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5 years ago
Inktober 2019 #19: HarianasA Coastal Flower Growing Along The Seasides Of Wing Alayna, Fuline And Reline
Inktober 2019 #19: HarianasA Coastal Flower Growing Along The Seasides Of Wing Alayna, Fuline And Reline
Inktober 2019 #19: HarianasA Coastal Flower Growing Along The Seasides Of Wing Alayna, Fuline And Reline

Inktober 2019 #19: Harianas A coastal flower growing along the seasides of Wing Alayna, Fuline and Reline Ah and their islands. Though the hairs on the plant are commonly thought to be petals, they are closer to modified leaves. Not much is known in the way of use for the Harianas, but natives have dried them and used them as combs and scrub brushes.

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3 years ago
Today's Flower~ I Wasn't Sure I Was Gonna Get It In Today But Here We Are. Now Without Further Ado....

Today's flower~ I wasn't sure I was gonna get it in today but here we are. Now without further ado.... Read on if you please!

Radiana Kandia

Native to Fuline and Reline Ah, the former being the continent of the Dancer Buddys. At certain times of the year they glow brightly yellow or orange--or sometimes both. When Kandias light up often marks the first day of the Dancer Buddy Festival on the continent. Unlike similar clear-petaled plants, the Kandia collects its energy from the stars in addition to the sun and moon. It gives off this energy in radiant displays at certain times.

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2 years ago
Winfiddle Lilyhead
Winfiddle Lilyhead
Winfiddle Lilyhead

Winfiddle Lilyhead

A hybrid between the Lar and Lilyhead families, Winfiddle Lilyheads can be found in bodies of water near and on the continent of Fuline Ah as well as in and around Laykia Layna. They have been known to wander out to sea much like Seafaring Mamolias, though they are not thought to be too closely related. They are much closer to Lifi Kleeflowers as they both share the lilypad trait, even though Winfiddle Lilyheads lack the clear petals and purple stem that Kleeflowers are known for.

There is not much to be said for their taste, but as they tend to stay close to land, they're often a good signal for sailors that they are close to land.

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2 years ago
Warahara Tree
Warahara Tree
Warahara Tree

Warahara Tree

A tropical tree found on the coasts and islands around Fuline Ah. The pods can be used as decorations or steeped to create a cocoa-like drink.

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2 years ago
Rainleaf Plant
Rainleaf Plant
Rainleaf Plant

Rainleaf Plant

Can be found only during the rainy season in Wing Alayna proper, but grows year-round in Laykia Layna. It can also be found in places on Fuline Ah.

The leaves are often detached and used as coverings for rain as they have a tough, thick, waxy nature that allows them to resist wear and tear against rain.

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2 years ago
Hariana Blosoma
Hariana Blosoma
Hariana Blosoma

Hariana Blosoma

A rare flower thought to be related to the Hariana family as they both share thin, hair-like petals and grow in the Fuline Ah region. However, Blosomas are only found on certain southern islands on the west side of the continent, whereas Harianas tend to favor the mainland (though some still can be found here and there on the islands, especially the larger ones)

The petals are sometimes used as decorations in dance ceremonies. They can also be candied and eaten as sour treats. The nectar of these flowers has a sour taste to them as well, and this flavor can even be detected in the stem and roots of the flower, though the stem is much milder than the roots.

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2 years ago
Pampikana Siliana
Pampikana Siliana
Pampikana Siliana

Pampikana Siliana

A tree native to continental Fuline Ah. The seeds of the Pampikana are popular food items, and the fruits themselves are sometimes dried and carved decoratively, much like Warahara pods.

Pampikana seeds have an earthy, nutty flavor. The fruit itself has a savory, somewhat watery and vegetable-like flavor.

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2 years ago
Radiana Waterina
Radiana Waterina
Radiana Waterina

Radiana Waterina

Rainwater gathers in its small, clear blossoms. The buds within their them glow faint blue at certain times of year. It is said to gather energy from the moon and stars and condense it into liquid form, storing it in the cup formed by its petals.

A close relative of the Radiana Kandia, it can be found on both continental Fuline Ah and Reline Ah, as well as their islands.

