Vinnie Vincent - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Thundering Drums

I don't know how to feel right now. I haven't ever been a big KISS fan because I was born in 2006 and never felt a strong connection with the band. I didn't know any songs besides "I was made for loving you" and I didn't even know any of the band members names. However, now as of March 2024 I learned more about KISS not because of the band but because of a person who was in the band. The first band members name i ever learned was Eric Carr's name. I guess much like other people they felt a connection with him. I felt that when i started watching videos of him goofing off (I wasn't even listening to any of the music he made/helped make. I was purely just watching for who he was as a person). I don't feel that type of connection with any other band members like you won't be seeing me actively reading a Gene Simmons biography because I want too. Eric Carr just seemed so human. He was such a good guy and I may not have met him but hearing stories about him...I kinda miss the guy you know? How could I miss someone I never had the chance to meet? Even as I'm sitting here crying while writing this every so often glancing at the picture of Eric Carr on the face of my own copy of "The Eric Carr Story" I feel like I need to make this post. I wrote this type of post before I read the book but it sadly got deleted. However, after reading the book in basically one day I feel compelled to rewrite it to get my own emotions and feelings out. One thing I wrote in the previous post that stood out was that I said I felt empty. I get like that sometimes when I get so vested into a person its like I lose a part of myself. So I was feeling very hollow before I read the book. But now after reading the book I feel like I gave that part of myself to Eric Carr and he sorta handed me back this piece of hope and confidence to keep going with my life to strive for better things. I think for me at least Eric Carr is the best drummer in the world not just for his skill but also for who he was as a person. He is definitely one of my role models now to strive to be remembered as someone who did something. I don't cry a lot it's not who I am but when i read the book and write this post I'm crying. It really shows how in such little of a time that I've learned of Eric Carr how much he grew on me and influenced me. I'm very glad I had the chance to learn about him through the people who loved him like his family, Carrie Stevens, and the many people who befriended him. I hope no one forgets who he was and what he's done for everyone.

Keep Rock n Rollin, Izzy

Shout out to @spacefoxy and many other fans for posting so much amazing Eric Carr content. I think it helps a lot of people in many different ways.

P.S I won't speak on my own feelings of KISS the band and who they are now and what they did while Eric Carr was sick and dying. But I hope their happy because I think at the end of the day Eric would have wanted them to be happy too.

"But this too is true: stories can save us."- Tim O'brien (The Things They Carried)

Thundering Drums

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6 months ago

Do y'all think the members of KISS ever look back at the 70s, 80s, and 90s and go "wow those were some crazy nights"

I don't know if I made this joke yet but I find it very funny

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6 months ago
But, I Also Want To Shift For Vinnie Because I Know He Has So Much More Depth Than A Hot Body On Social
But, I Also Want To Shift For Vinnie Because I Know He Has So Much More Depth Than A Hot Body On Social
But, I Also Want To Shift For Vinnie Because I Know He Has So Much More Depth Than A Hot Body On Social

But, I also want to shift for Vinnie because I know he has so much more depth than a hot body on social media. Which is why I specifically scripted that I've known him since high-school (where he wasn't exactly his best at the time) and have been dating him through all his struggles. He's far from the perfect lover, not anywhere near close but he tries with all his heart. He gets angry, sure, he lashes out, yes but he makes it a need to work it out as quick as he can.

He strives to show you the love you showed him when everyone in his life seemed to crumble under his touch. He takes on small modeling jobs not only because it's a dream of his but also because he wants to spoil you dead rotten because he knows it's all material to you and you're just there for every one of his flaws.

He's ashamed at times, that he can't always be there for you.

Vinnie has many interests, he loves going out and trying random things or even indulging in culture which is why I believe he'd love to have a woman who doesn't come from Amercian backgrounds. He'd take you anywhere, even without his wealth he'll do anything to help you see the world with him. He'd be so into ancient Japanese culture, I just know it. He doesn't only like Japan for their stereotypical shit but he just loves their swords (he owns 2). So I fully believe he'd drag you there and force you into traditional wear (and no I don't mean the aesthetic Pinterest stuff I mean THE REAL DEAL). As I mentioned, he'd be so into his partner's background and he would take you there. He'd learn to make certain foods, learn religion, and anything of everything.

He trusts you enough to show you the real him, the raw unfiltered Vincent Cole Hacker who is just a huge dork with unmoving love for you.

