269 posts
Undertale Cyan And Orange Weapons
Undertale Cyan and Orange weapons
First context is important UT Cyan & Orange or to put this simply the first and second human were cyan and orange soul who fell at the same time. Here are their hypothetical weapons
Tough gloves: Worn pink leather gloves. For five fingered gloves
Fingerless gloves: You don’t feel tougher but you feel cooler
Bear mittens: Best for keeping warm and being unbearably cute
Fist wrap: Even if their just bandages its important to keep safe
Gauntlets: Heavy are the hands that wears these, also the amount of sweats
Knuckle duster: Your not a kind soul that’s why their not green. Your the one to be feared though
Toy knife: Made of plastic a rarity these days
Kitchen knife: The smell of a freshly baked pie wafts from it.
Rusty chisel: a little worn but still good for making sculptures
Sharp stick: It feel like your going to be stepping on someone else's toes, but whatever
Syringe: You can help someone with this, but your other half might be afraid of it
Dagger: Not for child's play. You waited long enough for this
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Yellowswap plus other swap
So this is a follow up to Yellowswap in which the yellow cast swaps with the main Undertale cast. And to prevent my own confusion I have shown who has what role
Important side note:
Muffet- Blackjack
Grillby- Dina
Yellowswap Underswap
Chara’s role: Clover
Protag: Integrity
Napstablook’s role: Axis
Toriel’s role: Chujin
Sans’ role: El Bailador
Papyrus’ role: Marlet
Grillby’s role: Blackjack
Undyne role: Dalv
Monster kid’s role: Kanako
Alphys’ role: Starlo
Mettaton’s role: Gardener
Muffet’s role: Dina
Asgore role: Ceroba
The absolute god of hyper death: MOOCH
Yellowswap Storyshift
Protag: Clover
Chara’s role: Axis
Napstablook’s role: Dalv
Toriel’s role: El Bailador
Sans’ role: Integrity
Papyrus’ role: Kanako
Undyne’s role: Ceroba
Alphys’ role: Chujin
Mettaton’s role: Starlo
Asgore’s role: Marlet
The absolute god of hyper death: GARDENER
and finally because I went insane Yellowswap + Underswap + storyshift or Yellowswap Underswapshift
Protag: Integrity
Chara’s role: Gardener
Toriel’s role: Marlet
Napstablook’s role: Starlo
Sans’ role: Clover
Papyrus’ role: Mooch
Undyne role: Chujin
Alphy’s role: Ceroba
Mettaton’s role: Dalv
Asgore’s role: El Bailador
The absolute god of hyper death: Axis
Bonus bad time trio
Marlet (Yellowswap)
El Bailador (Yellowswap Underswap)
Integrity (Yellowswap storyshift)
So context for names Jojo dispute, but for those who don't want to read this
Flo (Blue/Inegrity) name stolen from @s0ckh3adstudios
Gab (Green/Kindness)
Percival (Purple/Perserverane)
Kai Annie (Cyan/Paitence)
Julien (Orange/Bravery)
Cover is Clover's deltarune yellowswap answer to Kris and Frisk. Their inclusion will make sense with this context Deltarune Yellow
Now hear me out, because this a stretch and really stupid
Duotale red and yellow aka Ketchup and Mustard tale or MCD-tale staring Clover and Frisk
Triotale Green, Yellow and Red better know as traffic light tale or Ketchup, Mustard and Relish tale staring Gab, Clover and Frisk
Duotale Cyan and Blue also knonw as Blue and Bluertale staring Flo and Kai
Duotale Green and Purple also known as hulktale staring Gab and Percival
Triotale Red, Blue and Yellow better known as suntale (this is a strech) staring Frisk, Flo, Clover
DMPC Ralsei in which Kris gathers Susie and the other 6 humans (Julien said no) to play D&D
DMPC Anakko in which Cover gathers Kris, Susie, his universe's Noelle as well as the 6 other humans to play D&D
Yellowswap: behind the scenes
So this isn't a follow up to Yellowswap I just thought this would be funny.