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1 year ago
Warawara Stringaana
Warawara Stringaana
Warawara Stringaana
Warawara Stringaana

Warawara Stringaana

Also called the Laughing Stringcorn, this rare plant was thought to be extinct for many years until it was found again on an island off the coast of north Fuline Ah and recultivated. The bracts of the plant smell sort of like buttered popcorn, though their actual taste is rather faint but not unpalatable. It is overall a very mild-tasting plant. Its inflorescence is sometimes dried and fried during festivals on the continent, though it is rather dry and tasteless on its own, it can be used to absorb other flavors, or simply dried for decorative purposes.

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1 year ago
Fulinean Buddy Tree
Fulinean Buddy Tree
Fulinean Buddy Tree
Fulinean Buddy Tree

Fulinean Buddy Tree

Once thought to be a legend, Buddy Trees were recently rediscovered in remote locations on several of the continents. Mysteriously though, this locations are difficult or sometimes impossible to find again, leading some to believe that these locations are in fact pocket dimensions, or perhaps that there is only one Buddy Tree that changes its appearance each time its seen depending on where it is located. The Buddy Tree once grew solely in Wing Alayna, and, as the legend goes, would bear vastly different fruit per year. Another legend states that a guardian of time lives in the knot of the tree, connecting the world to the lands of legend.

It was also once thought that the Storydancers came from the Buddy Tree or perhaps lived in it, or even used it as a portal to visit the lands of legend and bring back tales. Though there does seem to be a connection between the Buddy Tree and the Storydancers, it is unclear at this point whether that connection is merely mythical or has some substance to it.

Storydancers are a particular kind of Dancer Buddy that carry scrolls with them and regale their audience with tales as they perform their dance routines. As they travel about without a home, they often take up residence in the Queen's palace, or stay with a host family before moving on. There are no known Storydancer mixes, and if you ask them why, they'd probably reply that they love story more than the idea of settling down.

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1 year ago
Yifli Tinitrii
Yifli Tinitrii
Yifli Tinitrii

Yifli Tinitrii

A small tree found on certain Fuline Ah islands. Also called the Fulinean Varia Maria, some of these trees can be quite old despite their small stature, and are thought to be the ancestors of many of the current species of Varia Maria.

Varia Marias are a genus of plants with a broad range as they tend to adapt and change according to their environment. It was once believed that only one type of Varia Maria grew on each continent, but others of the same and different varieties have been found in various locations. That said, these new types do seem to only grow in a limited range, and even in their native growing area, many varieties tend to be few in number.

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1 year ago
Halafura Duloa
Halafura Duloa
Halafura Duloa

Halafura Duloa

The petals of this flower were once so frequently used in tea that the flowers were never seen beyond the closed blossom stage, leading some to believe that Halafura Duloa flowers never opened. It was also once believed that the flowers would only open simultaneously. While this does frequently occur with Halafura Duloa pairs, there are some that choose to open at a different time than their twin.

Originating from Fuline Ah, the Halafura Duloa is sometimes also spotted along the west coast of Wing Alayna.

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3 months ago
Busha Tuftoma

Busha Tuftoma

The Busha Tuftoma was thought to be lost to time, but was recently rediscovered growing off the coast of Koraln Sing on some of its sandbars. Since its initial rediscovery, the plant has been seen taking root in several other locations, such as certain Reline and Fuline islands, and even parts of continental Fuline Ah.

Its tall, grass-like leaves protect a small, pink flower within them. For this reason, it is surmised the plant may be a distant relative of the Mamolia family.

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3 months ago
Hariana Kanmia

Hariana Kanmia

The Hariana Kanmia is said to be the origin of all the other Hariana species, including Hariana Stratasa (featured here around the Hariana Kanmia). There is only one known Kanmia, and similar to how the Magna Subariana is thought to be the heart of the Great Buddy Lake, the Kanmia is thought to be the heart of all other Harianas, and if something were to befall it, calamity would befall the entire genus. This is of course speculation, but it keeps the lone specimen protected from careless Kitonyas, Neonyas, and children nonetheless.

The Hariana Kanmia can be found only in Fuline Ah, deep in the continent in a field of other Hariana species, such as plain Harianas, Stratasas and Blosomas.

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