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his cleaner shrimp

Pairing: Floyd Leech x gn!reader
Synopsis: you had only meant to help him once, but he attached himself to you straight away
Tags: fluff, comfort, humour(?), Floyd calls you shrimpy, mentions of blood, Floyd and Jade fought, bot proofread
Word count: 1.5k+
Notes: more floyd fluff! this fic was originally angst can u believe it anyways i was inspired to do a classic shoujo manga scene hehe

'I did nothin' wrong!' Floyd thought to himself.
In the shadowed back alley, Floyd sat curled up against the wall, his emotions roiling like a stormy sea after a heated confrontation with Jade. Anger still boiled within him, but the sting of his injuries dampened his spirit.
His left cheek was swollen and discolored, a vivid shade of purple and blue, with a raw, angry red spot where Jade's knuckles had landed with force. A small cut near his eyebrow oozed blood, giving his face a gritty and battle-worn appearance. His knuckles were bruised and bloodied as well, the skin was broken in places from the forceful punches he had thrown.
He nursed his wounded pride, nursing his bruised ego, and found solace in the alleyway alone, away from prying eyes. If anyone had dared to even look at him funny, they would be met with a fierce glare from his mismatched eyes, as if daring them to challenge him to a second fight.
But it seemed his glare wasn't intimidating enough, as your shadow started approaching him, prompting him to look up from the floor. You were a small thing in Floyd's eyes, not the best target for a fight, and definitely easy to throw around.
'Pshh... Just small fry...' he thought as he rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"Uhh, hey there," you said hesitantly, holding out a plastic bag Floyd could only assume contained first aid supplies from the red symbols. "I couldn't help but notice you're hurt. Your injuries might get infected if you leave them untreated."
Floyd's initial gruffness wavered slightly as he glanced at you, surprised by your concern. But he didn't want anyone's pity or help, especially not from a stranger. "I don't need any help from small fry like you," he retorted, trying to sound tough and dismissive. "I'm not that weak."
Still, you continued taking steps closer, kneeling down next to him to stare directly into his eyes. "Even strong people can get infections, you know," you said, a wry smile playing on your lips. "It'll hurt more then, so it's better to have it treated now."
Floyd hesitated, torn between his pride and the growing realization that he did need help. Perhaps it was the adrenaline passing, but he could feel his bloodied hand throbbing in sharp pain. He cast a hesitant glance in your direction, taking in the softness and understanding in your face. In that moment, he decided to let his guard down, just for a little bit.
"Fine, whatever," he mumbled, begrudgingly extending his injured hand toward you.
Your touch was gentle and sure, and as you cleaned the wounds and applied antiseptic, you made sure to warn him of the incoming sting, though he seemed unaffected by it all. Despite his efforts to stay aloof, Floyd found himself feeling strangely comforted by your presence. As you continued to patch him up, he felt a warmth spreading through his body, a soft and fuzzy feeling that he couldn't explain. He wondered if that was the infection you had warned him about, but it didn't feel bad or painful; instead, it felt like a balm for his tired soul.
With your curiosity getting the better of you, you couldn't help but ask about the cause of the fight.
"So, what happened?"
Floyd looked at you, his eyes meeting yours, and for a moment, he hesitated. However, the trust he had found in your compassion made him open up.
"Shrimpy's curious, huh..." he replied with a small smile. "Okay, I'll tell ya, but only cuz you're Shrimpy."
You blinked at the peculiar nickname, amused and intrigued. "Shrimpy? Is that... me?"
He nodded happily, a hint of mischief in his eyes. You couldn't help but smile wryly at the odd choice of nickname.
"I had a fight with my brother," Floyd finally admitted, his smile fading into a pout.
"It's Jade's fault!" he yelled, his frustration evident in his voice. "He kept using those weird ingredients in his cooking, even though I hate 'em! I kept tellin' him, but he didn't even listen."
He paused, his voice turning quieter as he continued, "So I broke one of his terrariums to make him stop, but he got really angry..."
You listened attentively, humming as you carefully cleaned the wound on his face. "And so you two fought... I understand how that could be frustrating," you said softly. "You know, cooking takes a lot of time and effort... I'm sure your brother just wanted you to enjoy it like he does."
Floyd glanced at you, his mismatched eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions. He couldn't ignore the gut feeling that maybe you were right.
"Yeah, maybe he did," he conceded, a hint of contemplation in his voice. "But it's still annoying he doesn't listen to me."
You nodded, understanding his frustrations. "Of course, it's not nice that Jade disregarded your feelings," you replied gently. "But you should respect his feelings too. Breaking his terrarium wasn't the right way to handle it."
Your words struck a chord with Floyd, and he felt a pang of remorse for his impulsive actions. He knew better than anyone else how much time and effort Jade devoted to caring for his cherished terrariums, often staying up late into the night to tend to them.
"Aww man... Shrimpy's right," he muttered, feeling the weight of his mistake. "Jeez, what do I do now?"
You offered a reassuring smile, glad that his anger had dissipated. "It's never too late to make things right. The best place to start is always an apology," you suggested. "There, all done," you murmured as you finished placing an island dressing bandage on his face, a smile forming on your face at the job well done.
Floyd, meanwhile, stared at you in a daze, your close proximity allowing him to notice all the little details on your face. He felt his cheeks warm as a gentle affection slowly bubbled inside him. Your genuine care and gentle touch had triggered something deep within him, and he found himself feeling drawn to your presence.
"Floyd!" a familiar voice broke him out of his daze. "There you are!"
Jade stood at the front of the alley, slightly panting as if he had been rushing around. You nudged Floyd gently, having recognized that the man must be his brother, and gave him a reassuring nod.
Floyd glanced at his brother, momentarily torn between his pride and guilt. But he took a deep breath and stepped forward, his voice steady as he said, "Jade, sorry... I shouldn't have broken your terrarium, and it was wrong..." He confessed. "But I don't want to eat any of those weird things again!" he exclaimed with a pout.
Jade's initial surprise gave way to a soft smile, appreciating Floyd's rare willingness to apologize and make amends.
"I understand, Floyd," Jade replied, his tone more understanding now. "And I apologise as well. I should have listened to you and respected your preferences."
Floyd's pout softened as he realized that his brother was willing to meet him halfway. "Really?" he asked, a hint of hope in his voice.
Jade nodded. "Yes, really. Though I do not wish to, I will stop using mushrooms for your meals."
"Wait..." you blurted, turning to look at Floyd. "This whole time, the weird ingredients you've been talking about are mushrooms?"
At he nodded furiously, your incredulous expression only intensified. "But mushrooms are so delicious! Why would you hate them?"
Before Floyd could even start to complain, Jade approached you and clasped both of you hands, his eyes alit with surprise and excitement. "I'm delighted to meet a fellow mushroom lover! Would you like to join me on a mushroom foraging trip in the mountains?"
You blinked, taken aback by the sudden turn of events. As you tried to muster up a response, a pair of strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you backward to meet his sturdy chest. It was Floyd, and you could feel his warmth and presence enveloping you, his chin resting on top of your head, his hair tickling your forehead.
"No way! Go get your own Shrimpy! This one's mine!" Floyd exclaimed, his arms tightening around you possessively to prove his point.
Jade's lips spread into a wide smile, his sharp teeth showing playfully. "Now now, Floyd, I do believe you've broken a precious terrarium of mine," he hummed as he tapped his chin thoughtfully. "It's only fair that you give me something for reparations."
"Nuh-uh! As if I'd let you steal my Shrimpy!" Floyd said. In a fluid motion, he picked you up and started running off with you, while you scrambled to hold on tight to him.
You couldn't help but squeal as the unexpected playfulness unfolded. "W-wait! Floyd! Put me down!"
"Nope! You're my cleaner Shrimpy now! I'm not lettin' you go!" Floyd declared, his voice lighthearted and full of joy.
Maybe you should have been more concerned by his words, but you found yourself so captivated by his joyful and innocent laugh, that you couldn't help but burst into a fit of giggles with him.

