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They unnecessary raise their voice at you.
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort (fluff if you squint)
Characters: levi ackerman, erwin smith, hange zoe
Summary: they stupidly raise their voice at you.
Warnings: swearing, mention of neglect, insulting and lack of sleeping

Levi Ackerman:

It was an argument about his lack of sleep, you were concerned about it and decided to confront him. It wasn't that you were scoolding him, you wanted to help him or find a way to make sure that he was calmer. Healthier. That's all you want to do. Take care of him.
You were a squad leader yourself and you knew how hard it was to be a superior. Every day, you have to deal with it too. But over the years you found a way to be at peace with yourself and your body so you are better. It made you happier and more comfortable. And you know that I'll help him too.
That's how it started, you explaining your point the best you can, in a comforting way. But it didn't go as planned.
.You take a deep breathe and try to cooperate with him. Your tone soft and understanding but he didn't observe that. No way did you want to stress him out so you came to him when he was free and with a cup of tea.
"Listen Levi, all I'm trying to say is-"
You were interrupted.
"Oh my gosh, just shut the actual fuck up! I'm sick and tired..." He yelled and yelled as you stood there in front of his office, silently listening to what he was saying. He went on and on until he somehow got tired of shouted and straining his voice; another thing that can be solved if he listened to you
Once he finished, he sighed and ruffled his hair. Talking a deep breathe, he cursed under his breathe and held his desk. His head was hung low, black silk hair strands hovering over his face. You sighed and tilted your head, giving him a look of disappointment.
"Done?" You asked, unbothered, staring at him with annoyance in your eyes. To him, it felt like his mother scolding him and he somehow felt a little bit intimidated, only because he was in the wrong.
"..yeah.." He whispered and lowered his head in shame. His hand rubbed against his forehead as he realised his actions that he displayed.
"Did you feel better now? Did shouting at me for no reason make you have some type of dominance over me?" You stood your ground and stared him down with anger in your tone and face.
"Because if so then it was a very fucking pathetic attempt, Levi." Your words went straight to him as you put a hand on your hip. Your lack of submission was really showing in this one moment.
He stood, frozen as he realised his mistake. But he was also shocked at your sudden dominance over him. It felt unreal.
Your tone was no longer calm as you looked at him, angered. But he just stood there, having too much guilt to speak.
Erwin Smith:

This one never yelled, no matter the situation he never shouted at you or anyone. Today, everything went wrong and he came home to you, preparing dinner. He sat down on the sofa as you finished off the food.
It took you down to the big pot, that contained a delicious meat stew, you heard Erwin groan and you turned around. Without hesitation, you forgot about the pot and it grazed against your forearm, burning the skin harshly. You yelped and held your arm. In the process, some food spilt onto the floor.
As you got a paper towel to clean up the mess, you heard someone storm over. Suddenly, you were pushed away and you fell onto your butt. Agonised whimpers came out of your mouth.
"Gosh, your so useless! I can't believe I'm married to someone so fucking clumsy."
Erwin, practically, spat at your face with annoyance. You sat there shocked but also pissed off? What?
"Excuse me? I'm useless?" You back chatted, not letting a man talk about you like that. Standing up, he stormed to the sofa again.
"Yeah, you are. Now hurry up and make my dinner. I'm hungry."
He yawned and put on a movie to watch on the TV. You scoffed and laughed. Your legs moved on their own as you went up to him. Grabbing his hair, you pulled it hard so he was face to face with you.
"Am I your fucking slave? After I waste my time to shop for groceries with my OWN money, cook for you by my OWN, do your laundry by MYSELF, help with YOUR assignments, help do YOUR hair, give YOU massages. But oh?"
You gripped harder as he was met with a dominant glare.
"I burn my fucking arm and i'm useless? Who do you think you're talking too?"
You let go off his hair and took off your apron. Throwing it onto the kitchen table, you storm upstairs giving him the middle finger.
"Make your own dinner asshole!"
Before you reached the end of the staircase, he was already calling your name and chasing after you.
"Wait Y/N!"
"Don't Y/N me!"
Hange Zoe:

It was experiment week, and of course our one and only scientist was tired. Also for the last few months, many civilians have been harassing Hange and calling her survive at the Survey Corps useless since she was a woman.
It has been ages since you saw her in the house so you went to go visits her lab. You knocked, thrice, waiting for an invitation to come inside. After a few minutes, you gave up on waiting and opened the door slowly, seeing your lover on her desk.
"Hange? You alright, love?" Your tone was calming and soothing as you tried your best to approach her nicely. She didn't move and kept on ignoring you.
Your legs moved to her area and you sat down on the chair opposite her. You didn't touch her because she seems irritated. Her head was hung low and her elbows were on the desk, hands clutched together.
You waited before speaking up again, wondering if she was even aware that you were here.
"Hange-" You were interrupted abruptly as she slammed her hand down on the table.
"I'm FINE! For fucks sake your such a bitch! Gosh!"
You were shocked but sort of understood her anger. It could be stressful and even though you don't know exactly how much stress she's in, you had a similar experience in the past.
"Okay, do you want me to leave?-"
Her hand gripped her hair harshly as she scoffed, angrily.
"Yes! Fuck off you prick!" She yelled. All of a sudden, your comforting aura was replaced with a stern one. You narrows your eyes at her choice of words.
"Now tell me, how fuck does that benefit any of us?" You slightly yelled in the middle of your sentence . She flinched at your sudden change and look into your eyes.
"Did you like that? The way I shouted?" Your tone was a little calmer but still dominant and strict. You tilted your head and raised an eyebrow wanting an answer.
"No..." She replied in a whisper, slightly embarrassed as you hummed at her response.
"So how do you think shouting at me will help?" Then it was quiet. Hange stood still and she processed your words. She looked pissed to hear them but you knew that she took them seriously.
"Talk to me when you understood what I said, Hange." You exclaimed and walked to the door, shutting the softly not to startle her. Even though you were vexed, it was better to leave the argument then continue it.
your heart rushes. my eyelashes flutter.
you both love and hate the lace of
my gloves, hugging my fingertips -
undeniable elegance obstructing
your skin from touching
mine. although, you could say the same
for the rest of my attire.
but we both know actions speak
louder than words.

His only weakness…
saw a tumblr post about book-accurate annie as mackenzie foy and my life is forever changed