Twst Prefect - Tumblr Posts
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SON [i almost forgot to post this holy shit]
![HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SON [i Almost Forgot To Post This Holy Shit]](

First Years/Prefect Romantic Poly (Deuce Centric)
The Prefect knew that their lovers were going to raise hell when they finally got back from club.
Grim was going to raise hell.
There was going to be a lot of hell raising going on and the Prefect didn’t really know what to do about it or really if they should.
It wasn’t like they liked pain. They were a normal, everyday kind of person that tried their best to avoid it. And they weren’t so altruistic that they wanted to start a fight with their lovers to protect the assholes that had hit them.
But well…their lovers could take it a bit far.
Sevens, any of their friends would take it far and it was a miracle that they managed to get back to Ramshackle without anyone else seeing them in this state.
The last time someone had laid a hand on them – and they had tried to fight back, really! But the Octavinelle student was like, twice their size! Bigger than Floyd even! – Sebek had nearly killed the guy and it was only Malleus pulling strings and Lillia making points of Crowley not protecting his students to get their half-fae off with just a month of detention and no criminal record.
Unfortunately they weren’t exactly in a state capable of hiding what had been done and they wouldn’t lie to their lovers like that anyway.
They just wished they could break it to them a little easier and with forewarning. Trying to message them, though, or call would cause the same kind of panic either way, though, so there was nothing they could do but wait.
The Prefect was just starting to work themself up into a fit of anxiety when they heard the front door open.
“Anata?” Deuce’s voice called from the entrance as they heard him shuffling around to toe off his shoes and set his track bag down near the closet to take back with him to Heartslabyul later.
“Aa, welcome back Deuce.” They managed, standing from the sofa and shifting nervously, glad that at least they had had time to change out of the bloody clothes.
“Practice ended a little early. Jack is on his way he just had to-…” Deuce froze when he stepped into the lounge and caught sight of them, the water bottle in his hand clattering to the floor.
The Prefect winced slightly at the horror and anguish that was quickly giving way to guilt in their lover’s sea blue eyes, hating that even more than anything else.
“I’m alright, it’s just…” but they let their words trail off as the other took numb steps to meet them before ever so gently reaching his hands to cup their face.
He touched them like they were made of glass as his eyes traveled over the already darkening black eye and the split lip that had only just minutes ago stopped bleeding. There were other bruises and scrapes – one on their jaw and another on their cheek bone on the same side as the black eye – but those were the worst.
“Who did this to you?” he whispered, his brow furrowed and broken in a way that the Prefect hated hearing.
Hated the guilt laced liberally throughout and how they always seemed to be a cause of pain for their lovers simply because they weren’t able to protect themselves against the students that saw them as an insult and weak target.
They were a weak target.
They were weak and magicless and didn’t even belong in that world.
It wasn’t surprising that they were a target.
But they wished they were able to at least protect themselves enough to not cause the people they cared about to hurt as if they felt every hit on their own body instead.
Words caught in their throat and they swallowed thickly, trying to push back the tears. They hadn’t cried when they had been thrown to the ground or when they had to cover their head to protect from the vicious kicks. Tears would have only made it worse and they didn’t want to give that kind of satisfaction to the assholes.
Deuce watched them struggling, watched them try to blink away the tears unsuccessfully and how their split lip trembled as they tried to find their voice through the pain and helplessness they clearly still felt.
His expression hardened, eyes narrowing and teeth gritting as a snarl pulled on his lips.
His voice was just as soft as moments before but now it was shaky in a barely contained rage that they could feel through his trembling fingers still oh so gently cupping their face.
“Who did this to you?”
They told him.
Deuce’s eyes flashed and he leaned forward to press the softest of kisses against their forehead, a silent promise.
“Jack will be home in a minute. Lock the door behind me.” He said before turning and storming out, hands already clenched into fists and prepared to return every bruise on their Prefect with ten of his own.
The Prefect watched him go, didn’t try to stop him as they knew it was pointless. Instead they closed the door like Deuce said and locked it before pulling out their phone and texting Ace and Sebek. They would be the closest ones to be able to find Deuce the fastest and hopefully prevent the worst as their lover was planning on taking on a fight of three on his own.
Hopefully Ace and Sebek would be able to get there before Deuce killed anyone.
Hi guys, hope you liked it. I was inspired by THIS and had to write this up real fast. It's not beta'd or anything so please ignore any mistakes ^_^'. Tell me what you think. <3
alam mo ace putangina mo gusto mo itapon kita sa ilog papunta ka lagi ka sakin para sa assignment pukinang ina mo
“Hah!? I’m not Deuce you know!— you can’t make it any more obvious huh, Prefect.”
Despite the string of native curses, Ace knew right off the bat that you were swearing at him! Sure he may not know what they mean exactly, but the expression on your face is certainly far from anything pleasant. “I may have only understood one word from all that but if ya got something to say, say it outside your mother tongue, coward”
Crimson eyes bore right into yours, the first year’s face was merely a few inches away after taking a sharp step forward towards you, you’re lucky he still had a bit of dignity left for that distance —
“What? Tongue-tied now are we?” Were you though?
”I hope you’ve all been taking proper care of yourselves~”
Carla Coquille - he / she