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Can i request a fluff with Octa trio(separately) on a date but being disturbed by the first year by questioning “why are you dating with this shady guy mom— you could’ve get better step father for us.” ace said…
that time where you became a parent | octavinelle

premise. there's a lot of firsts in relationships and getting your date crashed by your partner's self-proclaimed kids for the first time is apparently one as well.
cw. mention of getting tortured once (brief), someone disappears, mention of mafia as a comparison to the octa trio, not proofread
includes. gender neutral reader, fluff
note. hi yes, after ten years /j I've decided to test my flexibility with requests since I plan to take up commisions 😚
also ik that cw is really concerning but it's nothing bad in the writing i swear!! also you sent this ask a few hours ago (4) but I'm already done?? wow
hey also im so sorry I just realized you used a feminine term 'mom' and i only realized after I finished writing 💀 you didn't specify the reader and I didn't notice so I thought it's like gender neutral my bad!

azul ashengrotto | all of the above
"azul you've been frozen for a minute,, are you okay?"
"I'm,,, fine?" he thinks?
ace snorts. "dude you call that fine? you look like you just saw one of ursula's tentacles get cut off,"
shocked? flabbergasted? speechless? azul is just one huge combination of those three even though they're pretty much the same thing. he's just suprised, albeit a little disturbed that your... five grown men friends—also your apparent 'children' have now kidnapped you as their parent and is planning to make him a step-father without his consent!
he looks at you with a blink as if to as 'what in the great seven are they talking about' meanwhile you just shrug and take a bite out of the lunch azul had just bought you, thoroughly enjoying it because come on. who wouldn’t enjoy free food? it's your right as his partner to experience getting spoiled but that doesn't mean you don't get to not like it.
judging by the casual, indifferent demeanor you display and even your unbothered face? azul can tell that this happens lots of times and at some point you had accepted it.
also the ursula comment.. he got offended on her behalf, no way the great ursula would even let that happen to her. she's the epitome of greatness! plus... he'll have your bratty child know that octopuses can regrow a limb!
wait a minute.
azul sputtered and frowned defensively. "excuse me? shady?" he'll have them know that he is a perfectly—perfect father for your children! there is no 'better' because he simply is the best.
oh azul... who's gonna tell him that he's obviously showing off whenever your grown 'kids' are around in hopes of getting their approval? no one apparently cause ace thinks it's too funny for it to be stopped and he needs seriously good entertainment that matches up to this level.
god lord if anyone sees him snooping around the library on topics that typically interest teens.. or jade leaking out the fact that he sent the tweels to collect information about the five.. that makes for good blackmail according to them and he's starting to get concerned with how many material they had gotten from him.
jade leech | more amused than suprised
"I believe that I am capable of reaching the standards of your 'children'," a chuckle.
epel quips over from the side casually, toning his pitch up a notch to showcase the knowing voice. "hows your criminal record? clean?"
the chuckling ceases.
okay maybe he can reach their expectations in ways that doesn't involve a clean record. in his defense that person had crossed a line so jade had to... remind them which line to stay behind. it's not like epel knows that the speeding ticket was just a cover up for the more concerning one and as much as jade liked to tell the tale, he supposes he'd get much more disagreement if he told the other story, so he resorted to talking about the less... severe crime.
jack in particular voices his disagreement, more so when jade had commented on craving meat while eyeing jack in a way that the buff man immediately got offended and snitched to you.
safe to say that as much as you love your concerning, tall, red flag boyfreind he's definitely gonna feel the heat from your glare. that day jade learned not to mess with jack cause despite how ironically strong the man is? apparently he's a pretty big snitch cause he always goes to you and tries to 'convince' you that even kalim makes a better lover.
jade did not like that at all. why like the excruciatingly boring sunshine of scarabia? I mean come on, over kalim and jade? who's less boring? he questions you with a particularly coy smile.
for your sake, he supposes. the five troublesome first years had gotten less treatment for him nowadays and he's made it perfectly clear that he has the capability to mess with them once again, be it in a battle of mentality, or strength. but just cause he let them off doesn't mean their off the hook yet! which is great because with the subtly implications he had made meant that jack with the quick mouth wouldn't be so quick to snitch on him.
for a guy who tortur—I mean, gave a perfectly justified punishment to a sinner jade is pretty childish and competitive to prove that he's a pretty damn good boyfriend that no one,,, absolutely no one (not even your kids lol) can mess with.
floyd leech | thinks it's really funny and wants to be the dad
"awww.. shrimpy you didn't tell me you got a whole troupe of baby shrimpies," floyd giggles.
"I mean they didn't tell me that I was their parent too so,"
"hmph! calling the prefect my parent would be disrespecting master lilia!" sebek bemoaned—loudly despite accepting a parental scold about volume from you.
most of the sentence that ace commented about him being... shady? just went in one ear and out the other. I mean yeah, he isn't gonna blow the 'cover' but they're mafia type shit shady and he can't exactly deny what they see. and apparently what ace sees is that you need a better 'husband' and they need a better 'step-father' to which floyd replied a; "there's no one else. you're stuck with me baby shrimpies,"
floyd's grin was very ominous but when was it not? though his specific harder emphasis on 'no one' concerns you a little and you even had a moment of realization because besides that one guy who miraculously disappeared after he flirted witn you quite literally disappeared from thin air... who else approached you after that?
but just like any other MC you shrug it off :) (for the sake of the plot)
for some reason floyd believes the family thing wholly and had now squeezed himself into it—to the dismay and endless complaints from sebek. besides the obvious dislike the angry teen had out for him, floyd seems to think the opposite and even finds sebek amusing! (to the further suffering of sebek floyd had requested for him to call him dad)
sebek refused of course and explained he already had a father and simply could not!
floyd took it the wrong way and asked you if you were seeing another person 😭 I mean there's only one person 'lilia' in the school and from sebek's 'master-lilia' from their conversation it's clear that the boy was referring to whoever lilia is as his father so he tried to get jade up in it (who loved the idea of storming diasomnia but hell, even jade was wary of the nobody floyd never heard of in his life!)
^ coughs that was his jealousy speaking. in the end jade outright talked him out of it and told him that he could always spread some.. things since it always works.
out of jealousy floyd had told you that lilia sounds like a 5 year old name and is lame. jealousy may come in fire but floyd's come in grude. you just feel kinda bad for lilia lol
── ko-fi
I'm in pain, my heart hurts
— "AND WHILE YOU SLEEP, I'LL BE SCARED." overblot gang
SYNOPSIS: Your lover waking up from a horrific nightmare and scrambling to listen to your heartbeat so he can make sure you're still alive.
⊹ [ cw ] — angst, hurt/comfort, overblot, blood, glass shards injury, anxiety/panic attacks, insecurities, mentions of death, crying (them)◞
⊹ [ tags ] — ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP. GN! READER | riddle tears his room apart, leona feels immense guilt, caring leona, azul having a panic attack, vil being an absolute mess, vil speaks german, shy idia, jamil injures himself accidentally, jamil calls you 'albi' (my heart), malleus immortality angst ◞
⊹ [ w.c ] — 1.5k+◞

