Venezuela Libre - Tumblr Posts

Quiero libertad y un futuro para mi país, un futuro en el que no tengamos que pasar hambre; un futuro donde la única meta de la juventud no sea graduarse solo para irse del país. Anhelo un lugar donde las familias no estén separadas por distintos paises, donde no dependamos de un miserable bono y donde, a duras penas, los sueldos nos alcancen para comer. Quiero un país donde las autoridades no estén corruptas y donde se pueda hacer justicia.
Me duele profundamente y me llena de rabia que haya pasado este fraudes en las elecciones. Todo se siente como un robo, como un fraude que nos ha arrebatado la esperanza. ¿Hasta cuándo podremos tener nuestra libertad? No quiero dejar mi país. Deseo seguir viviendo aquí, construyendo futuro y aportando a mi hogar. Sin embargo, cada vez más jóvenes, como yo, estamos considerando la emigración en busca de un futuro mejor.
espero se haga justicia
Wish for justice

I don't know if I should call this a relief drawing, all last week and part of this one has been stressful, mostly because of the problems my country is going through, the fraud in the elections and the protests have made my motivation to draw fade away, I have been sad, angry and scared, I don't want to talk about politics or similar things here, but seeing my country in these conditions is painful and stressful, that's why I tried to draw one of my comfort characters, wanting to recover my motivation and try to calm my emotions, I also thank the friends who have talked to me, it may sound silly but talking to distract me a little also helped me, it is not easy to live in a country in dictatorship and now more when you are persecuted, kidnapped, tortured or killed for not agreeing with the government and more when the laws are broken, I invite you to please investigate everything that is happening in Venezuela, because here many Venezuelans we are silenced to not let others know what is happening in the country.

Dear mutuals and followers, sorry for the politics in your dashboard but in some homes today we cannot afford to "ignore the problems".
The country where I come from, Venezuela, has had an election for president that has resulted in fraud. Mr. Nicolás Maduro has proclaimed himself President although the votes have said the opposite. This regime has devastated the lives of its citizens, resorting to violence against those who opposed it. It has brought ruin to a nation once celebrated as a pioneer of Latin American independence, yet many choose to overlook its plight. Venezuela, a country that once extended support to immigrants and provided aid to others, is now dismissed as insignificant by many.
If you are an advocate who values the dignity and needs of individuals, we urge you to raise your voice alongside us. Don't ignore us because we are Latinos, this is also a war. It is a conflict against an individual who has controlled his armed forces, law enforcement, narcotics syndicates, and citizens, rendering any attempts at reform futile despite our vocal protests. I have family members who are unable to depart through legal means, and if they choose to leave unlawfully, they face harsh judgment from people of the outside.
If you are interested, here are more information you may read:
Twitter Thread Summary // What is happening in Venezuela

Dear mutuals and followers, sorry for the politics in your dashboard but in some homes today we cannot afford to "ignore the problems".
The country where I come from, Venezuela, has had an election for president that has resulted in fraud. Mr. Nicolás Maduro has proclaimed himself President although the votes have said the opposite. This regime has devastated the lives of its citizens, resorting to violence against those who opposed it. It has brought ruin to a nation once celebrated as a pioneer of Latin American independence, yet many choose to overlook its plight. Venezuela, a country that once extended support to immigrants and provided aid to others, is now dismissed as insignificant by many.
If you are an advocate who values the dignity and needs of individuals, we urge you to raise your voice alongside us. Don't ignore us because we are Latinos, this is also a war. It is a conflict against an individual who has controlled his armed forces, law enforcement, narcotics syndicates, and citizens, rendering any attempts at reform futile despite our vocal protests. I have family members who are unable to depart through legal means, and if they choose to leave unlawfully, they face harsh judgment from people of the outside.
If you are interested, here are more information you may read:
Twitter Thread Summary // What is happening in Venezuela // Torture Center: The Helicoide
(ASK) How can I help Venezuelans?
¡Conciencia sobre Venezuela! ¡No dejes que Maduro tome esta’ elecciones! Hágale saber que recordaremos esto y estaremos con el pueblo de Venezuela! ¡Venezuela libre!
Since I’m not seeing many posts about what’s happening in Venezuela, I will make one myself. Please do not turn a blind eye to their ongoing crisis.
First I will put you into context, please note that all this information is taken from posts, threads and statements made by Venezuelans so I will hyperlink each one of my sources.
From 2002 to 2013, Hugo Chávez was the president of Venezuela. Not only did he ruin the country’s economy, imprison people and remove liberty of speech in the country, but he also changed the constitution, allowing unlimited reelection. His regime became a dictatorship disguised as a democracy. Here’s an entire page about this period. (And you can read more searching “chavismo”)
After his death in 2013, Nicolás Maduro took the presidency. Venezuelans started protesting and, as a response, they were repressed and killed, universities were burned down and Venezuela became massively poor, people lacked basic needs (supermarkets were empty, increasing famine and malnutrition), hospitals lacked resources and, consequently, illnesses spread and infant mortality rates increased severely.
This Sunday, July 28th, 2024, elections were held and Venezuelans voted for Edmundo González to be the next president of the country. Exit polls expected him to win the elections.
Later, the revealed results were that Maduro had won with the 51,2% votes, while Edmundo González had only 44,2%. But, as of right now, already 75% of the electoral records confirm that Edmundo González was, in fact, the chosen candidate, meaning that Maduro once again cheated on the elections. This is electoral fraud. This is not a democracy, this is a dictatorship.
Now, Venezuelans are protesting and the government are once again repressing them. Civilians are being persecuted, attacked and killed. Innocent people are being arrested. The government is cutting their communication and are planning on cutting the electricity next.
I urge you to check this thread on Twitter by @/postmortemria. Her account is full of information about Venezuela and their crisis, please check her posts and share them to spread the voice. Try to raise Venezuelans’ voices and donate to them if you can.
At the moment, there aren’t many ways to help other than speaking up, but under this tweet you can find many talented artists and commissions are their way to make some money to pay for basic human needs. If you can, think about commissioning a piece or donating to them.
In addition, here’s another tweet with information to donate to the people affected in the protests. They’re in desperate need of assistance so anything can help.

