Undead Unluck - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
Who do I draw for?
Anyway I like it

Just silly pictures
I’m still struggling with quality, I’m drawing in Photoshop so I’ll come up with something

I really liked this character, even though she wasn't shown much, do you think it would be nice to draw art from other fandoms? I thought about this in my free time
By the way, I drew Anya from the spy family, but I accidentally didn’t save it and everything was reset, but the work was only at the start, so I can easily draw everything again :○

Francois ,unexpected but yes
I want to draw Death from uu soon
Well, I didn't think this chapter would be so touching.
Honestly, Apocalypse didn’t seem like someone who could improve or even cry, I even felt sorry for him

these are so self indulgent, I'm posting them scared 😭😭
shirtless ver under the cut ////

idiot falls in love and changes his entire outlook on life
Undead Unluck's worldbuilding being set in the real world will never stop being funny to me, there's just so many gonzo implications and I love it. Like, countless people are doing research and writing essays and having arguments about the origin of sexism, pouring hours and hours of their life into it, and none of them know it was invented by God to fuck with two specific people. Everyone discussing the ethics of how we treat animals has no idea they're actually ontologically evil. Dialetical Materialism is a cool and all but actually history is driven by God's pure and divine hatred for at most 1000 people. Learning about the rules would be mindbreaking eldritch horror if any of the negators had a humanities degree
we need more fanfics
At the time of writing this if you click this link it will show ONLY EIGHT FANFICS. now i would write some, but i cannot write for shit. and so i implore you. people of tumbler. fill this gaping hole in my heart which can only be filled with fanfics and headcanons. and maybe add a little undead unluck as well
chikaras eyes frighten me.

Fuuko Izumo, Andy, and Chikara Shigeno || UNDEAD UNLUCK
she’s sleeping chikara my boi. she needs a comfy position… i think
i always love it when there’s more room to sit on yet fuuko always choose to sit on andy’s lap like waieuhteiuawhfiuesh my heart
Undead Unluck spoilers
Does anyone think that Latla's ability should be called Unpredictable? Since, you know, it's supposed to be a counter to her pricise fortune telling? Since she can PREDICT the future?

aRT-DuMP FiLe 101
MooD: VeG ouT
aRTiST(?): Me (Rowney)
MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S):
i DeCiDeD To DRaW THiS RaNDoM CHaRaCTeR i SaW oN a CLiP/TRaiLeR oF aN aNiMe SHoW, i DuNNo HiM FiRST (eVeN THe SHoW)... BuT THeN a LiTTLe BiRD ToLD Me HiS NaMe aND oRiGiN.
aND VoiLLa! MY VeRSioN oF "aNDY" FRoM THe MaNGa/aNiMe: "uNDeaD uNLuCK" iS CReaTeD. 😜 eNJoY VieWeRS!!
YeS. 😆 He iS CoMFoRTaBLY NaKeD 🤣✌️(CHeCK THe PiLoT ePiSoDeS oN THeiR MaNGa)
Undead Unluck is such a fun series that I keep forgetting that Andy has his dick out in the majority of hype and emotional scenes 😭😭😭 that thing might as well be public property by now

Desenho em produção ❤️🧡❤️🧡

FUUKO IZUMO !!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️