Legacy: Evolution - Tumblr Posts

I do way too much for my own good ;-;
- infoglitch. Aka ME dumbass!
Decided to do this. Been a bit since I made some original shit. Enjoy.
Legacy: evolution
Andy lilim. Terry momo-morningstar.

Crossfight: Legacy Xros Nexus

"Cross over. The worlds clash as the origin and reincarnation brush against another. fight for your hopes and dreams. Burn your way."
...yeah. that's facts.

Had this one lying in my folder for a while, waiting for Hot Rod Mold week that i unfortunately didn't have time for. Nevertheless here is Legends of Cybertron/Unicron Trilogy Universe Bumblebee.
Transformers, Bumblebee, Hot Rod, Hot Shot belong to Hasbro and Takara. This digibash i guess belogs to me.

Tbh in my head this looked a lot better and while the colors are not close to original i'm proud of what i made. Transformers and Megaempress belong to Hasbro and Takara This digibash i guess belongs to me

Coming to Legacyverse through negative polarity Stellar Spanner, Good Decepticon Treadshot hopes to uncover the mysteries of decaying multiversal walls...
I don't know why but this mold suits this character really well and also i wanted to make this given how much i liked Crosshairs Productions depiction of character.

"After many, countless lost battles against Power Rangers, Lord Zedd and Rita have no choice but to unleash an ancient evil upon their enemies" -------------------------------------------- First/Next -------------------------------------------- Transformers, Grimlock, Power Rangers, Red Ranger belong to their rightful owners This digibash i guess belongs to me

"Sennsing the disturbence in Morphin Grid, Zordon sends Rangers to check things up. What they will encounter will shock them to their core." ----------------------------------------------------------- Previous/Next ----------------------------------------------------------- Transformers, Sludge, Power Rangers, Black Ranger belong to their rightful owners This digibash i guess belongs to me

"An ancient foe from a long forgotten past has been awakened. Power Rangers didn't stand a chance against the might of Powerful Thunderwing." ----------------------------------------------------------- Previous/Next ----------------------------------------------------------- Transformers, Slag/Slug, Power Rangers, Blue Ranger belong to their rightful owners This digibash i guess belongs to me

"Seeing the defeat of his Rangers at the hands of the Ancient foe, Zordon has no choice but to call upon Legendary Warriors he fought alongside with eons ago."
----------------------------------------------------------- Previous/Next ----------------------------------------------------------- Transformers, Swoop, Power Rangers, Pink Ranger belong to their rightful owners This digibash i guess belongs to me

After Hasbro gives us our next Legacy Core Class Dinobot and shows us Complete Volcanicus, I will make continuation. ----------------------------------------------------------- Previous/Next ----------------------------------------------------------- Transformers, Skar, Power Rangers, White Ranger belong to their rightful owners This digibash i guess belongs to me

Digibashes based on Miner Megatron pickaxe mold --------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone. Today i'm giving you something different. Recently i came up with an idea of making small digibashes that are based on weapons, accessories or parts of molds(like heads, excluding headmasters and powermasters). The reason for that was that i don't post often given how big some of the digibashes are and how much time they take to finish, so instead i made D.E.I(it's not AI), which stands for: Digibash Extra Ideas. Like i said earlier it will consist of weapons and some more less looking Evo-Fusions, alternative heads (like the one with minerva) and many more. Let me know what you think of this format and if you want me to change something. ------------------------------------------------------ Megaempress, Judge Pickel, Pyra Magna, Transformers, Legacy belong to Hasbro and Takara D.E.I, Axe Torch and these digibashes belong to me Original pictures belong to their rightful owners

Legacy Gamer Edition Prime Universe Nemesis Trypticon from Legacy Evolution Nemesis -------------------------------------------------- "You thought you could destroy me?! You thought you could destroy Trypticon?! Ah Pathetic."
Coming to Legacyverse, lost and fogotten titan is reactivated once more as a last resort by titan speaker Wheelblade to help stop combined forces of Tarn and Jhiaxus from destroying whole New Reborn Cybertron. -------------------------------------------------- Not gonna lie, while this looks kinda rough around the edges it's still promising. With bit of retooling this mold could definitely pass as Buzzworthy or Gen Selects. And also back section could be retooled to look more like a tail.
Update: Sorry for not posting anything in a while. This site despite my couple attempts didn't allow to post this one until now
Transformers, Trypticon belong to Hasbro and Takara This digibash belongs to me

After long time i can finaly show you my second to last Power Ranger X Transformers digibash. This time around i give you Snarl as a Yellow Ranger.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Previous/Next ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Transformers, Power Ranger, Snarl belong to Hasbro This digibash belongs to me

Whoa! Finally! This one was long in the making but it's finally done. Thanks to zaxson_88 on twiter for sending me Siege Spinister Arm fanmode. I might do Victorion one day but i can't promise that(first i need to make Skyburst and Stormclash but my original files became corrupted so i need to start from scratch). Head comes from my old scene digibash 'cause the toy head doesn't look good. ----------------------------------------------- Chest: Megaempress Arms: Lunaclub and Moonheart Legs: Flowspade and Trickdiamond -----------------------------------------------
Transformers, Megatronia, Megaempress, Trickdiamond, Lunaclub, Moonheart, Flowspade belong to Hasbro and Takara Original image belongs to it's rightful owner This digibash belongs to me