Vegetable Correspondences - Tumblr Posts

🥕Vegetable Correspondences🥕

Vegetable Correspondences

Artichoke- Love, lust, personal growth, protection, safety, sexual desires, temptation Asparagus- Aphrodisiac, cleansing, fertility, healing, lust, sex, power, unfaithfulness Avocado- Beauty, love, lust Beans- Decision making, grounding, love, lust, prosperity, protection Beet- Beauty, blood, desire, fertility, healing, love, passion, relationships, sexual energy


Red- Love, strength

Yellow- Intelligence, energy, focus, creativity

Green- Money

Broccoli- Healing, health, leadership, physical strength, prosperity, protection, wealth Brussels Sprouts- Determination, endurance, health, protection, stability, strength Cabbage- Anti-nightmare, fertility, lunar presence, money, prosperity, protection, sleep Carrots- Desire, dispel illusions, fertility, healing, lust, sexuality, protection, visions Cauliflower- Emotions, feminine energy, growth, lunar energy, personal protection Celery- Calming, concentration, lust, mental clarity, passion, peace, psychic awareness, sexuality Corn- Abundance, blessings, fertility, luck, prosperity, protection, rituals,  spirituality Cucumber- Calming, chastity, fertility, healing, hinders lust, peace, relaxation, stress relief Eggplant- Hoodoo, money, prosperity, sexuality, wealth Horseradish- Anti-negativity, breaks hexes, energy, passion, protection, purification Kale- Healing, strength Leek- Anti-impurity, exorcisms, friendships, healing, love, protection, purification, strength Lettuce- Astral travel, divination, love, lunar magick, meditation, protection, sex, sleep


Button- Protection

Chanterelle- Love, romance, protection

Chicken of the Woods- New beginnings

Enoki- Psychic power

Morel- Protection, memory, clarity

Oyster- Prosperity, protection, psychic abilities

Portabella- Strength

Shiitake- Healing, love, divination

Olive- Fertility, healing, lust, peace, protection, spirituality Onion- Anti-negativity, dreams, endurance, health, lust, money, prosperity, protection, stability Pea- Love Potato- Energy, healing, hoodoo, luck, money, poppet, stability, wealth Pumpkin- Banishing, divination, love, lunar magick, prosperity, protection, rebirth, wishes Radish- Breaks curses, fire magick, lust, protection Spinach- Prosperity Squash- Spirituality Sweet Potato- Friendship, harmony, grounding, nurturing, sensuality Tomato- Anti-negativity,creativity, love, offerings, passion, prosperity,  protection, repel evil Turnip- Death, ending relationships, fertility, protection, sexual energy Zucchini- Faithfulness, fertility, lust, prosperity, protection, relationships, sex magick

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