It's far past his scheduled time for sleep.
A bitter taste is bubbling up in his throat and frothing against his tongue. Riddle doesn't know what this wretched feeling is. All he knows is that he's terrified. Perhaps that's why he allows himself to disturb your sleep, the maddening emotions slamming against his head becoming too much for him to handle.
"I-I apologize for waking you," Riddle rasps, slipping into your shared bed and burrowing his face deep into the crook of your neck. His breaths come out in quick and fleeting puffs, heart thrumming hard against his ribs.
In the dimness of the night, the myriad of mangled and torn-up books that were strewn and flung about the room in a frenzied fury could hardly be seen. Your gaze flickered down to your lover. The tips of Riddle's fingers were a blistering raw red, his once well-groomed nails now visibly chipped at its ends.
With a touch of your tender hands, you pull him down to rest against your chest.
"What's wrong?"
"I–I just…I recalled the incident of my overblot and how I hit you with that blast. H-How you nearly—" Clamping his eyes tight, Riddle dared not to finish that sentence. The boy trembles in your arms—ears fervently straining to hear the steady and melodic thump of your heart, a melody he feared he would never hear again.
A choked sob tumbles from his lips and your chest aches.
"…I'm sorry," was his quiet cry. "I'm so sorry."

Peacefully fast asleep, your back was nestled snug against the Leona's chest while his firm bicep protectively curled around your ribs.
Over the course of your relationship, Leona began to realize how much he loved having you in his arms. You were at peace when you slept, untouched and untainted by the stress and pain you dealt with every day.
He crept his free hand up your torso, cold fingers slipping underneath your shirt, skimming up your stomach, and settling above the spot on your chest where your heartbeat danced vividly against his touch. Leona splays his fingers out more, fixated on how the thrum of your life felt against his skin.
It was a daily struggle to keep his emotions at bay, ensuring that his strong feelings and magic wouldn't hurt you again. The nightmarish phantom of his blot still haunts him to this day. That wrath was an ugly and hideous beast he wished to keep locked away in the depths of his mind for all of eternity.
Yet, at the soft beat of your delicate heart against his sullied hands—Already, Leona finds himself wavering, uncharacteristically weak.
An overpowering mix of stress and strain washes over him, pooling up into watery blobs and flowing down his cheeks in faint streaks as he silently wept.
"Fuck," Leona curses, pulling your dozing form closer to him. "Fuck. Fuck, I'm sorry. You don't deserve this."

The torment of nightmares was far worse than he remembered, but this dread he felt was unquestionably different, pressing in on him like a frigid cold. The icy sensation seeps into the marrows and dips of his flesh—his sole respite being your touch, which both warmed and scorched at his skin.
"Angelfish." Azul breathlessly sputtered, blindly patting around the bed in search of your body.
Through the fringes of his blacked out vision, he could barely make out your worried drowsy visage. This caused him to panic, pulse picking up, but you were quick to soothe him—reaching a hand out to press against his cheek. Finally finding you, the octo-mer pulled you towards his side of the bed, engulfing you in a tight hug.
Azul tried to stop the flood of tears that layered his face, but your soft lips strewn with kisses on his skin seemed to further elicit his unceasing cries.
"I'm not going anywhere, Azul. I'm here." You whisper, cradling his face, but he was inconsolable. The octo-mer desperately clawed at your shirt as he pressed his ear deeper against your chest, practically melting into you.
The throbs of your heart echoed through his anguished mind, providing him with some semblance of comfort.
"Don't go….Please…" Azul sputters, body shaking from every deep, labored heave of his burning lungs, "Please."

