Tw Racism Mention(?) - Tumblr Posts

Wait, wouldn't that be racist though?
A Compilation of Official Cyberchase Polls (part 1/?)
Hello all,
While I was digging around in the Wayback Machine for old versions of the Cyberchase website, I was able to dig up some old polls that they put out for Earthlies. There are a few distinct eras of polls that evolved as the website evolved.
The first format features Dr. Marbles and some bar-graph based machine. I was only able to get two of them to load from this area, though the Wayback machine suggests that there are more archived.
The earliest archived instance that I could find was from February 2, 2002.

Who is your favorite Cyberkid?
Here's one from June 21, 2002.

Why do you think Hacker is so mean?
His hardware is buggy
He's a cyborg
Nobody loves him
He was just born that way
Ouch. This was from the days of the "How It All Started" webcomics, where The Hacker decided to conquer Cyberspace shortly after his birth. So, of course, this poll wasn't going to be sympathetic or nuanced.
This format was changed when the site was updated to use flash. Here's the earliest version that I could load from this era. It was from January 19, 2009.

What is your favorite breakfast?
a) Eggs b) Pancakes c) Oatmeal d) Cereal
We got this one May 8, 2009.

What will you give your mom for Mother's Day?
a) A card and flowers b) Breakfast in bed c) A homemade gift d) Write a poem or story for her
I haven't found a way to access the poll results from the first two eras. The third era of polls claims that 368 different questions were asked. Many of the poll questions have been archived, though not all of them have the answers archived. Here are a few of my favorites.
This one is labelled poll #1, so I suppose it was the first one that they asked. They started off with a bang.

If Hacker accidentally left his wig at your house, what would you do?
a) Throw it in the trash b) Let your pet play with it c) Mail it back to him d) Wear it to school
My first question would be "How on earth did he get into my house?"
This one actually has preserved results.

Throw it in the trash: 125,483 votes 50% Let your pet play with it: 65,779 votes, 26% Mail it back to him: 27,690 votes, 11% Wear it to school: 34,341 votes, 14% Total 253,293 votes, 101% I am amazed that over 250,000 votes were cast. I don't know whether the site had a way to stop people from voting multiple times, however.
Here's poll #166.

Why does Hacker want to rule Cyberspace? a) He needs lots of attention b) He has no hobbies c) He thinks it would be cool d) He likes to be the boss
Unfortunately, this one doesn't appear to have its results preserved.
Here's poll #90.

What's your favorite Jackie show?
a) EcoHaven CSE b) And They Counted Happily Ever c) A Day at the Spa d) Eureeka e) Problem Solving in Shangri-La
The phrasing is interesting on this one. Would you consider these to be "Jackie shows" specifically? The kids all contribute to the problem solutions. I could see an argument for the Shangri-La episode, since she goes away from the others and discovers the poison numbers to win the game of Nim.

EcoHaven CSE: 1,516 votes, 13% And They Counted Happily Ever: 1,595 votes, 12% A Day at the Spa: 5,522 votes, 42% Eureeka: 1,493 votes, 11% Problem Solving in Shangri-La: 2,893 votes, 22% Total: 13,019 votes, 100%
Okay, here's one more.