Dear mutuals and followers, sorry for the politics in your dashboard but in some homes today we cannot afford to "ignore the problems".
The country where I come from, Venezuela, has had an election for president that has resulted in fraud. Mr. Nicolás Maduro has proclaimed himself President although the votes have said the opposite. This regime has devastated the lives of its citizens, resorting to violence against those who opposed it. It has brought ruin to a nation once celebrated as a pioneer of Latin American independence, yet many choose to overlook its plight. Venezuela, a country that once extended support to immigrants and provided aid to others, is now dismissed as insignificant by many.
If you are an advocate who values the dignity and needs of individuals, we urge you to raise your voice alongside us. Don't ignore us because we are Latinos, this is also a war. It is a conflict against an individual who has controlled his armed forces, law enforcement, narcotics syndicates, and citizens, rendering any attempts at reform futile despite our vocal protests. I have family members who are unable to depart through legal means, and if they choose to leave unlawfully, they face harsh judgment from people of the outside.
If you are interested, here are more information you may read:
Twitter Thread Summary // What is happening in Venezuela

This was last night, when they took away a mother and her daughter, who is a minor, just for posting on social media about what is happening in the country.
Some of the people who are in the Helicoide are minors, who are being tortured for no reason, The dictatorship does not care how old we are, for them we are all terrorists.
Many people have died, and now they want to silence us. I'm scared, please spread this, let the whole world know what's happening here.
If you want to help, here are ways to donate, but spreading the word also helps a lot.

when venezuelans tell tankies that people (ACTUAL PEOPLE) do not support maduro anymore in venezuela, this is what we mean. THIS is a supposed "counter-protest" near the CNE in Plaza Venezuela, Caracas to support the government
video shared by @ReporteYa in twitter, at 12:51pm VET (UTC -4)
meanwhile THIS.

