Victorion - Tumblr Posts
Given new Legacy reveals today, i decided to give you quick digibash of CW Torchbearer Jumpstream from Legacy Breakdown mold.
No talk today, just another digibash and this time around i give you Legacy Torchbearer Dust Up from Breakdown mold.
Hello again Fellas. Today i bring you my take on Rust Dust, a member of Caminus Torchbearers and part of Victorion combiner. To make her i used Legacy Arcee mold with some modifications and her colors are based on her IDW1 appearance with some parts also based on her Combiner Wars toy.
Transformers and Rust Dust belong to Hasbro and Takara This digibash i guess belongs to me
Hello Everybody. Today i give you my take on Torchbearer Pyra magna. When it comes to "Reverse" part in my head i had an idea that this is her before she became a victorion. Also Legacy Motormaster figure kinda reminded me a bit of RID 2001 Optimus Prime.
Transformers and Pyra Magna belong to Hasbro and Takara This digibash i guess belongs to me
Digibashes based on Miner Megatron pickaxe mold --------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone. Today i'm giving you something different. Recently i came up with an idea of making small digibashes that are based on weapons, accessories or parts of molds(like heads, excluding headmasters and powermasters). The reason for that was that i don't post often given how big some of the digibashes are and how much time they take to finish, so instead i made D.E.I(it's not AI), which stands for: Digibash Extra Ideas. Like i said earlier it will consist of weapons and some more less looking Evo-Fusions, alternative heads (like the one with minerva) and many more. Let me know what you think of this format and if you want me to change something. ------------------------------------------------------ Megaempress, Judge Pickel, Pyra Magna, Transformers, Legacy belong to Hasbro and Takara D.E.I, Axe Torch and these digibashes belong to me Original pictures belong to their rightful owners