Vinsmoke Brothers - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

I forgot to post this... in general, I don't understand what it is, but I love this Niji.. I think it's better with effects than without them, but Ichiji is a beatboxer.

I Forgot To Post This... In General, I Don't Understand What It Is, But I Love This Niji.. I Think It's
I Forgot To Post This... In General, I Don't Understand What It Is, But I Love This Niji.. I Think It's

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2 years ago

When theres no platonic! Vinsmokes x sister reader fics😞💔

Thats okay, i hope. I'll write some😋.

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1 year ago

I’m So Sorry, Not


Vinsmoke Family x Platonic! Sibling! Reader

Warnings: Colorful Language ofc, Bullying, Mentions of Suicide, Toxicity if i can write the characters well, abandonment, drugs, murder, neglect, death, torture


Well, you’re technically a Vinsmoke. You don’t have the same mom as the rest of your siblings.

but you all have the same dad.

you turned out to be another failure.

your father- Judge, has had enough and kicked you out of the empire? 

he left you on the worst island possible

You were so young too. almost turning 7 when your siblings were 13-15 years of age.

you felt alone and abandoned

you had no hope.

you couldn’t even leave the island if you wanted to.

an old woman took you in.

you tried your hardest to find ways to kill yourself.

you even took hand-full of drugs in hopes of overdosing.

yet, you didn’t have the guts to kill yourself. you felt as though, if you kill yourself. you’d be proving your “family” right.

one day, a ship awfully familiar to the one you were kicked off of was sailing closer to the island you resided on.

once it arrived, the island you’ve come to know for 10 years, was burning down slowly.

you ran towards the old woman’s house, you had called grandma after three years of staying on this island.

only to witness her being brutally slashed in the chest by someone who you used to call brother.

Niji smirked when his eyes landed on you,

“y/n! how have you been? we thought you would’ve been dead by now.”

you stayed silent as he approached you, breath hitched.

“hey, say something!”

he was in front of you now…

you watched him warily, slowly backing away.

“Niji, stop bullying the weak. you know she’s a fucking failure like Sanji”


Yonji was here now.

Niji’s smirked widened and gripped your hair tightly by the scalp,

“listen here you damn germ, you’ll be coming with us wether you like it or not”

Niji started to pull you by the hair, not stopping despite your protests.

“Let me go!”

you tried clawing on his arm, but you knew it doesn’t affect him at all

you screamed in pain when you felt a sharp pain in your stomach…

‘did this sonic looking bitch just kick me!?’

once on the ship, you were instantly in front of that man.

we know who it is fellas💪🏽

you stared into his emotionless eyes but you already know what he was feeling,


“so we meet yet again. we should have left you on an island filled with beasts, that would’ve killed you much faster”

“Shut up! i fucking hate you Vinsmoke Judge”

You try to pull away from hands that where restricting your arms. AKA Yonji.

You see two more, no, three more people behind Judge, from your observation.

Ichiji, Reiju, and someone else.

‘who is that?’

Judge followed your gaze.

“that is your other brother, Sanji”

you can hear the gruffness in his voice, as if he didn’t want to talk to you and say Sanji’s name.

“wait a minute… “brother”? im not a part of this family!”

you shouted, filled with rage and despair.

as much as you feel hurt, but its the truth.

Vinsmoke Judge had disowned you from the family.

“that is true, but we need you to save face. behave yourself failure #2”

Ichiji chimed in.

“save face?”

Yonji let go of your arms and suddenly you were pulled towards the ground, hurting your face in the process.

Judge had stomped on your back.

“don’t screw anything up or we’ll kill you”

you had no choice but to reluctantly agree.

what can you do?

you cant beat up emotionless, sadistic robots and walk away scotch free.

you pursed your lips, trying to find a way to escape.

you snapped out of your thinking process when something clamped down around your wrists.

“you cant be 6 feet away from any of us or the castle, except for sanji, unless you want to lose your hands.”

You cant be serious right now.

your escape plan was now rendered useless.

“let’s head over to Whole Cake Island”

You were basically thrown into your room by Niji and Yonji, with them smirking down at you.

“dicks” you murmured.

a few days had passed, you never left your room, since you had a bathroom attached to it and you requested to one of the servants to deliver food to your room.

there was a knock at your door, you looked at the clock.

it was not lunch time yet.

you opened it and immediately scowled

it was sanji, you did not want to get hurt again.

“wait, wait”

Sanji held up his hands in defense.

you noticed the same golden colored device around Sanji’s wrists.

“can i come in?”

you moved to the side, silently observing Sanji as he walked in.

“you’ve grown, i honestly thought you were still on the ship…rotting and being abused. but, im glad. im glad your still alive”

Sanji tears up and pulls you close to him.

He made a vow,

“I promise you, once i get married. i’ll give you anything that you didnt get to experience as a kid!”

You wanted to tell him that it was okay and that he didnt need to.

you held in your tears, voice shaky as you actually did tell him that it was okay.

that led him to hold you tighter.

after that day, Sanji actually tried his best to be there with you on Whole Cake Island.

The day before Sanji’s wedding, while riding the carriage, Sanji’s friends tried to get him to come back.

Straw hat Luffy….

The events that happened next, shocked me.

Sanji beat up him own captain.

You did not care about what happened to you, you wanted the best for your only brother.

during the wedding, you were panicking hard.

Big Mom planned to annihilate the Vinsmoke family in order to gain their scientific creations.

being stuck in melted candy did not help your despair.

suddenly, Big Mom let out a big wail, hurting your ears in the process.