🐚 {SR} Carla Coquille has arrived to the Ramshackle Sleepover !🐚
Voice lines below !
Set to home: You like my pajamas? Thanks, I got the pretty ones out just for tonight!
Home idle 1: You guys really did a number on the place, it looks wonderful!
Home idle 2: From one pretty shell to another, tonight is all about self care and enjoyment! Don’t worry about the dumb boys, tonight it’s just us! …And Grim!
Home idle 3: Aww, Grim, those cucumbers aren’t for eating, here, let me show you how to use them…~!
Home tap 1: Don’t tell anyone but I had to sneak out to come here~ hehe I just disguised as Rook~
Home tap 2: I brought some things that makes your face feel so smooth for days! Wanna try some?
Home tap 3: Your pjs are just too cute!
Home tap 4: Grim is such a gremlin! Props to you for having to deal with it everyday Home tap 5: Whats mine is yours darling shell, don’t worry about it, I’m not as stingy as Vil or Leona..~
🐚 Twst fan event hosted by: @gl00myb3arz 🐚
Iyad might pull up soon !!
”I hope you’ve all been taking proper care of yourselves~”
Carla Coquille - he / she

🐚 {SR} Carla Coquille has arrived to the Ramshackle Sleepover !🐚
Voice lines below !
Set to home: You like my pajamas? Thanks, I got the pretty ones out just for tonight!
Home idle 1: You guys really did a number on the place, it looks wonderful!
Home idle 2: From one pretty shell to another, tonight is all about self care and enjoyment! Don’t worry about the dumb boys, tonight it’s just us! …And Grim!
Home idle 3: Aww, Grim, those cucumbers aren’t for eating, here, let me show you how to use them…~!
Home tap 1: Don’t tell anyone but I had to sneak out to come here~ hehe I just disguised as Rook~
Home tap 2: I brought some things that makes your face feel so smooth for days! Wanna try some?
Home tap 3: Your pjs are just too cute!
Home tap 4: Grim is such a gremlin! Props to you for having to deal with it everyday Home tap 5: Whats mine is yours darling shell, don’t worry about it, I’m not as stingy as Vil or Leona..~
🐚 Twst fan event hosted by: @gl00myb3arz 🐚
Iyad might pull up soon !!
Kitty Grim searching for The Prefect.

Meet my twst oc!! Nell the ramshackle prefect.

Nell : This is fine...

Facts about Nell : That Nell dislike cats (Grim doesn't count as a cat? I think...) even so, Nell pretend not to be afraid of cats, or even show any sign of dislike.
Like bruh Trein literlly like cats and Nell don't want to make a ruckus in Trein class.
Nell : Literlly it's because Trein have the aura that every history teachers have... well not everyone though...
But, Nell have to admited that cats and kittens in magicam is veryy cute :). So yeah... Nell still scared of cats, but liked them because of there cuteness :)).

Ahh yess... drawing Floyd who is always annoys Nell :)))
Fun facts about Nell with Floyd : Nell is honestly trying to avoid Floyd many times, because Nell have a feeling that :
'My mental and physique energy is gonna run out because of this EXTROVERT!!'
Yes... Nell is a introvert :)) 👍 but have to pretend to be 'normal person'. Literlly this kid need a rest :"").

Lol... just gonna drop this image and go :))

Kalim : This is very normal to me :D.
Nell/Yuu : 'What The Pat Pat!!' *tiredly crying over Kalim unusual whealth*
Kalim : Nell are you okey!?!?
Nell/Yuu : This is fine. *insert this is fine meme*
Funfacts about Nell a.k.a my twst oc :)
Nell can never say bad words infront of Kalim or even in the mind :), because honestly Nell sees Kalim as a good boy that needs to be protect (Kalim innocence actually) and because of Kalim kindness that's very rare in NRC :)).

Sleeping Grim with there toys :333
Oh well Nell gonna post this to magicam, off course with Grim permission :))
a/n : even though I try yo make a afternoon efects with some window shadow on Grim 😭😭😭 AND I FAIL AND CRYING IN THE CORNER OF MY ROOM 😭😭😭 its looks easy at the first glance... but nope its not 😭😭😭
Oh well... atleast I try :"""))).

Finallyyy 😭😭😭 I post something after my whole month of tormented because of schoolll 😭😭😭

Food Prompt: Burger

Ive been working on this rlly zoomed out so i was rlly surprised to see it so crisp??? lol
ANYWAYS I'm doing this food prompt I found on pinterest that belongs to @/lychgate.

Ive already sketched out 1-7 but if you have any suggestions you could always ask/comment a number+character even a character/prompt ive already done if you're interested.👀👀

Chapter 7

Fairy Gala
How I imagine Crowley called Yuu down from Ramshackle to attend the Fairy Gala meeting:

Said gopher: