Varia Maria - Tumblr Posts

Yifli Tinitrii
A small tree found on certain Fuline Ah islands. Also called the Fulinean Varia Maria, some of these trees can be quite old despite their small stature, and are thought to be the ancestors of many of the current species of Varia Maria.
Varia Marias are a genus of plants with a broad range as they tend to adapt and change according to their environment. It was once believed that only one type of Varia Maria grew on each continent, but others of the same and different varieties have been found in various locations. That said, these new types do seem to only grow in a limited range, and even in their native growing area, many varieties tend to be few in number.

Furheartian Varia Maria
A simple flower found to be growing in Furheart Iiah. Its bright pink stems are reminiscent of Vina Heartias, leading some to believe they are related.
Varia Marias come in a large variety of shapes and adapt to their environment. As a result, many flowers by the Varia Maria name look nearly nothing alike despite their documented ancestry. Due to how different they look, they are sometimes given native names and their status as a Varia Maria becomes separate.
Identifying a flower as a Varia Maria always starts with hearing from the locals about the flower's ancestry. Other than the fact that Varia Marias are always small, there is often very little linking any given small flower to the Varia Maria family, but beliefs about them abound. It was once thought that there was only one Varia Maria per continent, but this was later discovered to be untrue. That said, their adaptations seem to be linked to the area that they grow in, and some types of Varia Maria can be quite rare.
The Furheartian Varia Maria in particular is deceptively rare; it has the look of a very common flower, or like it might be a hybrid of a Vinia Heartia and some other plant. And while it isn't confirmed whether or not it has mixed ancestry, there is a reason that it was thought to be the only one on the continent for a long time.

Tula Flowers
Thought to be a sky variant of Varia Maria, Tula Flowers can be found growing in patches in Sky Buddy World. The flowers are primarily decorative and grow wild on small clouds. Though the petals can be added to tea, they don't add much in terms of flavor. They are often the inspiration for floral patterns among sky-dwelling Fashion Buddys, and are sometimes used for dye or pressed flowers, but aren't preferred for thread production, as they tend to make thread curl like their stems when they come in contact with it.

A type of Varia Maria found only on Bilone Bien Island, which is the largest island of the Fuline Ah archipelago. It is thought that the roots burrow down into an underground reservoir below the island, as the plant carries many characteristics of some aquatic plants despite growing on land. Though it seems to have adapted for land, it is thought that ancestors of the plant once grew lilypads and were found in lakes and even at sea.

Faeriepetal Glimmerina (& Faerin Glowamina) (& Faehanae Wingrass)
Halfway between Crescent Minoria and Furheart Iiah exists a small island where delicate, faerie-like plants bloom.
Faeriepetal Glimmerinas also exist on continental Crescent Minoria, but they are all but clear with the faintest amount of color. On Fe'ari Island, their appearances is much more like that of a Flyona, but lacking the Flyona family's classic taste in both stem and petal. Their taste remains like that of those on the Crescent Minoria mainland—like glass. However, when the entire plant is boiled down along with the roots, it is used to create a powerful tea, as the mainland variety especially absorbs lunar energy which can only be accessed in edible form by melting and reducing the plant down. Though previously untested, it may be possible that Fe'ari Island Glimmerinas store the potential energy to give the drinker of tea made from it faerie wings.
The Faerin Glowamina is a type of Varia Maria. Whether on the mainland or Fe'ari Island, it tends to grow near Faeriepetal Glimmerinas.
Faehanae Wingrass, like the other two, can sometimes be found on the Crescent Minoria mainland, usually near the coasts. Attempts were previously made to cultivate it on Wing Alayna, but it would seem it prefers its native regions more.