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Fired Up! Shinmon Benimaru x F!Y/N
(REAL QUICK THIS BENIMARU IS NOT FROM: how i was reincarnated as a slime! THIS IS FROM FIRE FORCE IF YOU DID NOT SEE THE POLL OR THE PEOPLE I WILL WRITE FOR!!) I felt like making this anyway soooo
WARNINGS: cussing, killing an infernal(s) or just killing in general, mentions of alcohol/drinking, use of weapons/fire, spoilers for anyone who has not watched Fire Force on Funimation, Hulu, Or Crunchy roll and any other site!

-You were born in Tokyo, Asakusa or well known as Company 7's Jurisdiction of the Fire force who are split into 8 companies (if it's not 8 let me know pls-) You were born in 7th, Now being a well grown woman you still had a lot to learn. How to control your powers, try and be a fire soldier for the 7th, and get to know Shinmon Benimaru. Your captain, All you knew was that he was a compound fire soldier and well strong. You never got to know him personally and he barely knew you as well so to start it all back we'll go through your lil backstory a bit!
-Your Father became single ever since your mother left him because she cheated on him. Harsh right? He was a part of your life mostly because he kept drowning his sorrows and problems in alcohol with his friends and kept doing silly shit all the time. One night he put you to rest and tucked you in bed then went to go see his friends
-Then...That's when the mania started you woke up with your father screaming because he's been impaled with a long sharp object that soon disappeared into the floor with a light hollow red circle surrounding it. The wound your father has had soon started to go up in flames. You jump out of bed to help your father but it was Too. Late. He had died, in your tiny arms, The fire wasn't extinguished though and it soon set the house on fire.
-About 12 minutes later Special Fire Force company 2 arrived and brought you two out of the burning house. It wasn't too late before you saw your dad's corpse. Burned, Impaled, The look on his face looked like he was still alive and needed someone to put an end to his pain. The man who kept you by his side while you watched your poor father go to the ambulance said "I'm sorry to say this but, it's possible that you caused the death of your Dad..." Those were the only words you heard out of his mouth. "What do you mean!? I'd NEVER EVER kill my father!" You said with shock and confusion "I said it's possible! There were no signs of infernal combustion anywhere around your house. You were the only one who could have caused it...I'm sorry." You broke down to a state of tears while the man comforted you and watched the home you grew up in die down from the flames.
-"Aaaand that's my backstory! I'm pretty much over it now." You told Tamaki who looked heartbroken at the sad past you just told her. "Oh my gosh! That must have been traumatizing to you, even at a young age!" You looked at her then at the ground. "Yeah, but i'm still so damn nervous! I'm gonna work for company 7.." You looked overwhelmed a bit, I mean you heard about Benimaru Shinmon, THE destroyer of Asakusa a bit. It was mostly scary stories or made up ones. "Hey, it's okay! I mean yeah my captains is a bit intimidating too! So you're not alone." You calmed down a bit "Okay Tami...I think i'm good now!"It was about ready to start the Rookie Fire Soldier Games and the objective was to destroy the fake infernals and save the people in some building, looked easy enough.
-It was about to start and a boy with black hair kept staring at the big ass weapon you had summoned from the ground by doing some tracing of a circle and triangles. It was even taller than you that creeped him out

(Context: you are a 2nd & 3rd gen like Waka so u can ignite and control your flames and put them on the weapon above, you also had the ability to make the Torch (Weapon name) wider and taller so max height it at least a 2 story house. To make it appear you had to trace a triangle in a circle with 5 triangles surrounding it. I hope this is understood! if not just tell me)
-You held it with pride even though it was the same thing that killed your father, your mindset was focused and ready to fight. The flames of the guy who said go lit up, it was time. You jumped up and spun your Torch around and went to the top of the building, punctured a hole and jumped in.

(TIME SKIP if u watched the episode you know what happened!)
-The building was being put out and you were about to leave but saw Company 8th's captain talking to the black haired boy, if you recall correctly he basically had the same backstory as you. You asked the captain if you could spend the night at his company, it was already too dark to go to Asakusa anyways. The place was nice, there was a lot of gym equipment around it though. The girls were excited to see another girl with them but turned a bit sad when you said you had to leave in the morning. They gave you a bed and blanket and you could say this was the best sleep you've gotten in a while.
-Next day was Asakusa, Company 7th's jurisdiction. Your home.
The fact that this took DAYS to make because i've been lacking sleep, have buckets of laundry, AND i gotta go somewhere tommorow so i gotta get this all done. But im glad i finished the story.

some of my pro-gamer x salaryman AU drawings that have accumulated....

Okami art from 2015 <3