Should Hacker ever win an episode? a) yes b) no c) only 1 episode!! d) never!! This one is fun to think about. A lot of fans love the shocking ending to the first part of Snelfu Snafu, where The Hacker takes over Cyberspace. Alot of fans also love the Transformatron Arc. While the kids were able to save some Cybersites during that arc, the episodes ended with The Hacker slipping away with another part to his infernal machine.
Unfortunately, this is another one where the results weren't archived.
I may post more of these later. I may even turn some of them into Tumblr polls.
— riff lorton’s rp plotting cheat sheet
Mun name: Jasmine
OOC Contact: discord is my preferred platform, but i can chat in ims if you don't have discord
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
leader of the jets. cocky, reckless, and impulsive. not a person you’d want to bring home to your parents. the dog motif made into a human. doomed by the narrative before it even begins. the mercutio character. nihilistic. doesn’t like looking back (because he’s scared of what he’ll see.)
he’s incredibly loyal but it’s incredibly hard to get him to trust you. he runs his mouth and it’s going to get him into trouble one day. his parents were awful and he ran away at the age of twelve. he’s been living with tony wyzek and tony’s ma ever since, but when tony got arrested, riff stopped coming around his apartment. he’s lived on the streets for four years (ages fourteen to eighteen). he causes trouble with the jets a lot, and the local authorities are quickly growing tired of it.
Points of interest:
physical features
riff is tall (six feet) and incredibly skinny. he hasn’t had a proper meal in months. if he were to take his shirt off, your muse could probably see his ribs.
he has three tattoos: one of a jet plane on his right shoulder, the word “happy” on his left shoulder, and a bouquet of hydrangeas and roses that he got for his girlfriend, graziella, on his right forearm.
riff is typically dressed in jeans held up by a belt, a pair of old boots, and either a tank top under an old flannel button up or just the tank top on its own. he owns one set of nice clothes, which he wears to dances.
he has a very angular face, which is only accentuated by the fact that he’s so skinny.
his legs appear to be incredibly long, both thanks to the jeans he wears and his skinniness.
he is typically somewhat filthy at all times. he doesn’t have easy access to a shower or a bath, so most of the time he’s covered in a thin layer of dirt and sweat. kiss him at your own risk.
riff is a bit of a territorial kid. he will tell you if you’re on the jets’ turf when you’re not supposed to be or allowed to be.
he has a dog that follows him around after the events of the movie happen. the dog’s name is tony and he tries his best to keep riff out of trouble.
riff is the self proclaimed best dancer in the west side.
What they’ve been up to recently:
causing trouble
riff is the leader of a gang of teenage boys. he runs around a lot and is a general menace to the citizens of san juan hill. your muse is most likely to run into him (sometimes literally) on the street.
riff absolutely loves to dance. he can dance for hours and sometimes he will. it’s not uncommon for him to be at dances multiple times a week, and if he sees your muse there, he’ll probably invite them onto the floor. he can also give them lessons if they want some.
recovering in the hospital
he was stabbed in a gang fight and rushed to the hospital by valentina and the jets. he doesn’t spend much time there, but he absolutely hates it when he’s in there.
Where to find them:
the docks
the docks are on the jets’ territory and it’s where riff spends most of his time in the summer. he will most likely be hanging around with the rest of the gang. they tend to go swimming a lot, so your muse should be prepared for a lot of teenage boys in their underwear if they decide to make their way down.
the warehouse
another place on the jets’ territory. it’s an old mechanic shop that closed down when the demolition started, and the jets took it over as their home base. they have parties there a lot and will hole up there and talk strategy if needed. it’s where they store all their weapons, along with whatever alcohol or drugs they happen to have at the time.
doc’s drugstore
the drugstore owned by valentina is neutral territory. there’s no fighting allowed on the premises and valentina is very good about enforcing that rule. the jets like to hang around and play pinball or read the magazines that val has out for sale. they’ll pool their money for a candy bar sometimes, but most of the time, they just steal the candy.
Current plans:
mourn & mope & Be Miserable
riff’s best friend died in the fight that he was stabbed in and he’s not speaking to the jets. he’s drunk more often than he’s not and he tends to mope around san juan hill with tony the dog at his heels.
Desired interactions:
the nurses/doctors at the hospital he was at
riff didn’t spend very long in the hospital before he snuck out, but he hated every second of the time that he was there. your muse could be a nurse or a doctor charged with dealing with him. he wouldn’t be a very good patient, and would likely be snarking at them the whole time, but he’s in a lot of pain so you’ll have to forgive him for it.
random pedestrians (specifically post canon)
find riff in a ditch! bring him home! nurse him back to health before he dies! this is something that i love exploring but i rarely get to. i can’t promise that riff will be grateful for your muse’s actions, but at least he won’t be drunk and moping anymore.
the daughters of rich families
if your muse is a rich girl, riff will be trying to fluster her. he’s an absolute menace of a flirt, and he loves getting rich girls all flustered and blushing.
Offered interactions:
riff knows a little of everything when it comes to keeping a house maintained. he’ll never say it, but he’s good with his hands and he’s good at fixing things. if your muse needs their wiring redone or a toilet looked at, riff is your man. he can also check out their car if needed.
dancing lessons
he wouldn’t mind giving someone dancing lessons. it would be incredibly informal, as he’s not a teacher, but it wouldn’t be too bad of a lesson.
jet leader riff
this is another thing that i love writing but rarely get to. riff as the leader of the jets is a little cocky and asshole-ish, but i love writing him, so if your muse is okay with riff being rude to them, he will be rude to them.
Current open post/s:
i don’t have any opens. i prefer to plot out interactions.
Anything else?:
riff’s canon takes place in the 1950s and riff is, unfortunately, a product of his time. i do not condone or agree with his racist behavior, and though i don’t like writing it, i don’t ignore it. my interpretation of riff stops speaking to the jets after they attempt to rape anita, the girlfriend of the leader of their rival gang. my interpretation of riff also has a rule in place that forbids any violence against women or children, no matter their race. he has potential for change. getting him to realize that is going to be the hard part.
No but everything you said about that part of the 911 fandom is true. My friend had a very bad breakdown due to how they (and anonymous others after then) treated her for the past year. Diagnosed with depression and anxiety and everything. (Im saying this with her permission, obv.) All of it could have been avoided by people just blocking and moving on, instead of attacking and inciting discourse because of a difference of opinion of one scene. Etiquette just thrown out the window…
Unfortunately, its something I've noticed is heavily prevalent in fandoms where the source material is based on reality and realism. The majority of fans are incredibly rigid in how they interact with the source material and how they police other people's interactions and interpretations.
I can understand how fans of a mixed couple and a POC character would feel protective over preserving the canon state of the relationship and characterisations, but when it comes at the expense of the well-being of actual people, that's where I draw the line.
