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5 years ago

DrĂĄcula, Bram Stoker

Drcula, Bram Stoker

DrĂĄcula ĂŠ um romance estruturalmente epistolar, ou seja, o livro ĂŠ composto por cartas, diĂĄrios, notĂ­cias de jornais e correspondĂŞncias. Durante a narrativa, acompanhamos a histĂłria de Jonathan, Mina, Lucy, Arthur, Quincey, Dr. John Seward, Van Helsing e, ĂŠ claro, do enigmĂĄtico Conde DrĂĄcula. Cada uma das personagens tem seu respectivo ponto de vista e ĂŠ por meio deles que acompanhamos a trajetĂłria desse grupo tentando derrotar o vampiro.

No início do livro, vemos Jonathan a caminho do castelo de Dråcula, na Transilvânia. Essa trajetória Ê sombria e misteriosa, e não fazemos ideia do que pode acontecer. Pouco depois de chegar ao seu destino e ser acomodado no castelo, Jonathan começa a perceber que Ê na verdade mais um prisioneiro do que um hóspede, e que o educado Conde Dråcula não Ê o que parece ser.

O suspense deixa o livro instigante e as descriçþes são tão realistas que pude imaginar as cenas com perfeição. O clima sombrio, as paisagens obscuras, o castelo rodeado por neblina e as tempestades dão ao livro uma verdadeira atmosfera de terror.

As personagens tem, cada uma, suas prĂłprias caracterĂ­sticas e ĂŠ fĂĄcil nos apegarmos a elas. Em minha opiniĂŁo, Van Helsing e Mina sĂŁo as melhores, e eu nĂŁo gostei muito de Lucy. Conde DrĂĄcula ĂŠ um personagem muito bem construĂ­do, sendo inspirado em Vlad Tepes III, prĂ­ncipe da ValĂĄquia conhecido como o Empalador.

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4 years ago

Stephenie Meyer lanzarå nueva novela de la Saga ´´Twilight´´

Stephenie Meyer lanzarĂĄ nueva novela de la Saga Â´Â´Twilight´´

Stephenie Meyer Lanzar Nueva Novela De La Saga Twilight

La autora de “Twilight”, Stephenie Meyer, anunció el lanzamiento de su nuevo libro “Midnight Sun”, una novela que acompaña a su saga de amor vampírico.”Midnight Sun” llegará a las librerías el 4 de agosto. Mientras que “Twilight” – y “New Moon” de seguimiento, “Eclipse” y “Breaking Dawn” – se centraron en la tímida estudiante de secundaria Bella Swan, la nueva novela será contada nuevamente Los…

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4 years ago

´´Twilight´´ y su Exitosa Banda Sonora…. La Saga habĂ­a estado en desarrollo desde 2004 en Paramount Pictures,durante el cual se escribiĂł una 

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4 years ago

Stephenie Meyer lanzarå nueva novela de la Saga ´´Twilight´´

Stephenie Meyer lanzarĂĄ nueva novela de la Saga Â´Â´Twilight´´

Stephenie Meyer Lanzar Nueva Novela De La Saga Twilight

La autora de “Twilight”, Stephenie Meyer, anunció el lanzamiento de su nuevo libro “Midnight Sun”, una novela que acompaña a su saga de amor vampírico.”Midnight Sun” llegará a las librerías el 4 de agosto. Mientras que “Twilight” – y “New Moon” de seguimiento, “Eclipse” y “Breaking Dawn” – se centraron en la tímida estudiante de secundaria Bella Swan, la nueva novela será contada nuevamente Los…

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4 years ago

´´Twilight´´ y su Exitosa Banda Sonora…. La Saga habĂ­a estado en desarrollo desde 2004 en Paramount Pictures,durante el cual se escribiĂł una 

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8 months ago

I don't know if I should cry or feel relieved that she got rid of her boyfriend, I just know that I would love to see the continuation of the reader with the boys😍

New Thrall

New Thrall

AU: Star is the sire, reader gets cucked by her terrible boyfriend Michael (or was he just under her thrall?), also no laddie bc these Headcanons are NSFW, Star is a girl boss but at what cost 🥲

Bro I just hurt my own feelings oml, this wasn’t intentional but hey @britany1997 I got some more headcanons for you lol

Warnings: angst, cucking, reader gets treated like a trading card, and toy, hints at dubcon/noncon, hints at hypno

-it started on your first night in Santa Carla, hand in hand with your boyfriend Michael you took in the sights around you.

-the distance between you two was cold, on the outside, you still looked madly in love with each other, but honestly the passion had dried up months ago.

-you two had found each other just when your lives seemed to fall apart. While Michael’s home life was somewhat elevated when his parents got a divorce, your home life only got worse.

-you two were mostly friends now, you were hanging on to the lingering affection you two had shared and Michael was comfortable, you two got along, both his brother and mother loved you, and it’s not like he had any better options. So when you got kicked out of your house while they were packing up to leave for Santa Carla, Michael allowed you to tag along. Despite the withering chemistry between you two.

-and then Michael, seemingly transfixed on something, or someone, dashed out of the concert venue, with both Sam and you following behind.

-you didn’t notice who he was following and Sam wouldn’t tell you either, only looking at Michael with increasingly obvious worry.

-brushing you off, Michael went off on his own, so you tagged along with Sam to the comic store, Sam trying to lift your spirits.

-to be fair, Sam did succeed, until you met back up with Michael who was practically drooling over some bikers.

-no not the bikers, but a beautiful girl with one of the bikers.

-this had disturbed you for obvious reasons, so much so you followed him out to the boardwalk the next night.