THIS is how protests against the government look, even after the terror campaigns that the government has done this past month.
Si pueden apoyar o compartir aunque no compren ayuda muchísimo, gracias ♡
If you can support or share even if you don't buy it helps a lot, thank you ♡
SOME of the children currently under arrest by the Venezuelan Government
Source: (x)
Victoria. 16 years old, is in her fifth year of high school. She is a member of the Orquesta Sinfónica, and attends a modeling and make-up school. She was kidnapped on July 29 and subjected to forced disappearance. She was not allowed to defend herself through her lawyers.
Lauriannys. 16 years old girl who just graduated from high school and was arrested on August 14 after being reported by an official from the Carúpano City Hall. The reason? She allegedly forwarded a message via WhatsApp after July 28. That night, a group of regime officials forcibly removed her from her home as if she were a criminal. Due to the trauma of what happened, she began to feel ill and as a result, she suffered a collapse that caused brain damage and required urgent transfer to a healthcare centre. There she was prosecuted without the right to defend herself for the crime of instigating hatred, with a sentence of 24 years in prison.
José. 14 years old teenager who was arrested on July 30 with his father when they passed by a protest at a PSUV headquarters on their way to do personal errands. They were arrested and had rocks, sticks and a bottle of petrol planted in their bags, in order to accuse them of “acts of vandalism”. The young man was brought forward and charged with terrorism and inciting hatred.
Yohendri. A fifth-year high school student and a soccer player, goalkeeper for his soccer team. In his free time he sells fried plantains with his uncle. He lives with his sick mother and his grandfather. The young man was arrested along with his cousin and a friend on August 6. At 11:00 pm, the young man went with his cousin to a neighbor's house to invite him to play with the phones. While there, regime officials arrived abruptly asking for another person. At that moment they were taken into custody. Relatives claim that the officials were looking for another person with the same name. They were victims of a mix-up; they were arrested and processed in the same way.
Edison. 15 years old, arbitrarily KIDNAPPED in Barinas on August 2, was severely beaten, causing FACIAL PARALYSIS, and was accused of Terrorism. He has already been released on bail.
Camila, 15 years old, was kidnapped by the forces of the Nicolás Maduro dictatorship in Trujillo state to force her father, Gerardo Leal, to turn himself in. Her only "crime" was accompanying María Corina Machado on motorcycle tours.


this is one of the 15 or so kids that freed a few days ago, after the complaints of thousands of people. he is 11 or 12 and he's denouncing that he was tortured by being electrocuted and beat up by a liutenant of the current regime's military. it's fucking heartbreaking to hear his voice shaking.
mind you 15 kids were let go after being UNLAWFULLY KIDNAPPED BY THE MILITARY. and there's still
But what about the sanctions?
The government is arresting children
But it must be a coup...
The government is torturing children
But US imperialism...
The government has killed kids, are still killing kids and will continue killing kids for as long as they are in power
I won't debate I won't inform and I won't engage in your delusions about my country go fuck yourself

Ya me queda claro que no te gusta ni pensar ni razonar. No vas a cambiar y no vas a mejorar pero ya que te encanta ponerte hablar de tragedias aquí tienes una causada por el gobierno
Neomar era menor de edad cuando lo mataron, el dejó sus estudios para apoyar a su familia y nunca pudo completar su formación, pedimos justicia para él y para todos. Sé que no te importa, pero alguien más lo verá y tal vez razone un poquito más antes de hablar de Venezuela
Literalmente lo que quieren todos estos venezolanos "libertadores" es un 11 de septiembre. Nada mas y nada menos. Igual que los chilenos derechistas con sus cacerolazos bajo el gobierno de Allende ("nos está matando de hambre! Nos está negando la telefonía! Nos esta negando la electricidad! Que nos liberen!")
("Solo queremos libertad!" Solo queremos que saquen a ese malnacido que nos gobierna! Después todo estará mejor!")
Estan jugando el exacto mismo rol los estúpidos de hoy como la gente estúpida en ese entonces. Ellos pidieron que Allende se saliera, y estados unidos cumplió su deseo.
Ningun cambio verdadero se impone pacíficamente, y si ustedes piden por la violencia-

Esto es lo que estan pidiendo.

