Udm - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
People Seemed To Like My Last Upside-Down Magic Post So Im Back At It!

People seemed to like my last Upside-Down Magic post so I’m back at it!

Today I also experimented with lineless art. I’ve never done something like this before so I’m really proud of it!

For those who don’t know, this character’s name is Bax. He’s a Fluxer (a shapeshifter) who can only turn into inanimate objects. The thing is, he’s Fluxers are only supposed to turn into animals, and he can’t turn back by himself. This is what makes him upside-down!

Bax is my favorite character so I draw him a LOT 😂 he’s just so… AAHEHDUXH


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5 months ago

So your an upside down magic fan!! I love the books! Who is your favorite student?

Yay!! I’m so glad there are UDM fans on this site 💃 The books are incredible and desperately need more recognition!

DEFINITELY definitely Bax!! I love his personality and sibling relationship with Nory.

So Your An Upside Down Magic Fan!! I Love The Books! Who Is Your Favorite Student?

Little drawing I made of him a while ago! My silly goofy rock boy 😭🫶

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5 months ago
If Anyone Wanted To See All My Designs For The UDM Students, Here They Are! Whenever I Draw Them I Tend
If Anyone Wanted To See All My Designs For The UDM Students, Here They Are! Whenever I Draw Them I Tend

If anyone wanted to see all my designs for the UDM students, here they are! Whenever I draw them I tend to age them up to like 13 years old or so? Also I don’t care what you say I’m gonna headcanon all the characters as queer and neurodivergent

Nory: upside-down Fluxer, bi, half black half white (canon)

Elliott: Freezer and weak Flare, pan, white

Willa: upside-down Fluid, bi, white

Andres: upside-down Flyer, bi, Mexican

Pepper: Fierce, lesbian, Chinese (canon? She’s described as Asian-American)

Bax: (MY BOY ‼️🫶) upside-down Fluxer (I also headcanon that he’s an upside-down Flicker as well, with the whole being able to turn stuff into stone thing from the second book. Originally it was a side-effect but as he got older he learned to do it on command), aroace, half Indian and half Filipino

Marigold: Fitter, pan, Spanish (I also headcanon she can speak English, Spanish, and ASL!)

Sebastian: upside-down Flicker, gay, white

I hope you like them all! 🫶

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