A strangled scream awoke you from your abyssal sleep, your bleary eyes ripping open to dart here and there around the room in a manic frenzy. The ensuing shattering smash of a glass further threw your thoughts into disarray.
Your lover had stumbled off of the bed, now kneeling against the wooden flooring with the bedsheets pooling around his hips, sheets damp from the shattered glass of water on the floor.
A bloody hand clenched at his palpitating heart, glass shards digging into his skin, as his lungs fought to maintain his breathing.
You sprang from the mattress and skidded in his direction, but Jamil scrambled away from you.
"Albi, no. There's glass. Stay away. You're going to get hurt," Jamil stammered. Holding a shaky hand up, the boy avoided your gaze.
"Jamil—" Brows pinched together, you eased towards him. "I'm not going to get hurt, don't worry."
You stepped over the shards of crystal glass with caution and made your way past, "See?"
Once you were within his reach, Jamil caved in and slowly brought you into his arms—careful with his injury. He could feel the distant sting of the cuts on his hands, but he couldn't bring himself to care.
Leaning down, he lay his head over your heart. Even though the batter of your heart was frantic and panicked, it somewhat provided a steady beat for him to follow as he worked to untangle the complexities in his thoughts. Your lover sunk against you, anchoring himself against the warmth your body radiated.

As the minutes pass, Idia was rapidly losing every meagre amount of confidence he managed to scrape together.
"Idia…honey? Please get up." You croon, running a hand through his flaming hair.
Though it seemed as if he didn't hear anything—Idia kept his head glued against your beating chest, refusing to get up from his position on the floor.
He's been kneeling before you for so long that the rough fabric of his pants burned and skidded against the tender skin of his knees, sending excruciating stings along the threads of his flesh.
"I—No…N-No…I can't." Idia's lips quiver, eyes glossing over as he diverts his gaze. The weight of his arms lay heavy against your legs, elbows resting by your knees while his dull nails dug into the skin at the back of your thighs.
"Why's that?" You whisper.
Idia shut his eyes. The flash of numerous dreams and nightmares he's suffered at the hands of his own demented twisted memories clouded his mind. It did not help that they were all molded out of his own self-inflicted pessimism...cruel and unforgiving. A reason as to why he couldn't bear to look at you tonight, not when the image of your mangled body was still fresh on his mind.
"I-I'm s-sor-sorry…I ca-can't get up…I need to…” he stumbles for words, his breathing picking up its pace. "I need to…need to know you're okay."

"Vil…" You worriedly murmur, pressing your lips against his mascara-stained cheeks, not minding the bitter aftertaste it left lingering in your mouth.
Laying atop the plush silk sheets of his king-sized bed, the dorm leader's eyes were ripped wide open as his chest heaved viciously. It was quite a rare sight as your lover lay vulnerable before you, heart bared open.
Oh, he was an absolute mess.
Dark streams of teary mascara ran down Vil's cheeks, his uniform wrinkled and his golden hair splayed out everywhere—unbound from its braids and tangled up.
The grip of his arms around your midsection tightens as he pressed you up closer against him, his head resting atop your chest. At the sound of your heartbeat, Vil allowed himself to unwind and let your affections banish away even the most ominous of his thoughts.
"Liebling…Es tut mir ehrlich Leid—" Vil rasps, his mother tongue dripping like honey from his lips as he suddenly found it difficult to speak the language he was so accustomed to every day.
Hushing him, you press a fleeting kiss against his brow line and Vil clamps his red-rimmed eyes shut, ceasing to say anything more.
"Hush now. Rest, my prince." You press a gentle kiss to his temple and brush the frizzes of his blonde hair away from his face.
A small smile quirks on his lips as he feels his stomach fluttering from the nickname. The look in his eyes is softly lit, warm like a candle.

One day, Malleus knows, you will be nothing more than wilted and withered ash.
It was a truth that wrapped around him like shackling chains—tearing, whipping and lashing against his raw, bare skin. No matter how hard he pulled, scratched, and screamed at it, the chains remained.
The clanging and grating iron truth about reality cannot be so easily pushed away. Human lives are fickle, and you would inevitably leave him.
Once you do, the fae prince knows he will be a mere shadow of his former self, a wretched and lonesome creature awaiting and longing for his lover who was no more than a ghost of his fleeting memories.
"I apologize for the disturbance, my treasure."
And yet, Malleus presses his hand firmly against your beating heart. A distant marching beat serving as his reminder that you were very much alive and well.
"I truly apologize." Malleus heaves, hands clamouring against your collarbone.
Although thick tension and silence still hung heavy in the air, the dragon basked in the warmth and feel of your flushed skin, a bitter smile gracing his lips as he lay beside you on the bed.
"Sweet dreams, beastie…"

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ᓚᘏᗢ Moray courtship ..彡
SYNOPSIS. The Eel twins tries to feed their beloved crush; opening their mouth at each other is Moray courtship thing and oops— MC doesn't know that, but do you know who does? The Leech twins of course!
CHARACTERS. Jade Leech, Floyd Leech
TAGS. Fluff, mutual pining
REQUESTED BY. Anonymous (from prev blog)