Sanji broke everyone free from the confines of melted candy.

you watched as Germa 66 did their transformation half way and started running towards Bege’s castle.

You felt self conscious.

you weren’t anything special, you did not have any abilities, you did not know how to fight, all you do know how to do is run.

but you weren’t fast enough.

you felt someone loop their arms around your waist, zooming towards Perospero, and throwing a punch at him.

“Kneel before Germa’s scientific might!”

It was Ichiji.

As everyone had gotten into the castle, Sanji disowned Judge and the rest of Germa.

Unknowingly, you stood in front of a mirror, with your back towards it.

You felt you mouth being covered tightly and was dragged into the mirror, no one batting an eye.

You were then tied up by your perpetrator.

You took a glance at a mirrors reflection and it was Charlotte Amande.

‘im going to die!’

That wasn’t the case, she had brought you into a confined room, no windows.

‘ah….this is a torture chamber’

after 3 hours of being tortured, i managed to escape.

you came to the realization that you’re on Cacao Island.

injured and all you could do was lean in the wall.

“huff….huff….” you panted, just a few more steps before you reached the plaza. The pain became unbearable.

It was already dark out.

I assumed there was battle going on, since Germa 66 was fighting off the Big Mom Pirates. “Go back to your ships, Germa 66! Mission Accomplished!” Ichiji yelled out, his eyes spotting me leaning against the wall. He grabbed the back of my shirt and we flew back to the main ship.

Once we had arrived, Ichiji placed me down on the ground gently. ‘well thats a surprise. I’m guessing Sanji left with his crew, im glad that he made it out’. My head felt light, i could barely hold myself up. “Germa 66! We’ll withdraw!” Judge said as he turned around and halted.

Big Mom was coming. Germa 66 was on guard for battle, even though they took a bunch of damage in the past few hours.

After trying to fend off the Big Mom Pirates. Germa was defeated. 2 super humans and 1 regular human were captured by the enemy.

I tried to pull from one of my restraints, but i was already physically drained from the torture i had endured. i am going through yet another torture. this time it was with Charlotte Daifuku.

Daifuku held me still as Oven used his devil fruit to sear the skin on my left forearm. I screamed in pain, not knowing Niji and Yonji can hear me in a room above them. Then, Mon-d’or made a gash in my leg. He then poured boiling water onto it “oops! Im sorry, not!”, he smirked. I bit my bottom lip hard, trying not to make a sound. This continued for who knows how long…

It felt like a while when they left. I felt so lifeless. the door opened and i was prepared to endure more torture. But it turns out it was Germa and….. Caesar?? Reiju used her poison to melt away the chains holding my body down. I couldn’t move. i could barely move…Ichiji nodded at Caesar and Caesar slung me over his shoulder, mindful of my wounds.

We made it back to the main ship of Germa. my body started to become more and more numb by the second. Ichiji took me into his arms and steadily walked towards the infirmary. “You okay? You’re not going to die are you?” He said, as he slowly started to pick up his pace after only getting a nod from me.

We’ve reached the infirmary. But the nurse there told Ichiji that I needed surgery to stitch up any open wounds and that i probably wouldnt make it. Niji tried arguing with the nurse, “what do you mean that she doesnt have enough blood? don’t we have blood packs here? why do you just give it to her?”. of course, the nurse tried to reason with Niji but she stopped not wanting to piss him off.

Yonji, clenched the blanket on top of him into his fist. ‘she cant die. we owe sanji for saving our lives.’ he thought. “im sorry, but she already looks like shes about to pass on”, the Vinsmoke brothers turned their heads towards their little sister. little sister?


when had they considered her a little sister? she did not share the same blood as their mother, so why should they consider her as their sister? just because she shares blood with their father doesn’t mean- “how long will she live?” and feminine voice chided in behind Ichiji.

Reiju and their father came in the room.

The nurse fumbled with her watch, not wasting anytime before the brothers become ruthless. “a-about an hour, ma’am!”, the nurse wanted to slap herself for being too nervous. Ichiji laid you onto an empty infirmary bed. Your breath hitched in pain.

Judge strutted towards your bed and stared down at you, “You did well, for a failure”. You deadpanned at him, even though you were dying. Yonji cursed under his breath, the Vinsmoke family turning to him. “why did it have to turn out like this?”.

Although he wouldn’t admit this, Yonji had cared for you. Ichiji and Niji narrowed their eyes at him. Ichiji started, “don’t tell me your getting all mushy already”, “don’t tell me you did not care for her all along, notice how you saved her the most?” Yonji retorted. Niji snorted “care for her? shes nothing but a weakling in the Vinsmoke bloodline”. The brothers were going back in forth, Judge chiming in here and there.

Reiju sneakily brought her hand to hold yours and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She smiled down to you, letting you know she loves you in her own way. but her eyes widened a little.

you were cold. cold to the touch.

she noticed that your eyes were lifeless. she knew. she knew, you had already passed on. With a wobbly smile, she closed your eyes and looked at the time. Trying to hold in her tears, “time of death is 4:37 p.m.”. As soon as she said that. The brothers felt their cold hearts shatter, yet they could not shed a single tear.

They had lost a sister. Their little sister at that. Sanji didn’t get to hear the bad news at all.

“In the back of my mind, you died. and I didn't even cry, no, not a single tear. and I'm sick of waiting patiently for someone that won't even arrive….” - d4vid, Romantic Homicide.

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