Terror - Tumblr Posts

un futuro sin mi - bicicleta (parte 1) (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1041391190-un-futuro-sin-mi-bicicleta-parte-1?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=spriteofJhope&wp_originator=8t01fL9nqfZqduY40LONpBGvha4MGhnRovzFrzueogRPjNHjsTK%2BfAMu%2ByGSL3omMqW%2BY1MNIEm76BVZ1DsHdCKh9U63An0TsK8bXGGyiygGHyDg2AWx69GcGaPukL1U sara, persona amable, seria pero divertida si la conoces bien. victoria, rencorosa y exigente pero una de las mejores jefas. en 2056 hubieron guerras, tsunami, huracanes y personas malvadas que arruinaron el planeta tierra. pocos quedan vivos pero estan separados por 2 grupos: el azul y el rojo. rojo: victoria como jefa azul: sara espia lo peor... es que son hermanas
Escaping horror movie terrors...
Every horror movie should have bloopers at the end so that we know that that shit was made up and not for real.
*Me walking through the hall at 12, laughing instead of trembling at how the ghost tripped on her own dress*HAHAHA!! COME AT ME TRIPPY BITCH!!!
Viriato es el nombre propio prerromano que más ha resonado en los libros de Historia Antigua de la Península Ibérica.
Su figura ha sido exprimida al máximo y también ha sido utilizada y tergiversada para obedecer a intereses concretos.
Ha sido ejemplo para los liberales debido a su rebeldía contra los romanos opresores.
Ha sido héroe nacional de España y también de Portugal, existiendo incluso un litigio entre ambos países para disputarse la auténtica nacionalidad del caudillo: era lusitano, ni español, ni portugués, por cierto, porque en aquella época no existían ni España ni Portugal.

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It sounds like something creaking and breaking, an awful, sickening chittering, like bone scrapping against bone
Deep and organic, wet
A foul, thick smell on the air, putrid. Stale air accumulated from an infinite maze of blank hallways, empty living rooms, and eternally-light windows
You hear it scraping against walls, or climbing against ceilings.
Dragging itself in long, thick, disgusting motions. It’s heavy.
The ceiling lights flicker, sometimes popping outright and plunging you into pure darkness
It leaves bodies hanging from the ceiling, half digested and still alive, sinewy corpses that kick and moan with painful, ungodly life
They reach down at you, half fingers clawing at your hair, words unable to form from toothless, jawless mouths
Men, women, children
Strike the Cannon, man the Missile, sharpen the knives, hail the arrow
Stricken down into Hell, bodies pile and spill, blood deluges to be spilt, women to whore, boys to take from fathers, daughters stolen from crying mothers
Thy come thy fire, fire burn’ in me
Claws and teeth barred, Death blesses me, skin bone pale and hair night black in the night
Whisper to me, guide my blades, bullets, and bombs
Come I do, the Devil himself
Come I do, a Nightmare unending
Oooh, indeed a pretty style! OvO

I love their designs!!!
Template and pale belong to @unu-nunu-art
OOOOOOOOH That looks super adorable!
And it’s an interesting idea that his graphic pen can do some rainbow lines! Now I imagine him using it to write with people that are far away or cannot hear him xD

I don’t know if his… pen? can do that but meeeeh
Template belongs to @unu-nunu-art
How about Template "constant rambling"?

“Tremble in T!Error before the Mighty Template! For I shall not let you pass any further!”
(Hun, why did you give me a palette that didn’t include a dark color?? This made it so hard to choose on the color!! …Even though the name fits perfectly, I admit that.)
Wanna see other works of the Color Palette Challenge?
- Underfell Sans - Fiddleford McGucket - Ink & Error - Fresh - Nightmare - Hope - Template - Pale - Splatoon 2 - Splatfest Mayo vs. Ketchup (guest art) - Melon - Undyne

I’m taking forever to answer asks, I’m so sorry ;w;

When they are bored what that they do? 7u7 (ugly english)
Template has a lot of hobbies he spends his time with when not skipping through AU’s
He has a passion for drawing…

…but he also writes fanfics…

…and, of course, he likes to watch other AUs!

Moreover, he loves to watch Anime and sometimes spends hours on hours by practising poses.
Pale surprisingly has some hobbies, too other than just erasing AUs
He likes to watch things, too. His favorite:

Watching his ink dripping down from a wall!
But his most interesting hobby might be that he’s actually a fashionista!

He collects clothes and piles them up in his void!
So yes, he has more than one outfit!

Looks how pretty he is! He cosplays! :’D
So yes, these two won’t get bored! ^u^
Don't try to deny what's right at your hands!
I have to know. Has Template ever glitched?

Common, they’re WAY too good not to share!!! >;D

And gooosh hhh how you’re doing that magic with the textures!??