Witch-hunting users, creating "private" servers to trash authors, inciting harassment and witch-hunting online are all behaviors I've seen and I've seen prominently. And I'm not saying they're the only culprits within the fandom, but there is definitely a significant amount of them partaking.
Its unfortunate because honestly, if they didn't try to burn everything they dictated unworthy, people would be a lot more willing to just leave them alone. There wouldn't be half the spite-written fics and retaliations. Its an endless cycle.
Fandom racism happens because people are racist. The whole "oh but you were mean to me so I have to be mean to an entire marginalized group" like no. You're just racist
We're not discussing racism or retaliatory racism. I'm assuming you're referencing my recent Madney posts, so I'll clarify.
I'm talking about re-imaginings of canon events within the show that explore different takes and perspectives. Madney fans in particular seem to have an automatic habit of going for the jugular of any author who doesn't strictly present Chimney/Maddie/Madney exactly as seen in the show, often with wild accusations that have left permanent scars in the fandom.
When I say that creative liberty and freedom will get you sniped by Madney fans, I am quite obviously not talking about actual racism and scenarios such as the fallout from last year when a handful of racists were using fanfiction in order to perpetuate racism.
I'm talking about exploration of alternate canon. You can devise scenarios that aren't in the favor of a character without it having ill-intent. You can villainise a character for the narrative without it coming from hate.
For example; I adore Buck. He's my boy. My little sunshine idiot. I've also written fanfiction where he's a ruthless killer that does unspeakable things simply for the thrill of it. Does that mean I hate him? No. He's the villain, but that's the whole purpose of the story. To explore that alternate narrative of what Buck would be if he wasn't the Buck in the show.
I'm not stating he behaves this way in the show. I'm not using the narrative as an excuse to attack who he is, his skin color, ect.
But that's an understanding that I've noticed a lot of Madney fans are unwilling to accept. And not even when its exclusively relevant to Chimney and Maddie, either.
What I referred to in my last post about spite fic was additional fanfiction written on top of existing fanfiction out of spite for hate posts about the existing fanfiction. For example;
Let's say you write watersports. Someone who is not a fan of watersports comments on your work and tells you its disgusting and you should delete it. Instead, you write another fic about watersports.
Likewise, that's exactly what we've seen happen multiple times in the 911 fandom over various scenes and canon events. There's always a witch hunt through recent fanfiction after something happens in an episode, which spirals into a tangled mess of spite fics and 100+ posts of people arguing.
People who want to explore canon material outside of canon aren't going to let the people who believe in rigid canon chokehold them or throw around biased accusations.
My point is; sometimes you simply have to understand that there will always be fanfiction you dislike or disagree with, and that its not healthy to spend your time actively witch-hunting authors and dumping constant shit all over any type of content you don't agree with.
If an author sees someone falsely accusing them of hate, bigotry, ect, they're going to defend themselves. And then it devolves into a public argument that drags people in like a vortex and ruins everything. It keeps happening in the 911 fandom in a vicious cycle that, for a while actually, killed off a lot of the fan count. I know a vast amount of blogs that stepped away from the fandom because people, mostly Madney-based blogs, just couldn't let go or leave people alone.
If your blog is mostly just you shitting all over anything and everything that other people make in your fandom, ask yourself why you're even active in the fandom space in the first place. If you're truly not happy, maybe its time to look elsewhere, or maybe its time to start utilizing the tools provided to ensure you're tailoring your fandom experience to the things you do want to see.
I wish people understood that anyone remotely smart does not get news from social media posts. If you're mad at someone posting about their blorbos instead of the news ask yourself why you put random online people that you don't know on the same pedistal as verified journalists and what that says about your susceptibility to propaganda. Most people who harass those who are "being silent" usually ignore the vast majority of other world issues anyway. I say all this as someone who isn't privileged and posts both about my fandoms and politics on my blog.
"If you don't acknowledge inequality and bigotry and suffering in every single moment of your life you're a horrible racist bigot that perpetrates genocide!"
Meanwhile the majority of the time "exposure" is the literal only activism these people are doing. I donate and sign petitions and boycott and I can promise you the literal last thing I want to do when I'm in a server about monsterfucking is wave my moral superiority flag and force people to talk about dead children and mass murder. I'm capable of doing both without having to force them to intertwine.
I very vividly remember in 2020, being told by this one person who began controlling our fandom rp server, that we had to turn our rp blogs into places where we had to reblog every horrific thing happening during blm. and that he "better not catch us trying to rp". he also was against tagging it because then "white people would ignore it". i remember forcing myself to watch videos of police brutalizing black men and women, real people dying in the streets, and trying to convince myself that if I looked away, I was part of the problem. He'd also convinced me that I lucked out in getting my job, only because I was white, and that I was taking this job from a much more qualified black person. the only reason i got away from him is because I started feeling like i should kill myself, because one less whitey. and that was when i snapped to attention and did whatever i could to get out of there, even though it cost me my reputation being slandered by him.
it's been 4 years, and I'm doing my best to heal, but apparently he's still at it. pulling this same kind of controlling bs that I'm seeing echoed in some of those reblogs.
don't traumatize yourself for the sake of proving you're a good person.
Please feel free to name and shame. That kind of behavior is abusive, predatory and could very well drive someone to kill themselves as you almost did. Him continuing to have a platform and unchallenged reach is outright dangerous.
If you are ever in a situation like this, please, clock the early signs and leave. Your health and wellbeing are far more important than your forced activism. If someone is ever:
Making you feel guilty over something like not reblogging a post, being a certain ethnicity/gender/race/sexuality.
Accusing you of contributing to or being the core problem in a much, much broader issue.
Trying to manipulate you and others by "tattling" on you for not doing something or not doing enough.
Threatening you in order to pressure you into doing things.
Screenshot all of the conversations, block them, and leave.
Things like this are why I will always give call out posts which do not contain blatant and corroborating evidence the benefit of the doubt. Its all too easy for people to join in almost automatically on dogpiles against people being accused of something like being racist or being passive/dismissive about world events.
(E.g; in the 911 fandom literal Latino artists and authors were being harassed over being "racist" re; their depictions of Eddie Diaz only for the people dogpiling them to scramble to retract and apologise once they realized the person wasn't actually an Evil Terrible White Person.)
I'm so proud of you for having the courage to get yourself away from your abuser.