You trusted Jade, but there are times you didn't especially since he has a habit of poking your buttons to see your reaction, and today wasn't any different. He said he wanted you to try his new recipe, you were going to but he insisted he fed it to you himself. You weren't on guard with this one
He asked you to open your mouth, widely so he can feed you, he lets you finish chewing first before he starts his mischief. "How bold of you, to confess to me right now upfront."
You rose a brow, confused. "What're you talking about?"
"A common courtship for eels is gaping our mouth widely, even if a human is initiating it." He said this rather bluntly like you didn't accidentally confess intentionally or not. Your face warmed up, you can't believe you were tricked! You know he did all of this on purpose
"You— You set me up!" you pointed a finger at him
"Hmm? Oh, I would never" he gave a fake hurt face with a hand in his chest acting like he's the one that's been poked fun of. Before you can let out an earful chide, Jade shoved a spoon full of mushroom risotto into your mouth to keep you from talking. You choked for a bit, but still chewed nonetheless.
"How's the food?" He tries to change the subject, especially when you had a pouty, angry expression directed at him while you chew. You didn't want to admit it, yet the taste was incredible that you couldn't form a lie, submitting to defeat. "It's... good..."
He grabbed another spoonful from the plate to feed you again, he have his hands underneath to keep any spill to stain any fabric. You were skeptical this time, you squint your eyes giving him a look of suspicion, he chuckled at your behavior,
"I'm not gonna tease you this time"
You let your guard down for a bit and opened your mouth again, but not wider like last time. You closed your eyes waiting for the food, instead of feeding you like Jade said he would, he went closer to kiss you on the cheek causing you to open your eyes. He pulled away to see you embarrassed by his actions
"Hey!" You put a hand on the cheek where he left the kiss, it was warmer than before, "—You liar!"
"Am I..? You're so easy to tease."

It wasn't a date, but you didn't turn down Floyd's invitation to visit him while he was at work. I mean, he even said he'd give you a free meal as a special guest, how can you turn that down? What you didn't expect was he was the one feeding you
"ahhh..." You opened your mouth and closed your eyes, waiting to be fed with food but all Floyd did was stare blankly at you, then his face brighten
"I knew it, I knew it! You do love me!" He tackled you into a hug causing the both of you to fall into the soft sofa. Overly affectionate as he is, Floyd rubs his cheek against yours in a loving manner. The food was soon ignored and the spoon was dropped somewhere creating a small mess
"Floyd—! Careful!" You tried to squirm from his heavy tackle, but his height couldn't let you escape. He ignores your confused yelps as he continues to trap you in his embrace refusing to let go. You were sure he heard the loud drum of your heartbeats
He chants a bunch of 'I love you' and incoherent sentences about how he waited long for this, but he still refused to let go and you gave up freeing yourself. He was much stronger than you
But after a few minutes had passed you tapped his back with a hand, you were losing air and needed a bit of space. "Floyd, I can't breathe anymore— I love you too, so please—"
Floyd lets go instantly from your words, he still has this wide grin. He was like a dog happy to see it's owner. "You mean it? You really, really mean it?"
Your hand was on your chest, and the other was stopping him from hugging you again. You were panting heavily from the lack of air and the fast beating of your heart.
"Yes I mean it, but next time don't try to kill me,, okay?
"Haha, I won't, I won't" He hugged you again, this time it was less crushing than earlier, it didn't take long for you to hug him back.
To this day, you still don't know what could've made Floyd that way...

A crown on your head and finger
Ft.Vil Schoenheit Tags. Romantic, Fluff , Reader is NOT Yuu/MC, GN You/Your reader, Queen is a gender neutral term, established relationships, Vil is an amazing boyfriend, You enroll into Pomefiore at the same time as Vil, good vibes, proposals, Vil deserves good things in life, Artistic Author Reader who is talented asf, self indulgence A/N. This is a rewrite/heavy touch up on a fic on my previous main that never really made it, I hope this is a decent upgrade. Enjoy! <3