But, I Also Want To Shift For Vinnie Because I Know He Has So Much More Depth Than A Hot Body On Social

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3 years ago
Eeee! This Is A Commission I Did For @ashestoashesvvi And Im Super Happy With How It Turned Out!

Eeee! This is a commission I did for @ashestoashesvvi —and I’m super happy with how it turned out!

It’s modern m-day Vin in his Ankh Warrior makeup and he looks so cute!!

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2 years ago
Whoo! I Finally Broke Down And Drew Up A New Commission Sheet! I Just Thought The Old One Was Way Too
Whoo! I Finally Broke Down And Drew Up A New Commission Sheet! I Just Thought The Old One Was Way Too
Whoo! I Finally Broke Down And Drew Up A New Commission Sheet! I Just Thought The Old One Was Way Too
Whoo! I Finally Broke Down And Drew Up A New Commission Sheet! I Just Thought The Old One Was Way Too

Whoo! I finally broke down and drew up a new commission sheet! I just thought the old one was way too long (and frankly kind of ugly)--so here’s my shiny, new one! 

My commission status at the moment is open! If you’re interested feel free to PM me! 

Anyhow, have a great day--and peace! :o) 

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2 years ago
Whoo! I Finally Broke Down And Drew Up A New Commission Sheet! I Just Thought The Old One Was Way Too
Whoo! I Finally Broke Down And Drew Up A New Commission Sheet! I Just Thought The Old One Was Way Too
Whoo! I Finally Broke Down And Drew Up A New Commission Sheet! I Just Thought The Old One Was Way Too
Whoo! I Finally Broke Down And Drew Up A New Commission Sheet! I Just Thought The Old One Was Way Too

Whoo! I finally broke down and drew up a new commission sheet! I just thought the old one was way too long (and frankly kind of ugly)–so here’s my shiny, new one! 

My commission status at the moment is open! If you’re interested feel free to PM me! 

Anyhow, have a great day–and peace! :o) 

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8 months ago

One day my weird lil dream of being in a band will be fulfilled. I wanna be like KISS levels of extra outfit wise and everything. This shit is gonna be as camp as it can be.

I also just wanna make whatever kinda music cause I really don’t have a preference. Like one minute I’m listening to Metallica or like Ratt and the next it’s no doubt or car seat headrest. I just want to have a fun spooky 80s aesthetic.

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7 months ago

How many of y’all think you’d enjoy silly lil cover songs I do by myself cause I don’t have a band to play with. I will take suggestions after I post at least one for y’all to hear the voice I’m workin with.

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1 year ago
Vinnie Vincent Apparition Post
Vinnie Vincent Apparition Post
Vinnie Vincent Apparition Post
Vinnie Vincent Apparition Post
Vinnie Vincent Apparition Post
Vinnie Vincent Apparition Post
Vinnie Vincent Apparition Post
Vinnie Vincent Apparition Post
Vinnie Vincent Apparition Post
Vinnie Vincent Apparition Post

Vinnie Vincent apparition post

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1 year ago


l love him so much

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1 year ago

VINNIE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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1 year ago



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1 year ago

He is so young and handsome

vinnie vincent in god knows what year.

Vinnie Vincent In God Knows What Year.

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1 year ago
How It Started Vs

How it started vs

How It Started Vs

How its going better photo with counterfeit kids

How It Started Vs

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2 years ago

what about the bus?

ps i know it doesn't snow in la but rn. imagine i does. also y/n speaks Spanish therefore the nicknames(i ain't spanish sorry if I get some wrong, pls comment if i did...)

img creds: @writer-in-theory and tiktok

I've never ever ever done this before pls be nice...

pairing: vinnie x influencer!fem!y/n

genre: fluff

img creds: @writer-in-theory and tiktok

word count: 583

summary: it's winter and Vinnie brought y/n to the ice-skating rink. when they were done, Vinnie found out his car just got towed. y/n then suggested they go home by bus. but none of them realised they'd fall in love that night

"Babe, come on. I wanna go home!" Y/n said staring at the freezing, falling snow as Vinnie sat and stared at the tow truck that just drove away with his treasured car sitting on its back.

"but- What- I-""baby, we'll get it back tomorrow, i took a picture of the logo. we'll find it, i promise." Vinnie finally took his eyes of the car that was out of eyeshot almost 5 minutes ago.