um okay but actually that's not what this is about or even remotely close to the point of the post and deliberately taking it in bad faith to pull the 'evil racist white people' card completely ignores that even people of color have been asking for spaces where they are safe to simply Enjoy Things without being reminded of the issues they face in real life
Anyway. Asking people not to talk about genocide or trauma-dump on complete strangers in every single community space they insert themselves into is not even remotely the same as perpetrating bigotry. If I'm in a Discord server based on cooking and sharing recipes I am neither expecting nor consenting to you showing me photographs of dead children or suddenly telling me all about how your husband is cheating on you with his secretary.
This is for you. Godspeed and good luck.
I am actually begging some people to just let some spaces exist untouched by real-world issues and horrors.
Like I've lost count of the amount of times peaceful game or fandom servers have been ruined by people stampeding in with political rants, bitching about world issues, demanding internal activism, demanding vent channels so they can whine about their shitty parents, ect.
Like. Respectfully. Not every single space has to be inclusive of and welcoming of outside topics. The real world sucks. We don't needed to be reminded of that absolutely everywhere.

I’m flabbergasted, shocked, laughing so much I have thrown myself into oblivion.
There have been a few blogs going around harassing creators and fans of twisted wonderland. I hate drama but I feel like this is very important
Tw: G0re mention/R4p3 mention, Racism.
These blogs, aladdinfuckersblog and charam-kun, have been sending very disgusting images of g0re p0rn to many different creators including minors. The images usually contain rape or images of decapitated heads.
They also have been sending asks under anon threatening rape or extremely racist viewpoints