wordcount: 2140+ | Masterlist & Taglist

Loud chatter, laughter, screams and noise all but became white noise when something was a bigger priority, and the hand in yours was playing the biggest part in it; you squeeze the soft hand, noting to ask how his skin is so soft. He playfully asks why you were making him run “-As if the place was running away too. We’ll be fine-” He huffed, and you smiled; you knew he was looking forward to this as much as you were. The sound of excited footsteps, skipping to the acting club with an extra pep in the steps, you hummed the tune with an extra glint in your eyes; today was the first day you’d be a part of the highschool drama club, you were tasked with making the paintings for this classic script that would be adapted for their theatre stage.
Fairest Queen, The Huntsman, The Princess, Poison apples.. Painting the day away, you were drawing the portraits of the characters adapted to their assigned actors. Gently setting down the brush to wait as Vil’s portrait dried, you were brought back to reality by him who sat next to you, leaning his head against yours from the side; his smile was impossible to miss, the way you heard it in his voice “Oh? I didn’t know I was your muse, my my.. Are you enthralled by me, my beauty?” as he asked teasingly, and the way his breath was caught in his throat when you nodded, saying “You are the fairest of them all,” you smiled at him, and Vil thought to himself that you must’ve mistook him for the mirror of the fairest queen. And even as you grew up together, you never really stopped finding yourself in awe of this man- Just when was he going to stop getting prettier and more beautiful? You’d let your tongue slip a few times about it, each time being rewarded with a smile that was just.. perfect. If anything was perfect- and even if nothing was- he was the damn closest any and all ever could and would be. To you and your thoroughly bewitched heart. The heart you’d given to your fairest queen, who holds it close to his own chest to find comfort with the beat of its pulse- yours; placed in his own hands, ones ever-villainized by the masses- by everything. His hands you adore. The money and riches paled in comparison, and Vil found himself a saying to teach; that love like his -you- was and forever is the fairest kind of love amongst poisonous thorns. He cherished you and the love you shared with him in a way that’d put gods to shame. Damned be the altars that failed the test of time, your love would last; you were a blessing, and you chose to be his. Now you lay on bed with him cuddling you from behind, sitting up; Vil applying your self care routine for you as you went typed away on your keyboard, writing and multi tasking.
“Keep still, my dove” Vil breathed, quiet words, relaxing you royally as you leaned slowly, letting him pose you so that he could apply your shared beauty routine without a hitch. A royally lovely smile tugged its way up his breathtaking face, growing on his kissable lips as the happiness rose up to his eyes.
The sound of keyboard clicking eased late into the night as your beautiful boyfriend applied a face mask carefully, multitasking through your routines which would look ridiculously intimate to anyone else, you tried not to smile too widely; resulting in the smug, dopey grin he adored, Vil pat the face mask into shape on your face with a laugh. You were exchanging emails with the publishers his father worked with, your recent step into stardom of authorship was in match with his own, thanks to Vil and his fathers’ encouragement; you have made the leap into public eyes. Yet you found safety even in the spotlight, knowing you were not alone. Many if not most of your days were busy- both you and Vil’s, yet you were seen together more than apart. You always made time for each other, if you could, you would. And if you couldn’t? You’d wish blessings on the houses of the people that developed the modern phones and messaging apps. Even then, coming back to each other -no matter how long it’s been- always made you happier than the last, distance might make the heart fonder, but it also makes the heart a little clingy. At least, that’s what you said; and if not from the tired yet happy, genuine smile Vil shared, from the squeeze of his gentle arms around you, both of you knew he agreed.
You had stepped back into your shared space, fast walking into the arms of your awaiting soulmate and crashing into the bed, stardom was a curse and a blessing. They adored you- or, at least, they adored your penmanship, your story telling, your artworks and script-writing. For you, it’s rewarding. Difficult? Yes, occasionally makes you feel like you’ve lost your head- but still rewarding. You adored the visitors who visited your writers tent and asked for your autograph, you made sure to write a positive quote in a character they chose too, each of them unique. Even when the high effort of this life often made you exhausted, you found yourself having what it takes to go on and aim for what you want. The sight of your beloved boyfriend- at this point, fiance in all meanings without rings- made you relax; sighing and shrugging off the jacket, face mask and the like as you took your place next to him, opting to make up for the time spent apart by cuddling. You hummed as Vil played with your hair, talking about your careers, recent casting calls, public receptions: To your most recent surprise, the public eye loved the story you wrote with the fairest of them all in mind the most, the one where you had written with Vil as the hero in mind. He promised you that if your artistic masterpiece was to be adapted to be on stage, he would make sure it’s perfect. For you, his fairest love.
Love with Vil was loyal, supporting, cherished. Never falling, never losing what you have whilst growing up together; You were a mostly faceless author until you decided to reveal you’d be attending NRC with him, revealing your identity upon enrolling the college with a smile and absolute confidence, perfect (practised) posture, a powerful stance; you entered with a casting call, a show to creative genius humouring your absolutely floored fairest queen. He did not think you would go above and beyond! You pulled all the stops, casting call, props, the poise! The confidence! The creativity! Your beauty was in full bloom as to be expected of you, the fairest lover of his majesty. And the absolute face of delight Vil has seeing you and him being placed in the same dorm only makes your happiness reach your eyes faster.
(Not to mention the absolute shock so many people would have, since they all grew up reading your works or heard a lot about you too, now discovering you were the same age/younger than them while making such masterpieces? Some are impressed, others want you to just take them out in the lethal way already. Your confidence, your stance, it was obvious from the way Vil gasped and not only that, but he was positively glowing ever since then, to know you two would be together even in your education.)
Vil absolutely brags about you ever since then, as he always has but with no filter or reason to hold back anymore as you were both fully public figures; even if most people are unaware of how guilty he feels some days. Why? Because your favourite book, your artistic magnum opus will have a theatre adaptation, someday, but it has to wait until he is ready, if he is ever ready, yet you always smile and say that if it’s not him who acts the story you wrote with him in your mind, then the stage is not where its meant to be at all; not if the fairest of them all isn’t playing his role as the hero. You reassure him so often in private as you read him like a book; reading between his lines and crossing out his ugly insecurities with your skillfully worded yet genuine reassurance. Meaning each word, and making sure he knew it too. “I’d never cast Neige or some stuffed shirt crown jerk to play the role I wrote with you in my mind” You whispered the first time, and he had to do a double take- Him? You wrote this all based on him? For him? With him in mind, only him..? Vil knew you promised you would, but it just hit him like a train how you meant it, the genuine reality of it often sobered him up. You wrote your best work on the ‘childish’ wish of his to be the hero for once; and people loved it.
“This world is a canvas, and you’re my most lovely muse; and I wax poetry nonsense far too often, people think I’m ingenuine..” You sigh, taking his handsome face tenderly in your palms, “-But I’ve never loved any of them; it’s only ever been you. I admire beauty, but I love you, only you.” And Vil closes his eyes, circling his arms around your waist as he lets himself bury his expression and tears onto your neck. “Good things are worth waiting for, and you’re the best thing in my life; you’ll always be the my most important part of life-” You kissed the crown of his head, noting to maybe put your prop work knowledge to use, maybe replicating the crowns depicted in the love stories of the fairest queen could make a great gift; Yes, this would be it. It could take forever and evermore if he wanted it to, because- “I’d wait for you until our next lives if you asked me to.”
For your upcoming important day, you would not only put the red box in the nightstand to use, but place the crown your beautiful future husband rightfully deserved on his head too. What a wonderful gift fit for the love you shared with him.. And he agreed, with a truly sudden surge of emotions that no acting training or practice could ever prepare him for, with a “yes” he agreed, many multiple times.
Throughout everything, you stuck by his side; and you showed him you’d intend to stick by as stubborn as a thorn, and he found himself fondly reminding you how you were so much more beautiful than a mere thorn. You were the most beautiful garden of feelings, and you were all his- now, and forever, he’d remind you as he pointed to the ring on his head and the one on his finger. Calling you either a skillful poet or a flatterer when you respond with an ever classic response of how you couldn’t hold a candle to the smile he has when he says things like that; depending on the day and how playful he feels.
Now, Vil felt the urge to roll his eyes, thankful for his years of practice to drown out the reflex of such informality as he made eye contact with the ramshackle perfect who asked if the crown on his head was real, if it was bought or made, if it was a collectors item or if there was only one of them-
He gestured in a waving motion which read as a most majestic –shut up– and the perfect gulped, not ready for what they may have said to set him off. But he smiled instead, with a poisonous glint in his eyes.
“Hm? Yes, potato, this crown I wear is in fact one of its kind. It’s a gift from my fairest one, yes, that’s why it matches the ring; hm? Is it really so unexpected of me to be loved, potato?” He glared, receiving no response, “No? Good.” Vil huffed, fixing the now-iconic, signature crown on his head back in place, truly, you were his greatest gift in life. A crown on his ring finger and one on his head too, you never let him forget that he is your fairest queen, as if he could ever.
He smiled as he elegantly raised his right hand, asking with a royal smirk and another huff of confidence, “-Because I only have the fairest lover of them all, potato, never forget it; [name] Schoenheit is the most beautiful name of them all, as the only one who’s as fair as me will only ever stand by my side.”
his cleaner shrimp

