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4 months ago

things i learned at church today

-obey all authorities, bc god put them in that position (implying even if they slaved ppl, cuz moses ""obeyed"" the pharaoh) -everything bad is caused by bad spirits trust me -queer bad -give us money and proselytize youll def be successful -politicians should not be in churches, but our politics should align with the bible (dogwhistle) ???? -honor your parents even if they did sa -pastor (white european man) said he is DEFINITELY NOT RACIST -envangelical churches use very manipulative language -everything happens because god wanted, even bad things (so basically, god plays reality like its the sims) -this guy lowkey needs to die, white european pastor guy, if youre reading this, you know what youre doing, lean back into a chair, and pull the trigger -parents dragging ppl to church against their will should be heavily frowned upon (im 18)

guys idk i think envangelical churches are kinda evil what do you think

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3 years ago

That one post about the fae you've been looking for

From a long time witch and spirit worker

I'd like to preface this post with the fact that I myself come from the UK with Irish Celtic heritage, however I want to emphasize that any information you've seen on tik Tok claiming that Celtic Religions are closed/the same as Native American Tradition is inaccurate. Celtic religions are not closed. And there are several reasons for this! Celtpol was never closed in antiquity as the ancient Celts would often spread their religious beliefs. The religion unfortunately died out, many of the traditions appropriated by Catholicism. There is no consistent passed through blood ideology present in the religion. Nobody is 100% celtic, not even myself who's family is Irish. The idea of a perfect celtic bloodline is an idea perpetuated by White Supremacists and is incredibly wrong.

In addition to this, it's important to acknowledge that not all faerie lore is Celtic and to close faeries on that grounds ignores Norse myths and non-Celtic mythology across Europe. The fact is, to suggest CeltPol is closed, or the fae are closed, is insulting. Not only does it perpetuate racism, but it holds Fae to a human standard that they cannot hold because they are not human. To put it plainly, the Fae are more likely to dislike everyone, not pick and choose based on a blood quantum.

Overview: what is a faerie

A faerie is a magical creature found across the folklore of many countries, especially in Europe. There are many different beliefs about fairies. Many consider them as minor deities, or even fallen angels. While not all fae are aggressive, many are. There are variations of fae, such as Sidhe which are land spirits and are tied to certain areas. Other fae are not tied to the land. I have done a tremendous amount of research on faerie customs, but as that is UPG I will be saving it for another post.

Fae occupy an "otherworldly" realm that is separated from ours. Time and reality moves differently there. Humans can become trapped in the Fae realm by eating faerie food.

Are the Fae tied to "celtic land"

The Short answer is 'No'.

Firstly you cannot define Celtic land, as aforementioned, the Celts were a wide and diverse group of people and cannot only be tied to the UK and Ireland. We already know the Fae do move! Not only were some of the Irish-Celt Gods moved to Ireland by other groups, but Irish Lore speaks of the Tuatha de Danan, which invaded Ireland so they weren't originally from the land anyway.

Do I believe that the further away you get from "Celtic Land" you're less likely to encounter a Faerie described in Celtic lore and instead a magical creature from that Countries lore? Sure. Some types of the Fair Folk are tied to land, but not all are. Not all Fair Folk are Aos Sì (the Fae in Irish Lore which come from the Belly of the Earth and are tied to landmarks like hills and mounds)

The Fae simply do not have the same beliefs regarding race, ethnicity and region.

Faeries exist in other cultures, not just Celtic

In my opinion to say Fae only interact with those of Celtic Heritage erases folklore from other countries. The fact is there are many different beliefs from different parts of the world so, while I previously tried to define the idea of a Faerie, YOU CANNOT DEFINE THEM AT ALL. The folklore varies from town to town in some cases. Fae are mystical and liminal. If the Fae in question is capable of stepping between the worlds, I think it is wrong to say they cannot step over a border. Not to mention, many Fae were treated like Gods and consequently limiting them to your beliefs is like disrespecting a Deity.

This isn't everything that can be said on the fae but it does address many misconceptions regarding them.

That One Post About The Fae You've Been Looking For
That One Post About The Fae You've Been Looking For
That One Post About The Fae You've Been Looking For
That One Post About The Fae You've Been Looking For

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