This also includes sending images of the KKK to minority creators as well. The also have been fetishizing Arab people as 'jokes' as well. These are the same person. Please block, report, and most importantly ignore these blogs.

Usually they will try to ask innocently I your asks at first before harassing you, of any of then come into your askbox, do not respond and block them.
Do not give them the satisfaction of upsetting you.
Please stay safe!!
My hot take as a stupid northern city slicker is that using the confederate flag as a “symbol of southern pride” is weird and kinda fucked up
Like you don’t see German people using swastikas as a “symbol of German pride”
How about we don’t reuse old racist symbols for funsies please

ok buddy overlifer
((brilliant art of William 2 is by @unanchored-ship !!))
things i learned at church today
-obey all authorities, bc god put them in that position (implying even if they slaved ppl, cuz moses ""obeyed"" the pharaoh) -everything bad is caused by bad spirits trust me -queer bad -give us money and proselytize youll def be successful -politicians should not be in churches, but our politics should align with the bible (dogwhistle) ???? -honor your parents even if they did sa -pastor (white european man) said he is DEFINITELY NOT RACIST -envangelical churches use very manipulative language -everything happens because god wanted, even bad things (so basically, god plays reality like its the sims) -this guy lowkey needs to die, white european pastor guy, if youre reading this, you know what youre doing, lean back into a chair, and pull the trigger -parents dragging ppl to church against their will should be heavily frowned upon (im 18)
guys idk i think envangelical churches are kinda evil what do you think