Dear mutuals and followers, sorry for the politics in your dashboard but in some homes today we cannot afford to "ignore the problems".
The country where I come from, Venezuela, has had an election for president that has resulted in fraud. Mr. Nicolás Maduro has proclaimed himself President although the votes have said the opposite. This regime has devastated the lives of its citizens, resorting to violence against those who opposed it. It has brought ruin to a nation once celebrated as a pioneer of Latin American independence, yet many choose to overlook its plight. Venezuela, a country that once extended support to immigrants and provided aid to others, is now dismissed as insignificant by many.
If you are an advocate who values the dignity and needs of individuals, we urge you to raise your voice alongside us. Don't ignore us because we are Latinos, this is also a war. It is a conflict against an individual who has controlled his armed forces, law enforcement, narcotics syndicates, and citizens, rendering any attempts at reform futile despite our vocal protests. I have family members who are unable to depart through legal means, and if they choose to leave unlawfully, they face harsh judgment from people of the outside.
If you are interested, here are more information you may read:
Twitter Thread Summary // What is happening in Venezuela // Torture Center: The Helicoide
(ASK) How can I help Venezuelans?
Since I’m not seeing many posts about what’s happening in Venezuela, I will make one myself. Please do not turn a blind eye to their ongoing crisis.
First I will put you into context, please note that all this information is taken from posts, threads and statements made by Venezuelans so I will hyperlink each one of my sources.
From 2002 to 2013, Hugo Chávez was the president of Venezuela. Not only did he ruin the country’s economy, imprison people and remove liberty of speech in the country, but he also changed the constitution, allowing unlimited reelection. His regime became a dictatorship disguised as a democracy. Here’s an entire page about this period. (And you can read more searching “chavismo”)
After his death in 2013, Nicolás Maduro took the presidency. Venezuelans started protesting and, as a response, they were repressed and killed, universities were burned down and Venezuela became massively poor, people lacked basic needs (supermarkets were empty, increasing famine and malnutrition), hospitals lacked resources and, consequently, illnesses spread and infant mortality rates increased severely.
This Sunday, July 28th, 2024, elections were held and Venezuelans voted for Edmundo González to be the next president of the country. Exit polls expected him to win the elections.
Later, the revealed results were that Maduro had won with the 51,2% votes, while Edmundo González had only 44,2%. But, as of right now, already 75% of the electoral records confirm that Edmundo González was, in fact, the chosen candidate, meaning that Maduro once again cheated on the elections. This is electoral fraud. This is not a democracy, this is a dictatorship.
Now, Venezuelans are protesting and the government are once again repressing them. Civilians are being persecuted, attacked and killed. Innocent people are being arrested. The government is cutting their communication and are planning on cutting the electricity next.
I urge you to check this thread on Twitter by @/postmortemria. Her account is full of information about Venezuela and their crisis, please check her posts and share them to spread the voice. Try to raise Venezuelans’ voices and donate to them if you can.
At the moment, there aren’t many ways to help other than speaking up, but under this tweet you can find many talented artists and commissions are their way to make some money to pay for basic human needs. If you can, think about commissioning a piece or donating to them.
In addition, here’s another tweet with information to donate to the people affected in the protests. They’re in desperate need of assistance so anything can help.

Don't know if this is making the rounds here bc it's quite recent but TunnelBear VPN is now free for people connecting from Venezuela to use to elude censorship!
You can get it here!! Stay strong and safe!!

Dear mutuals and followers, sorry for the politics in your dashboard but in some homes today we cannot afford to "ignore the problems".
The country where I come from, Venezuela, has had an election for president that has resulted in fraud. Mr. Nicolás Maduro has proclaimed himself President although the votes have said the opposite. This regime has devastated the lives of its citizens, resorting to violence against those who opposed it. It has brought ruin to a nation once celebrated as a pioneer of Latin American independence, yet many choose to overlook its plight. Venezuela, a country that once extended support to immigrants and provided aid to others, is now dismissed as insignificant by many.
If you are an advocate who values the dignity and needs of individuals, we urge you to raise your voice alongside us. Don't ignore us because we are Latinos, this is also a war. It is a conflict against an individual who has controlled his armed forces, law enforcement, narcotics syndicates, and citizens, rendering any attempts at reform futile despite our vocal protests. I have family members who are unable to depart through legal means, and if they choose to leave unlawfully, they face harsh judgment from people of the outside.
If you are interested, here are more information you may read:
Twitter Thread Summary // What is happening in Venezuela
VENEZUELA NEEDS YOUR HELP. READ. REBLOG. EDUCATE. HELP. A lot of things are happening in the world right now. But one thing I don't see receiving enough attention right now is the situation in Venezuela. Nicolás Maduro has just won the Venezuelan election with 51.21% of votes compared with 44.2% going towards his rival Edmundo González Urrutia. Except THIS IS NOT THE CASE. Undeniable election fraud has taken place - anyone within Venezuela knows that Maduro is a ruthless dictator and he was an extremely unpopular candidate. Maduro's victory does not reflect the will of Venezuelan voters. Venezuelan people are getting kidnapped and killed by the military on the streets. And this is just the beginning of Maduro's rule. I am not from Venezuela, but read the messages of friends that are as the situation unfolded.

Venezuela are on the brink of civil war, being cut off from the world, and are being killed on the streets. One of the people you just read messages from urged me to send this message:

WHAT YOU CAN DO: - Spread the word. Educate others. Reblog this post. Do research. If anyone can provide additional context and stories, please share. Talk about this on any social media platform you have. I am primarily a Sonic fandom account - I urge that if anyone with a sizeable following in this fandom reads this post, that they please share this in front of their followers. Please ensure this post spreads through the fandom ecosystems. Below is a link to a Twitter post that has artists in the replies that are from Venezuela, if you wish to give any of them financial support:

Thank you.