-you helped him pick out a ‘rocker’ outfit, bitterly swallowing the implications of this and before you could work up the courage to break up, already seeing the alarm bells, the beautiful girl had whispered something in his ear and it was like you didn’t exist anymore.

-You were panicking now, you rode on Michael’s bike, and it was clear how he could and would abandon you here in order to impress the new girl. As the bikers from before invited Michael to the ‘Hudson’s bluff’

-before he could drive away with ‘Star’ in tow you asked how will you get home urgently, looking in Michael’s eyes, trying to find any indication that it crossed his mind.

-instead, his eyes were cloudy, as if he was completely high, or on auto pilot. As one of the bikers asked who you were, and Michael quickly answered ‘a friend’

-it was Star who suggested that you come with, despite wanting nothing more than to crawl your way back home, catching her eyes suddenly and now it was like following them was the only choice you had despite the sinking feeling you had in your stomach.

-reaching the cave you look around in wonder, perhaps too long, as when you go to sit down you realise that all the seats were taken, with only the couch in the corner away from everyone was available.

-fortunately, depending on how you view it, the bikers were more then willing to drag you onto one of their laps, with the spikes haired blonde, who you learned was Paul, winning out. Squeezed between Marko and Dwayne, you were almost boxed in. It felt claustrophobic as the three boys teased you, only to be mostly ignored as you watch Michael and Star whisper to each other. Paul pinched at your sides, chuckling at your squeaks and grumbles as you heartbrokenly watch your boyfriend and Star.

-Michael didn’t look your way once, even as you were being practically groaped by these bikers. It was actually Star, who even looked your way, but she only smiled with smug sympathy. Nodding towards Marko who brought over a finely decorated bottle. Michael drank from it eagerly, and Star climbed into his lap, straddling him. He only groaned with delight as she grinds her hips down. You truly couldn’t believe your eyes. Everyone was quiet as they watched the scene unfold.

- “Michael?” Star asked. “Yes?” He replied breathlessly. “She’s your girlfriend isn’t she?” Neither of them looked at you. Michael didn’t hesitate to answer yes this time, which filled you with false hope. Only to cruelly break you back down into reality as Star asked. “Do you want her?” “No. I only want you!” He didn’t hesitate. Star giggled as if he was telling a joke, and Michael beamed at her laugh. You wanted to die.

-“If you don’t want her, can my boys have her? They seemed to have taken a liking to her, and they’ve behaved so well recently” Michael grinds his hips up, smiling as Star leans down to kiss him. “Yes I don’t care.”

-you try to leap up to leave, but Paul’s arms were like vice. Star turns to the boys, looking past you as if you weren’t there. “I want her to watch.” Meeting your eyes briefly, you were suddenly compelled to follow her command.

-you watch horrified, as Michael undos Star’s shirt, kissing up her stomach reverently. His hands teasing at her flesh, palming at her breasts. Star’s head rolls back as she moans sweetly.

-Standing on shaking legs, she hikes her skirt up enough so that you can see her hook a leg around his shoulder, and he eagerly starts to lick and suck at her pussy.

-the sounds of suckling and kissing was echoing off the cave walls as Star moaned in earnest.

-you couldn’t look away but your eyes watered as you remember how Michael refuted you on returning the favour as you had sucked him off many times before.

-Star’s hips shake and buck onto his waiting mouth as she grabs his curly hair, his own hands grabbing and squeezing her ass.

-“ah! Ah! Ah!” Star moaned loudly, giggling as she looked down on your heartbroken face, having no choice to meet her eye. “Your ex is- ahh~ quite talented, I’m sure you must be disappointed yeah? You really don’t have to worry, I’ll satisfy him so he won’t stray. It’s your job now to satisfy my boys, pay close attention to my lesson so they won’t leave you too!”

-Star giggles between her moans, on a high that’s only reaching higher. She didn’t doubt her boys would be quite taken with you, but she’d be lying if your humiliated crying face didn’t turn her on.

-letting herself cum while she humps Michael’s face, he eagerly helps her ride it out, as the sound of her moaning and Michael’s work drowns out your small sobs.

-she lifts her leg off his shoulder, her hand rubbing at his cheek fondly. She could take him back to her nest now, but she wanted to ‘teach’ you, break both you and Michael by the time she’s done.

-you watch as Star unbuckles his belt, his cock popping out quickly from his underwear and Star immediately sinks down. This time Michael moans loudly, he had always been sensitive.

-Star starts riding him with no hesitation nor does she break a sweat, kissing him sweetly as they get lost in eachother.

-you can feel the others get restless under you, pinching and fondling sensitive areas but you were not allowed to look away.

-sounds of their hips slapping together was deafening as she speeds up, Michael thrusting up to meet her.

-they both cum together, something you thought only happened in cheesy erotica novels, and they continue going. Michael rolling over her to thrust into her lewdly.

-from this angel you can see the cum gush out of her but she only smiles happily.

-rolling her had to the side to face the others, Michael kisses down her neck. Speaking brokenly as she’s pounded into the couch, she gives her boys the green light.

-looking back at you she says “you’ll let them indulge until they’re satisfied right? That’s what’s really important here, it’s not like you have a boyfriend anymore.”

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10 months ago
The Generation Of Black Roses - One (on Wattpad) Https://

The Generation of Black Roses - one (on Wattpad) Aaron Johnson has died: now, he is one of the thousands of half-vampires who inhabit Crimson Ville, the vampire territory. He doesn't remember anything about his past, or how his death happened, but he is determined to discover the truth. He, along with five friends, will form the Generation of the Black Roses, a group that will not rest until they reach the end of their mysterious death.

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