Pairing: Floyd Leech x gn!reader
Synopsis: you had only meant to help him once, but he attached himself to you straight away
Tags: fluff, comfort, humour(?), Floyd calls you shrimpy, mentions of blood, Floyd and Jade fought, bot proofread
Word count: 1.5k+
Notes: more floyd fluff! this fic was originally angst can u believe it anyways i was inspired to do a classic shoujo manga scene hehe

'I did nothin' wrong!' Floyd thought to himself.
In the shadowed back alley, Floyd sat curled up against the wall, his emotions roiling like a stormy sea after a heated confrontation with Jade. Anger still boiled within him, but the sting of his injuries dampened his spirit.
His left cheek was swollen and discolored, a vivid shade of purple and blue, with a raw, angry red spot where Jade's knuckles had landed with force. A small cut near his eyebrow oozed blood, giving his face a gritty and battle-worn appearance. His knuckles were bruised and bloodied as well, the skin was broken in places from the forceful punches he had thrown.
He nursed his wounded pride, nursing his bruised ego, and found solace in the alleyway alone, away from prying eyes. If anyone had dared to even look at him funny, they would be met with a fierce glare from his mismatched eyes, as if daring them to challenge him to a second fight.
But it seemed his glare wasn't intimidating enough, as your shadow started approaching him, prompting him to look up from the floor. You were a small thing in Floyd's eyes, not the best target for a fight, and definitely easy to throw around.
'Pshh... Just small fry...' he thought as he rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"Uhh, hey there," you said hesitantly, holding out a plastic bag Floyd could only assume contained first aid supplies from the red symbols. "I couldn't help but notice you're hurt. Your injuries might get infected if you leave them untreated."
Floyd's initial gruffness wavered slightly as he glanced at you, surprised by your concern. But he didn't want anyone's pity or help, especially not from a stranger. "I don't need any help from small fry like you," he retorted, trying to sound tough and dismissive. "I'm not that weak."
Still, you continued taking steps closer, kneeling down next to him to stare directly into his eyes. "Even strong people can get infections, you know," you said, a wry smile playing on your lips. "It'll hurt more then, so it's better to have it treated now."
Floyd hesitated, torn between his pride and the growing realization that he did need help. Perhaps it was the adrenaline passing, but he could feel his bloodied hand throbbing in sharp pain. He cast a hesitant glance in your direction, taking in the softness and understanding in your face. In that moment, he decided to let his guard down, just for a little bit.
"Fine, whatever," he mumbled, begrudgingly extending his injured hand toward you.
Your touch was gentle and sure, and as you cleaned the wounds and applied antiseptic, you made sure to warn him of the incoming sting, though he seemed unaffected by it all. Despite his efforts to stay aloof, Floyd found himself feeling strangely comforted by your presence. As you continued to patch him up, he felt a warmth spreading through his body, a soft and fuzzy feeling that he couldn't explain. He wondered if that was the infection you had warned him about, but it didn't feel bad or painful; instead, it felt like a balm for his tired soul.
With your curiosity getting the better of you, you couldn't help but ask about the cause of the fight.
"So, what happened?"
Floyd looked at you, his eyes meeting yours, and for a moment, he hesitated. However, the trust he had found in your compassion made him open up.
"Shrimpy's curious, huh..." he replied with a small smile. "Okay, I'll tell ya, but only cuz you're Shrimpy."
You blinked at the peculiar nickname, amused and intrigued. "Shrimpy? Is that... me?"
He nodded happily, a hint of mischief in his eyes. You couldn't help but smile wryly at the odd choice of nickname.
"I fought with my brother," Floyd finally admitted, his smile fading into a pout.
"It's Jade's fault!" he yelled, his frustration evident in his voice. "He kept using weird ingredients in his cooking, even though I hate those things! I kept tellin' him I hated it, but he didn't listen at all."
He paused, his voice turning quieter as he continued, "So I broke one of his terrariums to make him stop, but he got really angry..."
You listened attentively, nodding empathetically as you carefully cleaned the wound on Floyd's face. "And so you two fought... I understand how that could be frustrating," you said softly. "You know, cooking takes a lot of time and effort... I'm sure your brother just wanted you to enjoy it like he does."
Floyd glanced at you, his mismatched eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions. He couldn't ignore the gut feeling that maybe you were right.
"Yeah, maybe he did," he conceded, a hint of contemplation in his voice. "But it's still annoying when he doesn't listen to me."
You nodded, understanding his frustrations. "Of course, it's not nice that Jade disregarded your feelings," you replied gently. "But you should respect his feelings too. Breaking his terrarium wasn't the right way to handle it."
Your words struck a chord with Floyd, and he felt a pang of remorse for his impulsive actions. He knew better than anyone else how much time and effort Jade devoted to caring for his cherished terrariums, often staying up late into the night to tend to them.
"Aww man... Shrimpy's right," he muttered, feeling the weight of his mistake. "Jeez, what should I do now?"
You offered a reassuring smile, glad that his anger had dissipated. "It's never too late to make things right," you said kindly. "The best place to start is always an apology," you suggested. "There, all done," you murmur as you finish placing an island dressing bandage on his face, a smile forming on your face at the job well done.
Floyd, meanwhile, gazed at you in a daze, your close proximity allowing him to notice all the details on your face. He felt his cheeks warm as a gentle affection slowly bubbled inside him. Your genuine care and support had touched something deep within him, and he found himself feeling drawn to your presence.
"Floyd!" a familiar voice broke him out of his daze. "There you are!"
Jade stood at the front of the alley, slightly panting as if he had been rushing around. You nudged Floyd gently, having recognized that this must be his brother, and gave him a reassuring nod.
Floyd glanced at his brother, momentarily torn between his pride and guilt. But he took a deep breath and stepped forward, his voice steady as he said, "Jade, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have broken your terrarium, and it was wrong..." He confessed. "But I don't want to eat any of those weird things again!" he exclaimed with a pout.
Jade's initial surprise gave way to a soft smile, appreciating Floyd's rare willingness to apologize and make amends.
"I understand, Floyd," Jade replied, his tone more understanding now. "And I'm sorry too. I should have listened to you and respected your preferences."
Floyd's pout softened as he realized that his brother was willing to meet him halfway. "Really?" he asked, a hint of hope in his voice.
Jade nodded. "Yes, really. Though I do not wish to, I will stop using mushrooms for your meals."
"Wait..." you blurted, turning to look at Floyd. "This whole time, the weird ingredients you've been talking about are mushrooms?"
At he nodded furiously, your incredulous expression only intensified. "But mushrooms are so delicious! Why would you hate them?"
In response to your words, Jade's eyes lit up with surprise and excitement. He approached you, grabbing your hands with an earnest expression on his face. "I'm delighted to meet a fellow mushroom lover! Would you like to join me on a mushroom foraging trip in the mountains?"
You blinked, taken aback by the sudden turn of events. Before you could even come up with an answer, a pair of strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you backward to meet his sturdy chest. It was Floyd, and you could feel his warmth and presence enveloping you, his chin resting on top of your head, his hair tickling your forehead.
"No way! Go get your own Shrimpy! This one's mine!" Floyd exclaimed, his arms tightening around you possessively to prove his point.
Jade's lips spread into a wide smile, his sharp teeth showing playfully. "Now now, Floyd, I do believe you've broken a precious terrarium of mine," he hummed as he tapped his chin thoughtfully. "It's only fair that you give me something for reparations."
"Nuh-uh! As if I'd let you steal my Shrimpy!" Floyd said. In a fluid motion, he picked you up and started running off with you, while you scrambled to hold on tight to him.
You couldn't help but squeal as the unexpected playfulness unfolded. "W-wait! Floyd! Put me down!"
"Nope! You're my cleaner Shrimpy now! I'm not lettin' you go!" Floyd declared, his voice lighthearted and full of joy.
Maybe you should have been more concerned by his words, but instead, you found yourself captivated by his joyful and innocent laugh, that you couldn't help but burst into a fit of giggles with him.
thinking about azul who's face lights up the moment you walk through his office door. he scrambles over from his seat and wraps his arms around you, his oversized trench coat engulfing you. he presses the side of his cheek against your head, breathes in your scent and exhales, the tension leaving his body almost instantly. he starts murmuring about how much he missed you and how he's done so much work today and how the tweels have been bullying him again, countless ramblings to tug at your heartstrings so you'll comfort him by patting his head and cuddling with him
meaning the tweels just stand in the corner like 🤨🤨🤨 bullying him??? he's bullying us!! can you believe this guy jade ಥ_ಥ
ode to the lonesome prince
Pairing: Malleus Draconia x gn!reader
Synopsis: you adored him so much you would stand by his side no matter what
Tags: drabble, fluff, slightly poetic hehe, reader is a simp for malleus
Word count: 683
Notes: happy birthday dragon boi!! im so sorry im so late🥹 i wrote more especially for you and i promise ill give you another fic soon!!!