"How else are we meant to go home? i mean we can take a cab or something." Vinnie whispered, sounding heartbroken. "aw baby... i love you, we'll get her back i promise. and, i saw a bus station about 2 minutes ahead soooo....."

"okay, i guess. thank you baby." his hazel eyes peaked with hope as he heard her voice before she kissed his cheek saying "no problem, angel boy"

the influencer couple walked 2 minutes down the street and just like y/n said, there was a bus stop there with 4 other people there. a woman working on her laptop, a man with his daughter who was a asleep on his shoulder and a boy who was probably just sitting there for shelter from the blistering cold.

Vinnie and y/n eyes either shifted from the eachother to the boy then the sleeping babygirl who clutched her father dearly. Both loved her little face.

Soon enough, the bus arrived and all 5 people hurried into the bus, buying their tickets before settling in their seats. vinnie and y/n decided on sitting near the back.

she took the window seat while Vinnie sat in the Isle seat. "that baby is adorable" Vinnie. simply stated taking his girlfriend's eyes off the steamed window and on to the baby that was previously sitting next to her boyfriend on the bus stop.

"agreed." y/n spoke with much love in her voice before glancing into her boyfriends eyes who was already staring into hers. "hi." y/n smiled into the lips of her lover. this is heaven she thought.

once they pulled apart, she giggled as they banged foreheads. you know the giggle that could make the saddest man in the world fall of his chairs because he was smiling like an idiot. or so Vinnie thought.

they both turned their heads to the window. y/n started drawing things on the steam of the window then turning around to pout at her querido(darling in spanish) because it disappeared. Vinnie easily made her frown into a smile by kissing her claiming it was impossible not to kiss her little button nose.

she giggle once more before feeling warmth creep on her back. she happily smiled and leaned into it letting herself sink into her boyfriend but watch as he drew on the window like she did before.

but, this time, the window was temporarily vandalised by words she hadn't heard him say to her before. Vinnie looked down at his girlfriend wondering if she was okay with the three letter everyone waits for in a relationship, 'i love you.'

she looked at him with wide eyes before she rushed to kiss seeing the creeping hurt in his eyes thinking she didn't feel the same. "i love you too, mi querido." she said into the kiss as he smiled and kissed her back. the two remained inseparable for the next week leaving their housesmates questioning them.

until one night, y/n sent the girls chat texts about the night.

thanks for reading besties <33333

hope you enjoyed

pls give me kind feedback <3

thank you xx

help ukraineeee<3 (if minor ask parents to help if you want) completely your choice. go to hell if you support Putin tho
UNFPA is deeply concerned about the escalation of war in Ukraine, and the humanitarian needs will dramatically escalate. We have been workin

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1 year ago
Have I Already Said How Much I Love Him?

Have I already said how much I love him?

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1 year ago
Im Fucking Crying Right Now I Just Finished Up Watching The Last Show And It Was Just Awesome
Im Fucking Crying Right Now I Just Finished Up Watching The Last Show And It Was Just Awesome
Im Fucking Crying Right Now I Just Finished Up Watching The Last Show And It Was Just Awesome
Im Fucking Crying Right Now I Just Finished Up Watching The Last Show And It Was Just Awesome
Im Fucking Crying Right Now I Just Finished Up Watching The Last Show And It Was Just Awesome

I’m fucking crying right now I just finished up watching the last show and it was just awesome

Ignore how bad the pics are because i watched it on Tv-

But I am super emotional and words cant describe how grateful I am to have seen Kiss on thier final show from home and the fact that I got to experience it in person makes me so grateful to be part of the Kiss Army.

Thank you so much Gene, Paul, Eric Singer, Tommy, Eric Carr, Ace, Peter, Mark, Vinnie, Bruce and especially Doc for making Kiss possible and for helping Kiss along this journey. It has been an incredible 50 years and it would not have possible without you guys.

Im super excited to the new era of Kiss and to know that I was there at the end of a chapter and to know that I’ll be here for the very beginning of a new chapter makes me beyond happy. We love you Kiss 🤘

Eric Carr: 1950-1991

Mark St. John: 1956-2007

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1 year ago
I Think My Obsession With Vinnie And Eric Is Actually Gonna Make Me Go Crazy

I think my obsession with Vinnie and Eric is actually gonna make me go crazy

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