Two dumb doodles based on this by @602016.
I blame @lyoth737 because she wanted me to share this mess. :’D
Template would pose in front of that mirror making poses while shit’s going down. Pale turned into a squishy thing that’s stuck to the ground, unable to move.
If you ever wondered why Ink/Error/Template and (not) Pale fear things, here's a very good interpretation to that!!!
I'm unaware if this has been asked before but i was thinking back to when we all found out who had the fear of physical contact((still love that lmao)) and i started wondering if pale had the fear of white emptiness, or is he just unable to notice the fear without his emotions?
(Please note that some of this might be based on my personal headcanons. I can not verify that any statement about Error or Ink I make is correct. ALSO LONG POST HERE WE GO!)
I’m gonna start with an observation: Character’s fears are an expansion of their personality and experiences they’ve made.
So in order to answer this, you would need to ask yourself why they even have those fears. And in order to answer that for Template and Pale, you should look at Ink and Error first.
Why is Error afraid of physical contact in the first place? While there is no canon explanation, I think it’s kind of understandable considering his situation. If you sat in a white void for god knows how long slowly going insane, without anyone to keep you company, you would probably be afraid of other people being too close, too. He’s used to this loneliness, not to mention that he’s unstable. Lastly, he’s super bad at dealing with other characters’ emotions. So my headcanon is that his phobia is an expansion of exactly the circumstances he had to live with.
So why is Template afraid of this, too? He’s a lot more sociable and nice, right? Why should he afraid of the same thing? Well, simply because he’s been through the same experiences. He also has been alone for so long that it’s still so weird for him to touch people. However, he is aware of his own fear and he decided to fight it. That is why it is NOT impossible to touch him. You can shake his hand (however his handshake is kinda hesitant OR disproportionately strong), give him a high five or fist bumps all you want (note he’s wearing gloves *wink wink*) and you can even hug him! However, you shouldn’t overwhelm him or he flinches back. Give him some time to mentally prepare, let him come to you and DO NOT SQUEEZE HIM! Let him work in his own pace and it’s gonna be okay to hug him. c:
And now, let’s continue with Ink.
Ink’s fear is not just the ‘white’ emptiness. Ink’s fear is the absence of things in general. While that doesn’t seem to make so much of a difference at first glance, it definitely is worth noting. I’ve seen people making the mistake of thinking that Ink is ONLY afraid of the anti void or similar stuff like that or that he’s afraid of the color white and while the anti void of course is THE WORST place you could ever bring him to, it’s not limited to that. I imagine that Ink would be afraid of standing in a wide field of some sort or stare into space. I also think that Ink could also get afraid of silence, like when in a conversation and the other one would suddenly stop responding to him completely. This kind of awkward silence everyone should be familiar with. (Maybe that’s the reason why he seems kinda chatty.)
Why is Ink afraid of emptiness? Well, there might be several reasons. For one, it reminds him of his own emptiness, i.e. the lack of a soul. It also might be his constant drive to feel needed. He wants to help people to create and be imaginative, so the lack thereof is giving him the chills. Ink found his purpose in life in helping to create and without this, his existence is meaningless. It might be ultimately the fear of death that is connected to exactly that lack of creativity or absence or everything that makes him afraid.
Lastly, let’s talk about Pale. Does he have the fear of emptiness, too? Pale is most of the time in the exact state that Ink is afraid of. The ironic thing is that fear is an emotion, and therefore Pale is not afraid of that state when he’s experiencing it. When Pale is in the rare situation that allows him to actually experience fear, he’s absolutely afraid of going back to his emotionless state, yes. (Then again, he’d be scared of almost everything in that moment.) But since his emotions fade away again, he’s not able to be afraid when it’s actually happening. So this fear is more surreal to him than it is to Ink. What Pale does have is this drive that makes him drain AUs in the first place. Pale knows that he is missing something, and he tries to gain that by gaining emotions. It’s not a fear, but maybe a desire(?) to be able to feel. Ink supports AUs, but Pale destroys them by draining them off their creativity. Pale literally creates emptiness in order to feel, which is the exact opposite of what Ink does, giving him a different ‘purpose’ in life.
So in conclusion: No, Pale is not afraid of emptiness because he’s not able to feel most of the time. He didn’t find the same purpose in life that Ink did since his way of obtaining emotions is entirely different. So there is not much reason for him to be afraid of that. c:

You ask for either you and your partner Lyoth or template and pale.. wHY NOT ALL OF EM BECAUSE I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT UR CONTENT #SHOT
Sweetie, did I ever told you how much I adore your art??? Seriously your skill is over 9000
But…. but…. your art is amazing, too!!! And you can draw such adorable chibis!! I’m super happy about the Template you drew into my Conhon!! He’s really adorable!!
Guys, look at him! Look at him!!

Go to @moonys-art-den‘s page and check all of her cute art out!!

Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron as It clown and child respectively, in Nice Carnival.
February 16, 2019