Your lover is an enigma to those who perceive him from a distance. The powerful aura that surrounds him is something you've come to see through. His calm and respectful yet cold tone has become a language only a few, including yourself, have learned to decipher. In his presence, you've unearthed layers of vulnerability and passion, discovering the intricate mosaic of emotions that make him who he is. And with each revelation, your connection grows stronger, bridging the gap between the mysterious exterior and the tender heart within.

Your lover is unwavering in his commitment to always give his best, navigating through life with an oblivious charm. Despite his best intentions, there are moments when he may inadvertently cause harm or make mistakes. Yet, what sets him apart is the sincerity with which he approaches apologies, never shying away from acknowledging his fault. He instead offers heartfelt apologies, demonstrating a genuine desire to make amends and ensure that your feelings are heard and respected. It's this combination of genuine effort and a sincere willingness to rectify any missteps that makes your relationship a harmonious dance of understanding and growth.
Your lover transforms into a delightful and childlike enthusiast whenever the conversation veers towards gargoyles. It's as if a spark ignites within him, and suddenly, his eyes light up with unbridled excitement. The usually composed demeanour gives way to a genuine, infectious joy. With each word, he paints a vivid picture of the stone guardians, their intricate details, and the stories they silently hold. His enthusiasm is palpable, and you can't help but be swept away by the sheer delight he radiates. There's a charm in the way he talks about gargoyles, turning a seemingly mundane subject into a respected figure.
Your lover is a fountain of kindness, his generosity flowing endlessly like a river nourishing the parched earth. Whether it's a small enchantment to brighten a mundane day or a grand display of magical prowess to make a special occasion memorable, he’s always eager to take action if it means a smile may find its way on your face. What sets him apart is his remarkable ability to remember the intricacies of your preferences, as though each detail is etched into his consciousness. Whether it's a favourite flower, a cherished book, or a specific type of tea, he effortlessly incorporates these nuances into his gestures of kindness, as if he holding a key to the chambers of your heart.
Your lover possesses a profound sense of possessiveness, a quality that perhaps stems from his draconic instincts. In the intricate dance of emotions, he is fiercely protective of the bonds he forges, especially those that pierce through the walls of his solitude. The possessiveness is not born out of malice but rather from a deep-seated fear of losing the connections he painstakingly nurtures. When it comes to those he cares about, his grip is firm, an unspoken declaration that he would go to great lengths to shield them from the unpredictable currents of the magical world.
You love how he cherishes you with a devotion akin to a dragon safeguarding its most prized treasure. When it comes to those he cares about, his grip is firm, an unspoken declaration that he would go to great lengths to shield them from the unpredictable currents of the world. There's a warmth in the gaze he reserves for you, a flame that flickers with unwavering commitment. In the warmth of his possessive embrace, there lies an unyielding commitment to safeguarding the treasures he has allowed into the sanctum of his heart. And like a dragon yearning for a trusted companion, you long to wrap him in the same sense of security and love.
Your lover may often seem distant from others, but you find yourself consistently eager to stand by his side, becoming his steadfast companion and introducing him to the little joys of life. It’s by his side, that you feel at home and where you’re meant to be.
Your lover, is none other than Malleus Draconia.

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