Sans: "So I understand the stabbing myself part but I don't have hair"
Me: "Don't worry I have an alternative for your zenith." I pullout the dry erase board with a picture of Nightmare sans from Moro porductions. "This shall be your zenith"
Sans "Okay so I aggressively start beat boxing at the kid after I transform"
Me: "NO"
scene change
Asgore: "So I start yelling at Undyne about a Ben tens"
Me: "Yes"
Undyne: "And I dispute his claims with cowboys"
Me: "Yes and you can even dispute his claims using anime cowboy like Spikes or Vash"
Chujin in the distance: "That's even dumber than Clint Eastwood"
Starlo also in the distance: "Your dumber than Clint Eastwood"
Me: "quiet you two"
scene change
Mettaton: "So what is my motivation again"
Me: "Your a mindless killing machine that's killed before and will again"
Mettaton: "But I get scared in genocide that I have hide behind a trashcan lid"
Me: "Yup"
Mettaton: "Are you sure I can't have the El Bailador's role"
Me: "No Papyrus has it on lock and El Bailador has his role on lock"
Papyrus in the background: "Where the japes in this role"
El Bailador in the background: "Where is the passion in this role"
Papyrus: "In the puzzles"
Me: "We'll talk about it"
Scene change
Me: You don't have flirt with Ceroba or El Bailador if you don't want to but it's kind of expected
Clover leaves sad
Frisk raises their hand
Me: "No, you still can't flirt anyone"
Frisk leaves sad
Me shaking my head: "Kids" looks to my left to see Integrity with chara's scary face. "Good job kid"
Scene change
Kanako: "So I emerge from the flower and scream my name"
Me: "I mean you can, but's it's better that you let the words to your name appear save your lungs when your hyper death"
Kanako: "Okay mister"
scene changed
Starlo desperately tries to lift Dalv: "C'mon, I can do it"
Me: "Do I need to get Ed in here"
Starlo struggling: "Nope I got this, I can toss him into the trash can"
Me: "Ed, please help Starlo"
Ed grabs Dalv and tosses him through the net into the trash can. "There we go"
Me, puts my hand on Starlo's shoulder "You can try again later, I'm still trying to convince Marlet into the jogboys outfit"
Deltarune yellowswap bonus scene
Me: "Cover you don't have to eat the moss, just put yourself in the chains"
Cover: "Okay"
Anako: "Then I say imagine what Noelle doing"
Me: "Pretty much
Spamton: Hey you [Clown about town] if Cover is already a [BIG SHOT] what is ole Spamton G Spamton supposed to do
Me: I already explained it to Alphys but the red and yellow souls purposes are being swapped
Husk speech
Context this is happening in my interpretation of an Overlord Husk au in which Alastor let Husk keep his status as Overlord and made him something of a second in command. Second because Husk is voiced by Keith David and the only thing I knew Keith David from prior to Rick and Morty was the original Saints Row quadrilogy as himself in 4 and Julius Little in 1 and 2, Husk deserves to say a speech.
So let me set the stage
Husk after learning Alastor returned after seven years, asked him to come to Radio luck, a casino Husk had built up. When Alastor arrived, he saw those who served him (djs and musians who came to him) waiting around. Husk who was at the top of the stairs cleared his throat
Husk: I think we all know why were all here but, so were all on the same page. For the past seven year the 3Vs have been prancing about like they own hell. Honestly if it was up to me I choose Zestial or Carmilla to be the ruler, but that's just me.
Some of the audience members laugh
Husk silenced the crowd then turned to Anthony: Angel your in charge of tearing down Valentino empire, don't make me regret winning your contract from him
Angel dust: I don't make you regret anything and I can't wait to kick Val in the ass
Husk turns to a hunched over figure, rather pathetic and dirty looking bug demon who was nervously standing next to Nifty: Roach, you deal with Velvet
Roach under their breath: Does it have to be her
Husk: Speak up, the fuck did you say
Roach: I'll deal with her don't worry
Husk shakes his head then turn to Alastor: Another, reason I brought us all here, the illustrious radio demon
The crowd cheered only to be once again silenced by Husk
Husk: Alastor, I know you don't fear Vox in anyway and you can kill him, but I feel like a more strategic approach would be better.
Alastor chuckled: You went through all this trouble gaining amount power, and creating a little cabal to strike at the three 3Vs, so who am I to coattail your operation
Husk smiled: Thanks for the support, because its our time now let's get this shit started
Note: Roach is a former overlord from before Vox came to hell, who lost the title to Velvet. Now even though they lost the title they try to pick fights with Velvet often not winning, but humiliating her in the process this obviously makes Velvet mad and she has sent people to torture or kill Roach, so they sought the protection of the Radio demon or at least Husk. Just in case someone wanted to know
Adam Redemption
This how I think if he came back how Adam if he fell into hell would be redemed.
First and foremost and this is more wishful thinking on my part by changing Adams Voice to Jack black because he always gave evil Jack Black energy.
Enough wishful thinking heres the story
The powers that be whether they be good or evil decide to give Adam a second chance and spawn Adam in hell with Amnesia. Adam also doesn't see the Earthborn sinners in their hell forms, he sees them as human (when he looks in the mirror he sees himself as a demon) and this extends to his nightmares of which he has many. At some point either Lucifer, Alastor or someone else finds him and brings him to the hotel because its Adam and Charlie ultimately decides to help him. Something important is that Adam is plague by nightmares of everything he's done so the desire to be redeemed is something he genuinely wants. So over the course of two seasons Adam tries to redeem himself in a realm of people who hate his guts and also dealing with things like Lute. At some point Lute and Charlie are put in danger and Adam has to make a choice of who to save. Ultimately he capable of saving both (personal bias), but Lute is not all to happy about how things went and leaves.
Skip to the series finale and were at a moment where everyone with the exception of Adam is on the ground defeated, Charlie, Lucifer, Lute, the other denizens of the hotel against whatever the big "Bad" most likely Roo. So Adam seeing all this pain and destruction, picks up his guitar and approaches the big "bad" starts making a speech as he finally remembered who he is finally ending with "I am Adam the first man, and you will not harm my family." He leaps up into the air and in a scene out of a metal album cover grows wings one angelic the other a little bit demonic and his guitar turns gold as he tries to strike down the evil only to be impaled through the chest by said evil and eaten. The rest of the cast are able to defeat the evil and Lute as well as Charlie go to check up on Heaven to see if Adam respawned there, but he didn't. He is neither Heaven or Hell. Later a funeral is held in Eden and while everyone is crying who is to show up but Adam eating an apple.