki who dropped to his knees in front of you while clasping his hands together in front of his chest, rambling about how you had done nothing wrong and it was all him. he was talking so fast you could hardly make out what he was even saying, until he said “i’m just in love with you and i have no idea how to control my nerves when i’m around you.”

best friend!denki who looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar once he realized what he had said, your expression mirroring his own. he started to stutter out apologizes and tried to (key word: tried) get your attention off of what he had said by telling very embarrassing stories about hanta and eijirou. (of course you would later use that information against the two of them, even at the expense of your best friend.)

best friend!denki who convinced himself that your silence meant you didn’t feel the same way about him, but when in reality it was because you couldn’t believe he felt the same way about you.

best friend!denki who silently stood up and looked down at his hands as he picked at his skin, waiting for your inevitable rejection.

best friend!denki who nearly passed out when he felt your hands envelope his own, causing him to look up at you. he swore he did in fact die and went to heaven, because you looked nothing short of an angel.

best friend!denki who felt his quirk send small sparks across your guys’ hands when you softly smiled at him, trying to pull his hands away while apologizing for zapping you; dumbfounded when you refused to let go of him.

best friend!denki who was sure god was testing him when you shyly looked to the side, a light hue of pink dusting your cheeks as you confessed that you felt the same way.

best friend!denki who didn’t hesitate to lift you up with his arms tucked around your knees, smiling brightly as you giggled.

best friend!denki who was sure you were the one he was going to spend the rest of his life with when your eyes met, and all he could see was pure love and affection in them.

best-friend boyfriend!denki who didn’t hesitate to take the blame as to why you two were in an empty classroom when tenya loudly knocked on the door.

boyfriend!denki who slapped mineta on the back of the head (and maybe zapped him in the process) when he tried insinuating that you and him were doing more than just talking in the classroom.

boyfriend!denki who would literally kiss the ground you walked on if you asked him to. (of course you would never, but the offer is always there.)

Thinking About Best Friend!denki

© sillykenma. do not repost, translate, or modify my work.

Tags :
5 months ago
Shinsou As Your Boyfriend

shinsou as your boyfriend

m. masterlist mha. masterlist

boyfriend!shinsou who wouldn’t hesitate to defend you if anyone decided to talk shit about you.

boyfriend!shinsou who would be a nervous wreck for the first year of your relationship, still trying to get used to the fact that you were his boyfriend.

boyfriend!shinsou who’s not the biggest fan of pda, but wouldn’t bat an eye when slipping an arm around your waist, his hand resting on your hip after he noticed someone eyeing you too much for his liking.

boyfriend!shinsou who would always remember to tell you he loved you before bed (at least when you go to bed), knowing that you needed verbal affection more than anything.

boyfriend!shinsou who would make sure you two went on a date at least once a week during your free time, wanting to spend as much time together as possible. (earning teasing from eijirou once he caught wind of this, receiving a through scolding from tenya.)

boyfriend!shinsou who goes to aizawa for advice when it comes to your relationship, seeing as he was the only person he trusted enough to do so. (shouto is a close second, but he didn’t want to take the chance that one of his nosey friends wouldn’t hear.)

boyfriend!shinsou who got the relationship talk from aizawa about you, as if he was your dad instead of shinsou’s.

boyfriend!shinsou who sneaks into your dorm room in the middle of the night when he can’t sleep, finding that he has no trouble sleeping when he’s in your arms. (cue scolding from tenya once he wakes up, seeing as he was your roommate.)

boyfriend!shinsou who is already planning your wedding 2 months into your relationship, along with how many cats you two will adopt when you move in together. (he’s dead set on 4, he doesn’t abide by the stupid rules of how many pets he can have.)

boyfriend!shinsou who pays diligent attention to your likes and interests, determined to make sure every gift that he gives you is top tier. (he could give you a rock for your birthday and you would be happy.)

boyfriend!shinsou who proudly tells people you’re dating, not caring about how people wonder “why you would date shinsou out of everyone”. (he has to hold you back from plummeting them into the ground when you catch wind of their comments, much to your dismay. you’d gladly get expelled from defending his honor.)

boyfriend!shinsou who is astronomically down bad for you, and isn’t afraid to admit it.

Shinsou As Your Boyfriend

© sillykenma. do not repost, translate, or modify my work.

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